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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. All of the files and their extensions are taken care of by the CMS Installer, so not to worry.I installed Joomla tonight for a test case and it would not install in my root public_html because of a conflict of file names. Specifically, .htaccess, so I installed it into the sub-directory /joomla. You may be having the same or similar problems with filename conflicts, so phpnuke won't install where you want it to.Now, to access the CMS, the URL is jlhaslip.trap17.com/joomla. When this directory (folder) is accessed, the instructions in the .htaccess file points the user to the correct file to start-up the CMS. I haven't looked, but it is probably Index.php.If I was to make this folder a sub-domain, the address to access it would become joomla.jlhaslip.trap17.com and, again, the .htaccess file looks after pointing me to the correct start-up file.In order to have this CMS become the starting point for a domain, simply do a 're-direct' by using the script in your cpanel. In my case, I would redirect from jlhaslip.trap17.com/index.html to jlhaslip.trap17.com/joomla and the re-direct should fire-up the CMS for the user. Hope this helps to clarify the situation a bit.
  2. A matter of interpretation, I suppose. I thought the question was how large can a mysql d/b be? You interpreted it to ask how large a d/b will the Xisto Hosting account allow my d/b to be. I guess we are both right.
  3. Okay, this ought to work... Check here to see an example in action. There is a containing div which includes the full width header div followed by a sidebar div of a %'ge width and the main content div with a margin to suit the width of the sidebar div. The sidebar and content don't conflict with each other. The sidebar is floated to the left hand side of the page and the content has a margin of the same width as the sidebar. No absolute positioning is required. THEN, the footer is added to the bottom of the page OUTSIDE of the containing div so that it is always below the longest of either the sidebar or the content. I suppose there could be an overall wrapper div to contain the whole works, but it works this way. And at one time it validated, too, so whatever it takes is good for me. The css is here . (I'll clean it up later) ( ya, right)
  4. Wild20,I have installed a CMS only a couple of times and usually to a subsidiary folder under the public_html. Something like jlhaslip . com / forum. Is the CMS from the fantastico? There usually are instructions outlining the methods they reccomend right there. If the CMS installs in the sub-folder, you could then do a re-direct using the cpanel Redirect, if you wanted the CMS to become your Main page.
  5. According to the mysql Manual, on a Linus 2.4+ system, the mysql Tables can be as large as 4 Terrabytes.Windows 32 with NTFS max 2 terrabytesWindows fat32 approx 2 Gigs, Linux 2.2 same.As you can see from above, the restriction is Operating System dependant. If the System allows for the mysql to operate at its maximum potential, then the limit for the mysql table is 64 Terrabytes, but, Operating System Maximum File Sizes pull the maximum down to force mysql to function within the constraints of the Operating System Max File Size. All this and more is to be found in the mysql Manual. This information is based on mysql 5. If you are using (cringe) mysql3, or 4, then the maximums are smaller, but still pretty big.
  6. So help us assist you by telling us what exactly are you trying to do here? Install What? Where?If we know what you are doing, we stand a better chance of helping you.
  7. try this: <div id=footer style="clear:both"><img src="footer.gif" /></div> Replace the existing footer image code with a div styled to clear the columns. There more complete answers, but if this works, that's good...
  8. More like this? http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filckground-repeat
  9. http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_background.asp This will even let you try out changing the code to see how it works.
  10. Don't quite get what you are looking for. Do you want the lists to scroll and the image to stay positioned on the page?
  11. Who said "It's deja vu all over agan" ???I'd take the words 'Newest' off the left side boxes to allow you to rotate or swap out designs. Also, the bottom blue of the rght hand large boxes is kinda heavy. Aside from those small points, it's looking good.
  12. jlhaslip

    Image Galleres

    Coppermine is supposed to be a good one, and it is available in the fantastico script section, but I haven't ever hooked it up to a phpnuke. Might want to check at the phpnuke site and ask around there. Maybe they already have a mod for a Picture Gallery?Also, do a search on this forum since I know there have been lots of other topics about Image Galleries, so use the search feature to see if anyone else has asked and been answered.
  13. jlhaslip

