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Status Updates posted by deadmad7

  1. every teller in the bank of america, Im gonna make them all count..

  2. everybody join the KnowledgeSutra Group on Facebook! And see the Page too!

    1. Nameless_


      Niiice. Sadly, I don't have Facebook. :(

    2. chini13
  3. everybody see my sig in the SOTW and try to get inspired to make one yourself! muhahahahah... now you can't not see it.

  4. everyone, check out my site : http://www.thewalkingdeadcentral.com ! pretty ironic isn't? deadmad posting dead stuff...

    1. web_designer


      hey it lookd good i liked the theme...but last time we talked i remember u have an anime site ..RIGHT???

      so is this another one or what??

    2. deadmad7


      Well.... That's gone... I have new one now lol.

  5. Finished uploading my BANNER for Knowledgesutra!

    1. deadmad7


      thanks deadmad2. Glad you liked it!

    2. anwiii


      ditto to both of your personalities

    3. anwiii


      btw- nice sig. thanks a lot. nobody is going to want me around their children now! haha

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  6. Forever young I wanna be Forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever, and ever Forever young I wanna be Forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever, forever young

    1. web_designer


      no i don't want to still young where my beloved people die in front of my eyes..i prefer to die young and let them suffer...:)

    2. deadmad7
  7. future congrats on your 1000th post! Just 1 more to go!

  8. god bless us everyone, we're a broken people living under a loading gun.

    1. web_designer



      why ?? who threatening you deadmad??

      just tell me...

    2. deadmad7


      its a song wd! not a real gun!

    3. web_designer
  9. God save us everyone, Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns? For the sins of our hand. The sins of our tongue. The sins of our father. The sins of our young. No. And it can't be outfought. Can't be outdone. It can't out matched. It can't be outrun. No.

    1. rob86


      The fires of a thousand suns? That would grill a mean steak. Bring on the apocalypse!

    2. anwiii
  10. haha! Good job on your avatar, Caveman mod

  11. hahaa i just gave some pesos as a tip to this guy! he was like "wtf"? :D

    1. anwiii


      no true american would give pesos as a tip. you suck!

    2. deadmad7


      its called a prank, anwiii :)

    3. anwiii


      i know. i was kidding. lighten up :)

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  12. hahah.. congrats on 1500 POSTS! i wish i can get to even 500 that fast...

  13. Hahaha Arnold is just so I can annoy bani :P


  15. hahahaha! the youtube video I posted 2 and 1/2 years ago has reached 200k Views... 62 likes and 537 dislikes and hundreds of hate comments! muhahaha



      I wanna see it.....

    2. anwiii


      i don't comment on you tube videos. but i really do want to know how much you suck haha now where's my link? :)

    3. deadmad7



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  16. hahahaha.... me and my brother? really? do you think i really look Linkin PARK? Wow... those are mike and chester from Linkin park.

  17. Happy Birthday! Hope you keep on running for another year!

  18. Happy Birthday!!! I think I'm a bit late though... lol. Aww man... if only my desktop worked, i could make you a cake....... don't worry, I will make one sooner or later :D

  19. Happy Birthday... jinxing the guy who said this about 3 years ago XD


    1. anwiii


      ok...then happy easter, thanksgiving and christmas. let's not forget happy independance day...oh! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    2. mahesh2k


      31st is halloween or 30th is halloween ?

    3. deadmad7


      @anwiii thanks...thanks...you too...thanks...

      @mahesh 31

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  21. Hello there Mr.500 posts. I think I'll stay with you for awhile.

    1. The Simpleton

      The Simpleton

      why don't you meet his brother 1000 soon? :)

    2. deadmad7


      Nope, he's evil -- I'm gonna see their papa at 10000.

    3. anwiii


      stop making love to your post count

  22. Hello! and Happy Birthday! I hope you have good one this year :D

  23. HES a rock, YOUR a FRUIT!!! hahaha

  24. hey-hey-hey!

    1. deadmad7


      aww man... forgot to say it in fat albert's voice :(

    2. web_designer
    3. Baniboy


      it's ho-ho-ho! americans.. writing everything the wrong way... :D

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