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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Thanks a lot for restoring my suspended account so quickly! I really appreciate the time you've taken out to make this arrangement. Thanks a ton!!!

  2. I noticed that you converted your old domain itneed into the hosting site. So is that temporary and you're still looking for names or have you fixed with that one? And yes, 911host isn't too catchy a name and it won't encourage anyone to take up hosting!
  3. It seems there are a lot of members dissatisfied with the support system. I guess I'm lucky to not having to open a ticket in the peak-time. Whenever I need to open a ticket the traffic seems to be less and I always get a quick reply. So I'm guessing it always depends on the number of tickets the support staff has at hand. I'm sure they're doing their best to deal with them as soon as humanely possible.
  4. I've used Audacity for the same purpose many times and I've noticed that it's like a trial-and-error game. It all depends on how the song you're editing was recorded. If Audacity is able to recognise the frequency of the vocals, then it can efficiently remove the vocals and give you the background music. But some songs are recorded differently and in this case Audacity cannot recognise the frequency of the vocals and the entire process may turn out to be a dud. So give Audacity a try. It's free and you can experiment with other aspects of the track as well.
  5. Have you tried using foreign names for your company? Often the most unknown words turn out to be the most catchy names! Try googling for foreign meanings of words like "flower". I think you'll be able to find several names right away.
  6. Hallo Nick and welcome to the forums. You've joined at a time when the forum is going through an upgrade, so you won't be able to take advantage of the wondrous myCENT system as yet, but until then you can get involved in the community, and spread the info you mentioned Looking forward to seeing more of your posts soon. Have a great time!
  7. Wow it's amazing to see people still discussing about this thing even though everyone knows that it was a prank. Well I guess it is funny to guess how it would have been if all of this is true. Except for the names beginning with Z I don't think I would notice any huge difference as well, because my country follows the Queen's English as well, with a few local variations. It would really be funny to see the rest of the world trying to get used to the new spellings!!
  8. This was very neatly written, but given the short length, it's a bit tricky to judge the writing quality. I'd definitely recommend trying to write a few more lines on the subject so that the reader can judge the poem and even enjoy it a little more. In its present state the poem ends abruptly and only the true fans of poetry will be able to appreciate it completely. The regular reader, however, will be left wondering why it ended so suddenly and what message was conveyed through it. So take some time and rewrite the poem, trying to extend it a little more. Keep up the good work!
  9. I just mentioned the myCENTs tickets to tell that they're getting a lot of those, and that's why they've put your ticket in the waiting list i.e., if you haven't put it under the emergency or critical category. If you haven't put in under either of those two categories try changing the status and wait for a response; I'm sure you'll get one soon. And every member's contribution on this forum is much appreciated, even if they feel they aren't contributing much. Every little bit helps
  10. has finally got a break of 50 days!

    1. web_designer


      great...so simpleton is back again...

    2. The Simpleton

      The Simpleton

      yup, KS is going to be knee-deep in spam for the next 50 days :P

    3. web_designer


      haha...i am looking for your posts..sorry spams..they are always interesting...

