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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. To all you folks concerned about the short post syndrome:Yes, the preferred post length as stated elsewhere is a min 25 words. Personally, I don't count the words or the actual character count. I believe 'content' is more valuable. And I also know that the real problem most of the short posters are going to have is when the application for hosting gets submitted, they won't be on the approved list.
  2. Pleno,Thanks from all of us for your time & effort to prepare these awards and all the vote counting and stuff.I nominate {Plenoptic} in the 2006 Xisto Awards as: the Single Person Most Responsible For the Success of the 2005 Xisto Awards.Buffalohelp and Saint Michael won't stand a chance.
  3. I'm wondering how long does it take to defrag that thing? My laptop takes about 45 min and it is a total of 7 gigs. If I don't do it every month, it takes over an hour. Of course, the processor speed is very slow compared to today's newer cpu's, but still, it is probably relative to the disk size.Does anyone here have one of these 500 gigs HDDs?
  4. Welcome to the Trap. Don't be bashful about showing off your designs. The designers in here will be nice to you on the first couple, then watch out...There is a whole bunch of stuff in these forums for you to read and learn from. And if you have answers, then share them. Lots of people to help and lots pf people to help you, too.Enoy.
  5. Well I didn't know Paypal offers a 'shopping cart'.My thinking is that you will need a 'store' (web site) to display and present the goods for sale whether they be physical objects or intellectual properties (downloads). and then a method of allowing buyers to 'collect' the goodies (shopping cart). The cart would gather everything in to let you determine the prices, taxes, shipping, etc then present them with a bill. The Paypal would or could be their method of payment. Alternatives to Paypal could be another e-payent method such as a credit card. There is at least one 'shopping cart' available in the fantastico section of the cpanel. Might want to check that out.
  6. Anarchy,I'm going to suggest that you make a request in "Hosting - Misc Requests" down at the bottom of the Forum Topics. Computer is acting up or I would post a link. That's probably the best way to bring this to the Admin's attention other than a PM to Buffalohelp or Opaque.And good luck with it. Hard lesson to learn, don't mess up your cpanel settings.
  7. jlhaslip

    O_o Yo!

    Welcome to the trap. You'll have those 30 credits before I could walk those metaphorical miles... Let's see some good posts and a nice application. You don't tell us much about yourself. Or why the need for hosting? Are you doing graphics or web design? Or programming? There are some very good sources here for all of those topics and more. Enjoy.
  8. for those of you who are considering using the free service at Bravenet, have a look here to see what you don't get with their free packages. No Mysql, no php, no subdomains, the list is pretty long... 50 megs storage and 1.5 gig bandwidth only... I'm not even considering them. Service and features are too good at the Trap.
  9. I have had similar problems getting rid of files which are unable to be deleted off the hard drive and found a downloadable freeware program called "deletedr" which saved me having to do all of the above. The download is available from here. For files which are 'difficult', you might have to do a resart of your computer to ensure that the file is not 'in use' so the software can delete it, but this program has alsways managed to do the deed for me.
  10. Be careful. Be very, very careful.Most web Hosts will ban your account for using pirated downloads. Unless you got a trial directly from the supplier, you may be asking for trouble.
  11. Hi Rejected,When you go to the beach, do girls say "Nice legs"?Distance running is a past hobby for me, too and those look like great times for someone your age. Best of luck with improving them. The better they get, the more effort it will take. Work hard and stick to the program.
  12. CHMOD has to do with setting permissions for the ability of different users to access files or folders and perform various tasks on the files or folders. There are three types of users defined in chmod. They are the file's owner (you), a defined group of users, and the world. So the defined order of these users is Owner, Group, World. The permissions allowed are Read, Write, Execute and each permission has a value assigned to it. read = 4, write = 2, execute = 1, no access = 0. To set the user's access, add the permissions together for the permissions you want them to have for that particular file or folder. ie: to give read and write access to that group, add together 4 + 2 = 6, then set their permission to 6. Do this for each group and then place the numbers side by side in the O_G_W sequence to determine the value to alter the chmod to. ie: 740 is to give the file owner full access, a group's access is read only, and no access to the public.Typical web access for the public_html folder is 755, meaning the owner has full access and all others have read and execute only. Inside the folder, the html files are set to 644 by default. There is no need for execute, since html is not 'executable'. If you want a file or folder to be truly private, set permissions to 700 and nobody except you will have access to it.
