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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. i maybe have an explanation for you mahesh. i remember that i read in another topic that members who crossed 1000 posts or more, will start earning less mycent for each post. why i don't know?? . and that stated by one of the old active members but i can't remember who is he?? maybe ravelkass or saint_mcheal i am not sure. so may be this is the reason why you are earning less since you crossed 2000 posts . to make sure ask one of the old active members like you.
  2. GREAT idea livepcportal,you just read my mind, now what are you a magician or something i wanted to do the same idea but a different way, i want to ask admins if they could add a new category for member's sites and i mentioned that in this thread http://forums.xisto.com/topic/71816-where-are-you-trappers/page-4#entry497327any way, here is my answers:1- i have one blog.2- the main idea is to make my own site and learn all i want to learn about creating sites and showing others the way too. so it is a beneficial project for me as a web designer and for others.3- till now nothing i didn't add any ads yet only an amazon affiliate program and i got nothing from it till now . but i will concentrate on that in the future.4- according to my hint counter the unique visitors are about 3000 visitor.5- keywords are very difficult to deal with, right now i have my own fights to find the best keywords for my posts. and it can't be stated here because it depends on the tutorial i write. but keywords for my all site are: web design, web development, codes, coding...ect.6- i have an account and page on facebook, also i use twitter, RSS, and some social communities like digg, stumbleupon, reddit...ect.7- yeah i am satisfied with the work i do on my blog, but i think it needs more.8- hmmmm, nothing i guess .and by the way i started my blog about 9 months ago.
  3. no, i just use it in case i don't get the meaning of a word here or there. and it is the fastest way i know . and if you checked my profile you will know that i am not a native english speaker, english is my second language. but between it is not helpful when others start using american accent, then i should google words and google's translation not useful at all .
  4. now these are a real disappointing replies but unfortunately all of them are true. the forum is dying and personally, i don't know what to do . school, life pressure, far away members and not interesting new members all those are a direct reasons for not even having a worthy topics in here. well i think the most active topics are topics when people debating and i hate such topics, in my opinion they take us no where .but i think bani's idea is good, i noticed that too,most of the visitors here are from google's or other search engines. sometimes you can't find any member online but about 100 visitor. and i think if we added some more interesting things here then it will help a little like adding new categories. like anime section, since a lot of members here are teens and they are interesting in anime then it will interest them or a category for member's websites, there we can add member's sites showcase, and member's sites where we can talk about our sites. and maybe this could be a good idea, because it will encourage members to post, to get mycent and add links or thumbs to their sites here and talk about them. this will connect forum's members more and it will bring more new members to the forum and advertise what kind of members KS has.
  5. now believe me it is not that hard, i mean about the A,B,C'S columns. just fill your data under them and don't think of them and everything gonna be fine . to be able to delete when pups are sold. just click on the cell (one click not double click because we don't want to delete or change the contents of a certain cell but to delete it all). again, click on the line you want to delete> right click> delete> entire row> ok. and the same if you want to delete the entire columns or shifting cells. now i will give you some more useful tips to arrange your document: - to add a title to your document: click on the first cell, usually (A1) i mean the column A and the row 1 and write for example ( sheepdog pet shop)> click again on the cell when you wrote the title and drag the mouse till the column F to highlight all the cells from column A to F> in the toolbar search for this icon (merge and center) click on this icon and voila, you will have a header title to your whole document. - formatting your header title: click on your title's cell> right click> format cells> font> make it bold,18,green. and you can add border too from border tab.now you have a title header in different color. - adding numbers to the left side of the document: instead of typing numbers one by one there is an easier way in excel in cell (A2) again i mean column A and row 2 since row one is used before for the title> type 1> in cell (A3) type 2> and here is the magic, highlight both of the cells (that contain 1 and 2) and put your cursor on the right bottom corner then you can see that the cursor turned from thick plus sign or white cross to a thin plus sign or black plus> now drag it to row A26 , to get a list of numbers for your rows from (1-25), and every time you need to add more, just highlight the last two cells for example cells (A25 AND A26) to adjust the amount of increment you want and drag it to the desired number of the rows and it won't begin from 1 again but will add row's number to them. also to arrange your document you can narrow the numbers column ( in this case column A) by putting your cursor on the border of cell A and drag it to the left a little. and of course you can change the font format and color of the numbers by highlight all cells from A2 to A26> right click> format cells> from font tab choose font size 12 and color blue. - let's say that i forgot to add headers to each column to identify what my columns about, so let's say i want to add these headers: no., pup name, pup size, pup family, price and details and of course those should be under the title so we should add a whole new row after the title header: click on cell (A2)> right click> insert> entire row> ok now you can see that everything is shifting one row down so start typing the columns headers (no., pup name, pup size, pup family, price, details). and formatting them as we did before highlight all the header cells (from A2 to E2)> right click>format cells> from font tab choose bold, 16, blue> and from border tab choose outline border and also blue. from pattern tab choose a cell shade i picked a light gray shed. and then from each column border drag them right or left to give each column the required space. now your document will look like this and in print preview will look like this, by the way, i use print preview even when i don't want to print the document. i use it to make sure that my document looks fine. - if you want to add an overall border to the whole document: select or highlight your cells (from A1 to F27)> right click> cell format> in border tab choose outline and inside border. and here is how it will look like - to add a special format to overall document: select your whole rows and columns like before, (from A1 to F27)> from menu bar> format>auto format> and choose any one you want i took classic2 - if you have a lot of columns and it looks cut off in print preview, you can change the paper size from portrait to landscap from menu bar> file> page setup>from page tab click on landscap instead of portrait. that's all the necessary things i think you have to know, i hope you will have fun trying them, good luck .
  6. HAPPY 18 birthday akira...

