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Everything posted by dundun2007

  1. Yea i dont get a rintone unless its a mp3, all the rest of them dont sound good after you have heard the mp3. You can go online and get a ringtone ripper, rips any mp3 on your computer into a ringtone. Plus you can edit where to began the ringtone at in the song which is useful because the beginning might be boring. The polyphonics ringtones really have no use unless you want a normal ring, who wants that?
  2. i have heard alot about making money on ebay buying less and selling for more. If you really want to make money well... get a job for one and another good idea is a online store with the wholesalers. Ebay is a good idea but you dont make much of a profit over time and it will take awhile to start everything up again.
  3. Yea i also would choose firefox over IE anyday. IE has alot of secuirty problems and the main reaosn i like firefox better is because of the way its layout is. I also like the google bar that it comes with. The password manager is easy to use and the cookies are not as trackable, the browser itself has alot better organization and management. The way you can search like page search and whatever else is also better because it highlights.
  4. I also use Firefox as well i use to use IE and i still have it installed on my computer but the most firefox browser just works much better. The biggest reason i use Firefox is because of the security issue. Microsoft always has sercuity updates for IE users and Firefox is not as well known so it is much safer to surf with. Not to mention everything you said i also like the little things like the page search and login screens.
  5. I beleive its all about the food chain, every animal or mammal needs another one in order to survive. For example we dont all need meat to survive but thats where most of out minerals comes from, and besides meat is how people surived thousands of years ago. There is people who only eat veggies but then theres a huge % of people that do eat meat almsot everday. According to the earlier years meat was something you had to hunt for, which shows how other animals hunt as well.
  6. I would highly recommend the Motorola V551. This phone has it all with a affordable pricetag. The phone comes with a 10 second video recorder and camera, bluetooth technology, mp3 compatiable, aim, speakerphone, the whole bit. I bought this phone a couple of weeks ago and i would have to say its been a good investment. I have only dropped it once and nothing has happened to it. It has the same features as the V3 razor just without the design. The razor will cost you a hefty $500, i paid with a 2 year contract only $100 for the V551, i highly recommend it!
  7. There is alot of problems with the razor i do not own one myself but my brother does. First of all the price of that phone is highly overrated. I agree it has the technology and it has all the good features but $500 is far too much. The main thing i didnt like about the V3 was that the keypad was poorly made. Brand new phone and the keypad you have to press the number 2-3 times before it dials it in. The connection and service with cingular is so-so but the phone overall technology is great, with bluetooth and all. If your going to get a new cell phone i highly recommend buying the Motorola V551. I have that phone myself and i can say that it has worked wonderfully for me so far. The service is great mp3 ringtone bluetooth, the whole bit. Anyways so in summary dont buy the V3 razor.
  8. I would have to agree with you on FF7, the whole storyline plus the characters are all lined up with the story in a good fashion. I hope that FF12 will be like FF7 and have a good storyline, and especially good characters cause thats what its all about.
  9. Exactly you wouldnt even know of any internet of any kind yet. Just like today we dont know if something is going to come out from technology that makes computers have no meaning anymore. I would just start playing video games to make up for all the internet time i would lose. Plus there is also t.v and you can never go wrong with watching some t.v to pass the time. And of course you wouldnt have alot of the other technolgy that we have that relies on the internet in order to function properly.
  10. I also have the motorola v551 and it does work really well. It has aol messenger text messager, mp3 ringtones, you can take pictures and record videos its a all in one good buy. I dont know where you got it for $90 but i ended up paying $150 with a $50 rebate for the 2 year service with cingular. Anyways, the razon my brother has and i think the phone sucks in my opinion. Its a small and portable phone but i tried to dial and call from the phone and the keypad you have to press it down like 3 times before it does anything. I think the v3 is very overrated and i expect the price to drop down to $150 or so very soon. I talked to the people who i bought the v551 from and they only sold 2 razors so far.
  11. Thats a question some people ask and then later find out that it has happened. The computers will never stop getting better, we always want more power and better technology. We are never satisfied with what we have now we must always get things faster and better. Everytime i go out and buy a top of the line computer within a month or even a couple months there is already a faster computer out. I have never had the top of the line computer for more than 6 months at one time. I always upgrade my stuff once in a while but they seem to keep finding more and more stuff to add on. I mean when the first computer came out only a few could afford the computer or wanted one. Today, i guarantee most of the people have at least one computer in their home, not to mention everyone thats on Xisto right now.So to answer your question yes i think it can improved give it some time and maybe it will take a big step of advancement and we can look forward to having a new design or style that everyone will have.
  12. Where do i start for this game. Well first of all even though it coming out for the ps2 in a month or so i still dont mind it on the gamecube at all. This game is finally a game without raccon city. I started this game a week ago and couldnt stop playing it. I like the fact that there are not zombies, just some crazed people that come around and kill you. The whole point of their scheme was to kidnap the president daughter inject her with the virus, have you (leon) come rescue her and bring her back to the president where the virus will take over. So in the beginning you basically just go around and find the president's daughter and then later find a cure. I found this game to be quite easier than the other resident evils though. The merchant sells a rocket launcher which i used once for the boss.There is a couple of things that i would like to see a change in though to make my gaming a little easier. The merchant should sell bullets for the guns he sells, only a limited supply but some to buy off of him just in case something was to happen. Another, is the fact of finding the cure towards the end of the game, it should be a straight forward thing you would think but i got confused. What really screwed me up was the fact that you had to dogde and sprint out of the way sometimes. It didnt really bother me in the beginning but then they switch it up sometimes and if you dont hit it fast enough you end up dying. Overall, a very good game i gave it a 9/10, recommended for every resident evil fan to go out and buy it.
  13. The sims is one of the most popular simulation games out right now. I played it when it was sims 1 and it has a few pieces of furniture and a couple different electronics. Now with sims 2 it seems as though it has added about 100 different items to each section now, not to mention the google search for sims items comes up with about 100 different sites all having sim items. In my opinion the sims is not a game i would like to play, i cant stand running my own life so why would i want to control others. Thats all you do is control people wake up, go to work, eat, play, sleep, and repeat the steps 100 more times. I guess the only intresting part of it is how you can build the houses almost anyway you would like. In my opinion if your going to waste your life playing video games dont waste it on a game about life.
  14. It seems to be a very simple use forum and clean and easy to use, but not as hi-tech as some would call the other pre-installed forums. I use ipb right now and phpbb as well with php nuke. IPB is a much better and has many more mods to use with it. I have grown to like the phpbb forums too though since it goes along with the php nuke and it has the mods that come with it as well.
  15. Since the gmail invites has all reset to only 50 invites, i am giving away all 50 of them. If anyone would like any of the 50 of them let me know on msn messager aim or email me. If you know anyone else who needs them let me know. I have 50 to give away, you can ask for as many as you would like.
  16. yea it works out pretty good its like changing the standard font to a more bold and crisp typing style. I just changed it on my school laptop and you can really see it a whole lot better, now i dont have to keep adjusting the screen on the laptop to see the font as crisp as possible. Even though it works best for laptop i just recently tried it on my computer and it does make a difference, i am typing in it right now. Basically i like it so much because i am so tired of the original windows, i always try to install skins and new mods to make things different.
  17. yeah i agree as well the ps2 is the best system out there right now. There was a conservional topic about which was better and i said ps2.
  18. i dont think that cheating is the right thing to do unless you have beaten the game and then theres really nothing to do. Cheating before beating the actual game ruins the whole concept of the game and then could later ruin the ending as well.
  19. Your best bet is to contact the admin what does it say for your hosting credits do you have any left? You might have to update your info somewhere like you said look in your profile options. The admin is on right now so pm him or he should post here soon enough. I am sure its just a mix up and you should be hosted again soon.
  20. dundun2007