  13. Kirea, I am not familiar with all the details about COPPA, or the procedure, but if you are concerned, or your parents would like to know any more about it, then please email to support "at" Xisto "dot" com. This is a well moderated site which does its best to ensure a safe surfing experience. Having said that, please be reminded that the posts here are the member's opinions and the Mod staff is volunteer, so there may be the occassional "burp" in the system. When that happens, we depend on the members to "report" the offensive posts and then Moderators will either edit or delete the material which is not suitable for the General Public. I think the fact that you are up front about your age and the COPPA issue shows a superior level of maturity. I look forward to having you involved in the Forum. One thing about your post which is undesirable if the inclusion of the Thank you and your name at the bottom of the posting. Just this week we have a new 'guideline' about NOT allowing members to do that. Credits for posting are based on the word count of a posting and including these in your post content is viewed as cheating the credit system and adding to the word count but providing no content to the forum. Please go to 'my controls' (from the top of every page) and include this content in your signature by clicking on the 'edit signature' on the left hand side of your profile page. Also, please take the time to read the Xisto readme file by clicking on the FAQ link in my signature. It looks like there is a lot to the rules and stuff, but it is mostly common sense and rules for sensible posting in a courteous manner. If you have any questions about earning credits and Hosting status, there is another link in my siggy which you will find helpful. The last one.
  14. I voted before the posting requirement was made.
  15. I just got the "cannot access" error. No site visible.
  16. Or add a can of SPAM, SPAM, SPAM... I've tried the off brands and they just aren't the same. Different grade of PVC in the macaroni I think...
  17. I've been told that too long is not good (because you might forget it or might type it incorrectly) but the longer it is, the harder to guess.Too short is no good, either, because somebody could watch you type it in and duplicate it.Using your pet's name, your initials, birthdate, etc is not good because it could be guessed at by others.So, another way to create a password "system" is to combine several short passwords in a regular fashion. For example: pick a pet's name and add the URL's name. My dog is "Blackie", the site is "Xisto", so the password becomes "blackietrap17". If you have a problem, just change the method to reverse the order. "trap17blackie". Select two items, one significant to you and the other significant to the variable site name. Combine them in and ordered fashion. Maybe put your birth year in the middle: "blackie73trap17". All the concepts in this topic are good. There is no "right " way to create a password system.*wait* I have a random number generator... but no memory capacity...
  18. Windows Security Patch for This Problem can be found at the above link. It is for XP/2003/2000. Nothing yet for 98 or 98SE, apparently. Does 98 have the same problem? Does anyone know?
  19. hey St Mike, Pleno lives in Florida, which means we'll have a recount of all the spoiled ballots anyway. HAHAHAHAHHAHA!(No credits for the laughing.... can't be caught cheating the system.....)
