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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. truefusion is right, the site looks different from browser to another. i tested it in opera and firefox. also i think you should work more on the whole layout structure, it should be fit with each other, for example the white line under welcome is shifted to the right. the copyrights should be centered or shifted to the left. and i think that there are better jquery image slideshow, check this link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i like the header, you did a great job choosing this painting, it fits with the background color, but i think the quotes should be in a smaller font. other than that it looks great, well done.
  2. congratulation...i just noticed...

    so you are now from T17 GFX Crew...

    happy for you...i know it was your wish and you deserve it...have fun...:)

  3. hmmm..so the orange watermelon made it to the forums....:)

    it is a wrong place watermelon...people will eat you alive here...:D

  4. hi ruhi,welcome here in Xisto community. the members here are helping each other in any problem they face. especially in web designing. i hope you will have fun here and enjoy sharing and contributing in discussions. good luck and nice place you live in.
  5. hi aizeebaby,welcome in Xisto community. i hope you will have fun here and enjoy posting and sharing others your opinions and thoughts. keep on posting and contributing in discussions and good luck.
  6. hi nid2210,welcome to Xisto community. the community here is very helpful and cooperative, as you will see soon. so do your best in posting good quality posts to earn enough mycent to get your free hosting or domain name. hope you luck in the forums and in your site, have fun.
  7. and i was about to say use opera even i guessed it won't help because it is not a browser issue since i have firefox either and the site working fine in it and all images appear in their place. i guessed he did something in his setting but i didn't have an idea where. so thanks to deadmad for pointing that for him and for us to keep that in mind in the future.
  8. hi thaiscorpion,welcome in our community. i hope you will have fun here, sharing others your thoughts and knowledge. and i want to wish you luck with your site, and feel free to ask anything you need. members here are so cooperative. waiting for your site to be online and for you start posting and contributing in discussions, enjoy.
  9. i found some links of free flash players, i hope they will help a little http://www.dewplayer.fr/ the instruction of installing it is within the page, and if you are using wordpress here is a link to wordpress plugin http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this is another flash player, you can pick a one and check the documentation to know how to use it http://flash-mp3-player.net/ another one http://www.flashmp3player.org/ for your second demand, i think this could be the one you need. a simple and free flash player that plays automatically when your site loads. http://www.hooverwebdesign.com/flash/free-music-player.html and this one too do the same work http://download.cnet.com/Website-Music-Player/3000-2168_4-10512716.html check those, and if you want more i can point you for more links, good luck.
  10. good one zanzibarjones, i like your work. glade to have one more designer in here . hope we will have more entries, good luck for all.
  11. Oh, it is spooky deadmad, and scary too like a ghost walking in my living room . but it is fine for the first attempt, and do your best next time. good luck and thank you for sharing. p.s: please stay away fro the ghost scary music .
  12. back again...unfortunately, life could be so empty when you trappers are not around...you are in my life is so many ways...and i am glade to say so...:)

    1. web_designer


      oh....the robo cop appears..did i misspel anythng her ...maybeyes :)

    2. deadmad7


      oh noes! youz betters gives me la job senor abc!

    3. web_designer


      oui...s'il vous plait monsieur...moi aussi...je veux travailler...:)

