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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. I simply snagged the php script and followed the instructions. Seems there was one bad row in the Database and the mysql/phpadmin Repair that I had tried earlier in the week never found or fixed the problem, whereas this script did.I'll keep this Topic open in case anyone else needs the link.
  2. Indeed it did. Seems that I had a bad Database record (just one) in that table.All fixed up now, thanks to that script they provided. Funny that I didn't find it on my search for the fix. Thanks, SM.
  3. There are softwares available that will "spy" on you from inside a PC. It acts like a watchdog for Parental Controls (your situation), and dissallows users from installing or activating certain softwares and can also submit daily/weekly reports by email to the Authority who installed the "spy" ware. Some of them also include keyloggers and a bunch of other things which are normally "malware", but since it is specifically installed, I don't think even an anti-virus will catch it since it is authorized. Good luck with it.
  4. The forum has been up and running for about a year and a half. It has been through numerous server upgrades, etc, including the recent HDD change, but for some reason, just this week it started throwing this error: Any ideas? I did the mysql "repair" thing in the cpanel, but that didn't work. I do have a backup. Should I do the restore from a backup? or is this a mysql problem that will persist? I could not find this error by number in the mysql documentation. They start at #1000, so I am lost about the error number, too.
  5. Google this : https://www.google.com/webhp?client=opera&oe=utf-8&gfe_rd=cr&ei=5cozVOXwBaWH8Qf9qIGACw&gws_rd=ssl I'm just guessing that this is the correct search criteria.
  6. On the other hand, reflection is the best way to determine the who or what to "blame". And make the required alterations to the "whatever needs changing", based on this reflecting period.
  7. Well, I quit telling "racist" jokes along time ago, along with jokes which 'might' be offensive to Ethnics and sub-cultures (except Blonde jokes j/k). That is a generalization, of course. I still have a few good Newfie jokes but only tell them because I have been told them by a friend from Newfoundland, so if he is telling them, they aren't so bad. Actually, the best 'ethnic' jokes usually come from those who are in that group, I find, but that is a side issue.As a tool to become conscious of how 'programmed' we are in terms of race, colour and ethnicity, when you are telling a story to a friend, try describing everyone in "racist" or "ethnic" terms to show yourself exactly how easy it is to use ethnicity as a descriptor. Do that for a week and then recall how easy it is. For those Caucasians among us, we often start a story with " This Black guy (... did something ...), etc". Now instead of saying "a friend of mine" (or whatever), describe your friend in Ethnic terms in a similar fashion... ie: "This White Guy I know... blah, blah..." or "This Polish friend of mine ... blah, blah ... "After just a few short days, you will start to notice how frequently the Ethnic or Race descriptors are used and that defines a form of Rascism or Prejudice. As you are now aware of this element of our language, simply train yourself to NOT use those descriptors, and you will be certain to find that those descriptive words are quite unnecessary in most conversations, so just don't use them. They add little or no value to the conversation. It is that simple to do, too. Awareness of the issue of Racism and Prejudicial notions can be greatly reduced. Much of it is useless anyway. I had a very liberal upbringing. My parents always had friends of various nationalities and Ethnicities, and I felt I was pretty well prejudice-free until I used this technique and realized how strong the "race issue" permeated my vocabulary. I consciously exercise avoiding the inclusion of these Racist descriptors in my vocabulary. I wish more people would do the same. Might make a difference along the way.
  8. Just curious, but if you upload an Image using the link at Xisto - Web Hosting, is the Image actually uploaded? or does the upload fail?Is the Image stored in a mysql database? Are the permissions set for the temp and permanent folders to be writable? What version of PHP is the code written using?
  9. Harry Potter's "Floo powder" would work. Do you have a fireplace and are you a Witch? I think it only works in books, though.
  10. Tragic, simply tragic. I just don't have any better words to describe my thoughts on this. I know an Instructor at Virginia Technical Institute that is an Engineering Instructor. I'll need to send him a note tonght. I only hope that he and his family are safe. One of their sons attends the school, but I believe he lives at home still, so the Dorm shootings isn't an issue for him, I don't think.I wish the best thoughts for the students and their families. I would think we all do.
  11. jlhaslip


    Start here by reading the Xisto readme file. There are lots of bits of information in it. - Xisto Readme - Basically, make posts to earn credits then apply for hosting.
