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Everything posted by dundun2007

  1. i thought my life was a living hell already. The medicine they use has the HIV disease in it already thats how they use the anti-body to treat it. I cant believe that a doctor can mistake something like that. Well i hope this issue can be resolved as much as possible. So he didnt find out that he wasnt HIV + until he was about to die from it? I guess that is a living hell situation then.
  2. $formated = preg_replace($regexes, $replacements, $text); You lost me here why do you have to replace the reg in the first place cant you just add a simple image edit to the end to save you the time and trouble of having to update and resend all the information when you go to add a image to the main root?
  3. i understand that you want to display that menu and everything looks good on that part but you want to use a custom image for what? Did you want some kind of icon or somethng you need to better explain to me the custom picture part it could be a background icon or anything i dont really know for sure whats going on with that part. Also if you want the bullets to stay then your coding is wrong. I dont really know what you want though let me know and then i can help you as much as possible.
  4. i have never heard about this new verison until now, so its expected to becoming out soon? Well i hope it has better security then this one had. I sometimes used firefox just so i could bypass some of the saftey issues that internet explorer was going through about 3 months ago. I hope they get it right this time and dont screw it up!
  5. not too bad at all, what are all those little icons suppose to be pictures of? Overall i like the mouse over links and the way the background goes along with the rest of the content. The only thing i would change is to make the text a different font just for display purposes.
  6. i thought you meant like a os that was based off of like windows. The oldest windows 3.1.1 that came on a floppy was not that much at all but you cant do anything on it so there is really not point in having it now a days. The linux seems to becoming a little more popular but it still has some issues that it needs to take care of not to mention the linux os that they just updated crashes periodically and the verison before that was perfectly fine. Even so linux could make a big jump in the next couplr of years. Windows is becoming way too common and all hackers go after windows first.
  7. i dont think that geocities is a very good webhosting at all for the free service that it provides. The webhosting only gives you 10 mb of space to start out with. The webhosting makes you have ads on the site. The worst part about it is the long sub domain name that they give you.Really the only good on found on this site was the editor and the editor is only good for newbies that want to make a simple site. The whole geocities webhosting is really just something to get you started.
  8. Google adsense it the most profitable way to go by far because its so popular know they can afford that kind of stuff.I have been using google adsense for awhile now and its worth out perfectly for me.
  9. Great find there too bad i dont understand any of it be i think we will soon find out what they are talking about.Edit: New information on this topic i heard some rumors that the yahoo 360 was suppose to be the name of the yahoo launch and they changed the name only 4 months before its releases. Believe or Not.
  10. There is a more simple way of doing this, i will explain later on i guess. The run step and configing it from the advanced interface is not the way to go if your choosing to go with the standard windows format. I dont feel like explaining the steps right now but i will post them in a couple of hours or so.
  11. The price of gasoline went up quite a bit here in micigan the price per gallon is about $2.95 and it takes about $60 to fill up the car. I heard it might even go up another $1.00 before the end of next month.
  12. yes starting in the middle of the series would make the story a lot less interesting since no one would know the plot or the characters. You have to start from the beginning so you can slowly introduce the plot and the characters as the story goes along.
  13. I would suggest getting a program called spy sweeper it gets rid of all the spam and adware plus you can keep it running in the background to block spam and spyware while your surfing the internet.
  14. Well it still seems to be down when i click on it are you sure your redirection is right or that there is no problems with the dns. It did work the first time i clicked on it about 3 hours ago so i dont know whats wrong with it but it seems to mean that something is causing the downtime but its not down for long.
  15. So what is this suppose to do exactly i can see the difference from the main componet and the newer verison but i dont know why apple made it with only 1 of the 3 main componets. I also heard that the sony computer is coming out with the newest digital camera which is suppose to have the new intergrated zoom control which automatically adjusts to the right setting.
  16. Rocket launcher is by far the best gun in the game but some times it can be a little risky using it.
  17. It is proabably something that is in the registry that needs to be deleted i suggest getting the program called registry cleaner. You can get the program from download.com and it helps get rid of alot of the spyware i end up getting on my computer somehow or another.
  18. London was the financial landmark of the world and the terriost though it would be sending all the rest of the unions a message by the acts they did. I think that the other countries in the union are doing a good job by keeping the public under control and trying to resolve the problems when it happens.
  19. OK, then play the regular maps. They're better anyways.
  20. I Personally like the ebaumsworld.com the best but here is some others that i know of.... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.geekissues.com/ http://www.stumbleupon.com/
  21. yeah.... i thought that was the worst example that Deathlock could of picked. So these 2 were going out for 2-3 years and they both cheated. ok.... then she has to leave? How does that help support that it helps relationships. If they really loved each other wouldnt the other person want to go with her? I dont undertstand your example how it supports cheating. I do believe that cheating can help in some ways but in other cases the person cheats and then stays with that person. It is not very likley that if you cheat on someone that you will go back to her after. Anyways so i guess cheating has its advantages and disadvantages.
  22. Yeah it looks like some more spam websites to me. The person posting these top websites is only doing it so that he can get paid for people to click on the links. It doesnt matter what the website looks like because he gets the money just from you clicking on it. I am sure he gets more if he gets people to sign up as well, which some people would do.
  23. This just in from the yahoo news, the article is posted here....
  24. yea the ps3 should be a big hit when it comes out, though it is competing with the xbox 360. I think that if the xbox 360 comes out first and costs less than the ps3 then the ps3 will not get anywhere. The sony company need to come out with something new that will beable to beat the xbox 360's new features. The xbox 360 comes with all wireless controllers standard. Which means it will cost more for a new controller but no more cord hassles.
  25. Yea i know a little bit about the neopet world that they have there. My sister is on it once in a while and i dont really see what everyone likes about it. I know that there is alot of diffrent games to play but the whole concept of feeding a neopet and whatever else is really just a big waste of time. I guess the kids dont understand how dumb the whole thing really is.
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