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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Someone is using javascript to access your mail form by injecting email addresses into the Bcc header of the mail() function. Test for the injection and void the action by using php to check for the header prior to sending the mail. Here is a function to void the string if it contains the injection: http://www.larryullman.com/tag/reading/?6,28810
  2. check the date on the original posting, and the URL.The site was being tested 6 or 7 weeks ago for a school project. Class or course is likely finished and off the net by now.closing this topic... PM a Mod to have it re-opened.
  3. try this one : http://www.dagondesign.com/articles/secure-mailer-script/ works as a standalone or embedded in your site pages. excellent script.
  4. As Ghostrider says, the logic is all the same, so you are a step ahead of most people. And if your Cobol experience includes Databases, (which it probably does), it places you leaps ahead of a new "web language" user.My background includes some Cobol, Basic and Fortran. Php is easily learned if you have any Programming at all. The biggest thing you will need to learn would be the distinction between what can be done Server side and what can be done Client side. But Ajax is closing that gap, too.Good luck in your endeavours. Looking forward to seeing the progress you will make.By the way, search the Tutorials and review a couple of them which discuss setting up the XAMPP or WAMP Installations. Each of them provide a PHP parser, a MySql Server, and enough software (ie: phpadmin) to allow you to build and test all of your Applications. With an XAMPP set up on your machine, all you need is a decent Text Editor, and there are lots of them available. Personally, I use ConText.
  5. Well, aside from the difficulties you are experiencing with php as per the above reply, it appears that you have tackled a difficult task. The Tutorial you are using has MySql code, but you are using an MS Access Database, so there is one problem there.Also, it appears to me that the site files you have zipped are a collection of several different Tutorials using various files and methods which you are not quite familiar with. What i mean by this is that the Tutorial you link to above includes nothing about Lost Passwords, but your site files do...I suggest you scale down the Features you are trying to implement for now. Go back to the original Tutorial and start over. This time, simply set the goal of allowing users to Register and Log-in. Build your database and tables according to what you have available, either mysql or Access, don't mix them... Forget about verifying sessions, setting cookies for now. You can add those features later, similarly the Lost password feature. Go back to a basic Log-in system to start with.If you only have access to Access, find a Tutorial that uses the ms Access method, otherwise download and Install a WAMP or XAMPP to set up php and mysql servers on your Localhost for testing purposes.. those are my recommendations...
  6. which tutorial? can you post the link, please.
  7. First thing to change is to add the php start and stop tags to the conn.php.When a file is "included", it is parsed as html unless you identify it as a php file by inserting the "<?php" and "?>" tags before and after. It might be that the con.php is not firing up the connection? because it isn't being id'd as a php file...
  8. Can you post the code or supply a link to a zipped file, please.Someone will look at the whole thing and advise what they find, but until we see the code, we will only be guessing at the potential fixes...
  9. The Canadian Dollar closed today at $.917 against the US dollar, the highest closing value since 1977.The last time it was this high, Pierre Elliot Trudeau was Prime Minister, Jimmy Carter was sworn in as President and gas was 21 cents CDN a litre. Gas locally is $1.309 CDN per litre today. (3.7 litres per US gallon).Wow! That is a HUGE change from about 3 years ago when the exchange rate was in the low 60's.Any impact from this recent rate closing? You bet... Export of Goods and Services will slow down since Canadian products will 'cost more' vis-a-vis the US Dollar, jobs will be lost in the Canadian Manufacturing and Tourism Industries and likely Interst Rates will climb, allowing the Banks to get richer ... Any impact on you or anyone you know???
  10. Before you send them your Bank Account information, send it to me and I'll put some money in it for you...
  11. IE6 and earlier don't like png format. Microsoft doesn't work with them properly until IE7, but there is a javascript solution you can find on the Web. (Google it)I think MS tried to force their users to use jpg and Gif formats, but the web simply refused to bow under, so the png format is becoming more popular.
  12. Also, IE6 and earlier won't be liking the png file types...
  13. Just wondering if the file size for those really LARGE images exceeds the max file size for uploads?How many megs are they and what are the server limits for max file size?
  14. No. xhtml is a language used to display information in your web browser. Mysql is a language for storing/retrieving information to/from a database. Use a Server side scripting language (php or Asp) to have the mysql data displayed on your xhtml pages.
  15. The "old wives tale" i use is to plant things on the first Full Moon following this May 24 th weekend. It hasn't failed me yet... Potatoes are going in this weekend, though. And possibly Onions sets and Wax Beans from seed if I have time... *edit follows this line * Anytime this week is a good time to plant were I am in the Western Provinces of Canada. There was frost last week twice. Very light, but it would've been enough to kill small plants, so this will be the heavy gardening week. Onion sets, lettuce, beans, etc will all be planted this week. Happy gardening.
  16. If you know where he lives, send a PM to an Evil Group Member and maybe we could have our annual convention at their house, or at least in their garage... since the house would not be there after we were done with the {EVIL} experiments we have planned... :)Just kidding, of course. We don't have an Annual convention...
  17. I use a 14 HP Craftsman that works just fine. Grade is about 4 ft rise in 30 ft, so it isn't exactly flat around here either... Be sure to ride straight up or down the grades. Don't ride "sidehill" or bad things can happen. 26 HP sounds like an Industrial/ Commercial Model to me. And TROY_BILT Tillers are awesome, or used to be...
  18. This site author has written some excellent php/mysql books and I imagine the C++ book is of the same quality.Based on the php books of his that I have used, I would suggest you inspect the book he has written on C++. Excellent stuff.
  19. Wordpress is a Content management System/ Blogging software. It can do either or both functions. Quite versatile as you can see from their test site as posted above. Lots of Skins/templates available for it. And as secure as they come, too. Of course, security is usually an expression you use to describe your site until it gets Hacked... No software is 100 % secure...
  20. Okay on the credit amount. I modded the first one a little bit for timing and the direction the turtle is heading. Nothing serious. I'll send them right along...
  21. GFX Request - non-siggy --> Image Animation required I have a need for some graphics work. A (non-paying) client (friend) requires the following changes to an image. 1. have the Turtle take 3 steps back 2. turn 180 degrees 3. pause for a moment 4. reverse the actions 1 and 2, returning the turtle back to its original point. First, this needs to be done using a single Turtle Image found here and Secondly, with a "group" of 6 Turtles as found here. Thirdly, a gif format of the result is required for this image... The net effect I am looking for is for these turtles: to appear to enter into a discussion, leave the discussion as single entities, then resume the discussion again... I will trade credits for this job to the member who is successful in completing the task. Credit quantity to be discussed and negotiated in advance. Please post your intention to attempt this modification to avoid conflicts with other members. Any questions, please pm me, thanks...
  22. And the Local Health Board (or whatever it might be called) is who should be enforcing the Standards and Rules for Food Handling, infestation, etc. Call them to report this problem. If you can't find a local Health Board, start by calling the Municipal office (city hall) or the equivalent.
  23. Can you post some code for us to look at please.And a link to your site Forum so we can do a view source. Thanks.
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