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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. There are only 22 errors... Some pages don't get that few... :unsure:But seriously, all of those appear to be caused by failing to urlencode the Ampersand in the link. If possible, simply change the "&" in the link to the html entity for Ampersand, which is "&" (no quotes), and the errors will go away. If the Ampersand is coming from another script, that script should be Modded to echo the html entity rather than the ampersand. Poof! errors all gone... that easy.
  2. Plant more tress. They use water, yes, but they also filter it and cause the water to stay in the ground by avoiding runoff ( the root systems ) and promote a healthy eco-system for providing cleaner water , lumber, and if they are allowed to decompose, a natural fertilizer for better soils and a micro-biotic environment. Every part of the Planet would benefit if we weren't chopping down all the trees...
  3. get a real editor... I suggest context ... google it... it is a freebie http://blogic14.blogspot.de/
  4. To begin with, place the DocType Declaration as the first line in the file. Having it on the third line is causing 37 warnings on your page. Also, xhtml requires closing of the br tags , so replace them with "<br />".And what Browser are you using to view the page in?That is all we can do until you make the above changes. Post back here once these alterations are made, and the repairs can continue....
  5. Google adsense is supposed to be good. It allows for styling the ads to suit your site and there are several 'formats' to select from.As for payment, well, they do pay, but there is a $100.00 minimum, I understand, so that takes a whole bunch of traffic and clicks to earn. Good luck with it.
  6. I hate seeing that on a site. I realize that you are simply looking for some feedback, but this is not really required on the page. We realize the site is a work in progress.... Nice job, by the way. Looks good.
  7. Careful Imtay22.I have also got involved in other Free Hosting services offering large storage and bandwidths and the next thing you know, your access is cut off, files gone and never any explanation. Also, use a disposable email address. Your Spam box might take a beating from these guys selling your address or Spammers getting hold of your account because they don't secure the server properly.Best Free Hosting I have ever found is right here at the Xisto. But it might not hurt to check them out. Write a review back here sometime soon.
  8. Yes, advertising is allowed on your site Hosted at the Xisto. All that and more is found by reading the Terms of Service as found in the Xisto readme file.
  9. Gophers (well, their holes and tunnels) are a hazard if you have Livestock, but other than that, they simply hang around and play chicken with moving vehicles as they cross the Highway. Darwin in action, I guess...
  10. XAMPP is a software package which installs a copy of the Apache Server, Mysql, PHP and Perl onto a Windows computer and allows for local development of PHP and Mysql scripts without the need for uploading onto your Hosting account to test for errors, etc. A really simple to install set of softwares for those who need it. The manual install of all of these softwares can be difficult, but the Installer supplied by XAMPP reduces the difficulty factor down to a single download and essentially a one-click install.SKYPE is a software which allows using the Internet to make phone calls and also offers a Chat service within the same software package. Works well. For a small fee, you can also have Skype become your phone provider, somehow, I am not exactly certain how it all works but apparently it is cheaper than a land line and works for cell phones, too.Now, the purpose of this Tutorial is to explain that I have had XAMPP installed for a couple of months now, and have never had any problems with it that weren't my own doing, sort of. Like when you delete a folder and those scripts won't run any more isn't really a software issue, is it.Recently, I have not been able to use the Apache Server on my machine and have been perplexed by why it didn't work. I un-installed, downloaded a new version, re-installed, etc, several times, but nope, no go... Today it became an absolute neccessity that I test a script so I really needed the Xampp to be properly functioning, so away I go to the Google thing and try to find the problem.Well... I have only had Skype for a couple of weeks now, and it works terrific, BUT, by searching out this problem, I discovered that Skype uses PORT 80 on the Computer as a secondary PORT for communicating with the Main Server. Guess which PORT Apache uses??? Right, PORT 80... CONFLICT...The fix is as simple as firing up Skype, selecting TOOLS > OPTIONS > Connections and un-checking the use of PORT 80 as an alternative port for incoming calls. Then close and re-open Skype. Simple, easy and quick.So save yourself a bunch of headaches and if you have an Apache Server installed and also want Skype to run along side it, this is the fix...* Edit*Aug 02/2012Just installed xammp and skype on a new laptop and the procedure has changed a little bit.In Skype, select Tools > Options > Advanced > Connection and then un-tick the Port 80 selection
  11. jlhaslip


    Sure would be nice if you included more information in your Introduction. There isn't enough there for most members to reply to.
  12. Mod_security is an Apache Module which is set to run by the Server Admins and I don't think there is anything you as a user can do about that one. Have you submitted an email to support@Xisto.com explaining this problem? Only the Server Admins would be able to overcome this one.and the Mod-security Module is most likely causing the 500 error, too. If there is a conflict between SMF and the Mod-security Module, I am certain the Server will cause the scripts to fail. Best approach is the email to Support.
