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Everything posted by dundun2007

  1. I would be really shocked if that is actually a real gift. Most cases once you sign your soul away and give them every peice of personal information you have there is always a scam afterwards.Some popular scams is that you must refer like 25 friends to sign up for a credit card that has 25% apr or something.Another popular one is that you need to sign up for like 5 things that end up costing you more than the gift is worth. Even after all that if you really do get a free gift it will probably take like 6 months or something to get to your house and by then the value decreased by like 50%.I dont trust any of those free gift things i know some people who sign up for everyone of those that they see, not a very good idea.
  2. Yea the lastest information on this is that they have them out now for verizon customers. I dont see why you would want one of these though its bad enough you watch alot of tv at home but then watch tv while your shopping or something? We got to have some break in the television world.
  3. i am 17 right now and i have had a phone since i started driving at about 15. I dont see why people need cell phones if they dont have a job or they do something that could cause real danger. I hate how so many people show off their cell phones, when virtually almost everyone has one.I heard that verison is coming out with this new phone that makes it so you can watch tv on it? All i have to say is what is that? There is no point in having a tv on your cell phone, i think we can try and get away from tv every once in a while. Now it seems like its all over the place.Anyways i am getting off topic, so yea im 17 and have had a cell phone for about 2 years.
  4. So you made a post telling us not to eat daddy long legs? I have heard of this somewhere before but never thought it was true. The thing i also heard is that your little hampsters and whatever can be affected by these guys. Its hard to believe that a spider that no one fears could very easily kill someone with a little more strength. Maybe later on in time it will learn to adapt and the world will be taken over by them!! No but seriously if they dont hurt me then i dont really care how poisonus it could of been.
  5. I Believe it they are getting alot of money from all the people that search on the site, i know that i use it myself.
  6. i noticed the samething myself alot of the scenes were like the movie. Same as medal of honor the beginning of that game is the exact same as the movie saving private ryan. I think it the game is similar to the movie then the game will turn out to be a better play. If you liked the movie then you are going to like the game.
  7. Yea i have heard some rumors that it may come out for the pc sometime soon but that doesnt make a difference to me anyways. Xbox verison is way better and most people who get it for the pc only do it either because they dont own a xbox or they want to mod or use hacks for the game. Either way if it comes out or not i think the xbox has a way better gameplay.
  8. I think she cheated and got all the information from me! I am just kidding but i cant believe that she can do that already, that must make Bill Gates look like an idiot. If a 10 yr. old girl can have the same skills that Bill Gates once had i am sure that she would make the microsoft company run alot better than it is. I hear that some of the greatest hackers actually work for microsoft after hacking it serveral times and finally getting caught. Microsoft caught them and hired them in so that he could prevent other hackers.
  9. I could see that some of those might by accident to some point, but the one were he sent out 50,000 + emails is just clearly an attack on the server. People try to promote their site by sending out alot of emails but none that go to duplicate addresses.
  10. I am going to have to go with saint's graphic on this one, just because even though the pic was ripped he still did alot of the work in making the layout of it look nice. Just because the wrestling one is animated doesnt mean thats its better. It seemed to look more like an advertisment to me.
  11. As most of the gaming fans know by now the xbox 360 is coming on in november and the ps3 is expected to make an apperance sometime next year. So which do you think will make a bigger impression on the people? Well in my opinion the xbox 360 is going to do a great job. They are coming out near christmas time which would make a great gift. The games that are coming out wil blow away alot of the competion. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion will by far be the most popular game for the xbox 360 once that hits the stores. Once the ps3 comes out i dont expect to see that great of an impact. The thing that really stuck out when i first saw a picture of the ps3 was the controller. It is shaped like a boomerrang for some reason. I guess when you get mad because you bought a horrible system and you throw the controller, it will come back to you? Anyways i dont see any future games that will make a huge impact. A new resident evil was expected to be released but i dont know yet of any details. Overall i do think that the xbox 360 will have a better impression on the sales. I like the standard wireless controller thing and everything. I am looking forward to buying one once it comes out in november.
