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Everything posted by dundun2007

  1. Wel maybe you have to have admin rights when changing the properties of the folder. What OS are you currently running? Also where are you trying to create this folder at? Is it in your documents folder?
  2. No there is no other site that gives out free ibp forums. The invision company decided to make customers pay for there forums now and buy the license. Any free ipb forum that is on the internet is considered illegal. You can download their limited free verison of it though. It has a 200 member limit and a bunch of other limits but it can be found on the invision board site under free trial.
  3. I can see this agruement both ways on some cases. I just did a report on this not to long ago for a college class that i had to pick a side and express what i felt about it. I chose to go for it on this topic. I believe that you should have the right to do an abortion if necassary. I strongly agree with the law that states the abortion must happen within the first 8 weeks of development. Well put it this way if your underage and you have no job, no money and you know that you will not be able to support a child what else is their to do. There is foster parents that could take over the job but alot of these teens that have the children always try to keep it a secret and the child suffers from it. I think that it should be fine for someone to do an abortion. Another side says that its murder though taking away a childs life because you were too careless. I beleive that in most cases that its the parents fault that they have to do an abortion.
  4. yeah im glad you settle down your hosting here, i also did the same after my long search for a good hosting. I would highly recommend buying your own domain name. I only pay like $20 a year for my domain name and some go as low as $5 a year for them. It really doesnt take that long to set it up either. I registered my domain and i was able to access it the next day. I havent had a problem with Xisto with the domain names. The only thing i have left to do is make my subdomain apply to my new domain name. I have had the domain for almost a year now and everything seems to be working just fine for me.
  5. I too believe that Bush went into it for the oil and the gas prices are not low cause he doesnt want them to be. Bush doesnt want to make it look like he was in it for the oil and he wants more money for himself by keeping gas prices as they were when the war started. This is my opinion on the war and i do think Bush should have went in there because of the WMD's but he didnt just go in there to stop them, he wanted something else too......oil.
  6. The story has it that the somewhat fast made xbox 360 will be released around november. The date is not exact yet but it should make a big hit for the christmas holiday. The xbox 360 can be reserved for you for about $50 at a local game store. The price though when the system hits the market is looking at $300-$400, the price has not yet been released though microsoft did tell us it would be in that range. My guess is that it will be like $379.99 at christmas time and then sometime next year it will go down to about $300. Playstation 3 also is coming out. I havent heard anything about its release date but my guess is that it too will be around christmas or shortly after. Sony should consider making it before christmas so that they can make it as a gift for the christmas holiday's. I reserved a copy of the xbox 360 game bundle that includes 2 of the wireless controllers and a set of 2 offical microsoft games. They wont tell me what games it is which is kind of wierd i dont know what im reserving for but i am really in it for the system. Ill keep you updating as the system gets near its deadline. Does anyone else know any info on the price or release date or anything regarding the xbox 360 console?
  7. It is nice to know that we are one step closer to curing cancer. It seems like cancer is getting worse over the years and we are more able to get it through pollution. I heard of the stem cell research but i dont what the immune system boost is, this is the first time i heard this. Well i hope well and hopefully when i reach the age most vulnerable for cancer i will have some cure for it just in case.
  8. Yeah the game does get kinda of easy after awhile, i get a challenge by dueling other people other people online. Thats always something to do, going through the game can be hard once you get to the "hell" difficulty. I do agree though they should make another patch or expansion. It would really be a good idea to just make a Diablo III and that would bring alot of Diablo players back online. I think blizzard would make alot of money off of a Diablo III i know i would buy it.
  9. Well as some of you may know from my signature i play diablo II: LOD and have been for about 3 years now. The game is excellent and even though it has been around for awhile its still a really good game. For those of you who havent heard of this game, its a rpg based off the diablo 1 and diablo II series. The LOD is the expansion to the Diablo II game and in my opinion is a must have in order to play the game. There are only a couple hundred people that play Diablo II and there are thousands who play Diablo II:LOD. The game is either a campaign game or an online game where you can duel and go through the game with other peoples help. Currently i play both ladder and non ladder on the Useast server. Online is free so i recommend buying the game if you like rpgs.Let me know if you want to challenge me in a duel or just play the game. Whipser me on battle net at dundun_2007 or just send me a pm and we can get together and play sometime.
  10. Hello kitty and welcome to Xisto. I like that username of yours. Well i hope you enjoy your stay here we have alot of good people and staff at these boards. If you have any questions feel free to contact one of the moderators like myself or the admins. Well enough talk we all welcome you and go ahead and post away.
  11. yea i have not seen anything like that either, i would like to see a link to the information you got this from. I dont really expect there to be flying cars anytime soon its probably just a rumor being spread around. The only big car wise change i have heard of is the Hydrogen switch. Fossil fuels are low and gasoline will only be around for another 20-25 years, so companies like UPS are switching to hydrogen fuel cells. Its abundant and much cheaper than gasoline.
  12. Yea funny site i would have to say that i would rather be around bears so i at least has a little chance of getting away. I cant believe they have a question that says:would you rather have your fingernails pulled off one by one orHave you eye scooped out with a spoonwhat kind of a question is that? i would have to pick the first one i wouldnt want someone to scoop out my eye.