  20. Okay, here is the first answer: in my signature, there is a link for frequently asked questions. Use it to review the topic and confirm the information I will give you below. Credits are earned by posting on these forums. The number of credits received for a posting vary depending on the length and quality of posts. Long posts earn more. Better posts earn more. The topic and the description should be filled out and be related to the topic when starting a new topic. Use good meaningful topic names and descriptions. "I need help " isn't a good topic or description. "Questions about hosting credits" is a good one. Spam and one line posts are not preferred on this forum. There are lots of other forums that don't mind them, but not here. So these are some guidelines for earning credits. Not until you are Hosted. Since you are a regular member only (for now), there is not a per day reduction of your credits. The only way you will lose credits as a regular member is by spamming or having posts deleted by a Mod or Admin. Avoid that because I don't think you can be granted Hosted status with outstanding Warnings. Might be wrong about that, but it would be difficult to get the Admins to approve your Hosting status with a warning against you. When you have 30 or more credits and apply for Hosting, the decision to award Hosting status will be made by an administrator responsible for that task. Let's say you are approved. Then you must 'process' your account to gain the 'Hosted' status. When you do that, there is a script which deducts the 30 credits from your account immediately. This is the 'front-end charge'. The script also resets your credits to an amount somewhere between a min of 0 and a maximum of 4 credits, depending on the actual number of credits you have earned. The rationalle behind this is to avoid someone building up a major amount of credits, gaining their hosting status and not returning to post at the forums. Remember that it is Forum activity that supports the Free Hosting here. At this point the regular script takes over and begins to deduct credits at the rate of 1 per day for each day you are Hosted.. *edit* I may have misunderstood your question. Everytime you login to the trap, your "credits" are shown on the first page (http://forums.xisto.com/index.php)after a successful login. They are either green or red text. Scroll down once or twice depending on your display and they will be right there. Your credits are continuosly updated by the page script. *edit* If I understand you correctly, your concern is that you may not be able to post regularly? Not a problem. Most members here have lives, too. The most common strategy is to visit the forum, make a few posts and then return a few days later and do it again. It is highly reccomended to build up a buffer of 7 to 10 credits and then if for some reason you don't or can't post for a few days, no problem, you have some credits sitting there ready to cover you. When you are able to resume posting, you can blitz the forums (keeping in mind the rules against spamming) and build your credits back up to a comfortable level. Another common approach is to visit daily, make one or two smaller posts. This is okay as long as you are aware that you run the risk is dropping below the zero credits mark and may be "suspended". Suspended status is when your credits drop below zero. If you have a site up and running, access is denied by Xisto Corporation's "Suspended Page" splash screen. In order to re-activate your account, you have to regain the negative credits back to plus 4. There is a script which runs approximately every hour which will then re-activate your account. The same script is the one which de-activates your account. Your files are safely stored on the servers at this point for a grace period of thity days. After 30 days, the account (including the files) is deleted from the servers, never to be seen again, unless you have a backup copy on your local machine. See above. By the time your account gets deleted, you have had a thirty day period to regain them. Options for Hosting here are: 1: to have your own Domain name, which must be purchased and registered outside of the scope of Xisto and pointed to the Xisto servers. 2: to accept to use the "sub-domain" name selected when you apply for Hosting. This sub-domain will be something like "subdomain.trap17.com" ( no quotes, of course). using this example, the access to your site would be "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. There are a great number of services which can supply you with a domain name. Yahoo Small Business has just ended a program which had domain names for $2.99 US per year. Godaddy is a big provider of domain names. There are also other Forums that issue you domain names based on your posting there. Google it up, or do a search right here at the trap forums. I know that there are topics related to the free posting domain names. Personally, I accepted hosting here with a Xisto subdomain and now have a domain name which points to my subdomain. The cpanel here allows Parked and Addon domains. Also, there are specific bits of information you will need to "point" your domain to the the Xisto nameservers and I think you will also require the DNS number. All that is in the Frequently Asked Questions file which I referred you to earlier. well, FREE is a relative thing. Your time to post here is surely worth something. Of course, you wouldn't benefit from the value of these forums if you got a job to pay for Paid Hosting, which, incidently Xisto Corporation does offer through the sister company, Xisto - Web Hosting.com. The full list of features is available by finding the cpanel Demo that Buffalohelp created. It shows screen prints of the cpanel and lists the actual features. One word of caution there, though. That Demo was created at the previous Trap server, so some of the details may be a bit different, like this new server might have some slightly newer versions of software, but the General information in the Demo is the same. If the demo says you are allowed to use php, this server version of php may be newer than the version listed in the Demo. Get it? Wow, I'm glad you asked all these good questions in one Topic. It has forced me to sit and explain all of this in one posting. Something which I am hopeful others will benefit from. I only hope all this stuff is accurate. If you find that there are errors here, simply report the posting and have a Moderator review and edit the information. Notice from jlhaslip: A couple of minor edits following a re-read of the post. YES, I did a preview, but I guess it is late at night and I didn't catch them all
  21. I agree with Plenoptic. This whole site is full of "How do I's...". As for the Video Screen Capture, have a look here: Camtasia Studio http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ They offer a Trial Download. Purchase price is $299US. I have a friend who makes Software Demonstrations with it and they turn out great. It will sound the mouse clicks, show the mouse travelling across the screen, and a bunch of other things.