  12. Frontpage is alot easier to use but you cant edit as much. The dreamweaver you can take peice by peice and change the code in just about anything. For small projects though i like to use frontpage its fast, easy to use, and reliable. So i am going to have to go with Frontpage. Final Answer.
  13. Yeah thanks alot for the tip on the firefox boost. I am glad to have firefox work better than internet explorer. Anyways thanks alot.
  14. i think that this will make a big hit as well as the xbox 360. I heard that you can download games from the main website and thats how you play the games on the system. I also heard that the system's controller is motion sensored and thhat every movement that you make with the controller will show up depending on which game you are playing. The only other thing is will they make a new line of games for the new system? I know that the system can play all of the original nintendo games but it would be neat if they could play some new ones as well.The ps3 is going to blow, they wont make nearly as much money as the xbox 360 will. They made a mistake by making it after xbox 360, and the xbox is coming out towards christmas so that means they will have alot of people trying to buy it for presents and whatever. The ps3's specs sound alright the controller sucks on that system. Its a boomerrang so when you get mad and throw it, it will come back to you? Whatever i dont ps3 even has any decent games coming out. Morrowind Oblivion will blow away the rpg game of the year by far for the xbox 360.
  15. Its really not that hard to take care of a computer! Dont download pirated programs and music, dont download programs that come with spyware. Then just run a check every so often, i found the best way to do this is to time the checks so when your sleeping it does a virus scan and defrag and spyware check all while i am sleeping and then just shuts itself off once its done. The computer should run just fine if you dont abuse it.
  16. well i like alot of different kind of music but the best would have to be rock and metal. For example i like linkin park, green day, disturbed, metallica, and some of finger elevens songs. My favorite band would have to be linkin park and the newest disturbed cd that just came out yesterday is pretty good as well. Though i like those artist i also listen to whatever catches my ear when im surfing through the stations, i only listen to it once and forget about it.
  17. The ps3 is not nearly as big as the xbox 360 is going to be. I cant believe that controller design who honestly made that? Its shaped like a boomerrang! Is that so when you get mad at a game and throw the controller it will come back to you? The xbox 360 is going to make the biggest hit i think the xbox 360 should be coming into store near christmas. The system cost about $400 and comes with all wireless controllers etc etc. Anyways the thing i really liked about it was that all the controllers can be charged while your playing the game which saves you time when you really want to play the game. The ps3 is not expected to come out until next year which means the xbox 360 will already have made a bunch off all the parents that bought the system for their kids for christmas.
  18. yea well whats the price check on something like that? Even if it was cheaper i dont think people would bother picking one up. They thought that this would never happen to them so they all didnt prepare. The hurricane Rita people are taking alot more seriously and are moving people out and getting prepare for the worst case. The only thing that they really could of done better is have a plan and been prepared. They should of all been out of there before it got too bad. New Orleans was below sea level so this was bound to happen sometime. They say that in about 40 years that New Orleans will be part of the Gulf anyways people of the rise of the water. So i dont know what the future holds but they should know by now that another hurricane could cause just as much damage.
  19. mine is basically just a nickname some people called me and 2007 is when i graduate or hopefully graduate college.
  20. well just run the os recovery on it, there is also other programs that you can download that can try and fix/recover the data.
  21. the worst cell phone you could possible have is the n gage the only good use for that is the video games. the n gage did not get good connection with the cingular plan that i am with. I have not personally bought it but my brother has and he returned it within a month.
  22. i liked the game burnout 5 it is somewhat new but i did like nfs as well, you have play to play them online for it to be more fun.
  23. this doesnt sound very legit at all you need to post some kind of reassurance like what the trade is all about. I cant send you information just based off a very small explanation that you have provided. If you supply some more informationt then i can just tell you my spam email address.
  24. how else would they make there money? Business is a business and of course its going to subtract some money that they pocket. How else would they stay open and run the way they do. I believe they take out $0.30 and then like 2% which isnt that much money but can be mattering how much your recieving. Paypal is big enough and so known now that they can charge people without losing members.
  25. it seemed to work pretty good, i dont know what your talking about when your processor usage is at like 25%-90% because mines has always stayed at about 3%. It might be something else running in the background or something like that.
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