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  13. yeah zanzibarjones please do, more entries mean more fun, waiting for yours and good luck. i do notice a lot of things in here you can't imagine i can let you go with that , but really i wonder why did you change it ?? and between: editing your posts will decrease your mycent, you do know that, right?? so be careful and don't do it unless it is a necessity.
  14. this is a pretty good topic zanzibarjones,i think that every human has intelligence, but in different rates. therefor there are students who understand the whole lesson from one time, and there are students who understand the same lesson but after reading it many times. also i think there is no one is stupid but he doesn't know how to use his intelligence or didn't get the chance to enhance his intelligence. if he was stupid then how could he live and deal with all the issues in his day life??but unfortunately, people usually judge someone as intelligent person or not according to the progress of his studies. and this is completely wrong. because i witness many persons in my own life who are failed in their studies but they succeed in their life. even for studies, parents should be more aware of what their children interest before forcing them to study a certain subject. for example, if i noticed that my child have a high grades in math and physics and low grades in history and art, i shouldn't force him to attend an art school or something related to memorizing, but i should encourage him to attend a school related to math and formulas and vice versa. and of course we are as human, i do believe that forcing ourselves to learn more and more, and keep learning new experiences and keep studying will help us to increase our brain capabilities, and will help us more in our life. i remember reading a research about the power of the human brain, and how we could keep on studying for 14 or 18 hours, non stop and it keeps in its high performance. well i tried it before and i lived so it is all depend on us and what we want to do in life and how much we could push ourselves to do our best.
  15. making friends is the most important thing that you should learn in your early childhood. now even you know how to do that or you don't, either ways it seems you failed to have friends in your life till now. but the good news is you are still young and you have a long time to learn, BUT you should start doing that from now on. i won't say it will be easy to be done, because socializing and learning to share part of your life with others need a lot of power. you should learn how to share them your interest and share them theirs. you should learn to listen to them and be there for them. help them and expect them to help you either of course. it is a whole new experience in your life you will learn a lot from it and make you to be a better person in the future, and of course you will enjoy every second of it . and from what i can see fro your words, you are prepared to be in such experience. and i know if you do your best, you will have a lot of friends who will appreciate your friendship. just do your best and take the first step and everything will be alright. but please try first to pick your friends, for not get disappointed. try to find friends that you think they have the same way of thinking, and share you your interests and ideas. this way, things will be easier for you to get along with them. hope you luck.
  16. i agree with linekill, it is the only way to identify the current page. and you have may options, you can set a different color in your css file, set a different background color, or change a font weight or add a hover. good luck.
  17. i wonder why deadmad changed his words from " i want to beat web designer" or something to unleash his powers!!
  18. hahaaa, you are right..i didn't noticed that before..you..little CIA agent...stop doing jonnyabc job..or you will turn to a robo CIA agent...:)

  19. i am so sorry for you zanzibarjones, and i can't state any opinion here because i don't have an experience in working in USA brfore. but i think you have a contract and there should be some rules in it that protect your rights!!!i mean, is it normal to get fired suddenly just if he gave you a notice two weeks ago??i hope others who live in USA give some opinions that may benefit you.cheer up, and good luck.
  20. hey guys, you have an interesting work in here. deadmad i liked your first one more. it is mixed better than the second one. the second one like containing gabs here and there. the third one is better than the second one, and it reminds me of the intro music in video games . but in general you did a good job. rob yours is a good piece too, i liked it. it reminds me of jungles. you did a unique beat in here, so post more when you can, i would love to hear more from you.
  21. hmm, i never thought of that before, or in fact i never do it in the account i am talking about now, but it is a very reasonable idea. thanks for mentioning that to me. i will keep it in my mind to avoid the risks and to keep my account secure.
  22. good one deadmad i love your work. now i will post mine i do love competition, come on guys, give us more entry.
  23. wait for me knowledgesutra...i will come back...:)



      You are going to pay your bills, that way when you come back, we'll all be here. Right?

    2. deadmad7


      haha paying bills is a war now?

    3. web_designer


      haha you are so funny guys...noone was close enough..hard luck for all..:)..but i missed you all..back again KS...back again my friend...

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  24. ok you are getting confused because you are so close to them and since you know that it is not love then you are on the right way. now starting from the beginning, you are so close to them and can't be away from them. ok it is kind of complicated friendship. and i understand, when you feel you are so close to someone and he is so close to you mentally then you can't even think you maybe live a way from him. so, the right thing to do is to follow a schedule even this may look weird but i think it is the right way. now how?let's say you meet them twice a day, once in the college and once after college, for 5 days a week. and arrange something together to hang out in the week end. remember it is an example, so bear with me please . then make a schedule like the following: for 2 weeks: meet them everyday in the college, 3 times a week after college, and in the week end.the next 2 week: meet them everyday in college, 2 times a week after college, and in the week end.the next 2 week: meet them everyday in college, 1 times a week after college, and in the week end.the next 2 week: meet them everyday in college, no more meetings after college, and in the week end.the next 2 week: meet them everyday in college, no more meetings after college, and no more meeting in the week end.now you should stick of this schedule for a month to get used to it and now you have a normal relationship with them. from now on, you could arrange something to see them after college or in the week end, but don't over do it or you will return from where you began.what will help you follow this schedule is meeting new friends or calling old friends and arrange something with them, or get a new girl friend or visit your family, do new activities ..ect. i mean anything that keep your mind busy, hope this will help and good luck.
  25. oh god...that poor pussycat...

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