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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Orkut may be more user-friendlt than facebook, but it has very little of the privacy of Facebook. Yeah I know you may be surprised to read this. Facebook tracks your every move and reveals it to everyone in your friends list. While orkut doesn't do this, it does something worse...it reveals your profile to anyone who visits it. Facebook allows strangers to only see the photo, name and gives the option to add them as your friend, but orkut displays your profile! There is an option in the profile settings of orkut to change the display to strangers, but still, a whole lot of info is revealed. Worse still, Orkut reveals who has visited your profile recently. So a fraudster can easily get all the info he needs from one orkut profile than by visiting many facebook profiles! so in my opinion, no matter who copies whom, it's best that we stick to facebook!
  2. Greetings fellow gamers! :(Let me first give you a mathematical equation: US $1 = Rs.50 (approximately)Now let me go to the main point. I've never owned a console till now, not even a PS1 :angel: Today I am in a position where I can buy a console with my own money instead of pestering my parents about it. Here's where the real problem starts.As of now I have Rs.7000 in my account - according to the above equation that should be enough for a PS2. The problem is, some of my friends are advising me to wait till I have enough for buying the PS3, but that could take at least another 15 months It is tempting to enjoy the PS3's graphics but more than I want to hold a console in my hands after waiting all this years!So what should I do in this situation? Can you guys help me out?
  3. Does this game have any known history for bringing in trojans/viruses?It seems like a good game but I want to clarify this point from existing players before I jump in, coz once a person jumps into games like these, there's no coming out! :(It seems a lot like Age of Empires, if I'm not wrong? That was a really addictive game. Playing a game like that in this form is something new and I'm quite looking forward to it. So would someone please answer my question? Thanks a lot in advance.
  4. To Each His Own.You have some opinion about teenagers, someone else has another and so on. Teens act differently in different generations and in different countries. It is up to them to make or break their lives. Telling teenagers what to do will only make them get irritated and they tend to do exactly the opposite thing. This is an open secret! Afterall, life is short and most of us try to bring the best out of it. And then based on the person this "bringing out" will differ. There isn't anything that can be seriously done about it. No amount of counselling can alter the whole generation of teenagers. There will of course, be a few, who will come over to the right side, but you can't stop everyone from doing what they are doing...
  5. Five Point Someone is really just an ordinary book with too much hype around it There have been many books like this one - students enter a college, narrate their experiences, end up dreaming and falling (with a few f*** words thrown in) and of course, girls. Maybe it's because the book is set in IIT that many people talked about it, and bought it. The author used a lot of Hindi words in the book without bothering to give their translations, then why did he write the cuss words in pure English? :angel: And if I'm not wrong, he continues this style in the other two books as well. The other day I picked up Three...... at a bookstore and right there in the first chapter there was an f**** word peeping out. I've had enough with one book and am in no mood to read how some characters use the same words in differently structured sentences to express their anger!Still, I think it is because of this style of writing that so many books have been sold. Do people like this style because they would never dare to vent out their feelings in this manner? Only they know.
  6. Anyone could tell you that learning Mandarin Chinese. But it's something of a challenge, isn't it? Apart from helping you get your job, it leaves you with a feeling of personal satisfaction that you have mastered something that many others have termed as "difficult". So I suggest that you go for it and learn Chinese. It is indeed a tricky language but not impossible to learn! It would be better if you learn in two parts. First just speaking and then reading/writing. If you try to read/write right away, you may be a little discouraged, because if I'm not wrong, a mandarin chinese learner has to learn over 3000 kanji characters (the symbols they use instead of alphabets) just to read a newspaper! Now thay may seem a bit tough. Instead of that, if you start by speaking first, you'll gain confidence and then proceeding to the next stage will be a whole lot easier. Here's a useful site for you to get all the lessons you want: Chinese Pod It offers free audio lessons daily at varying levels so that whatever level you are at right now, you can suitably improve yourselves All the best in your learning and more importantly, all the best for your job!
  7. Give me firefox any day! It's been a great browser right from the start and has been improving a lot, and is a lot safer. The add-ons are wonderful and that is reason enough for me to choose it over IE. I'm sure that many people who're using IE are complaining about it but are not switching to other browsers because they may not have the time to install a new one or some other reason like that.There's another reason for me to use FF. It's open source and not greedy. Even if IE had all the latest and greatest features in the world, I wouldn't use it, because it's history has been murky. Microsoft has been pushy with this browser from the beginning and that kind of attitude sickens some users. On top of that, there's the reason of it being the most vulnerable browser, no matter how many updates MS is feeding it.So whatever the market shares say, FF can beat IE with both eyes closed!
  8. Dragons are like Sherlock Holmes...people believe their existence so much that they'll go to any lengths to seek them out!Yes, dragons exist only in fiction, but they've become an integral part of our lives. Evil or good - whatever their nature might be in a story, they always charm the reader and when they're shown on the big screen, we look at them with awe. This is enough to say that they permanently exist in the hearts of fiction fans.
  9. I must tell you right now that I'm no good at appreciating a poem and giving feedback! So kindly excuse me for not conveying here entirely what I feel about your work. I don't have any negative feelings, but whatever I have I some some difficulty in writing it out! :(Since this is still undone, I think the real essence will be captured in the end. I may be wrong of course, but a story/poem feels good once you know how it ends! Until now, I feel it has shaped up quite nicely though. I really liked your style of capturing the first letters to form words!
