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Everything posted by dundun2007

  1. Yeah that is a really good idea, i dont know really how much it would help me but it would make the community better. Has anyone heard anymore about this, because i am not very sure what all has happened since this post have started.
  2. Yeah i am going to have to agree with everyone else, coppermine is the easiest and has the most features out of any of the other ones. I think that 4images comes in second because thats one of the easiest ones to start, not many features there though.
  3. I think it looks pretty good. You suppiled really good topics to go along with your site. I guess i would have to see your homepage and see if the themes match. My only suggestion is to spice it up a little bit, because it just look like any other forum.
  4. Yeah i dont think it is too bad. I mean expect for that i cant read chinese but i do like that menu at the top there. If i was to make one suggestion it would be to add a couple more pictures in your homepage, because first impression is everything.
  5. What i would do is just experiement with how much space and bandwidth you really need. You dont want to much because thats a waste and you dont want to little because you cant host your site then. (didnt what i just said sound like that cell phone commerical for the family talk plan?) Anyways so what i am saying is start from what you think fits you best and if you run out of room or badnwidth, you can easily upgrade. Hope that helps.
  6. Well trap 17 offers all the features you could imagine and lots of free space. Why would you need over 250 MB of space? I don?t see anything on a website that could use that much, unless you have alot of downloads. In that case I would just use trap 17 and find free storage sites. That?s if you need above and beyond what trap 17 offers you.
  7. i like it myself, it doesnt have all that excess junk that some people put on that makes it look overboard. I wish i could make a good banner for my website, i am not very good at making them.
  8. yes the packages increase the space and bandwith of your hosting. All the other features like mysql and php come with all packages. Remember dont upgrade to a package unless you really need the space. As for the add on/ parked domains points a subdomain or sub folder to your main domain. The parked domain is when a domain is purchased a no dns server changes have been made. It points to the parked domain or parked page.
  9. dundun2007

    Job Hunt

    yeah it sounds like you went through alot, i know that i had to go through alot of hands on training when i tried to apply for work. Thats alot of exams for just one job but who knows it might be well worth it.
  10. If you have any problems and do decide to use frontpage to upload your files then just follow these directions.1. Open webpage and make sure all pages are saved.2. Click on File and publish web3. Then type in the address of your website in the http box.4. Then click on publish and it will ask for your name and password (its your cpanel name and password)5. It should start to upload and should automatically be put in the public html folder or the www/.I am using frontpage 2003, so if your version is different, it should still be similar. I hope this helped, tell me if you run into any problems.
  11. it was probably a bad install i install it a while back and everything worked fine, so i have never experienced that problem, but i think that it a bad install. So my suggestion is just reinstalling it.
  12. well yeah theres alot of girls out there that are better than me in arcade games. Some of which if you look at that bnet girls thread i talked to her online and shes pretty good at that game also.
  13. yeah i tried alot of games like that, outwar its basically a fight to post your link everywhere and try to get your army the biggest. It is just like kings of chaos, though kings of chaos is much better because you can build a army but taking time and skill. Plus you can spy and other features that make the game better.
  14. i have never heard of "Vampire Game" but i do like games that have vampires in it. For instance the castlevania SOTN is one of the best vampire games i have played in a long time. The rest of the castlevania's are pretty good too, but if you havent played SOTN then i would play it.
  15. yeah, i started to play again. Its gets boring single player so you have to play on bnet. I currently have a few lvl 90s and 70s, i was wondering if anyone would want to play sometime.sjc: to answer your question about rushing it is yes they did find a way and it doesnt take much longer than before. Though you now have to kill ancients which req a certain lvl
  16. um yeah i think you meant number 4 and if so theres already a thread on that. I suggest closing this topic because since theres no such thing as gta5 yet then theres no reason to discuss the gameplay.
  17. x box live is really cool after you have played a game for awhile and you are ready to have new levels or challenge people online. I think halo for the x box is the most challeging online game so far. I want to get some kind of war game cause that would be good online play too, like ps2.
  18. i hate when people say something like " i own you in halo" and then you play him and beat him over and over again, but then again he still doesnt admit that he really is not good at all on the game. lol tell me if its just me or can other people relate.
  19. all is does is random generate different types of phrases, it prolly tries to match the keywords. Though it was fun when i was a kid, once you understand how it works it gets kinda pointless.
  20. Has anyone every seen dawn of the dead? its prolly one of the scariest movies i have seen yet. I dont know if its out on dvd yet, but i think that this was one of the best movies of the month, anyone else seen it.
  21. Invision board for sure, or another kind of fourm. Then i experimented with phpnuke and am now looking for a new download manager, the one provided is alright, but i would like another theme.
  22. lol, well i would eat alot of sugars if i could afford it, car payment, apt payment, insurance only got enough money left for needs. Back to the thread i think that may be normal, guess it matters how old you are.
  23. yeah its an advancement to the army system, spying is one thing that helps the overall play, gives you another option to do. I hate having to sign up though... you should change it temp, so people dont have to signup.
  24. Yeah i use dreamweaver 2004 and frontpage to create the main design of my website. I am trying to find a good jpeg image tool, i know photoshop, but i dont like that too much.
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