    may god bless your day...

    and full your life with success and happiness...

  7. my dear sheepdog, the columns A,B,C,D and the rows 1,2,3 are only a way to help you to arrange your document. but they never appear when you print your document, any you can see that if you clicked on the "print" icon from the toolbar or "print preview" from file tab. so if you want to add a header to your document just write what you want under the columns, for example if you wrote under the column A, this means you are typing the header for your first column, and if you wrote under the column B that means you are typing the header for your second column and so on... and about the date you can change it from format> style> modify> date from date choose the one you want. and by the way i use microsoft office 2003, a little bit old but easy to use. please feel free to ask me if you want any further help or pm me. i hope i helped you a little, good luck.
  8. Thinking day and night..how long this thinking last?..till thoughts are fade..till mind is drained..reasons fly away..and solution never pass me by..new decisions…new beginnings..new life..with new hopes and new disappointments..where all those take me?…I am out of time..and I have no clue..to find my way..

  9. now, i am seriously thinking of changing the rules i put above and starting annoying members . i mean i am thinking of taking anwiii's idea of adding members without their permissions to the board, and send them the scary words "YOU ARE WANTED" .but i will do more than that, i will pm everyone who is been added to the board, and tell him about that and i will give him/her the choice to be removed from the board if he/she didn't want to. and i really think that this is a good idea, because members who are away and didn't come to the forum for a long time, will receive a notification in their email and then they will give the forum a visit and see what is all about?? so what do you think guys and girls??? good idea or not??
  10. ok, it is time to ask again, WHERE ARE YOU TRAPPERS????god, the whole past week the forum was dead and it is really irritated me i sometimes can't find a topic that interested me to reply on . i don't know where is the error now. things now are better than the past three or four months, mycent system is working again. and no more real errors or annoying bar in the footer or error in posting. i remember that things were better a month or two ago, so why now?? and what happened i don't know??new members post one or two topics and disappear, old members rarely come again. and i returned wandering alone here with chini, sometimes. even moderators and administrators don't come as they used to do before. so where is the wrong??? where is the active members?? where is everyone???
  11. ok i think this is time to withdraw my words and say, I DO LOVE CHATROOM better than the old shoutbox. now, we could talk in so many things without others know about . i mean we can talk behind people's back hahaa, just kidding. no, i mean now we can talk in more things than we used to talk in shoutbox, sharing ideas and opinions in a more private way especially with close friends, and forcing members to show more respect and understanding to other's opinions since we can talk in a more free way. we can even talk about silly things sometimes, well, everyone who comes to chat room a lot will know what i am talking about . especially when starting me and chini talking about makeup . so the chat room was a good choice after all.
  12. oh evil anwiii, you made me a fairy without wings but it is ok, i can fly without wings .and you didn't even made a wish,and this is against the rules of the game. but it is fine i will continue.hmm,i wish i can see the whole gang in the chat room again. it seems they are too busy to come in here like the used to do before .p.s: my gang are, anwiii, chini,h4l,bani,rob,kobra,opaque and me of course .
  13. i am out of speach..can't find the words.. a million though in my head..holding my pen..but all I write is scratches..nothing come out of me..i am lost in my own world..

    1. web_designer


      well in spiteof i can't write something useful...but i can at least state why...:)

    2. deadmad7
    3. anwiii


      and at least wd can try to state something original in her status. i can't say the same for you but you still have to question what she wrote?


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  14. hey livepcportal, thanks for sharing us all this. it is really interesting to see you running after your dreams in spite of studying and burdens of life. and even i am sorry for your accident and happy you are ok now but i must say that accident had a good side either, it reminds you of your dreams and was the reason for achieve it again. and that support my theory, everything in life happen for a reason and have two sides good and bad .now i support you that things in trap or Xisto is working so slow. and sometimes we can't find anything worthy to reply or post in. but still if you can find a way if you think hard and be active member. and i wish you luck and success in your sites, it is a big challenge now but if you put your heart in it, you can do it. and please, feel free to ask for help if you want to. i will be waiting to hear more about your projects soon good luck.
  15. See I was on the verge of breaking down..Sometimes silence can seem so loud..There are miracles in life I must achieve..But first I know it starts inside of me, oh..If I can see it, then I can do it..If I just believe it, there's nothing to it..I believe I can fly..I believe I can touch the sky..I think about it every night and day..Spread my wings and fly away..I believe I can soar..I see me running through that open door..I believe I can fly..

