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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Very good point about moving the background image to the Body element instead of the table.Also, it might be caused by the difference in the "normal" Browser settings. Try setting the margins and padding equal to zero for the Html and Body elements to see if the white goes away. That might do it as well. Worth a try.
  2. I think the loop is infinite due to the while conditional which asks to simply perform the scandir each time through the loop, which of course it does each and every time, so on and on it goes. Instead, of dealing with the scandir function in the while statement, try reading the $files array based on the value of the loop index and printing something then, Might be nice to have that list clickable, too?
  3. Doesn't sound like College boys have changed much over the years. Seems they still need a tuning up from time to time.Ignore him is my suggestion. Simply ignore the perv. Someone will come along and recognize the value of the package deal and you will be better off without the loser pervert, or his buddy.
  4. From your cpanel, perform a phpinfo and the _SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] should show up under the php variables down near the bottom of the page. Mine is : "/home/jlhaslip/public_html" "jlhaslip" is my cpanel user-name, so I assume the root folder of my account is "/home/jlhaslip" and that is where I think the .htaccess file belongs for what you want to do. The path to the file you want to protect will depend on exactly where is resides in the file system for your account. If you can tell where it is relative to the public_html, then you should be able to combine the info above with the known path to the file.
  5. Congratulations, Mich on your # 500. I was there for the first and hope to be here for the 5,000th.You have been a pleasure to have on the site. I aways look forward to reading your posts, especially the ones that portray your maturity and assist the younger members with their life problems. There is something to be said for your wisdom, experience, and life skills. I only hope they rub off on the younger members. :blink:And I believe the Forum participation has been a great experience for you, too. Your skills have been greatly improved since we first met at Xisto. You are no longer overwhelmed by the experience and your graphics and Computer skills are significantly advanced from back then. Glad to have been a part of it.
  6. Nice work. Keep it coming. You have a very nice approach to simplifying the material of a complex topic. I look forward to seeing more information from you on this issue. And why, exactly is it in Quote tags?
  7. http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/function.time.php I don't mind helping, but at some point I have to point you onto the path and let you make your own mistakes. There is enough info in the previous post and this reference to have you work it out yourself.
  8. Nah, didn't work. Too long. Only post the Virtualhost and Directory info from the very bottom of the file.
  9. If you know when the Attack is going to take place, why do you need to add it to the current time? Maybe I don't understand something?Do you want to subtract the two to know how many hours away the Attack will be?
  10. Pm sent with directions. There is also a topic I wrote about setting up XAMPP in the Tutorial section. A couple of posts down, Tyssen wrote a bit about how to set sub-domains up. Between the Tutorial and the PM, you should be set. Basically, duplicate the VirtualHost and Directory information in your httpd.conf file and then mod it to match the path for the new sub-domain and then add an entry to the hosts file. Reply here if you need anything elase, though. I will try to remember to post a copy of the information later. It is too late here right now. I'm going to bed. OPTION: Post the contents of your C:/Windows/hosts file and the VirtualHost and Directory directives from the httpd.conf file in this thread with the name of the domain you wish to use on the XAMPP of your machine and someone will assist you in creating it???.
  11. Once you send the emil to the person, they own it, not you. It will be theirs to keep or delete as they see fit.Maybe send them a link to a page on your web-site which you control and delete that once it has been read by them. Of course, they may do a view-source and capture the page, so use this method at your own risk.
  12. Very Nice, Indeed.Except there is one thing about it which my Browser doesn't like. Well, the combination of an older Browser, an older computer and a small display screen, actually.My guess is that you have coded it to be a fixed width in pixels and then centred the page. Am I right so far? Well, when I look at the page, which is wider than my screen, I lose part of the left-hand side of the page due to the manner in which the page is coded. And there are still plenty of older Browsers and stuff out there, so I would think that you should be concerned about this problem, because when you think about it, some guy sitting in his office, Googles up your page and it doesn't look right, somehow, so he doesn't bother to contact you. Lost potential client. Gone. Right now.The problem is simple, re-do your page using percentages and then centre the page. Then I can get to the left hand edge of the page and only need to scroll right. When you think about it, as your page is laid out now, I need to get to a negative left hand margin. Impossible for me to to that, and others with an 800 pixel display will have the same problem. This is easy to fix. I have done it for others, in fact, just today I did one for another member here.Also, the header and footer graphics don't extend full right.
