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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Yes, been using it for a couple of months now. Works awesome...
  2. Can you use a 'back-up' feature of their 'c-panel' to store a copy locally, re-create the database in the new location and re-store to the second database from the 'back-up'?
  3. Another major consideration on the 4 or 5 character limit to the search function is the Server Resources required to reduce that limit. The Servers are "shared", so every time you do a search, quite a few of the Server Resources are committed to the Search capabilities. If you reduce the character spread on the search pattern, the resources required to perform the search with fewer characters is greater than a simple ratio of the number of characters. Each character you drop geometrically adds to the requirements, so there is that to consider as well. The trade off for the search size versus the resources available versus the Server demand for those resources. This is a MySql thing.
  4. What about 12:34 5/6/7? AM or PM, so twice a day it would be the same thing.. And co-incidently, I know someone borne on this date in 1956, so the birthdate is "5/6/56"
  5. Perhaps you could add a sample page to the Tutorial posting so others can see how it works???You have covered some good ground here. Lots of functions and programming design tips there. I'll test it out later.
  6. Actually, mermaid, the Protein from meat is not "required" in our diets. I would encourage you to read the book "A Diet For a Small Planet" where they discuss the concept of 'complimentary' foods. Certain foods, when eaten together provide better and more nutrition than if consumed individually. And there are many cultures where grains, and legumes(beans), are the major components of the culture's diet with very little meat of any kind included in their diets.One example, as I recall is the combination of grains and milk products. Did you have a bowl of cereal this morning? Then you are already practicing 'complimentary' foods. The next step is to remove all the 'processing' from the foods you eat. Oatmeal is processed minimally and is better for your digestion and health than heavily processed 'breakfast cereal' where they remove some of the healthiness from it in the processing of the grains. Likewise, Brown rice is better than White rice which is healthier than plasticised "Minute" rice and whole wheat bread is better than "white" breads, etc.All things considered, it is better to take a few extra minutes to prepare wholesome food than the 'fast foods' we consume in North America, and not just at McD's and other restaurants. Packaged foods are not as tasty, nor as healthy, as home-cooked foods. Generally.
  7. Indeed, it is relaxing, and promotes a wonderful stress-free attitude in your mental processes. I once studied it, but then fell by the wayside.I used to run competitively and used yoga as a daily and pre-race stretching technique. It also calmed me prior to races. As I got older, I continued to train for running as a recreational sport, not racing the competitive circuit and slowly dropped the Yoga from my schedule. Since the last 10 or 12 years, I have not been running at all, and I miss the stretching. It sure would be a good thing to do since I am now over 50 and need the stretching now more than ever before.
  8. Pretty cool. Looks like something from the Sixties... :unsure:Yes, I've been listening to some old late 60's / early 70's Rock and Roll this morning...
  9. I think you have already done what you should have done. Report this to a responsible Adult in the School system and the next thing you need to do is avoid (if possible) these boys for a little while, until they have learned their lesson from whatever punishment they receive from the "pinkslip". I don't know what all the "pinkslip" entails at your school, but in my day, a pinkslip was pretty serious and was typically one step removed from a suspension. The third pinkslip was an automatic three days off school. period. No questions about that.Nobody needs to accept their behavior. They need to learn from this lesson, and the boy who touched you certainly needs to learn by this mistake. As well as those who might have been provoking him. Even if they were only laughing or chuckling, that would be enough to promote his behavior. It is a sexual form of Bullying and there is no room for Bullying in any form. IMHO.Next time, before the situation develops to the point where you feel threatened, leave the area at your earliest opportunity, find an Adult and report them again. Unless you are strong in your convictions, they will consider you an easy prey. Deal with it early and the problem will go away.
  10. https://www.google.com/maps/preview?f=q&hl=en&om=1&source=newuser-ws Check out step 24... HA!
  11. Above was copied from http://www.tutorialsroom.com/tutorials/details/thumbs_db.html
  12. They way I heard this one was with the following punch line:"Oh don't start that *BLEEP* in here. This is my Closet..." replied the preacher.
  13. Welcome, Enjoy. glad you like it so far. It only gets better once you have Hosted Status.Moderators and other members are here to assist you with any difficulties and please read the Xisto readme file for all you need to know about maximizing your experience here.
  14. Yes, congrats on the advanced step and we should all be here if you have more questions...
  15. Is Free cheap enough??? http://forums.xisto.com/topic/46612-free-domain-name-free-domain-for-life/ Please read the Alerts and Notices each time you visit in case there is something important to know. For CHEAP paid Domains, see here
  16. Provided your Hosting service already allows for PHP, simply upload the files into the web-accessible folder (public_html or www here at the Xisto) and reference the "index" file from your web browser. It might also be advised to modify your .htaccess file to have the "index.php" page listed as your start page instead of index.html or index.htm (depending on what is normally used on your Host). There is a tutorial about this in the Tutorial section here . I believe you might also be able to install this package into a folder and reference the index by subfolder, but I am not certain about that. Otherwise, simply renaming (or deleting ???) the original index.html might work for you ...IF... index.php is already defined in the Host's list of DirectoryIndex files. Might need to play with that to sort it out. Hosting on your own local machine is one thing, but it is not reccomended or advised to use your Local machine to Host live onto the Web. there are security concerns and your Internet Service Provider may not allow it. Browse or search through the Tutorials here on the Xisto because i know this has already been discussed in another Thread.
  17. Already covered this. I will merge your post with the other tutorial. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/35271-templating-system-using-php-includes-building-a-dynamic-site-using-includes-and-flat-files/
  18. try : https:// "subdomain" .qupis.com:2083/frontend/rvlightblue/addoncgi/cpaddons.html?addon=cPanel::Ecommerce::AgoraCart without the quotes and spaces in the "subdomain".
  19. might want to explain all these code snippets before a Mod does a plagiarism check.
  20. If you have already reset your Name Servers to Xisto, it takes 24 to 72 hours to propagate the domain, yes.And make certain to upload your new index.html into the public.html folder.
  21. A Xisto "sister Site". Xisto - Web Hosting also offers reseller accounts. Please consider that service, too. Since the Xisto - Web Hosting services effectively "pay" for the Xisto Free Web Hosting and this Forum, it would be a good thing to do.And announcing a competitive service on these Forums is impolite.
  22. Did you notice that it took three weeks to build that site? I wonder if most of that was looking for the Background???
  23. The Cho incident was at Virginia Tech. The full name of the school is "Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University" in Blacksburg, Virginia.
  24. So you got credits over there? And posted there first? Sorry, no credits for this one. Original material for credits only, thanks.
  25. Actually, it probably is a melting iceberg. They would use this on Earth Day to indicate the dangers of Global Warming and the impact it will have on the Earth in the near future. Global Warming is an issue which must be dealt with soon, or the effects may become irreversible. And as Stewards of the Planet, we must not allow that to happen.
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