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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. hi qzilver,welcome to this community, we are looking to deal with you too and see your posts and topics. you can find a lot of categories that may interest you, so take a look, share your opinions and thoughts and have fun.
  2. hi cmdphreak,welcome here with us, and it seems that you really a hard person to deal with just kidding i hope you will have a good time interacting with others here and share them what you know and interest. so be active, and have fun.
  3. hi windy138, welcome with us here i hope you will have a great time sharing others what you know and getting knowledge. and having fun of course interacting with new people who share you your interests and ideas. so be active and enjoy.
  4. web_designer

    Dab Here

    hi dab,welcome here, according to your introduction you are in the right place. we are so happy to have a person like you with us in Xisto community. and i really liked your site, it seems so nice and professional. keep up the good working, share others your opinions and have fun.
  5. hi 3echelon,welcome to Xisto forums. i know you will have a great time hear. since you are looking for information and knowledge and looking for a free hosting. also a lot of us here interest in anime and i think one of the new members here has a forums for anime too. so you can share your interests and have fun in the same time. enjoy.
  6. web_designer


    hey anwiii, this is my words. and you stole them . but even so, i use them better than you . mine are always look more beautiful . and by the way, where is the introduction starter, i mean carlcan. he posted this and disappeared. i hope he or she will appear soon again.
  7. hi TheSeeker,if you are searching for wisdom and knowledge then you are in the right place. welcome to the community of Xisto, enjoy your time sharing your ideas and opinions and get knowledge and of course having fun. i hope you will like it around here.
  8. hi legendary112,welcome to the community. and we are glade to have a one more designer and web developer. and i think you will be a great help since you are using drupal and most of us are using wordpress, so you can help who want to learn using drupal i guess and same thing to you. the community of Xisto is helpful, so please don't hesitate to ask anything you want. i hope you will like it around here, share your opinions and knowledge and have fun.
  9. web_designer


    hi Vistz, welcome to Xisto forums. we are always happy to get new members who are interested in programming and computer science. because most of us are interested in the same thing in a way or another. so take your time and share what do you know with the others, and ask anything you want if someday you needed help. the community here is so helpful and supportive, and i am sure you will enjoy your time here, have fun.
  10. hi ManifestMW2,welcome in Xisto community. i hope you will have a great time here, sharing us your thoughts and opinions, there are a lot of categories that may interest you. so be active, share and talk what is in your mind but don't forget to follow the rules of course enjoy.
  11. first, i got this error twice till the link works "500 Internal Server Error". i don't know why? since it is under your domain but keep that in mind.in general, it looks good. and you did a great job with the structure of the layout i like it, it is so neat. the same thing for the colors, the dark red and light gray are so convenient together, but make sure to make the the two lines of the dark area in the footer with the same shade of the header to give a harmony to your site. as i can see those two lines are orange now when your header is dark red.and if you concentrated on the header right now, then go on you did a good job. it looks fine for me, the colors and gradients are good even i liked the font. so continue your work and upload it again i am interested to see it when it finished. good luck.
  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY dodgy...

    may a lot of fun times you will see this year and more interesting experiences....

    have a great day ...

  13. hmmm....decisions are made...and need luck now...even i don't believe in luck... :D...but i believe in prayers...so pray for me friends...

    1. Baniboy


      isn't there anything more concrete i can do?

    2. web_designer


      pray for me bani...or wish me luck...:)

    3. Baniboy


      i meant concrete when i said it... but i'll try praying to Joe Pesci like carlin, maybe that works

