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Everything posted by wild20

  1. I think the reason is because all income is legally considered your parents until you are eighteen. This basically means that companies don't want to be giving money to you in your name if you are under eighteen because it is really your parents. So you need a parent to sign up and then give the money to you. It is pretty simple.
  2. It sounds like it isn't detecting the software. If you have a Windows XP, it automatically detects and installs it. Also, what are you installing? A CD? A floppy? Maybe you could be a little more specific. Maybe then I could understand your problem a little better. Thanks!
  3. I would try a site that shows all the people visiting. Like site meter. they show all the IP's and would let you know if someone is coming several times. Of course, you wouldn't be able to ban them, but you would know. The problem is that it could change. But you would at least have a good idea. Worth a try. Also, do you advertise on traffic exchanges? This means people would come on and leave spam for the fun of it. If you advertise on google or blog, then people would be more genuine when stoping by. Maybe even get a guestbook that requires email to be put in. Most people would fake it, but it might work. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  4. Nice find dude! No more neomail! This means easy webmail checking for all domain holders. The question is, will it work for subdomain holders like us? And do we even have the capability to hook ourselves up with a service like this?Google is the main topic of discussion here. What I am wondering is this. Will they hold up forever, or collapse under a build, dominate, collapse pattern? I certainly hope not, yet I wonder. Also, like you De Livi said, it looks like employies are getting benefits than us! I hope they make those available to us. Hey nice find, thanks.
  5. There are a lot, but they pay for that hosting. You can't have it all and I think they are fine. So relax. As long as you get good hosting with no ads, you shouldn't complain. It said the hosting had no ads, not the forum. Some get on my nerves, like the smileys, but I just don't roll over them. I actually like the games though
  6. Wow! I see Disney is making out with the money bags. What gets me is the fact that they role in money, and still want more of it. Pretty sad really. I have been to one, two, three, and I think nine. One more thing, Disney World is bigger than Disney Land.
  7. Yeah I saw it. It is really cool. Google is always one step ahead of everyone. Doesn't that beat all? And google always has the best too. everyone else sits and tries to get a living while google just goes right on by This new feature will be really nice for chatting. Now you don't have to open Google chat by itself.
  8. Anything and everythig guys. If nothing else, just write it and PM it to me. You really have nothing to lose. Like I said, I just need a lot of tutorials fast.KuBi:Thanks. PM reply sent to clarify linking procedure.
  9. Okay I see. I guess I just don't like the fact that those bottom tables with all the recent topics and recent posts are gone. I keep going down there to look at them. So you imagine my frusteration when I go down there and find NOTHING! Just gets a little annoying. Hope you guys get it fixed. It does make the browsing experience a little less,..desirable.
  10. I am really sorry you are leaving, but there are more important issues to address here. You are lacking something in your life. Is it wanting to be worth something more? Not feeling like there is a point to being on this earth? I use to feel the same way until I found Jesus, or until He found me I should say. Suicide is pointless, it seals your fate in a way you can now not change. Computers are not going to help, family won't help you, nothing will. I found it all in Jesus Christ. I know some people find it dumb, and stupid, but there were too many miracles. The asnwer was somewhere and I found it.I wish I could help you some more. I feel that everyone has worth in the would. And deserves to have a place in it. Listen old buddy, you have helped me out a lot, and now it's my turn. If you ever need to talk, email me, i'm here. Justin_1390@yahoo.com
  11. I like it. The options and stuff are nice. But there is one problem. I can't see the shoutbox, and there is now last posted topics and last posts posts and the bottom of the screen. Which is where I find the best stuff to reply in and find stuff interesting. All there is now is similar topics which I can't reply to because some are years old which I hear you don't want us to bring back. That is the only probem with it. But nice on everything else.