  11. Of course all of us would prefer for the script to be fully ready instead of being finished in a hurry, so take your time. But please consider my request to restore one of my accounts. I've just sent you an email regarding that. I need to get that account re-activated ASAP. Thanks for the help!
  12. Has anyone of you tried publishing with Lulu.com before? I'm looking forward to publishing an ebook on that site and was wondering if there are any downsides to using the site. So, any suggestions from previous users?
  13. Yes, everyone is not so fortunate but at times one has to simply accept these things instead of writing endless discussions about it when you know there isn't anything to be done but to wait! And regarding Xisto - Support, make sure you put your ticket under "Emergency" or "Critical" if you're looking for a quick reply. My guess is that they've been receiving dozens of tickets regarding the myCENTs and forum upgrade, so they're maybe looking at only tickets put under those two categories.
  14. My account's gone as well.....still hoping that the script will be ready soon and I can pay back the huge debt. After this whole mess is over I'm going to stock up on the credits so that I'm not bothered by this problem for at least a year.
  15. @Opaque: Thanks for the update. I hope that the new script works well and the unlimited edit feature sounds good. Praying that the script gets ready before my last account gets suspended! @Sky & others who've been frustrated by the delay in myCENTs: I share your frustration; one of my accounts has been suspended and another is on the brink of meeting the same fate. Yes, it's irritating to watch it happen and not being able to do anything about it, but this is the time to support the community and not blame it. Most of us wanted a change in the forum design and finally when we got it, we're focusing on the bad part instead of the good part. Let's just be a lil' patient. Why do you keep forgetting that no other reputable site offers good hosting in exchange for a few words? When you get the myCENTs on time it's praises for the community and when there's a rare delay now and then, suddenly everyone becomes angry? That's not neat behaviour! So let's stick to the community and hope the dry run ends soon.
  16. Hmm I think you've either been away from the forum for a while or haven't read the latest announcement properly. The myCENTs system is down for a while due to the forum upgrade and therefore you have to wait for a while before the credits are sent to your account. You can still make posts til then and they will be accounted for. One of my hosting accounts got suspended too and I know it sucks but at this time there's nothing else to do than wait and watch.
  17. Hey guys I noticed that you can sort of minimise the toolbar by clicking the button on the rightmost corner. The toolbar immediately shrinks to the right, and doesn't seem too intrusive as before. I guess that should help those members who don't like it in the first place?
  18. It would have been a good idea to notify the members about the upgrade so that they could prepare themselves for the change. Since the upgrade was sprung upon us so suddenly, I guess some of us have not gotten used to it in the positive way. For me the forum loading time is about average and I haven't noticed much change over the past few days. But I think after the cleanup it will be much faster for everyone. As for the myCENTs, they've had a history of being down and up again. So let's just keep our fingers crossed that they come up soon again @Soviet Rathe: I don't agree that the forums have died. The members just need some time to get used to the change. And as for your contest, if I remember right, the prizes were for US citizens only? I guess that took off the enthusiasm from a lot of members, which explains the low response. But still, I wouldn't let my hopes down. Just think of this as a bad phase for the place. Soon it'll be back up and running again. @kira423 : It must have been frustrating to see your friends being let down. But I hope you win them back to the forum as soon as the myCENTs system starts working again.
  19. is melting in the heat......

  20. I don't have the capacity to pay through paypal, which is the reason why I ended up on these forums in the first place Actually things were going on well before the forum upgrade; I was earning myCENTs at a healthy pace and one of the two accounts needed just $0.27 more to complete the payment, while the second account needed $6.66, which I was planning to get within three days. But this unexpected change occurred and my plans were spoiled. I wish there had been an announcement of some sort so that members like me could try and earn some quick dollars before the system got down. Well anyway, let bygones be bygones. I'll write to the support team and see what they can do, and in the meantime I'll keep an eye out for the myCENTs. Everything seems to be happening unexpectedly over here
  21. Don't worry - twitter has been restored already, and this is a bit stale news, but still, it's news! Twitter was hacked yet again (this is the third time, if I remember right), this time by some turkish cracker, which forced everyone's "followers" to be reset to zero. (EDIT: What the cracker did was to force users to follow others; so the admins reset the counters to zero) The funniest thing about this was that many celebrities became scared that they'd lost their popularity all of a sudden While some were sensible enough to realise that something was wrong with the site, there were a handful who were almost hysterical. I read all this in the paper so I don't exactly remember who reached the hysterical stage, but there were definitely a lot of them. Since no one posts much private info on twitter, I guess there's not much to lose even if the hacking was serious, but still it stands to expose that the most popular sites are always the most unsafe to be on. I dunno when this incident occurred but it was fixed pretty quickly by the admins. So, did anyone of you notice that you suddenly had no one to follow you?
  22. wrote 40 pages but dunno if I'll pass the xam

  23. I've got two hosting accounts over here - a basic account and a pro(?) account($6.66). Both of them are now overdue and I have started receiving the overdue notices for the first account today. So in two days that account will be suspended and I'll be slapped a late fee. All my myCENTs are here in the forum, accumulating over the days. Does anyone have an idea when the script will start again? I paid off a late fee just around a week back and now I don't want to pay it for two accounts again!!!
  24. If only people refrained themselves from posting too much private information on Facebook, then it wouldn't matter at all even if FB changed the terms every single day. But even after so many years, people haven't learned their lessons and are still posting too much private information on the net, in an attempt to keep in touch with their friends, or as in most cases, to show off. They don't seem to care for the consequences that follow and that's why FB is playing with their information as they like. I've stopped using all FB apps and don't put any personal info on there. The only thing I use it for is to keep in touch with long lost friends. And I've been fine. Yes, I may be missing all the fun on farmville and mafia wars, but I could always create a duplicate account to play those games
  25. @Nitin: While it's true that Ubuntu has changed the default layout of the window buttons to the left, it's very flexible. You can change the default theme and shift back the buttons to the right. I think this facility is not available in Mac? Not sure though. This is the one good thing about Ubuntu and Linux in general - they're flexible and allow you to customize everything; the users just need to know how to do it - that's all....
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