    Hello Everyone

    Ummm, Introductions usually mention something about yourself. Might want to post some more about yourself so the other members can get to know you a little bit. What are your interests outside of school? Any siblings? Your computer background? Do you play sports? Is there something you can tell us about the place you live?
  14. I have considered that, too, but I find that the Topics over there can be awfully Technical in nature. I do this Forum thing for the fun of it mostly, and being required to have fun at that high of a level isn't really fun for me. It might be different for you, but I'm only learning lots of this stuff, so maybe I'll just stay here for a while. If you do go over there, say Hi! to everyone for me. I check in there frequently, also. Really good information is available on the Xisto Forum. They have some pretty knowledgeable folks posting lots of good stuff. Xisto Forum
  15. I think the clock function is based on seconds, so 1 day = 24 hrs * 60 min * 60 secs might work better? (24*60*60)=86,400 seconds in a day. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/30336-restricting-page-access-using-php-need-help/ Also, try this code found at the php.net site: $this_day=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");$tomorrow=$this_day + 86400;This should work if the results from the date function can be manipulated in an arithmetic manner. That I do not know, but I can't see why not. The function probably returns the number of seconds since the Unix epoch of midnight Jan 1, 1970 (I think). Otherwise, this might be required: $jump=1; $evalday = mktime(strftime ("%d/%m/%Y", strtotime("+$jump days"))); Have a look at the php.net site for more info. Search for the date function at the top of the page.
  16. Computer Science and Math major. Hmmm, that sounds like a lot of work. Not surprised you like to kick-back when you can. I'll bet it doesn't happen often enough.Well, there should be some interesting topics for you to post onto around here. Lots of Computer stuff at least. Might be a little weak in the Math department, but have a look. The way this Forum goes some days, I wouldn't be surprised if there is some stuff for you to play around with. Certainly there will be lots of Graphics stuff for you to keep you busy for a while.Best Free Post-to-Host deal around. Have Fun.
  17. This might not be the solution, but I noticed that the following post array element uses only single quotes while the ones above this line (which didn't error) use double quotes to contain the array element name. And the ones below it also use double quotes, too, so maybe I'm on to something here. Try changing this code to double quotes. if (!isset($_POST['email']))I am just learning php, so I might be wrong on this. Post back if this doesn't work and you still need a hand.
  18. Well Netscape Navigator on an iMac doesn't like the page either. A bunch of things overlapping and text running below the divs (or table cells). But yes, it sure loaded quickly, I'll give you that credit. If you tour over to the Html Forum, there are some bits of information about IE and how it mis-behaves. Tyssen gave you the short version. You might want to read up a bit on the differences and apply some fixes. It isn't too hard to nail most of the problems.
  19. Thanks to the tutorial here at the Xisto, I decided to install a copy of XAMPP on my Windows 98 Laptop so I could learn some more php coding without crashing the server on the Forum here. The Tutorial was good, it helped a lot, but there are two things which I need a hand with. Both problems might be Browser related, but I don't know, so here is the first problem: First Problem Opera can't find the Local server. I have a test file or two which run perfectly in the Firefox Browser, but if I Cut and Paste the address into the address bar of Opera 8, I get a file not found error. Even though the same URL was just viewed perfectly in FF. A sample URL would look some thing like : http://localhost/testpages/testpage5.php for a file located in the htdocs folder of XAMPP. The complete local address is something like file://c:/apache/XAMPP/htdocs/testpages/testpage5.php. ***EDIT*** the OPERA 8 Browser requires that the brackets surround the file name in an Include Function. Even though Firefox doesn't??? for the same version of php??? That one is solved. Peculiar, but solved. Second Problem Internet Explorer can't seem to open the file because it can't find a specific file on the system. It is looking for a file named PMW.EXE for opening files of type 'Broderbund Easy Prints Type'. This machine may have had a piece of software on the Hard Drive by that name once upon a time. I can't say for sure. If that is the case, would the file type 'php' have been linked to that exe file somehow? But only for IE? Strange. Anyway, What to do about that? Is there anyplace to assign the php file type to the XAMPP Software within the Internet Explorer software? Or how to disconnect the php file type from the PMW.EXE??? Thanks for your help on this one.
  20. One possible solution might be to place the items from the first page in to an array and then write the array to a temp database, passing only a row id number before handling the second page, storing the second page info into a second array, then read the first array back and concatenating the two arrays before writing to the db? A bit of a struggle, but if you can code it like suggested above so that the data handling can be looped by an index, it probably wouldn't be so bad.
  21. Lozbo, This is turning into a good discussion and I think we are both enjoying it and learning from it. At least I am, so I would like to make another point in order to get your reaction. When IE7 is released and starts getting used by us Common Folks, do you have any information that says whether or not either of the above methods is going to be more successful than the other? I think we both agree that it would be best if neither of the approaches would be required, but you and I do not have any control over that. We do, however, have control over how we respond to the problem. Ignore the 'preference' issue. Pick a method that you think will work in the future and that will be best in the long run. Then answer this question : Do you know if IE7 will accept the method you have just selected? It could be that a third set of rules will be needed to be implemented in order to style pages for IE7. That is the point I was trying to get across in my reply. If or when it gets to that stage, I believe that sniffing for Browser Type (User Agents) and switching CSS files based on the Browser requesting the page will be the best approach to avoid the hassle of (first) sorting out the problems, (second) finding the hacks and implementing them, and then (third) finding other hacks to work with other Browsers which got messed up by the new hack. That is the 'round and round' part. Rather than chase your tail looking for Hacks, just write a Style Sheet that works in the Browser that you are about to send the page to. That's all it would take. No - hacks - what - so - ever. The search for hacks stops right in its tracks. Of course, then we will have to develop better or faster Sniffing techniques, because Opera, for example, already has an option to disguise itself, so even the task of sniffing the Browser, although it appears to be a simple thing, really isn't if the Browser will be able to conceal itself.
  22. The www directory (folder) is just an alias for the public_html directory (folder), so may as well put them into the public_html. Can you post an url and we'll see if that would help us to diagnose the problem. What type of file are you uploading, also? In order to have the page served on the web, the file is usually an 'html' or 'htm' extension. If you are trying to have a 'txt' file served to you, that may be the problem.If you are unsure of the URL (adress) of the file, post the domain or sub-domain name, the folder you believe the file to be in and the file name complete with the extension. Thanks.
  23. Ooooo! That's a good one... Elevenmil oughta go for that...
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