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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Hey Alok why do you want to risk your hosting account by running a warez site? It's not just worth it. I know warez sites get quick traffic and in other words that translates to more ad revenue, but the problems with running such sites outnumber the advantages. And another thing - the decade plan won't be suitable for warez sites in any way. You will get only a single database and that's hardly enough for the number of features you need to have. Also the bandwidth is limited. Okay enough about the warez - I sincerely suggest that you think of some other better idea than starting a warez site.
  2. Social networks are everywhere today and it's not just the individuals hopping onto every network possible. Every "thing" seems to be having a presence on these networks today-websites, companies and what not- all of them are building up profiles on social networking sites. Their intention is to stay in touch with their visitos/customers, etc. but isn't this a bit too much?! Facebook pages for the silliest things and twitter pages for every other company and website - is this all worth the trouble? Yes a lot of enthusiastic people do follow these pages but does the interest hold after a while? It's become some sort of tradition to have these pages - all this seems really funny. It's true that people like these networks but they don't want to use them in this way, do they? Yes there have been some cases where this has proved useful but they are far and few. I just think it would be best if social networks were limited to real people and not every other "thing"
  3. Paypal is partially back in action for Indians. They've recently started allowing local bank transfers. The catch is that users have to supply a "purpose" for withdrawing their money. The paypal blog said that users would be required to enter a purpose code, but all I found was a list of reasons to choose from. This is really annoying, although it does makes some sense. It's annoying because why should I tell anyone why I'm getting the money?! On the other hand, it's useful because some fraud may be prevented this way. I guess all this purpose code stuff is useful only for people who make huge transactions. I withdraw around $100 per month so I guess it doesn't make any difference to me. And I'm sure a lot of Indian users will be happy as well. You can read the full instructions on withdrawing under the new rules on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/"</a&gt'>this page
  4. This really makes no sense at all - no school is so serious to have a need to spy on their students in this manner. All differences should be forgotten once the students leave the school compound. If the kids used the laptops without connecting to the internet they would have been safe, right? So the school might have given them some work to do over the net, using the laptop. That's a neat trick. I didn't have the patience to read the whole of the article given above, but this is really really insane and I hope the school gets sued big time.
  5. Thank you for the kind words and advice all three of you In fact I expected anwiii to be more stern about this matter Thanks to FouGilang for the extra welcome! @Jonnyabc - well I don't know about anything in particular - just a bit of this and that But it seems to be the most sensible thing to do, and I used to do that a lot when I was active. Well I'm going to try again!@anwiii - well I won't try to convince you that I'm not back for myCENTs, at least not yet. But I will agree that it won't hurt to keep a few extra credits in reserve so that is always welcomed :angel:@FouGilang - you feel I have got back my creativity? I surely hope so! I'm on a mood to go on a posting spree right now although I don't know how well that will go.
  6. It was 204 and not 200? I don't remember exactly as I missed the match :angel: But I'm very happy that Sachin has accomplished such a feat at the peak of his career. Of course, the effect would have been much more amazing if he had done it in the early days, but better late than never. In the last few years he has been playing a bit defensively but yet managed to keep the fans happy and the critics silent by continuing to score centuries in both forms of the game. So if we ask why he hasn't accomplished this much earlier, then I guess one possible answer is that he gets tired after playing for a long time Think about it - his highest in tests isn't even above 250 while a lot of batsmen have broken the 300 milestone ahead of him. And in the Gwalior match too, he played very less and managed to reach 200 only in the end (that was what the newspaper said), because of cramp. So he's an excellent batsman but his physical strength has its limits, I guess.Well whatever the reason, he made it and made an entire generation proud. So let's be optimistic and forget about why he didn't do it earlier Let's hope he gets 7 more centuries in quick succession so that he can become the first to achieve 100 international centuries (or has that bee done before also? ) As for that Australian batswoman, hats off! It's indeed sad that this fact was ignored by everyone and no one spoke of it in the media.....
  7. This is a really good plan and I would have taken it had it not been for the absence of add-on domains. I'm presently running three websites on my $6.66 account and it would have been really good if this new package had a reasonable amount of add-on domains, like, 20 or 30. That still leaves a lot of chance for abuse but it would at least make a few people like me happy. It doesn't seem to have add-on options like the other packages so I'm not very attracted to this right now. But hey, just for a small number of 10 add-on domains, I would definitely consider taking this package.
  8. Hi everyone - I've kept away from t17 for a while since around two months as life was calling, but now I'm back to my bored state of existence so I'm looking to once again start messing up the clean forums over here :angel: (oh, and I'm not back for the credits; I still have two months before I come back for that reason!) But after two months it seems I've got some kind of writer's block for posting. Earlier I used to get lots of ideas for new threads just by looking at a few old ones. But I've spent over 10 minutes this morning looking at old topics and haven't got any idea for a new one. I tried going over to another forum where I'm a member (it's for creative writers) but I faced the same problem over there too. I'm sure a lot of people over here have gone away and bounced back in a creative manner. Could you give a few suggestions as to how one can make a good comeback at any forum in general? I think there's no sure answer for that question, but it's worth asking for now. Oh, and hi again, everyone
  9. Earlier everyone used to ask me, "Are you on Facebook?"Then after I hopped onto FB, everyone's asking me, "Are you on Farmville?" I'm both tired and amused of people trying to keep up with the latest "in" things - they always try to be part of the hip crowd, and in the process they hardly enjoy doing things at all. So anyway most of my friends came to know that farmville has over 70 million players on FB, so they wanted to be a part of it too and soon I too started receiving nagging requests from my friends asking me to come and play the game. And since one or two of those friends were serious FB addicts and would take any turned down request seriously, I decided to give the game a try. After playing for two days, I began to see why it had become a success - it encourages you to get together with friends and help each other in advancing in the game. Other than that it's just another simulation game, which is sometimes a little boring as well. Anyway thanks to this game I was able to get on well with some friends who were busy to stay in touch. Now we help fertilise each other's farms So are you part of this crazy bandwagon? If so can you share a few tips n' tricks for the rest of us?
