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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. php has a function for comma seperated values. Can you use that?
  2. From the w3c site, an error code 500 is defined as : They happen sometimes. These are machines we are dealing with. http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
  3. No confusion about it whatsoever. I understood completely what he wanted. What I didn't understand (and still don't) is the absolute requirement that the invoice number be allowed to be issued in such a haphazard fashion as manually inputting manually created Invoice numbers which are input in random order on a sporadic basis. And then wanting to know which ones were missing. There is a completely different use for the 'Sequence number' of the database, I agree. This goes beyond the actual coding of this problem. It has to do with the systemic problem of Invoice Control and regulation of the Invoice Numbering system. I have worked at Companies which produce an Invoice Number based on an alphabetic system , not numeric at all, and could still tell you when one was missing or out of place. And your code will only work with truly sequential numeric values, by the way. There may be valid reasons why the Invoice number MUST be issued manually. That is an Accounting System decision. Let the programmer sort out how to track them after that. There doesn't need to be an accountant involved in writing the code, is all I am saying. Use the auto increment feature of the database to track the Invoices 'sequentially' regardless of what the 'number' is on the piece of paper you hand the Customer. There need not be a relationship between the 'auto-increment' number and the 'Invoice' number. In fact, then you have the accounting system meddling in affairs they know nothing about. Trust me, I've been there before. You will find that the 'sequencing' problem will be difficult enough to deal with. Even harder will be a duplicate number.
  4. jlhaslip


    Comment ca va? Another Canadian, eh?Nice city you live in. I've been there several times. I remember when the Zamboni Driver wore the Tux during a Hockey game, and Roger Neilson's white Towel thing. You are probably too young to remember all those events. Great sports town. Too bad the NHL team pulled out. How are the Moose doing this season?They are doing a terrific job re-building the Downtown Core area. The Tourist trap down at the Forks is an awesome place to spend an afternoon. Welcome and enjoy yourself.
  5. Brandice, re: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/9475-new-custom-bbcodes-for-this-board/ That might be a good idea. Sounds like at least one member would benefit from the Tutorial.
  6. Read the Xisto Readme file. If you had read the Xisto Readme, you would not need to ask these Questions.This is very close to spam.
  7. This topic can be found all throughout the Forums. Use the search feature. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?act486&qpid=235381
  8. Why? The Forum is based on using English as it's only language as a common denominator for the membership.
  9. Notice from jlhaslip: Interesting article. But copied, so first, you need to quote it using [ quote ] [ / quote] tags. Second, you must give credit to the source. I found it here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. Avalon,I do not use any banners ads on any of my pages, however, your posting has prompted me to check the stats on my sites and I noticed that there was one day when the usage was approximately 4 times the typical day. I wonder what is happening, too. I will investigate and let you know what (if anything) I discover about that date. It was March 8th.
  11. xadet, I just got to the Main page. The Forum is 'under heavy maintenance' and is 'offline'. If you can check at your Hosting Account Control Panel and access the Database error log, there might be some info for you there. Assuming the error log is being written to. Might want to check to make sure that the error log is set to write.Also, use phpmyadmin to see if the database name, user, and passwords for the Forum will let you access the database. Mysql errors are fairly cryptic sometimes, but it looks like it is refusing the connection for some reason.I don't know that any other users are having a similar problem. I was at Xisto today and nobody else complained there.
  12. jlhaslip


    Not much of an introduction. Tell us something about yourself that might be a clue about why you are here.And please read the Xisto readme file for information about Spam and short post replies. They are not the preffered method of posting.
  13. Might not be a bad idea to show us the link, then maybe we could see what's going on. Is this a Xisto hosted site? *edit* I see it is a Xisto - Web Hosting question Sorry about that* Are the files uploaded to the public_html directory? or www directory? Is there a file named index.html? These questions should be answered so we stand a chance at helping you. If you recently adjusted the Domain nameservers of your Domain, there will be a time lag for the domain to 'propogate' around the web. It could take 72 hours or so before that is completed. Thanks.
  14. Edit out the referral portion. Please read or review the Xisto Readme file as found at the top of this page. Referral Links are not allowed here. Thanks.
