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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. I voted for Rock, but I guess Classic Rock is a better definition of the Music I prefer to listen to. The Beatles, Stones, and the whole 60's and 70's.
  2. Absolute:positioning is tricky at best. The problem comes from the origin which the browsers define as (0,0), some times it is the "window" and other times it is the "parent element", so as I mentioned, try to use the document flow, floats, margins and paddings instead of position:absolute.
  3. Two things:1.) try to avoid using position:absolute because of the differences between the Browsers and the problems that result from its use. Depend on the "flow" of the page elements instead of specific positioning. Use Margins and padding to space and seperate div's2.) Design using a more compliant browser than IE and then hack the css to suit rather than designing the page in IE and expecting to hack the compliant Browsers. Compliant Browsers are more difficult to hack because they actually get it right the first time. Opera and Firefox are more compliant than IE, so use them to design your page in. A common approach to hacking IE is using the conditional statements to alter the css or to use a different css file for the IE css coding.Good luck with the page.
  4. "wraps" or pita bread shells instead of Bread, or consider open-faced sandwiches using single slices instead of double to reduce the carbs. Go lightly on the butter, margarine, and / or Miracle Whip.
  5. Here is a link to The Web Standards Project's Acid2 Test for Browsers. It is used to determine a Browser's ability to render an html page according to the w3c Standards. No surprise, but IE6 is the most horrendous rendering, Firefox and Netscape do 'okay', and Opera does the best. Opera is actually fully compliant with the Standards, so for those of you who are concerned about standards compliance, get yourself a copy of Opera. http://www.webstandards.org/action/acid2/ Firefox 3 passes the test as per the Opera browser, but FF3 is not available to the general public yet. Soon, I hope
  6. yup, good job. Worked first time I tried it. Saves having to sign-on to seek some information on the Trap.
  7. Welcome to the Xisto.As far as posting personal information, it is allowed for you to post your own information, but not the information of others, although it is not reccomended until you are comfortable with the site and as long as are aware of the risks invovled with making the information "public". I am not aware of any security breach with respect to the Forum, so please heed the reccomendations above.
  8. Although this Embed an Object Hack tutorial deals with Flash, use a similar approach and you should get the audio to work regardless of the Browser. The Hack is to use both an object and an embed tag together. Unfortunately, this seems to be a universally acceptable method of incorporating "embedded objects". The downside is that the page won't validate, so unless it is imperative that the page is (x)html valid, this seems to be the method to use.
  9. There are some good features in all of the entries, probably every one has a feature which if they were all in one banner would make an excellent logo. I like the fading on SM's, the star and cog in Mich's, but the first of Migue's submissions is the most balanced and suitable as a 'Branding' for the Xisto sites.
  10. I got a "server not found" error on that link from above. It does take a couple of days to propagate a new Domain name around the web, so give it 48 hours since you added the information about your Domain Name Server. And here is a link to cheap Domain names from Xisto - Web Hosting.com, a sister company to the Xisto. Domain names from $1.80 USD last time I looked. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. Yup, works quite well. The g/f has one on her older laptop. Still needs a wireless source, of course, but we have a Cable modem and wireless router already, so not a big deal. Newer Laptops typically have the wireless built-in, so you wouldn't need that for newer laptops. Might work for a Desktop located some distance from a cable outlet, though
  12. Nah! You can watch it for me, thanks. I think the Internet has better uses than distributing information of this sort..
  13. Glad that it works. Happy to have helped. That is the best part about hanging around here, there is always another pair of eyes to have a look at what you are doing and assist with getting it done.
  14. if ( !isset($_REQUEST['content']) ) { $content = "home"; $menur = "menur";} else { $content = $_REQUEST['content']; }\try this, maybe.
  15. Here is a screenshot of your link using ff2. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and another one using IE6 and an adjusted width of image as per SM's suggestion. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Looks the same in FF2 with the adjusted width of image. (I used 744 px)
  16. This is posted in the Xisto.net forum. Did you want it here? or elsewhere? Please review the structure of the Forum to understand the layout and decide where this should be moved to, then use the Report button to make a report to a Moderator to get it moved to the preferred location. The Xisto readme might be a good thing for you to read, also.
  17. The 28th is probably good. Your aniversary would be 6 months and that is the last day of the month. If you use the 2nd, that'll just be confusing the issue. just my opinion.
  18. Here is an article about recycled water that is an interesting read. Looks like the future is here already.
  19. matak,Check out cssplay.co.uk for 'offset on:hover' techniques. That site has some really interesting stuff.
  20. I rarely make any New Years' Resolutions, so I have none to report here, but I thought we should have a Topic for you to state what your New Years' Resolution so that throughout the year, we (and you) can check back to confirm the direction you should be heading on...So tell us what your Resolutions are for 2007 ...
  21. Well, everyone, thanks for the honour and privilege of being able to 'show off' the award for the next year. Thanks to those who voted for me and thanks to all of you for making this the place that it is. Like many others, I have tried several other Forums, but they just don't have the same sense of belonging which this place does. I blame it on the members here. It is all your fault... for making this such a great place to be. Congratulations to the members who were Award winners and also to those who received a nomination. It is great that so many of the members were nominated in so many fields. Good job all of you and I look forward to the next year, here at the Xisto.
  23. I have no doubt that the hanging actually occurred, so I don't need to see the video, thanks, Kubi. At least allow the deceased some dignity.
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