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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. i am wondering am i the only one or the forum loads very slow to all of you???the whole last week i was hardly could open Xisto, it loads very slow that i feel boring from waiting and then close the whole page.add to that every time i log in the forum logged me off and when i log in again it keeps me online. and always i get a page of error when i log in the first time. so i really want to know, is this happening to everyone or it is just me?? maybe the forum doesn't like me anymore and decided to piss me off .and by the way, i tested my network connection and it works fine, all other websites load fast for me only the forum, i even checked that in many browsers. and what the weird thing is, all that happened in a sudden. therefor i am wondering what is going on here??
  2. hi,i want to work as a web designer/ developer freelancer online. but i can't find the best way to do that. till now, i signed up in freelancer.com, and i was placings bids there for more than a month but i didn't get ONE BID . even i offered the lowest price with the minimum days that job could be done. even after giving them samples of my work, and a brief about me and my skills. the last thing i am thinking of now, is "reviews". i think that employers choose freelancers with high reviews only, but how could i get reviews if i didn't win any bid!!??so,any advises, or new ideas could be helpful??or any other freelancer's websites recommended that anyone tried them before and how to work on them as a freelancer??any information or advices will help a lot, since i am new in this field, thanks in advance.
  3. well, if everything in your system working fine then really no need to worry about it or delete anything from your system file. and if your browser not working properly, try to reinstall it or upgrade it to the newest version, or use another one like firefox or opera and see what will happen.if you decided to delete that file any way, i suggest you to create a restore point before it. so that you can return your system to its actual performance. if you don't know how to do that, here is the way and it is in windows xp pro.start> all programs> accessories> system tools> system restore> create a restore point and continue with the restorations procedure.
  4. well i didn't hear about those files before. and deleting anything from your windows 32 is not recommended since they are they system files unless you know exactly what you are doing. so, why don't you start from the begining and explain how is your browser messed up?? maybe we can find another solutions.
  5. glade to hear that, and sorry for your lost, well loosing data is a bad thing. but why did you lost them all?? i think you should pm one of xisto staff, or submit a ticket. try it maybe you can return some of them. any way i hope you luck, and hope everything gonna be alrigh.
  6. welcome ben, i hope you will have a great time here with us in Xisto community. but please be sure to start your own thread, so you can ask whatever you want and let others welcome you in a good way.
  7. seems i ate a lot of ice cream...when the weather is cold...and now i have a virus :(...but whatever...that ice cream was really good...:)

    1. web_designer


      vanilla with pistachio and chocolate... :D wanna some???

      and i have more..vanilla with fruits sooo yummy...

    2. anwiii


      no thanks. i don't want to get sick :)

    3. anwiii
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  8. May you have all the joy your heart can hold...

    All the smiles a day can bring...

    All the blessings a life can unfold...

    May you have Gods best in everything...


  9. web_designer


    hi puneet,glade to see another new member, and welcome to the community. Xisto is full of threads and posts that could help anyone who wants to learn and get knowledge, and even more, we can help whenever you ask for a help. just post your question and wait for the answer. but first you should be active and creative too to the forum, so that we could build a better community in here, and of course we want you to have fun above all that. so post, contribute, learn and enjoy .
  10. i voted for SATURDAY, is the day i hate the most and THURSDAY is the day i like the most. why?? well i am not sure, but i always loved thursday, and as i remember, most of the happy occasions in my life were in thursday. also, saturday, is always boring and full of work and weird things. but i must say that, sometimes in certain times in my life, i see all the days are the same, in fact sometimes i don't know what is today , i feel like lost in days and didn't have any emotion towards any day .
  11. agree with you sheepdog and contactskn, there are so much in life more than computers, even if they are your first interest, or they are your way of living. personally, i would like others to know me personally first before talking about my skills, or they will think that i am arrogant . i hope others will like me to what i am and what they can see in me as a person, and after that we can talk deep to let them know more about me. and i really think this is the best way to any two persons to get along with each other. because taking things step by step will let us know a lot about each other and even more, it will let me decide if i want to know that person or not. it is like a long journey we should live to find out who is that one and why we may want to be close to him/ her. either in a close way, or like a friend.
  12. hey dear, this is so deep meaningful words, i liked them a lot. and they are truly words from a professional writer as i always say, the best arts comes from the deep emotions. and only few people who react really deeply with things around them and could represent these feelings by words. thank you for sharing, waiting for more.
  13. i am sitting near the heater and eating ice cream :D:) ... interesting experience .... :)

  14. wow...i ate the lemon cake...and it was absolutely sooo delicious...yummy...thanks anwiii for recommended me this cake...

