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Everything posted by dundun2007

  1. I would have to say gmail, even though gmail doesnt have the support and the history that hotmail had i like the spam protection, storage, and features on gmail. Hotmail i used for a while and i got my account hacked. gmail can only be reached by invites which i like alot for now so we dont get just anyone signing up for it when they really dont need it. Though in the future make it public so you can attract more people and get more traffic. (like google doesnt get enough traffic)
  2. Overall the site looks pretty good there is a couple of things that i would change in my point of view. First of all i dont like the mouse cursor with that double arrowed line when you go to click on a link, simple and more of a mouse cursor type shows much better. Also you could try to change the width of the news section at the front page to cover most of the page. I like the site overall, and i think you did a very good job on the banner.
  3. Bandwidth is what most people try to get most of when looking for hostings. I needed alot since of the forums and medium traffic. Bandwidth is really expensive, most hosting companies try to offer alot but within limits because thats one of the most expensive parts of the whole proccess.
  4. Thats what i would be guessing, the "acts of god" is a statement that could mean any of things. Just like we use the term "mother nature" to define the weather conditions that sweep across the world. The "acts of god" is probably i would assume to be the similar thing. That is just the major acts of "mother nature" and is to be considered what googlue has explained below i dont see any other things that would relate, that would actually relate to the statement.
  5. Well you now still have to post no matter what to get hosting credits so you can keep your account active. I dont know about the army system since i dont use it, the only way of being active that i do is posting in the fourms and making my site. The sites got alot stricter with how many lines needed to count as a post and inactivity.
  6. You got that off a website word for word you make sure you give credit to the site and not copy their material. Please revise your post!
  7. well i think john kerry should of won this years election but it didnt happen that way. If anyone has seen micheal moores new movie then you can see how much george bush was hiding when everything was happening, well a plus is that gas prices went down about $0.20. yay!
  8. Moved* Well how are you trying to login?
  9. In U.S i pay about $4 to $8 for a single movie. I usually go at like midnight because then the movie is like $3 or $4. I would much rather just wait for the movie to come out on video and rent it for 5 days for like $4-$5, guess if you wanted to see a movie that bad then you would go to the theater.
  10. yeah its ok we will approve your post according to how many you have actually written since we have to review them. So dont worry about it for now, i will change if it doesnt go back to normal.
  11. Here are some more that are very high in price right now. Current bid: $69,107.69 Grilled Cheese I think thats a pretty crazy price for a grilled cheese if you ask me. Link provided by ebay
  12. Well before you do, how are you logging in to the cpanel? If you try and login like Xisto/cpanel, the login screen will appear but wont work. You have to login from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ in order for your password to work. If its just you forgot it then ignore everything i just said and i hope someone can help you out.
  13. yes Xisto is Xisto's sister site, they both offer the same features. Well i hope you enjoy your stay here at Xisto, any questions feel free to email or pm me and ill try to help you out.
  14. Well welcome hope you stay here for as long as you have your website up, make sure to keep active and have fun. Any questions or comments or whatever pm me or email me and ill help you as much as i can.
  15. I got about 20 gmail invites but only offering like 5 or 6 right now. Post here or send me a pm if you need one. Make sure if you post here you include your email address so that i will beable to send it to you.
  16. This is a problem i am not very aware of the solution for but i think you should go to each file in the folder and reset the values all to 0 or blank and then see if it will work, or make sure its not running in the background under processes.
  17. I wrote a few mods for diablo 2: lord of descruction. They could get pretty complex sometimes, i mostly used visual basics because that was the easiest way to make most of them. Scriptting is always annoying to do, i wrote like 10,000 lines of script in one of the bots i made for diablo. I will never do that much again and i took a break on making mods for that game for awhile.
  18. Halo 2 is already out where i am. I played it a little before school and it looks like it was a good investment. So far the first misson of it is pretty simple of course and basically you are on earth and the aliens (conveant) have attacked there. you get to go in a city and learn to use everything, cool things about it is that you can kick people out of ghost and marines are alot smarter.
  19. no way there going to push it back now. Its 9:00 pm here and is said to be released at video stores and game shops at midnight. So i doubt that in the 3 hours or so left that they will just decide to no let it out. Anyways i am going to go get it at midnight and play it all night probably. Tell you guys tomarrow all about it.
  20. I would have to say AIM or MSN Messenegers for sure. They have the best features and you can easily set it up. I like AIM better than msn because all my friends use that, so i kind of have to use it.
  21. It comes on on november the 9th i believe. I already preordered it and i cant wait to get it here. If you go to gamefaqs.com you can see that the most awaited game for this month is halo 2 by like 60%. X box live is so expensive monthly i hate having to pay the bill even when i dont play the games online! Anyways hope to get that game when it comes out, it better be good since it took along time to come out!
  22. looks pretty good so far. Since your using .tk domain i would turn off the promotional pop ad. No one likes pop ups on their websites, not good for visitors. Anyways ill tell you how to do it if you already know just stop reading here and ignore what i am about to tell you.first you go the .tk website and login. Then on your options to the left you will see dot.tk linker promo. Click on that and it will bring up 3 boxes saying pop up ad, banner ad, or no ad. By default its on pop up ad, all you have to do is click on no pop up. It will take like 15 mins to disable it. So you will still see the pop up on your site when you go there for the first like 15 mins or so. Thats it hope you enjoy your hosting here once you get it and have fun making your site.
  23. yeah it looks pretty good, could you pm me or tell me where you got that shop? Its pretty cool i could use something like that. The "Read this or we stab you" saying comes from a a blizzhackers site. That may have come from somewhere else though.
  24. that would be great if i could get a google invite from you. What information do you need to know? Ill pm you my email and tell me if you need any other information. Thank you again, if you can get me this invite it would help me out.
  25. i have alot of friends since im in school. I dont consider them all friends i guess you could say that they are peers. There is alot of people and i would say like 1/4 of them are actually my friends.
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