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Everything posted by dundun2007

  1. I have tried alot of free hostings including netfrims and they dont provide enough resources like mysql and php. It also has ads which no one likes.
  2. I was just wondering if anyone plays halo for the pc online. I know theres a decent amount of users online on halo so i though maybe someone around here was one of them. I have a clan thats recruiting pretty soon, so is there any good people out there?
  3. Well alot of things have their own spot now so you really cant complain about halo. Plus halo is a really good game and with halo 2 coming out it should be a topic.
  4. I dont care for the google toolbar at all just for the fact that i have google as my homepage anyways, so i dont really need to fill up my IE space for something that i could do in 5 secs. Seems worthless to me.
  5. Hm did you really think that all up yourself. Anyways good job on the brief history, i wasnt even born yet when that windows was out.
  6. I heard that in some other country for some reason came out with a windows xp lite. I think the country was Australia, and the new version is suppose to have better spyware protection, virus and IE protection and run faster and all that good stuff. If you know what im talking about or have any other information please post it here.
  7. Hey, does anyone know of any good direct sites that would help me in some scripting of c programming or maybe even a tutrorial that would help with some advanced scripting. Thanks.
  8. dundun2007


    Same here i got it for the computer im in a clan in it right now. Im gonna check to see if there recruiting again.
  9. dundun2007

    Halo 2

    Yeah i heard it was nov 9th too but i wouldnt doubt it if they chose to push it back again to like christmas, so they can sell more.
  10. Some good online games in my opinion are diablo 2, call of duty, zero hour, halo and counterstrike.
  11. Isnt that against the rules in kings of chaos to post your link on forums? lol i havent played for a while but i think it is. Btw is the beta 2 out yet?
  12. Well this is just another add on to their collection. I think all they do is keeping adding little things to the game, this game came out too fast i think.
  13. yeah i still play both of the super smash bros melee every so often. I have the one for n64 and gamecube i wonder if they have a new one out or are they making a new one?
  14. Driver 3 is a really good duplicate of gta with a few more things thrown into it. I like driver 3's storyline alot better though.
  15. Driver 3 was cool, it was like a modified gta. I thought it was funny when you had to find those secret tommy guys from gta and kill them to unlock secrets.
  16. Yeah i think its going to be a good game. I myself would still pay the fee but it is something to complain about. I realy wish they would come out with a new diablo though.
  17. Yeah i had a bunch of bugged stuff in .9 and once 1.10 came out i just quitted, i guess that was my fault though.
  18. Final Fantasy is one of the all time favorites. I would have to say that ff7 is my favorite final fantasy by far.
  19. I would say halo but thats got its own forum, so i would have to say doom 3.
  20. i agree, call of duty is one of the best war games out there. I like the new online features that it has now too.
  21. This is the game of the month. It had some followers like doom 3 but i think this one the best game out for this month.
  22. yeah i remember the one for n64... if thats all you played then you are missing alot in the computer version. So if you liked the n64 version than i would invest in a pc version of c&c.
  23. Zero hour is really good i think. It has a bunch of new equipment and alot more opitions. I think its my favorite c&c.
  24. Single player is pretty good, it gives you 4 difficulties to choose from and the boards take a little bit to beat. So you have plenty of playing time till you fully beat the game.
  25. I think halo is a really good game and i cant wait till halo 2 comes out pretty soon. The one for the x box is better than the one for the computer.
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