  15. I normally wouldn't reply to a Topic as old as this, but the result of the reccomendation given here was phenomenal. I'll bet it cut the load time for Acrobat reader down to at least one third and maybe one quarter of the time it normally took to load up. This advise is highly reccomended by me even if you don't use the Reader very often. Lately I have been downloading lots of stff that is PDF, so this Tutorial was a God-send. Thanks to the author.
  16. Just a reminder to you two that, as unbelievable as it may sound to you, even Saint Michael was a beginner once. Practice, practice, practice, and it'll come with more practice. Did I mention that you might have to practice once in a while?
  17. Post the code for the entire page including the Login Script, please. Doing a view source doesn't show the php script or form handling. Might be something there.
  18. This answer from the IPB Staff guy is the one I would go with. Also, if these limits were exceeded on your installation, I suspect the Database errors were caused by the Trial Version encoded features. I haven't voted, just stating how I view this situation, for what it is worth.
  19. Quoted from the php manual $session_start(): Sorry, I mistakenly referenced to the $set_cookies (). So, yes, having the #session_start() in the middle of the tablet, after output has started to the browser will throw an error.
  20. Well there is a problem right at the top of your page which needs to be sorted out before you get any further along. There are some things way out of place and missing. The typical sequence for an html (or htm) page should be something like this: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; <html xml:lang="en" lang="en" xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" /><link href="something.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"> <title>Demo title</title> <style type="text/css" media="screen"><!-- Insert the embedded styles here --> </style><script type="text/javascript">onload = function() { content.focus() }</script></head> <body><!-- Main Html Code for the page --></body></html> I did a view source of the Xisto page to snag some of this, so it might not be exactly what you want, but the order of the tags is what I was attempting to show you. The Doc Types must be exactly coded or they will blow up pretty quickly. Now do a view > source of your page and compare the two. You don't have a Doc Type, the first tag is a style tag, there are several other things there to fix up before you get to the Header problem. After you have fixed these things as best as you can, run the page through the w3c Validator at their site, http://www.w3.org/, to make sure it passes. The validation won't check logic or php errors, but it will tell you if all is well with the syntax of the page. As for the Headers, see the php manual at http://ca.php.net/manual/en/function.header.php. There are also rules about how to send the Cookies used for the sessions.
  21. A couple of small things. 1). The Products page doesn't display all the Categories 'above the fold', partly because of the extra spacing from the < p > and <br /> tags that are within the paragraphs. If you converted that list of categories to a list using < li >'s, for instance, the list of categories would be visible when they first arrive at the page and it would be easier for customers to click-on. Because they wouldn't have to scroll down to even see the list, it might promote some spontaeous browsing, hence purchasing, on the customer's part if the links are 'above the fold' and readily available. Also might be good to put a clickable picture as a link here. Right now, there is nothing to indicate that they are 'links'. Usually links are a different colour or underlined or bolded or bordered to show that clicking them will take you to another page. <p class="catname"><strong><a href='products.asp?cat=8'>Bracelets</a></strong><br> </p> 2). The FAQ page. The list of FAQ's arre sitting there in a list, but they aren't 'linked'. It would be easier for the customers to use this page if they were linked to the answers. Design-wise, Nice Site. I prefer 'simpler' designs. Often sites are too busy and too packed full of stuff. You have done a nice job here. I am not in the market for any jewellery, though. Good Luck with the site. Just guessing, but was the domain name 'Simple Pleasures' already taken? Is that why the spelling is 'Symple'?
  22. Welcome back savge17. Good to see that you made the team. Lacrosse is a terrific sport. Played, Coached and Reffed for a number of years myself. Tough Game to master the stick and the body contact can be a little bit hard to take once in a while, but a beautiful game when it is played well. Still got the server up and running? I look forward to seeing you around. Lots of things happening here. The Edit Button is back. That's a good thing...
  23. Did you read two posts up? Maybe three...
  24. Looks good from here. I like the shading. Not bright nor dark.Nice '3D' effect with the position of the hat and sword. Gives it good depth.
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