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Everything posted by dundun2007

  1. Well theres a couple good games out there right now i dont have just one favorite but heres them for each system.Genesis- Altered BeastSuper Nintendo- Super MetroidPlaystation- All Resident EvilsPlaystation 2- Gran Turismo 4X box- Halo 2PC- WoW, Diablo II: LOD & C&C Generals
  2. It has nothing to do if you are a moderator or not, he will not get the hosting credits for it. They are in quotes now and i hope he remembers that in the future. I never heard the new sp3 either, i dont think anyone is going to want to read that whole thing so why not just give us the main points on whats going on here. I just hope it doesnt have a big issue like the sp2 had.
  3. The best way to make the computer silent is to just not overload the system with stuff. The system should be not trying to over run its power. My computer acts just fine, i know some computers that will make alot of noise when its trying to load a program. Very annoying to deal with especially when it does it all the time. I think the best thing to do is get a computer that can handle running the programs you want and you shouldnt have any problems with noise. I do agree laptops are quite as well, although i have a laptop at my work thats over 3 years old and its not doing to good.
  4. Thats why i dont download the updates right away i wait and see what others say about it on a different forum website i got to. The best way to fix a windows file is to reinstall windows, you didnt have to reformat it. The new windows should replace and repair the corrupted file. I believe you also can remove the files from windows updates manually from your computer by the add/remove and click show all updates checkbox. Thats about all i got for you it hasnt happened to me and i am updated with all the windows updates as of now. I am guessing it doesnt like some kind of hardware you have on your computer.
  5. Yeah i did play that its almost all text based the version i played. It was also a demo so you couldnt get all the tools and cars that most people would want to get. The game was also based on the skill of each picklocking and things. The better car the more security, the more its worth, the harder it is to break open, the more skill you need. I liked the game but it cost like $20 to play the full verison and its a game that i would only play for like 2 days so i dont think i am going to spend that much money on a game that i will only play for that long.
  6. Well i started here close to the time it was first brought up and got popular. I think it was like August of '04 when i first started this site and i was hosted by end of that month i believe. There really hasnt been many problems at all. The recent suspended accounts script bugs. I have been suspended recently over spring break because i was gone and couldnt post but once i got back and got like 4 credit i was back online that day i dont know whats happening to the rest of them.
  7. I would have to agree there is no reason to try and rape a girl that is only 10 years old. She has no way of depending herself at all. If she was in the room next to her mom and sibling, wouldnt they hear her screaming when the guy came in? I guess not but its still very distrubing to have happen to someone of any age. This does happen all the time though just another thing about crime in some cities.
  8. Well i own multiply of systems so i guess i am not going to vote on this topic, but i have all the systems listed except for gizmondo because i dont know what that even is so. Anyways i do own alot of the system not all mine but their in my household.
  9. I cant wait til the ps3 comes out too i would like to see a new Final Fantasy series on that system and a couple new rpg games. I heard that the xbox 2 is suppose to be coming out before the ps3. If the systems come out soon you can expect to see them around christmas time because thats where the businesses make all their money at. Anyways i hope to see one of the new systems on the shelf in the near future, only rumors so far on the 2 systems that i have seen but i can expect to hear more when they want us to hear more. I dont beleive anyone that can expect a year that we will be seeing this new system either.
  10. He could of been giving that to his kid or something, it was glad that there are people like you in the world. Some people would of taken it i know they would of. Even if you would of taken it who knows if you would of been able to get away with it. The system is worth about $250 but shortly i am sure you will get repaid for what you did. Yes, i agree i would of slide you some cash if someone gave it back to me.
  11. Well from the reviews that i saw the psp had its pro/cons to the new gaming handheld. The system by itself is retailed at about $250 which looks like is a pretty good investment. As it said in the review there is very little games for it right now and the hardware is not included with it. The psp is the new generation of graphics though with its amazing processer.
  12. My site consist of a online store. Its still in the making but its a merchandise store that sells about everything. I am currently using oscommerce and zencart to make the store but i want to change the whole design so it doesnt look like the default skin that comes with the store. I dont know if there is any other good online shopping carts to use. If anyone knows or uses one that isnt oscommerce or zencart please let me know so i can check it out. I am looking for a user friendly one with a easy way to change the layout design and has alot of features or features that you can later install.
  13. Well starving her i dont think was a option that the family got to make but i dont think she felt anything when she died. She was hooked up with alot of pain killers and probably didnt feel anything. They starved her to death so that the feeding tube actually killed her and it wasnt by any other means. I really think that they shouldnt of killed her that way either. The best way i would want to go is in my sleep i am sure others will agree with me on this one.
  14. You can request more parked/addon domains anytime you want if you just pm the admin. The admin just put the count to 9 because he never thought anyone was ever going to use that much so theres no need putting them there. another problem was people abusing the park/addon domains by making alot of them without purpose or meaning. It just takes more money to add unlimited when no ones going to need it.
  15. Well all of the final fantasy's after 9 have been a let down. They come out with the games too fast and it turns out to get no ones attention. Here is my list of favorites...Final Fantasy 7Final Fantasy 9Final Fantasy 8Those are the only good ones out there that i have seen. They really could of put the world map like ff7 in ff10 it would of made the game alot more exciting.