  12. I know. If you have any time, just PM them to me, I will get them up once my website is up. But I WILL put a link up to your site. I doesn't matter how small the tutorial is, even if it just how to make a link or table. Anything! All I need is some of them I know, I sounds desperate, I just want to make it clear that if people come to get tutorials and don't find the one they want, there is a good chance they will go to a site on the tutorial, meaning more traffic for you
  13. Yes, and make them revert to one site. For instance, in this case, it would be easier to make the bigger company the one that gives the info, but keep both domains up. Another way would be to merge the companies and make a new website such as >hp-compaq.com<. Just an example, that is not a real website. A simple question and answer, so don't fret
  14. Okay, thank you. This is what I needed. I actually already have the MiniClip. But does it take a screenshot of your screen? And also, with that Prt Sc, does it print the screen, or let you look at it first? This was a big help guys. Thanks
  15. I searched the forums and could not find anything! This should be in vent, but it is about computers. How do you take a screen shot. I would like to know how to do this in both Windows XP and Windows 95/98. I have been trying to find this, but don't know how. Thanks guys in advance since I know most of you can do this
  16. I hope this post is in the right place. I need people to write tutorials which will be put on a website and a few forums. All credit will be given to you as well as a link going to your site if it is clean. I do thios because I want to make my site known for tutorials and news. If you write tutorials for me, then I will put them on forums as samples to my site and forum to draw people in. By writing the tutorials, you ARE saying that you are giving me the right to publish them. But remember, where ever the tutorials go, so does a link to your site, the more you write for me and the more I put them around, the more your link is viewed. Here is how it works. I have a site that I created as a online newspaper. I also have forums too. I want to give them a good site rank in search engines. All the tutorials will be on my site and the forums. Each one you write will have a link back to your site. This gives both of us traffic. If you want to do this, PM me your tutorial and a link to your site with what you want the link to say. I will put it up.
  17. I am pleased to say that I got 1643 on this addicting little game. It was quite hard. If you can make it past 600, you have a good chance, once you reach 1000, it gets a lot harder and you chances go down. Anyone care to beat me? A little match maybe? Anyway, thanks for posting this jae-unit.
  18. Thank you for the update. I am lucky. I was surfing a window poped up and said that my Virus scan deleted and cleaned a file infected with a Trogan. So I was lucky that time. It is sad when you have to have a scanner to protect your computer from the things you surf on. Like the Internet. I just did a scan two days ago, so I should be safe. Thanks for the news.
  19. Okay thanks Adly. Could you PM a link to me? I just need a good program to advertise with. I will do link exchanges, but I also want banner exchanges. So please post them here. also Adly, does this site require you to put ads on your homepage? Thanks.
  20. Not bad. That is quite a bit larger than earth. But of course, it is in comparision smaller than most other planets. Out of our solar system, most planets, or floating masses, are much larger than anything here. The gravity on this planet would be great though. It would be more thana noticable difference and I think it would be interesting to see if this would impact heart functionability. You certainly wouldn't be able to run for very fast for very long, you would feel like you had weighted shoes on. Hmmm. I don't know, but it seems cool. Nice that they found it. Haven't seen it on the news though. Thanks for the nice post Cerebral.
  21. They did break laws. The husband should have been notified before the amputation took place. They didn't and since he was technically the legal decision maker, if you want to call it that, then they did break a law. Unless she would have been dead or damaged, I think they could have spared the half hour to talk to him.
  22. I can see it now. Rare sports food and collectibles. Bring your money bags today. By a jar of air and a 25 year old soda and get hotdog free! Can you imagine. The next Bill Gates. You're looking at him right here.lol Nice Cerebral. People will buy crazy things. A french fry going for two hundred dollars! I believe there should be a study. See what people would buy for what price
  23. It asked me to delete the Public_html folder, would that cause this to happen? I know that file had a whole bunch of stuff in it. It is hosted on a server that I have usernames and pass for, I may have to create another account. Thanks for your help, it would be great if you could answer these last few question. Thanks.
  24. Okay, so I tried installing a CMS (content management system) called typo30. I had a Public_html file that it asked me to delete. So I did. I tried to install it and this is what I get: Warning: fopen(/home/jcweekly/public_html/fantastico_fileslist.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 169Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 172Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_installation_func.inc.php on line 1741) File: /home/jcweekly/public_html/typo3conf/localconf.php [ERROR! ]2) File: /home/jcweekly/public_html/data1.sql [ERROR! ]3) File: /home/jcweekly/public_html/data2.sql [ERROR! ]4) File: /home/jcweekly/public_html/data3.sql [ERROR! ] Anyone have a clue on what this is? Something is wrong here. I can't access my site or login, meaning these warnings made my site in-accessable. I could un-install it, but I would like to find out what happened first as it would most likely happen again. Thanks in advance.
  25. I like it except the ending could have been a little better I find the best way to finish it is something like. "This book is both informative on pioneer life, as well as the details of their hard life that went along with it." (Just what I would do depending on your style) But I would suggest starting a little bit earlier. Hey tell us how it goes if you can. Good luck!
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