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Everything posted by dundun2007

  1. Hello, theres no need to double post a topic. It you forgot something then just edit your original post and include the information in there.Post Deleted....
  2. I barley could understand a word you wrote in there, but i heard something about playstation 2 is good so i agree with you. I also understood your memory card ordeal. That i never thought of but now that i do it is alot better to use a memory card since its easy to take from place to place. The xbox is the size and weight of a small computer so i wouldnt want to drag that thing around in order to play a saved game somewhere else. So you have a good point there about the memory card and playstation being better.
  3. I not sure but i am guessing you guys are talking about diablo 2 lord of destruction, and yeah thats a really old game. The game is still popular though i mean people sell virtual diablo 2 items on websites so.... Anyways my highest lvl is 95 and i have a 92, 90, 72, 75, and a couple mules.
  4. im not sure i get what your saying, but you just double posted. Your post is going to be deleted. You have now been warned of spamming and i dont expect it to happen again.
  5. huh it not really a joke more like a story... Was that intended to be a story? Anyways it does sound very real, since about that samething happened to my cousin.
  6. last book i read was something called the "Emergency Room" its about a whole bunch of cases of ER, and different surgeons cutting open people in the operating room. It was a pretty good book, but short so i finished it in like a couple days.
  7. I think that the worst game of stragety is Risk II. I thought risk was a fun board game but if you play it online its a very bad reproduction of the game. So anyways what do you think is the worst stragety.
  8. yeah i really dont understand what else he's suppose to do. You have to earn the rest of your hosting packages. Since you now know and should of already knew what to do im going to close this topic.*CLOSED*
  9. yes i do agree with everyone on the harder password. Also make sure that you chmod all your folders are not on 777. Sometimes you edit your site and forget to change it back. Other then that i would just make sure you web protect the pages you dont want anyone to get to.
  10. What kind of error page, it works for me too but i need to know the error on the page in order to know any more about it. I think it mus be you just entered the information wrong.
  11. That is true, i am looking forward to a .com domain myself. Pay for it of course, but the .info domains arent even really that good. I mean how many website do you go to that end in .info not that many. Plus .info domain means your website is an information website, i know my isnt.
  12. i use a program called pop up stopper made by panicware. Its free frnm downloads.com and its easy to use.
  13. i just use the firewall provided with my router. Its simple to set up and i usually dont have any problems. Not to mention that it does everything for you without having to start it up or anything else.
  14. I dont like any kind of rap music really, other than that i would have to say backstreet boys, blink 182, and 98 degrees. Hey whoever said linkin park is wrong you should look at there new cd, thats my favorite band.
  15. Then take in mind that you have the xbox live charges, and what games are there thats good for the x box? I agree the x box has better graphics, but not much. The thing i like most is that you dont really need a memory card for the xbox. I dont know about the dvd drive, but i use a dvd player.....
  16. Well this is a very old topic so im going to close it. *CLOSED*
  17. It is pretty well known that playstation is the best console out there according to these votes so i am going to close this topic. *CLOSED*
  18. No one else has posted anything for about a week and a half, so if its ok with the other mods i am going to close this topic. *CLOSED*
  19. Playstation 2 is by far the better than x box form many reasons. First of all theres only a couple good games on x box such as halo, marrowwind, and madden. Playstation has all maddens and alot of other games. They make them out for the playstation and copy them for the x box like a month later. Another thing is that the playstation online is a 1 time cost (for now) and x box live is like $10 a month or something like that. Though halo is a really good game!
  20. didnt you just copy that off a website? Anyways heres a couple more...Your mama''s glasses are so thick that when she lookes on a map she can see people waving. Yo mama is so fat, when she stepped on the scale it said to be continued. Yo mama is so dumb, she tripped over a cordless phone. Yo mama is so dumb, she thought a quarter back was a refund.
  21. This topic is VERY old and seems to wrap up whats being discussed already, so if its ok with everyone else i am going to have to close it. *Closed*
  22. Are you sure its your first poem? because its pretty good! I know you heard this alot but it was long, though interesting so i read it all the way til the end. good job
  23. Very nice i think ill use it for my class poem project, i am just kidding i wouldnt take your work like that without permission. Anyways i really liked it.
  24. I was wondering if there is some kind of button combination or something that takes off the overwrite opition. I really hate it when i type a long topic and a spelling mistake is somewhere in it and i cant fix it because of overwrite. I know a soultion to copy my meesage and paste it to notepad and paste it back but i dont like dont like doing that all the time. Any suggestions or someone know how to do it?
  25. Yeah i like them alot too. I think it would stand out more with a different and darker color. Could we see this is the near future or is it gonna take awhile before these new pips come into effect?
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