  13. I use Thunderbird for my Email client, too. I also filter incoming emails through Gmail and or Yahoo! to avoid Spam from reaching the Thunderbird client. Set Spam blocking rules in those web-based mail services and the junk gets deleted before Thunderbird, and it saves having to pick through the junk to get to the stuff you actually want to receive.
  14. You are catching on to the whole purpose of the EVIL Society... might want to create an Application for Membership. Click here to apply...
  15. Go to your cpanel > file manager > public_html and confirm that all your files are there inside the public_html folder.Fantastico is simply a software which allows you to install or un-install other software, like phpBB, etc.What are you trying to do with the fantastico? If you need to install something, there are other methods, like simply download the package and do a manual install of the software you need. Post some details and particulars, please. Simply reporting that fantastico is not available doesn't allow us to assist you fully. We need to know what you are trying to do, too.
  16. Are you using a Bookmark or Favourites to reach cpanel? If so, this might be part of the problem. Cpanel versions have been changed recently and older Bookmarks need to be reset. Delete the existing bookmark, use the standard format (h t t p:// www .subdomain .trap17.com/cpanel) to go to the cpanel for your subdomain and create a new bookmark. I have no problem reaching cpanel. Been there twice today already.
  17. Mod_security is an Apache Server Module according to the php_info for the Xisto Hosting server (gamma). It acts like a firewall/security module for the Server. Possibly you need to submit an email to support@xisto.com to seek assistance with this difficulty.
  18. Consistency is critical. Do a fast 330 or 440 at the start to position yourself in the front third, then throttle back to a pace which you can maintain for the next mile and a bit, while saving enough for a good sprint at the end in case you need to catch someone. I believe you will have better times if you run "even" quarters, except the opening and closing ones. So, I guess the answer would be the first and last mile should be at the same pace, except reverse the fast 440's. I had my best results in 10 K or better when the opening mile was the same (or similar) to the closing mile. A bit harder to do in the 2 mile you are talking about, but consistency is better for your overall times. A fast first mile will kill you if you can't maintain it for the second mile. Break it down into smaller sections, like 440's as I suggest, and run evenly during the middle portion. Carry a stopwatch for your splits. And time those 220's you are do as rep's from your other thread to figure the 'pace' you are training at in order to get a feel for how hard you are running during those reps... adjust your quarters to something like this: 1:20, 2 @ 1:25, 2@1:30, 2 @ 1:25, 1:20 I didn't do the math, but this should work to break 11:30... You are very close to your target here, practice, practice and practice will do it for you... But you need to time those 220's and learn to 'feel' the pace of your running speeds. Target those for around 35 seconds to test your conditioning and to be able to put two of them together to achieve those 1:20 quarters. Too fast at the opening will drain you for the last half. Best encouragement I can offer is those 5 seconds will be easy compared to the 5 seconds you will need to drop at a faster time, but as you gain strength and conditioning, it will come for you. Best of luck, keep us informed of your success in this...
  19. Dang, i just uninstalled MS SQL Server and a bunch of other stuff that might have been required to check this out... I think I will stick with php for now simply because I already have the XAMPP Package installed...
  20. Here is a sample of a training program I had once upon a time, when I could run all day and most of the night... Run a 220 at 90% speed, jog a 220, then repeat. 20 in a row with no stopping. That is 5 miles straight. A couple miles for warm-up before and a couple miles cool-down after... For a switch, turn them into 330's or 440's... or combine them into 220, followed by a 330, then a 440 with a jog 220 in between each length. ... repeat 8 times or so ... but you really need to be in top form for these exercises, else you will hurt something. Best to have a solid core conditioning program behind you.. Used to do 120 miles per week... total, Speed work Spring and Fall, Conditioning in the Winter and lots of Competiions during the Summer, that is way too many...
  21. Wally Schirra Jr passes at age 84. Recognized as a pioneer of the US Space program, he actively participated in the Mercury, Gemini and the Apolla programs. More details found here.
  22. Generalized reply. Not suggesting anyone was attacked here, in this thread, or on the Boards in general, misanthrope. The word you attempted to use, and found a remedy for, can be a threatening word when used in a personal attack, so that is the explanation I was trying to portray when referencing the 'attack'. I am certain you never had any such intention.Sorry for any misunderstanding.
  23. Word Censors are in effect for the benefit of the younger members and to discourage the possibility of slandering other members. There is no need to attack others here. Unfortunately, the word censor has a couple of side effects.
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