  16. Yea i agree with no9t9, the pope has been suffering and i feel very bad for him through these troubled times. Though the pope has lived a very good life and he is has been through alot so far. I do hope he will be able to live a longer healthier life but things dont always turn out for the best. Everyone eventually dies and there is no way of stopping it. If i was in that situation i would accept death because of all the things the pope has already brought to us i think his time may be coming short. We hope the best for the pope though, and wish him the best.
  17. I think that the playstation 3 will also beat the xbox 2, just like now how the ps2 beat the xbox. There is some good games for xbox but not matching ps2's. If they want to get better than sony they will have to make something never seen before and it will have to have backup from alot of companies to make their games. I personally believe that ps2 will have better graphics and design, but the xbox will try to make their system slimmer, faster and more reliable than the current xbox. Release dates have not yet been confirmed but rumors are always around that there planning on making a halo 3 already for the xbox 2. I think that once the xbox and ps start to make new systems that the xbox will finish first. This could be a bad thing since sony will just look at their flaws and try to correct them in their model. Though with xbox 2 begin the new system and having no competition with sony the x box 2 will sell. I dont know the date of any of these systems but since all companies are out for money i am guessing in a few years around christmas time is when you will see one of these systems emerge. Again dont plan on anything soon because it will probably take 3 years or so to be completely finished with the new systems.
  18. It is pretty easy to get the cheatcodes you want but simply just searching on the google or yahoo seach but i can help you out with a few of my personal favorites sites. http://www.gamefaqs.com/ http://de.ign.com/ http://www.cheatcodes.com/ http://www.gamewinners.com/index.php Gamefaqs is the most popular site and it has alot of other things to offer like game reviews and such. The other ones are just as good with cheatcodes but it wont have all the other stragey guides or message boards like gamefaqs has. Hope this helps you cheat your way through the game.
  19. I really think that firefox 1.1 is the best browser out there right now. The microsoft internet has alot of sercuity risk and its too known for viruses and other things. I think that the firefox has alot better features.
  20. I also just bought it not too long ago. Its a good game overall ill give it a rating shortly. I think that the game had a different kind of series involved in this new one. The storyline for the first 2 were all the same get the license and beat the racing cups. You will find that they have put a little twist on what you might have been expecting of gt4. Well i have been playing for about 2 weeks now and heres what i think about the game.Graphics: B+You will be amazed at how much better the graphics are compared to the usual gt3 graphics. The cars are made better and the tracks have more of a background.Sound: BCar sounds and bg noise still not much improvement compared to number 3 but it has a little bit of approvement.Gameplay: AThe gameplay on this game like i said is much better now. Theres alot more things to do and its a little different from what you are use to seeing.Overall: B+Yes, overall i would recommend buying it, i havent heard anything about the online version but i have goo things to say about this game and i think it had been a good project the team has worked on. I know people know this but expect there to be another one coming out in a couple of years. I have already heard rumors of gt5 for the x box 2? I dont know they are just rumors but i know there will be another gt5 in the next couple of years. Until then buy gt4 and enjoy all it has to offer.
  21. Well first of all i could not even imagining this happen but if this did occur.1. The Internet went down.Interesting, first i would keep trying to connect to the internet even though i know its down just so i could understand what was happening. Then i would just go watch t.v til i heard something about it. I dont use the internet that much but when i need to check something and its not there, then we have quite a problem. 2. The Phone Communication down.Well, this is not much of a problem either. I guess i cant have food delivered to me and people cant call me telling me to pay my bills so no problem there. My cell phone is the only thing that excludes me from all that and its ok if i didnt have that for a few days.3. If both went outThis has happened to me before. Anyone remember the blackout of 2001? Where michigan and the rest of the east sides power was all gone. Well that was me, no air conditioning in the summertime, no water, phone, electricity. It was rough to get past i admit that. All i did was drive to a place that did have power and stayed at the hotel there for a week. Though before i went to the hotel i had to live in these conditions for about 4 days, which i would have to say was not good for anyone.Moral of this story is, if they both went out for a little while theres no problem with that. More than a couple weeks then we start to have a problem. If it was out forever i guess i would have to adjust somehow and get through it. The people thousands of years ago did i guess we all can, or can we?
  22. yea i agree bit torrent is something i used to use but now the sites that have all the torrent files are making it so you have to or become a paying member for their stuff. So i dont use it anymore and i dont recommend it unless theres a good site out there.
  23. It would be a easy way to make some extra cash, i dont get how the website gets money for this though. If they are paying you for interest than where does that money come from. Sounds too good to be true i wouldnt trust it, little amounts would be good to test with. Even then if i have any believe that its a scam im not going to give them any money.
  24. Yeah i would have to say one of the worst online games out right now. I mean i would rather pay for the DAOC than pay for WOW. Its much better.
  25. Yeah i use nero for now or the windows media player burner, i am not worried about what options allt he rest has as long as it burns my cd im fine. I like neros option for pauses between songs it helps alot when you want songs to blend together. Nero 6 is a recommended, and it also burns video cds as well.So yea i would go with the regular one your cd burner comes with or nero, its a waste of time and money to get something that will do the same job as something for free.
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