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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Consider using a Content Management System like Joomla or php-nuke. Both are available in the fantastico in your cpanel for the Xisto accounts and both are php-based. It should simplify your updates and require less work to maintain the site's content. All the Templating is done. Review the Tutorials and maybe check out the features at their Support Forums. Look for the addresses in the Fantastico portion of the cpanel by choosing the CMS and pressing 'go'. The links are there to click on. Most of the better CMS software allows you to skin the CMS for presentation, add dynamic content, etc.
  2. What else is installed in your Root Directory? Must be something with a conflicting name? Or maybe it should not be in the Root? It may require calling the folder you are using by another name? For instance, if you already have a folder named Forum in the Root, you won't be able to call the phpnuke the same name. Have you ever installed phpnuke in this account before and maybe there are remnants hanging around? If so, use phpadmin to delete any database or tables previously created? Several possibilities for this problem. Consider these suggestions as starting points for further investigation.***Edit*** I just installed php-nuke in to my Root and it all worked fine. Then I un-installed and it went away just as well.don't know what it could be. Sorry. Of course, the only thing I have in my root directory is an Index.html file. I don't have any other scripts there. Everything else is in sub-directories. What else do you have installed in your root directory? Might have to dump it for the php-nuke.
  3. Here is a link to a previously posted topic that is similar to yours: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/32165-account-reset-plz-www2dfytrap17com/... I'm afraid you may not like the cure. BuffaloHelp suggested terminating the account and earning enough credits to re-apply. At any rate, maybe post a topic under Misc. Hosting Requests in the same subforum as that topic, down at the bottom of the Index page near the Hosting Request Forms. You'll find it.
  4. The Olympics don't start until Wednesday. Team Canada plays their first Hockey game... Watch out... here they come!!!
  5. You may want to go over to the phpbb.com community forums and see if they have a mod for the google adsense inclusion into your forum. Or try phpbbhacks.com. Both of those sites have good stuff. Then come back and post the answer here so all of our members have the answer. That might be helpful to the other members here at the Xisto.
  6. Yes, Forums are allowed, and so are Google adsense banners. The Acceptable Use Policy explains all of the acceptable, and un-acceptable, uses of your Hosting account. Check out the Help file and the Xisto Readme.
  7. Wow! I am at a friend's house use her computer running IE6 on a fairly quick machine. Man, this forum is impressive. I usually see it on a lower resolution screen and use IE 5/Mac, so this is a substantial adjustment. The graphics on the Header are great!!! And refresh times are awesome... I'm gonna start saving up for a new machine... Great work OpaQue. (and crew)
  8. The servers here are up and running more often and steadier than a lot of Paid Hosting services. I don't know what everyone is whining about. I do not recall ever getting refused service to my web sites while hosted here, even with the servers transfers and all that stuff. Congrats to opaQue and the crew.
  9. Just noticed that the 4th Part code listing ends with an open-ended ElseIf statement. So the code will fail as it exists. Perhaps the Author could remedy this flaw in the listing by including the Part Four (and the balance of the Script) as an additional posting??? Also, this code looks to be written by someone other than the posting Member, with no credit given to the original author except the line inside the code field. Plagarism?? Here is a link to the Original article. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ When you read the article, notice that this Log-in Script is intended for Intermediate to Advanced PHP coders. THIS IS NOT A BEGINNER'S SCRIPT. Attempting to include this Script in a website would not be reccomended unless you are knowledgable about PHP and scripting in general. Be forewarned.
  10. Well, there could've been a Negative in front of that, then you would've been hacked.The Forum is undergoing a few Modifications right now, so thanks for pointing out this situation. I'm sure the Admins will get right on it.