    1. chini13


      ohh greaat i willalso try the lemon cake...he told me the recipe once..

    2. anwiii


      she's losing out if she didn't bake my recipe :) funny story. my mom knows i love it so much, she baked a big one for my birthday and brought it as a carry on on the airplane when she came to visit me haha. she's so cool!

    3. web_designer


      yeah you have a cool mom...:)

      not every mom do that anwiii...god bless her...

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  15. hey yeah you are right thanks a lot. i didn't notice that closely , well maybe it is one of those times when my brain get a deadlock " it is an expression in computer operating system " when a lot of jobs should be done in one certain moment then the system will have a deadlock this is how i feel right now. thanks again and WOW my site is on google now .
  16. i know therefor i said it is weird. because i see a totally different thing when i search in google, here is what i see therefor i keep saying it is weird!!! maybe google don't like me these days or don't like my new domain . but i must say that your image was so refreshing i even saved it to prove that google catches my site but not showing me that for some odd reason .
  17. good job, i like your work. it seems that you have a creative eyes for designing an imagine things. i hope you can keep feeding this talent and have more time to do more. i will be waiting for more. thanks for sharing .
  18. hi inman2787,welcome here in Xisto community i hope you will have a great time in sharing your ideas and opinions, getting knowledge and learning new things and have fun. our community is always happy to get new members, so if you have any question please ask. good luck and enjoy.
  19. hmmm i won't consider it as a signature, because signatures should have something to represent their owners. and it took me a few minutes to see your name hiding in the background . so as mahesh said i will consider it as an abstract, and it looks good. i will rate it 5/10 even we can't use it as a background image in websites. because here is no reflection between the left and the right side or the top or bottom of the image and reflection is important to use an image as a repeated background, i hope you get the idea. any way, you did a good job in choosing color and the design, and it is nice to see you try new ways of designing .
  20. you should first sign up in xisto, it is a site related to this forums. and when you post here, your mycent will be calculated and show the details in your account in xisto, also from there you can order for your free hosting or free domain name. as you can see those two sites are connected to each other, here is the link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ after you post about 20 posts or more, according to what you post then your mycent will start to show up under your avatar. when you calculate about 2$ you can buy your own hosting using your mycent from xisto. and when you reach about 13$ or 14$ i am not sure , then you can buy your .com domain name using mycent too. so just sign up in xisto and continue posting and be active as much as you can to see your site up as soon as possible. good luck.
  21. @eza thanks for your reply but i can't post a link here, only in websites review i think. because it will be against the rules of the forum. and i don't want to get a warning @anwiii thanks for your reply, i found it very useful i didn't tried "faten folio" before. and yes it is in the first page of google search. but when i write "fatenfolio" without space between them i still don't see my website. so what is the difference?? this is even more weird now!!!! @mahesh thanks for your reply, you always give me new things to think in thanks a lot and what do you mean exactly with guest posting??? you mean that i should write topics in others blogs or i should let other web designers to post in my blog?? i hope you could explain that for me...
  22. great information, thanks guys, i will try to send them a support ticket and see what they will provide me. i really want to have my own email address for each domain. if that happened i would be more than satisfied. thanks again i am appreciated.
  23. well, as you like but i think opaque can help you with that, since he is the owner of xisto and the forums, but only if you can catch him or he got the chance to read your email. he did that before, hepled other members to fix such problems. and i think it is your right since you are an old member. any way, hope you luck and this problem will be fixed soon.
  24. hi rachely476,welcome to Xisto forums. it is nice to see new members keep joining the forum day after day . i hope you will have a great time with us here and get the chance to learn new things. but i think you should start your own thread, this way you can ask anything you want and we can welcome you in a better way.
  25. noooo not replacing the chat room please i love our chat room. i even switched to opera just to use it. add to that i don't know anything about how to use the irc, and the once or twice i've been there i was lost and was acting like a stranger . but i still support you fully, so, there isn't a way to use both of them or embed both of them to the forums????
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