  13. What comes up when you try and start your computer. If something in your computer in not plugged in all the way or something burns out it can cause the whole computer not to start up. I recently fried a network card on my computer and it didnt start up. What i did was take everything out of the computer that was no needed for it to run and then i seen if that worked. If the computer starts put the parts in one by one to locate the problem if it doesnt start after you take it all out then i suggest getting another harddrive with windows just incase windows may not be working. You can also of course use the windows disk to load the computer and reinstall windows. I dont know what error comes up or anything else explain to us some more in detail what exactly happens when you try to load up the computer.
  14. Yea well they need to make a new Twisted metal sometime the series was really good. After twisted metal 4 the series sucked and twisted metal: small brawl was a very poor make of it. I believe that there will be one coming out for the ps3 once that hits the market this year. I hope to see alot of new games come out that i really want to continue the series for. Well your verison of the game sounds like something i would play. they should just stick with the orginal and add some stuff but not too much like make the cars smaller and whatever else.
  15. Yea i dont know what goes through people's heads when they try to do things like this. Like dont you think the little girl is going to tell someone afterwards and your going to get caught. Plus shes 10 she has no way of defending hereself she cant do anything about it really. I heard a story earlier saying that a 8 year old was raped and then buried alive! People like that make me sick, an 8 yr old has so much more to live for why would someone do something like that.
  16. I would have to say that my favorite car is the Ford Mustang Boss or Cobra. These 2 cars have been the only cars that ford has made thats actually cool looking and doesnt have hundreds of recalls. Here is some pics of both cars, my favorite would be the Boss Mustang. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://digiland.libero.it/
  17. I like the halo series halo 1 and halo 2 were good games. Foreza is also one of the best racing games out there. Action and rpg goes to elderscrolls 3: morrowind because you can play that game for hours and not get bored of it. I cant wait until the ps3 and xbox 360 come out to see what games those bring us.
  18. Yea it will be hard to choose which one to get when they come out... who am i kidding ill get them both. Right now sony company is facing a patent lawsuit at the moment for quite a pretty penny if i might add. Is it me or does the xbox 360 look ALOT like a computer. The way its standing and designed i could well mistake it for a computer tower case. Anyways i guess both companies liked the white/silver color for there system and controllers. In my opinion i think sony will still do a better job and sell alot more than any other system any companies plans to come out with. I really hope to see some good games out for both of the systems. The graphics now make me motion sicked just to play them, but i better start throwing up at the new graphics the companies intend to make. Here some links explaining sony's lawsuit and a couple more interesting things. Sony Lawsuit http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Playstation 3 http://www.ps3land.com/
  19. I know that all the new adware and virus out know make the internet not as safe as always has been. When surfing the internet you can expect to be open to the virus and secruity risks. The best thing to do is to have a firewall to protect you from open ports and run a an adware and spyware program to get rid of any spam you might of got. I usually have a program run when i go to bed, i time everything and it seems to work out good. I dont think we will have any problems, every virus that comes out eventually gets patched, although some viruses could cause seroius problems while they last, the programs will get patched. The adware and spyware can cause alot of problems as well with installing programs that could steal credit card numbers track your computer and install harmful viruses. these should all be taken seriously and many people leave their computer vulerable to these viruses without even noticing it.
  20. I was thinking about using google ads as well but i have heard some good news and some bad news about it. I followed and read up about opaques situation with the google ads and i can see what could happen. I think google would have some good reputation since they have been around for so long and so many people are using the google adsense today. I think i will have to look around for some other ad sites that pay good. So far google has been the best paying ad page that i have seen so far so i dont know what else could come close to the their cpc. If anyone knows of some sites that have a good ppc and they have a reasonable repuation please let me know so i can look around. From what it looks like so far i will try out the google adsense for awhile until i find something that will work just as good or close to something like google.
  21. Well i dont think thats a good idea since you have had alot of problems on the shoutbox latley. You already have 70% warning level and negative rep. I am not going to personally let you back on the shoutbox but if the admin ok's it i guess it will be done. BTW you only have 30% left until your banned from this site i would watch out.
  22. No, i dont think leaving your computer on for 24/7 is a good idea at all. It goes in to hibernate after some time but still not as good as shutting it off. What i do is set my computer to run a virus checker, spyware remover, and cleanup at like 1 a.m. and then i have it shut off once its done. the timer settings works really good for those types of things.
  23. What did you use for your frontpage, was it a editor or preinstalled? Well i dont like the colors in that page to tell you the truth. I think that it needs more of a clean look. There should also be something filling up the white space all over the page, all your content is on the bottom which is kinda wierd. Overall im going to have to give it a 6 right now sorry. I think you should consider using a different editor or preinstalled script like php nuke. This is just my opinion you can just ignore what i said and continue on if you dont care what i have to say but you asked.
  24. Well i have had this phone for quite sometime now and it is fairly newer. I beleive that it was one of the best investments that i have made so far. The phone comes with a camera, 10 sec video recorder, bluetooth, long battery life and much more! Well just take a look at this review that i got from Pcmag.com it should tell you all you need to know. All content in quotes is from pcmag.com
  25. Theres alot of mods for Diablo 2: LOD right now, but not all of them are allowed on bnet. The mods include like character editors, drop mods, boss mods, gold stash mod, and perm mods. These mods only work for single player or open battle net. The character editor makes it so you can make your own weapons with any mods you want on it and change your characters status so your on lvl 99+. It gets boring after using it for awhile, closed battle net is the best because you cant cheat at all. If anyone plays Diablo 2:LOD on UsEast ladder or non ladder just whisper me at dundun_2007.
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