  11. Another Unordered List Script If you remember this Script, that tutorial was about creating an un-ordered list of links from a list of files contained in a Folder which was specifically named in the script. This current Tutorial goes several steps beyond that first Tutorial by being able to create a list from several folder names and, more importantly, the script reads the list of links from a 'flat file' rather than depending on the name of the folder to be hard coded in the script. It is only one small step to have the folder names found in a mysql table, but I'll leave that aspect up to someone else. A sample is here This script reads a list of folder names from a text file and then builds a list of links from the filenames. The script uses the contents of the first <h3> tag as the link description and the file-name as the anchor href. The file should be an html file. This script may come in handy for creating a list of clickable links for use in sidebars and on 'sitemap' pages. Simply store html files in folders grouped by topic, ensuring that the description inside the first h3 html tag of each file is suitable for using as the display field for the anchor list. The Folder name displays as a heading for the block of links. This script is freely available for use by all who receive it. Sample page using this script <?phpprint '<div id="sidebar">'; $folder_file ='flat_file_data.txt'; // name of flat file to read$fp = fopen($folder_file,'r'); // open flat file for readingif (!$fp) {print 'ERROR: Unable to open file'; echo '<br />';echo $folder_file;echo '<br />';exit;}// error if no handle found for flat file$line= fread($fp,1024); // increase this length if required$f_array=explode("\n",$line);$folder_key=0;//<!-- while loop start -->while ($f_array[$folder_key]) {;$fileCount = 0;$p_folder=strip_tags(nl2br($f_array[$folder_key])); // for security// print to begin un-ordered list using folder name as heading and as div idprint '<div id="'.$p_folder.'">';print '<b>'.$p_folder.'</b>';$folder = $p_folder.'/';if ($handle = opendir($folder)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $filename =$_SERVER['DOC_ROOT'].$folder.$file; $fp = fopen($filename, "r"); $contents = fread($fp, filesize($filename)); $pos1 = strpos($contents,"<h3>"); $pos2 = strpos($contents,"</h3>"); $str_length = $pos2 - $pos1; $title = substr($contents,$pos1+4,$str_length-4); $title_array[] = $title; fclose($fp); $file_array[]= $file; $fileCount++; } } } closedir($handle); if ($fileCount > 0) { $iterator = 0; while($title_array[$iterator]) { $file = substr($file_array[$iterator], 0, (strlen($file_array[$iterator]))); print '<li><a href="'.$folder.$file.'">'.$title_array[$iterator].'</a></li>'; $iterator ++; } unset($file_array); unset($title_array); }print '</div>';$folder_key++;} //-- end while loop -->//fclose($fp); // close flat fileprint '</div>'; ?> Sample File Contents: <head></head> <title></title> <body> <h3>An article name</h3> </body> Sample Flat File Contents: Enjoy.
  12. The Forum Upgrade process may be to blame??? Patience please.
  13. I'm guessing that they are playing on the server with the upgrades and Mods for the Forum. Not something that will long-term, rather, it will be beneficial over time, so please be patient. Thanks.
  14. Visuals are good. The missing Shoutbox ( I know... it's coming ) is ... well ... Missed...!I liked the 30 topic lists for last Topics and Last posts better than the 10 displayed now. I find it easier to stay on top of the activity. I also understand that this has been a huge undertaking on the part of OpaQue and the crew, so I am being patient, and wish them sall the best in their efforts. Geneerally, I like what I see...
  15. Really wishing you have a good day today...It's her B'day today.....
  16. I have been using a freeware software named "Oscar Miniclip" for a while and it works great. Lots of options to allow a great amount of flexibility. For example: Full screen? partial screen? save format? save location? show mouse or not? Key sequence used? (default is the prtscrn key) and many others. I highly reccomend getting a copy. Download Location Here
  17. Short answer:Sign on to your cpanel using sub-domain.trap17/cpanelselect 'pre-installed scrtipts',select 'fantastico',there should be a select-box or drop-down list available that says 'blogs' or something,select that, scroll down (or up) to find the phpbb listed under Forums,select phpbb, then 'go' to take you to an install screen.There will be about 3 steps where you should have an Admin name and password ready, a name for the Forum folder, etc.It is pretty easy to do. Let us know how you make out...