  12. To answer the first part, most Internet connections are a monthly fee, whether you use it a little or a lot, so it really won't cost them any more if you connect through their system, and most of those types of places make their system available as a magnet for travellers to use, so you would be alright there.What SM is talking about, a satellite connection, would need to set up on your own account. I think companies like Hughes Aerospace have systems designed for the satellite to be tracked by you wherever you might be, but it would require a significant investment to purchase the hardware and all the junk you would need to install so that you could connect using that system. You would require a receiver mounted on the Motorhome and all the wiring to get the signal into your computer, etc. And then you would pay for the monthly connection and possibly usage charges. I know there are satellite systems for fixed locations, because the remote Lodges near where I live have them. Adding the mobile feature you are looking for MAY be available. I can't say for certain.
  13. Lately, I have been "rewarding" myself with Computer time in order to (firstly) get more active and (secondly) better appreciate the time I do spend on the Computer. During the Winter months, when my job/work is slower than the Summer months, I spend far too much time on the Computer as witnessed by the number of posts, etc. And now that the weather is better, I don't sit at the computer for long periods. I go do something and then "allow" myself some Computer time. Since I have a shop, I will go do something there when I get home from work before I turn on the machine, and then after Supper, I do some more shop work before checking the emails and Forum stuff. I find I have a better appreciation of the Forum activity when I limit it this way.
  14. Don't forget that the form variables need to be "submitted" before they contain values. Before the form is correctly submitted, the variables would be initiallized as NULL.
  15. Or another method is to get a wireless card in your computer, put it in the Motor Home and when you get someplace, park near a Cafe or Hotel/Motel that has an unprotected wireless Router. A friend of mine just spent two weeks on holidays in Palm Springs and had 12 wireless signals to choose from where he was. None of them were protected in any way. Some were from Commercial systems, others were residential installs. Here were I live, the Local Computer Shop has an open system, a Restaurant and several Motels all make their system available. I don't dare ask if it is intentional on their part, otherwise they might secure them and I won't be able to connect with my laptop when I go uptown.
  16. As SM suggests, sending a ticket to support@xisto.com is the correct approach. Let's stay on topic in the Threads, please and thanks.
  17. We get a couple of extra weeks here in Canada. April 30th is our deadline. Doesn't really make any difference in the outcome.Which reminds me... I better get to work adding all those numbers...
  18. I think there is an Adsense minimum of $100. USD before you receive the cheque. At least that is what the information I have says.
  19. Okay, Imtay, thanks for assisting.Just a reminder that the Search feature isn't broken...
  20. I LOVE LACROSSE!!!Better than Hockey... Faster, rougher, most action all around. Takes a real athlete to excel at the game. Hand eye co-ordination, running skills, endurance, strategic, all required in a big way. And toughness is a "must-have". Haven't played for a few years.I was a Referee, too. Used to ref with some of the best, Provincially, Regionally, and at the national level, Box or Field, didn't matter. Where do you play? at school or in a City league? Indoor or outside? Box or Field?
  21. I suggest a Lawn chair and a pitcher of Pina Coladas, preferably with an ocean view...Not much you can do except be thankful for the lack of internal injuries beyond what you have. If it hurts to do something, don't do it. It'll be a few weeks before you vacuum anything, or push a broom. Pushing the schedule to advance the repair will only hurt more and take longer to heal, as far as I know. They can't be splinted and even breathing hurts, so grin and bear the pain. All you can do...
  22. Let's keep the discussion on-topic, folks. This thread is about the availability of Fantastico. Anything else is off topic and will be spammed. Thank you.
  23. Next thing will be to download and install a mysql Server from mysql.com. The easiest method to get up and running is to download and install all of these using XAMPP or WAMP. XAMPP is a single-click package that loads PHP, Apache, mysql, phpadmin, an FTP Server, a Mail Server and a bunch of stuff. There is a Tutorial around here that explains some stuff about it. If you have any questions, keep asking here.
  24. Php replaces the $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] with register.php, so that would not be required. And I think keeping the register script separate from the index.php is a good thing. It modularizes the code so that the Index page is cleaner and the register script is separate, so any changes to it are easier to figure. Just my take on it. You would need to adjust the index page to cause the register script to be called if you make the changes you are considering.
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