  16. oh teaching!!!i really hate teaching others. even my degree allows me to be a teacher but i canceled this idea from my head from the first day i graduated. teaching needs a lot of patience and to study your students personality, it needs time and courage to deal with them and a lot of patience to deal with dumb students . therefor i know it is not for me. once, i remember i tried to teach my little brother math for a couple of weeks and i ended fighting with him . it is really hard to deal with kids these days, and i really feel sorry for teachers and admire their hard working.
  17. i am not sure where to post that, since the upgrade problems are ended long time ago. but i thought this topic is the best place. i was wandering in the forum as usual and found broken links:- the overall posters navigates to "my conversation" in my profile. - in "members" tab i was trying to find a certain member according to the alphabetic order, but when i tried to use the "jump to page" feature which it should navigate me to a certain page number, it didn't. it just returned me to the page i was standing on.so, i hope one of the administrators see my post and fix them.
  18. I can make it through the rain...I can stand up once again...On my own and I know...That I’m strong enough to mend...And every time I feel afraid...I hold tighter to my faith...And I live one more day...And I make it through the rain....

  19. today is the last day in september...and i amready to say goodbye to all the sorrow and tears of this month...and start to let true smiles to enter my eart again...so farewell september...

    1. chini13


      there will be a lovely morning for u everyday :)

    2. deadmad7


      @adell - thats the same thing i was thinking!

    3. anwiii


      i am with chini. she couldn't have said it any better!

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  20. interesting information, i admit i am from those who click on accept without reading the rules. especially in registration in sites. thanks for telling me that.but between i must say that half of those rules are not implemented accurately. since i have two account and two profiles but with different email address of course.
  21. my home page is always and always GOOGLE. now i use opera browser, and in the speed dial i have the sites i open everyday. here is how my opera speed dial looks like. - my site, i mean my blog. - my portfolio, is been added a few days ago, really great feeling to have many sites to check them out . - Xisto, i am addicted on the forum you know . - facebook, my favorite second place of course. - google translate page, i use it a lot . - google, in case i was lazy to click on home icon. and yahoo mail, i have two yahoo accounts and received a lot of messages daily. and mostly i open it to check if there is something important, and sign out without deleting the messages .
  22. mahesh, thanks for your reply i am appreciated and it really made me smile . now, with gray color you mean the color of background?? and glade you liked the footer it took me 3 weeks to make it . i changed it 4 times before reaching the best idea. and by they way, they are fairies not butterflies . and yes only the links in menu is working the rest is not. i will set them when i buy a domain. great you liked the sparkle it is my favorite behind the footer. it took me a lot of time to find the perfect brushes set for that. thanks for suggesting that slider for me, but i couldn't find a demo to show me how it works, if you can give me a link for one of your sites to see how it works i will be appreciated. i found a lot of good slidshow in the internet, and most of them were good, but i chose this slideshow for a reason, i don't have a lot of work samples so i should choose a one show images one by one and has a unique thing. and your comment about the girl face was so funny, it is a shadow, silhouette in fact but what can say? men will be men . oh yes i should change that soon, i mean the language in the slider but what is it? i don't know.
  23. you should be more specific, like what designing program do you use? or you want widget for what kind of cms, wordpress joomla...ect. anyway, i will assume you know photoshop, and this is some links to show you how to make banners in photoshop http://www.tutorialguide.net/design/adobe_photoshop/ http://www.entheosweb.com/photoshop/banner.asp http://www.htmlgoodies.com/primers/ad_banners/a-quick-and-dirty-step-by-step-tutorial-lets-build-an-ad-banner-with-photoshop.html http://www.tutorialwiz.com/animated_banner/ http://www.mobile-pedia.com/Software/PhotoshopBanner and creating widgets, is a little harder. i am talking about wordpress widgets now, you need to know a little about design, css, and php if you want some active content in your widgets.
  24. i just noticed this topic, and i should say that even i commented on simpleton status. but this is not what i meant, yesterday i noticed that my site is hardly loading for a couple of hours but i didn't get any error. and even it took about 5-15 minutes or more to load but it loads after that, and sometimes i got a blank page. that's all and other than that i didn't have any error in my site. in fact yesterday i was in my cpanal updating some files. and today i checked it and it works fine.so seems my server works properly, and i can't complain really. hope your problems guys will be fixed soon, good luck.
  25. about updating wordpress to a newer version i tried it before about 2 months ago and got an error and was lazy to try this again. about updating themes and plugins, i don't think i have any problem with htem. since i am updating my site from time to time, but i will check it out. and i used FTP to access my cpanal and uploaded my portfolio files, and it worked great. i don't know if that will help you or not, i use FIREFTP to upload my files, it is an add-on to firefox, and it works great and fast.
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