  18. Yup, got that part figured. I guess what I'd like to know is if the 'domain.com' can be set to point to the 'sub-domain . jlhaslip . Xisto . com' by specifying the Trap's Domain Name Server information at the point of Registration. Yahoo! redirects inside a Frameset and I have been led to believe that it isn't good because of the Bots not being able to Index the pages and also the inability of clients to Bookmark the individual pages inside the site (except the Index page). Or do those restrictions apply on the Yahoo! Frameset re-directs? I would like the site to be found by Search Engines using the contents of the individual site page's Meta-tag keywords, and page content, of course. Not just the 'domain.com' name.
  19. A friend recently bought a Domain name through Yahoo (Thanks for everyone's assistance on that Topic) and now wants to Add-on the Domain to my Account here at the Trap as a subdomain. When I went to add the domain, it all went well, but now I have a question.Is there anything that needs to be done at the other end? (ie: at the domain registrant? (in this case, Yahoo!)) Or does adding it here as an Add-on Domain take care of everything? I can't seem to find anywhere at Yahoo to change Domain Name Servers. Perhaps someone here has run into this before?Thanks for your help...
  20. From the php.net site, we have this function: <?php// Turn off all error reportingerror_reporting(0); ?>found here. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ And I think that there is a way to use the '@' symbol in front of the function, but I couldn't source a link. Maybe someone else has a link for that. But suppressing the errors won't make the logic or processes work any differently. It is best to find out what is causing the error in the first place. Since you are 'developing' the program, I would leave the full error reporting "ON" until the bugs are under control. Clearly, you want to know at this stage if anything is going wrong and fix it before implementing the code into the production environment. And using the '@' Error suppression on a function is not reccomended at the development stage, either, for the same reasons. If you are unable to connect, you want to know why that is the case and find the solution using the error reporting output.
  21. Bandwidth is the measurement of the amount of data transferred across a communication connection. (simple answer)For example, a 1 Megabyte file will require (approx) 1 Megabyte of Bandwidth and smaller files require less. The 'approx' is in there because the actual transfer requires that there are certain additional pieces of information included with the file being communicated. For example, HTTP Headers for where it came from, where it is going, the file's 'type', 'size', etc. Also, the file probably won't be moved as one big chunk, so there is information attached to the 'packets' that allow the receiving end to re-assemble the file back in to its correct sequence. Zipping files before they are sent will help reduce your Bandwidth. Some Forums, (ie: phpbb), do this if the Admin sets the option on the Admin Control Panel. If a phpbb Forum is gzip enabled, the sender and receiver simply compress or uncompress the data with a small amount of effort which goes unnoticed, usually.Lots more information out in Googleland if you need to know more...
  22. Here In Canada, the city of Moncton, New Brunswick is known to be a large 'Call Centre', and people in the West don't like that, even if it is inside the same country, so this move to India will not be taken well, either.
  23. Well, the links to warez and other illegal items which violate the TOS would also be enough to get your account in trouble, so even though you don't host the files on the Trap server, I think that links to other locations where the contents of the link are downloadable would be enough to violate the Xisto T.O.S.For example, the TOS says 'no Adult material', so links to 'Adult material' are not acceptable on a Xisto Hosted account. At least that's how I interprete the T.O.S., but I'm not a Lawyer.
  24. Well, I have an 800 x 640 or whatever it is, I really don't know.Consequently, I am forever having to use the scrollbars on pages which are not "fluid", meaning the layout adjusts to "display size". This can be done using percentage sizes rather than pixels. Lots of information available if you Google up "fluid css design" and you'll see what I mean. But, aside from all that, if you fix the size in pixels, the percentage of people with 800 wide are still going to have to use a scrollbar and those with larger screens will have a right-hand margin that will need to be filled, so there is no right way on these things. The information I've read lately says that a larger percentage of users are using the 1024 width, so if I had to design in pixels, that's what I would base it on.
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