  22. Itsammi, Avalon, and Mayank: Here is a fairly complete guide to Linking on your website. It is nicely written and easily understood. linking html The only thing it doesn't explain are 'server absolute links' which is a whole other topic for discussion. Since they are available only on the Apache servers like the one here at the Trap, I don't suggest using server absolute links since your site may someday be on another server. http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/Internet/WWW/HTMLPrimerP2.html#LI2 This is the link that I have placed above. It is called an 'absolute' link because it references an html document directly (absolutely) by indicating the server address (http://archive.ncsa.illinois.edu/), the specific folder and the chain of folders (/General/Internet/WWW/), a particular file (HTMLPrimerP2.html), and a 'named anchor' within that file (#LI2). I only use absolute links to pages outside of the web site that I am working on. Inside the web site, relative links are recommended. That way, the file structure stays constant whether it is on the server or on the 'local host'. Relative links are also described in the document. They are indicated without the 'http' part and are 'relative' to the calling file's address. As Avalon pointed out above, it is typical to have the Images in their own folder at the root level and his info is perfectly fine. I just wanted to add that in a more complex file/folder structure, there is way to navigate the structure using 'parent folder' notation by including "../" or "./"'s in front of the file names to navigate around the site, but that might be a bit much for now.
  23. hellraiser666,I'll bet your Mom never gave you that ... no, wait, maybe she did give you that name...Anyway, welcome to the Xisto.com forums. Good to have you here. Don't forget to contribute as much as you receive from all the postings here. It makes a better community if we all pitch in a bit. A certain synergy happens.Also, I noticed that you signed off your posting with your name, sort of like a signature. I would ask that you don't do that anymore. The Admins and Mods have been instructed to not allow that any more on these forums. I don't ask why ( well, maybe sometimes), but for this one I didn't.Please use the Signature space to add your signature. It can be found by clicking on "My Controls" up near the top of this and any other page you view. Then select to "edit Signature" in the control centre (lok on the left hand side). Add whatever you like there.It will show up on all your posts, just like my signature below this text.Okay, that's all the sermonizing I can think of for now. See you around.
  24. Try this code: <a href="large_picture_name_here.jpg" width="600" height="400" title="Large Picture Title" alt="No Pix Available" target="_blank"><img src="small_picture_name_here.jpg" width="60" height="40" title="thumbnail picture ~~ click to see larger picture" alt="small pix here" /></a>Use the thumbnail size picture to display the larger picture when the thumbnail is clicked. Be sure to size the thumbnail and picture according to the size and shape your actual pictures are, or they will display distorted. ie: if your thumbnail is 60x52, change the width and height to suit using the proportions of w=60 and h=52. Ditto for the large picture. There are other ways to do it, (ie: javascript) but I prefer the html method since javascript can be turned off in a client's browser so the rollovers won't work. The above code will open the large picture in an entirely new window and then return the client to your website when they close that window. There are other ways to handle the window, but this is the easiest way for beginning to learn about the html coding. Post here or send an email/pm if you wish to know other ways to handle the windows.
  25. That may be part of the problem. getting traffic to become familiar with the look and feel of the site. If it changes alot or if it gets crowded with stuff they don't want, then they don't return. Find a topic which you are interested and passionate about and others will find it. I think you should be patient. The Internet wasn't built in a day and a good site will take time as well. There are lots of resources and information about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that might help you. The use of Keywords in Meta tags, Site Content and updating the content is important, too. Use regular html pages that the googlebots like rather than flash or Frames. Do you belong to any affiliate programs? Is your site linked from any others? All these will help in getting traffic, but without a firm determined effort on your part and a committment to be persistently patient, these alone won't do it. Develop a plan and stick to it. If you are trying to get rich quick on the Internet, there are probably ways to do that, but the Acceptable Use Policy here at the Xisto domain will most likely not allow the activities. Best of luck with your site. Notice from jlhaslip: Fixed Quote tags
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