  13. As I understand it, the Bots look for similarity beteen links. If your site is about Racing Horses and mine is about Philosophy during the French Revolution, not much similarity there, but if mine is about Horse Breeding, they would see the comparison as better and score the links much more positively.
  14. Hosting Credits do NOT apply towards Xisto.NET accounts. Since this topic is in the Xisto.NET sub-forum, I can only surmise the member is requesting information about Xisto.NET. The above answers apply to Xisto.COM only. If you need this moved out of the Xisto.NET sub-forum, please self-report this topic, thank you.
  15. One-liners like the opening post are considered Spam and should be avoided. Please read the Xisto Readme file to understand the requirements for posting and acceptable quality of posts. Verbally warned by PM.
  16. Peng,Place your Topic into the correct sub-forum. And please tell us a little about yourself. One liners are considered Spamming.Moved to Introductions.
  17. http://html.com/tags/embed-tag/
  18. I believe there is a directive set for that restriction, yes.Do a phpinfo() from the cpanel. There is a 'click to show' link on the main cpanel page. Might show you in the results if there are any. I looked, but didn't recognise which directive it might be, though.
  19. Check this out: <?php$time_interval = 12; // time_interval in hours$some_time = ($time_interval * 60 * 60); // in seconds$current_time = time(); // as unix timestamp$attack_time = $current_time + $some_time; // add them togetherecho 'Current time as UNIX: ' . $current_time . '<br />'; // output to confirmecho 'Time Interval as UNIX: ' . $some_time . '<br />'; // output to confirmecho 'Attack time as UNIX: ' . $attack_time . '<br />'; // output to confirm$old_time = date('Y-m-d@h:i:sa', $current_time); // output to confirmecho 'Time Now : ' . $old_time . '<br /><br />'; // output to confirm$attack_time = $current_time + ($time_interval * 60 * 60);echo 'When do I attack??? : ' . date('Y-m-d@H:i:sa', $attack_time) . ' local';?>Hope this works for you or explains enough for you to get what you need. There are ways to shorten it down and get the same results, but I thought you might learn more if the code was broken down to multiple steps. Also, I didn't know if you wanted UNIX or 'readable' time formatting. This gives you an example of each...
  20. Share your code with us. Maybe something in there which shouldn't be?
  21. Or look in our Tutorial Section. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/169-tutorials/ Or read the Xisto Readme. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actE=01&HID=18 Or perform a search. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&search_in=forums= This question has been answered in many discussions here on the Forums and should never be a New Topic. Use the SEARCH FEATURE, please. It is on every page.
  22. For security reasons, the way to create a Database on the Shared Hosting server is by using the cpanel MYSQL selection. This ensures the Database is created on your account and then you have control over which users can access it. Your cpanel name is pre-pended to each of your database names, for instance.If we all had phpmyadmin create capability, the organisation of the datbases would be a disaster zone.This feature of the fantastico adding the user name is a security feature, in short answer form.
  23. Study habits are often best arranged as a routine. Study at the same time each day, in the same place. Turn off the distractions (radio, tv, computer, etc.) and force yourself into the routine.Whether you have a reading or comprehension problem is best evaluated elsewhere, so I will leave it to you to seek the answer at another source.Don't sweat it. A lady in my hometown just graduated High School 3 years after retiring at age 65, so it shouldn't be an issue. What is at stake here is your future and you really should knuckle down and do what you can to make it happen in a positive fashion. Ity may require some effort, but do what you can to get it done. Wishing you the best with it, of course.
  24. You guys amuse me from time to time, so I am simply paying you back... Glad you enjoyed it. (*no*, I have never owned a lizard, nor do I know any... )
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