  10. Welcome Samurai! I'm sure you'll feel at home quite soon because this is a just the place you're looking for. It promises a good time and it promises good results! Your programming knowledge is sure to come in handy here, so look around and you'll see someone who may need your help...I hope you have a good time here and get your package soooooon See you around
  11. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome @Bani: You helped me as soon as I wanted it. I was wondering when my myCENTs would show up when your post showed up Thanks for that@Fractured.Logic: Now that's an interesting username! Thanks for the helpful lnks. I'll remember the golden rule "quality above quantity" for as long I'm here...@rob85: Thanks for the welcome and I hope you select the right package soon. All the best @freeflashclocks: Thanks for the looooooooooong welcome In the little time I've been here, I've understood the credit system well and I know it's going to be very useful, very soon. I've earned enough to pay for hosting and am just waiting to buy a domain, which I hope I get soon. Your website is really very interesting, but I have to examine it at length later, which will be soon :angel:Thanks again to everyone. I hope to see you around soon...
  12. Oh thanks for clarifying that...this mystery thing is really interesting... But I somehow feel it's time to give some kind of idea to the users about this system. I mean, I know that the quality matters, but still a lot of new users could still get doubts as to how this actually works, so that they could work on improving their posts suitably. Just asking them to improve their post quality may not make complete sense for some members :angel: Some may still be looking for the magic one-dollar post!Anyway thanks for clarifying my doubt. All Clear!
  13. Oh thanks for pointing that out....I didn't actually read everything about the premier pack! I noticed in the order form @ billing that xisto also uses Google Apps to setup the 10 accounts. I say this because they asked for the admin name for the accounts. This can only mean they're doing pretty much the same thing as we would do on our own. Anyway, it's time for me to stop making wild guesses and start waiting for a staff member to answer this question
  14. Do you know that there's a free download of Windows 7 available at the MS site right now? If you downloaded that, you'll be getting a free OS for a whole year and you could download Office '10 too. Win7 is not so bad and it's definitely much better than Vista. I recommend that you give it a try. Here's a direct link: Windows 7 Release Candidate Download
  15. You could say that again....you're paying so much just to put yourselves in danger! Even frequent flyers may have had this thought sometime or the other. The first time you board a plane certainly leaves you with a sickening feeling, especially if you're too young.Travelling on the sea has its fair share of cons too (sea sickness and all...) but it's definitely much better and less expensive and more importantly, much more safer.
  16. Ha ha this is the kind of feedback I like....harsh :angel: Anyway, thanks for the feedback and just to inform you, this is my own poem and no one in the whole wide world could come up with a lamer one Thanks a lot for your feedback;I enjoyed reading it a lot Just to inform you both, this poem was written, as I mentioned in the title, for a contest, and it was hosted on a site called "Legendfire". The contest was to create a poem with "Legendfire" as the title and I managed to finish this only hours before the last date - that's why it's not very neat and needs a bit repairing of course...
  17. I'm guessing we get only 10 because we're not doing the setup process. That's just a wild guess :(Anyway, I found out that when you first visit the google apps page you can sign up for only 50 accounts. You have to particularly opt for premier service (also free) if you want 100 accounts. And to verify that you are the admin of the domain, you have to upload a html file containing the text google shows you, onto your site. Google will then check that page (within 48) hours, and only then will you be able to use your accounts.
  18. I suggest that you use a USB drive that has a built-in antivirus program. I'm not sure that all companies have this, but some do, and using them would make sense. The USB 3.0 standard is almost here and that could mean a whole new army of viruses spreading at light-speed! So be warned....
  19. well I got rid of the game long ago anyway. But what's surprising is that this is a very old game; I think it started in 1995! And yet it has problems like this. I guess the developers have nothing to do with this - could be some players/crackers who might have put the virus in. Well, this serves as a warning to anyone who is planning to play Tibia!
  20. well it isn't working in practice :lol:well I don't have that much Linux knowledge to explain what "pon" is, but all I know is that during all the ten months that I have used Ubuntu, I used the command to connect to the internet, and haven't had a problem with it till now. I didn't have to use sudo back then...
  21. I played the free MMORPG game a few months ago, but I stopped it because I suspect it brought in some viruses. The virus was such that as soon as I tried to open a .exe file, it would take over the registry and try to dupe me into buying an anti-virus software.I stopped playing Tibia then but still, the game has a pull over me. Anyway, I just wanted to ask if anyone else over here who has played/is still playing Tibia if they have ever faced such a problem...
  22. These people never learn! They just want to squeeze out more money out of the fans but don't offer them anything new This franchise has given us a lot to talk about, but I personally feel it's high time that at least the game series be laid to rest, instead of churning out more and more sequels.New pokemon with stranger names and equally strange powers aren't going to make the games anymore interesting. Perhaps the makers should realise this and try to modify the game by introducing new gameplay elements rather than dumping another bunch of new pokemon!
  23. Hi there Gentong!I'm new here too and I already feel at home From what I've seen till now, this place does promise to be a good place to be, and I'm sure both of us are gonna have a good experience here...Hope to see you around.Cheerio!
  24. Ya that makes sense It sure must be tough checking into so many members' posts. I have a small question which I'm sure has been answered somewhere, but this forum is really so large! Well my question is, how are the myCENTs' values decided? I read in a help file that a post can get us upto a dollar or more. I'm guessing the length of the post decides this. Any idea on how big the post should be to earn a dollar? I understand that the post should be sensible and not useless :XD:
  25. 1. Well I'd say it's for students of an age group to stick together....they can always study on their own and save a lot of precious time, but it is the "mingling together" part that high school is all about. 2. In some countries like mine (India), school education is not free. The schools that do offer free education are sub-standard. So the parents put in their own money to get their children educated, so it is up to them whether they want to "waste their money" or get their children educated. It's not an issue of the tax money. 3. As I said before, it's not the education that matters. In those four years, you do a lot of things other than study. And these things cannot be done in a week! 4. Personally, it's something of an achievement. It feels good to know that you did everything right, that you didn't leave any gaps for anything to point out. And after all, what's wrong in increasing your collection of degrees?
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