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  14. check this link, it talks about "Internal Server Error" and from where this error is coming from?https://askleo.com/whats_an_internal_server_error_and_how_do_i_fix_it/ other than that, as appeared in the error message, try to check your errorlog file and see what is written in it. it may give you a clue., good luck.
  15. very interesting story mich, thanks for sharing this with us. and i must say that these kinds of coincidence should be happening in this big world. because we live in a big world but our thoughts and interests may crossed with others. just like your father and the doctor how they thought to go to las vegas in these days of the year, picking the same hotel and playing the same game. and of course being friendly enough to chat with each other . so we are as different people in this big world, we share the same mentality and ways of thinking sometimes. and when our roads cross with each other, this may lead to new beginnings who know??
  16. sorry deadmad, i can't see the point of what you did here. the new versions you made looked like the work of someone trying effects on an image, they didn't represent what the image all about. especially the last one, it is completely un clear.
  17. hmmm, if you are asking why do some have a member titles and some don't? then that's because you can get a member title only when you have 500 posts or more. otherwise you can't get a member title. it is something like a reward is been giving to you when you post a lot here and being active. and as i can see you have now about 79 posts. so just 421 more posts and you will get yours .
  18. yeah mahesh, opaque does care for the forums and for us, his members. the real problems the past few months that he doesn't have enough time to be around here, chatting in chat room with us as old days or posting and contributing in discussion. i should say that, even i am the one who started the "where are you trappers ??" again because i annoyed im two days ago in a long boring pm telling him about how the forums is dead and needs its administrator. i did in spite of knowing that he is busy and he stated that before, but i am feeling so sad with this condition here. anyway, i must say i felt embarrassed when he replied to me and listed all the things he must do in real life . and seriously, he could count on us and be away for a couple of months and be busy in other life's things. but not more if he did we should find a way to bring him back . so i will keep my hopes high and wait for him to appear again.
  19. web_designer


    oh no, never. i won't put you on the board until you upload your avatar. like i could add a black box refers to ya . no,i will wait for your picture and be sure the minute you uploads it the second minute you will be on the board , and glade you liked the idea , enjoy.
  20. web_designer


    well, who told me that?? the evil anwiii of course . and KS board is a topic i made and it is kinda funny, cool and encouraging others to be more active check this link http://forums.xisto.com/topic/73163-Xisto-boardjoin-us-and-be-ative/ please read it and tell me what do you think??
  21. well to clear the issue of mycent. i must say that i am the one who told mahesh that the old member may get lower mycent rate than the newer, because i remember reading this from one of the old members before in a topic. BUT is that member is correct with his assumption?? i am not sure. is this whole thing been confirmed from administrator ?? we don't know yet. it is all was an explanation i gave it to mahesh and i hope he pm some of old members or mods here and ask them about it. for me i must say that i' m still getting mycent as a good average. never get less than 1$ only when i don't post anything then i get 0$.
  22. i remember when i wanted a free hosting, i searched for days through the net. and finally i narrowed my options into two sites Xisto before or Xisto now and another site. but when i searched for other's opinion about each of them i decided to pick this forum. because i found so many people praising this site, and i remember one said "at least they get something for giving us a free hosting in return. not like other sites that give us free hosting for nothing and suddenly cancel your domain or hosting without a word".
  23. this a great idea deadmad, and i support this topic fully. now, what i expect from this forum or what i want from Xisto. hmmm, the fact a lot , i want this forum to be alive forever, i want old members to still active and get more new members who have the same mentality,willing to get knowledge and share it with others just like the most members here are doing. and all that because this place is my own virtual world where i can express my ideas and opinions with others, help many people and give them hope, learn more about everything in the big world or internet. here it is really like a big school but we are the teachers ourselves and even more, we have the option to learn what we need. and above all this, we are having fun here talking and learning everyday, and i have my own friends in this forum too who i appreciate them, respect them and willing to be in touch wit them. as i said before, at first, i came here only to get a free hosting for my site. but later things changed, now i have a million reason to come here. and i hope this forum be up forever, to inspire other people's life just like it inspired me.
  24. hey another old member is coming back great news, can't be more happier . welcomeback nameless, i really hope you can keep on posting and be active again. because this forum needs its loyal members. and don't be upset because of your site, as soon as you start posting regularly everything gonna be fine. good luck and waiting for more posts from you .
  25. web_designer


    hi namless, welcome back to Xisto or trap community again. i know you maybe don't remember me but i remember some of your post and i know you were an active member before. so, i am so happy to see you around again . hope you will have fun again here, and give us some real worthy posts because as you can see the forum is kinda dead these days . but this is ok, since there are members like you are coming back again . and between, someone told me to put you on the KS board, and send you the scary words " you are wanted" . but seems you saved yourself , and if you let me i will add you t the board if you don't mind . finally, i hope i can see you in chat room someday, have fun.
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