    Php Nuke

    I have recently been experimenting with php nuke the pre installed script. I noticed places where you can download different themes and skins but i havent found anywhere do download mods for it. Does anyone know of a site? I tried searching but no luck.I have also tried the postnuke site management as well and it is very closely related to php nuke. Post nuke is quite different in some ways though. The modules and blocks are in simple form and easy to setup. This seems like a program used for simple sites not with all the features and extras that php nuke has to offer. There are alot of sites out there that i have seen with php nuke, barley any with postnuke it must not be favored by most. If someone wants to try and get the feel of a site management then thats the program to use. Another question is with the basic scripting of php nuke, does anyone know how to modify it to have a counter or time/date or all those little things just using the script not anymore programs. Thanks all help is welcome.
  21. I have been using a mobile phone for about 3 years now and i would have to say that just talking on it is the least to worry about. In ways the phone is dangerous like using it when driving. I see at least 5 people talking on phones in there car on the way to work or the grocery store. I only use my phone in the car when someone calls me or in an emergency. I have heard about to many accidents with people using cell phones and not paying attention to the people in front of them. Cell phones affect you when operating anything by taking your attention away and you can get distracted at the work place or anywhere. I would have to say that radation from the cell phone, has it even killed anyone yet? Guessing not or else i would of heard about it, so it seems safe enough just to talk to people while out doing something.
  22. Yes i use firefox on my linux operating system. Firefox i have to say is much better than IE but most people dont take some time to go and take a look at it. Windows is too much favored and people dont consider other options. If linux or someone else wants to get peoples attention they have to start going public right away. I still use IE on one of my computers just incase anything happens to linux or anything else. I do like linux alot more and i think everyone should try it to see for themselves.
  23. Yea maybe they meant it copied off their new game san andreas but other than that no theres not much of copying at all. Driver 3 you could swim which was a cool feature, but it had missions like it always did and the cities were nothing like any gta. san andreas the only thing i see them copying off of is the stealing of cars swimming some weapons. Not much in common though.
  24. dundun2007


    Yea i like IPB the most because of all the mods you can add to it and all the other features. Though i installed php nuke on my site and it comes with phpbb and so i am trying that out right now. So far im impressed by everything it tries to offer although i cant find many mods for it that i like. I guess ill stick with phpbb for a little while if not i can always change it to IPB.So basically IPB is still better than phpbb because of the mods and advanced interface.
  25. I dont really care for mac that much either, its something different but the systems are poorly made. I like windows office and os but as some of you know i dont like the Interent Explorer. Thats why on one of my computers i have installed linux so i can use some of there programs when i need to and on another harddrive i still have windows.So overall the mac is no good and windows even though all the problems is still better.
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