  10. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone who voted for me I have some more to say about the awards but will do so later - bit too lazy now! Congrats to all the winners again!!!
  11. @Nameless: don't worry you won't lose your identity on the forum so easily And it seems that this new nameless isn't active at all, am I right? I haven't seen any posts made by any more nameless on the forum so far. So chill!!
  12. At last! I was always a bit jealous of the 279 members for having a special group and color Now you're one of us!!!
  13. Wouldn't it be better to introduce a login system to the awards site? If it's public irregularities are bound to occur If everyone had to login with their trap account then it would be a sure way to ensure that everyone voted only once. But I guess that's too late right now.....
  14. My favourite was The Hound of the Baskervilles - I remember reading it some years ago . I didn't know about this movie till now so thanks for the info. I'll be looking forward to it, although I'm not sure how they'll capture the magic in a single movie...hmmmm
  15. Has anyone around here tried using MobileLinux (Moblin) yet? I've been reading a lot about it on the net and it seems to be very intriguing, although I don't know whether or not it will run smoothly on my PC. After all, it is designed to run on netbooks! Since it's being developed by Intel it's very interesting to see how it competes against established Linux brands like Ubuntu and the others. Next year Google will be ready with its Chrome OS and everone will be spoilt for choice! So what is your opinion about Moblin??
  16. Thanks for the offer but I already know how to bypass it I just didn't mention it that's all. I was just highlighting the point that there was such a blocking system in place. Well you make some convincing points but I feel that we've taken the topic elsewhere with out little argument. Let's stop the amazing battle here, shall we :P RS can keep on making weird rules and continue filling their pockets; there won't be any dearth of customers for them any soon...
  17. Youtube may be having tons of illegal content on it, but it's effective at least in some areas. For example, I tried to upload a small clip of The Simpsons (from an original DVD, just in case you got the doubt ) and it was blocked! This may be a stray incident but I'm sure there are many more such blocks placed on there. Youtube isn't doing anything about the already uploaded videos but it's certainly doing something about the ones being uploaded now Yes I agree that all good services on the net can be abused in some way or the other, but when RS knows about this matter and is still keeping quiet (unless of course, someone points out the abuse) it only means they're only happy about the current happenings... I'm not fully aware about the Napster case because I didn't even know about the internet at that time, but in the case of bit torrents everything is public, isn't it? But in case of sites like RS they have strong privacy policies so we never know how many people are buying accounts and what they are downloading etc. That's probably the reason the site is still alive and I don't need anyone from the warez scene to support my "million" figure. 1 million (10 lakhs, if you will) is hardly a huge figure. There are at least six million downloads of any big film/music album these days (got that statistic from a newspaper!) and can't we assume just 1 million of those 6 million have premium accounts? I was only guessing a tiny figure, to be honest!!!
  18. Ok I've just returned home after watching Avatar, and I must admit, it was a really different experience. At 162 minutes, the movie seemed to drag for a while but on the whole it is worth a watch in the theater. My biggest complaint about the movie is this - it seems more like an RPG rather than a movie. I say this because all we're shown is how amazing the planet Pandora is, and how mysterious its inhibitants are and how much they care about nature. Well there's nothing wrong about it, and it actually is an intriguing theme. But halfway into the movie I was wondering "Okay the graphics are amazing but where's the story heading to?!" In the end, it's just a story about a civilization trying to defend itself from aliens, who in this case, happen to be humans! I didn't get to watch the movie in 3D so I might have missed some of the "fun",but it was a thrilling ride nevertheless. The part where Jake learns the ways of the Na'Vi could have been cut short but it was extended, maybe just to increase the number of "amazing visuals"! Unlike 2012, which was also heavy on graphics, this one has some decent acting. The animation is simply superb and that's a huge plus for this movie. I was a little bit let-down because this one had huge expectations, but nonetheless, I was satisfied and as people around here say, this movie is complete paisa vasool! (worth the money paid! )
  19. If they had a strong anti-piracy policy then they would have provided some sort of checking system (something like what youtube does) to check whether the uploaded files are legit or not-they remove the files only if someone pokes them to do so -otherwise they ignore the fact that they are a large source of piracy distribution -and we can safely assume that atleast a million people have bought accounts on that site so they're coolly counting their millions while ignoring the copyright infringements!
  20. Rapidshare is always looking for an excuse to get people to pay for their services and that's the reason they're introducing rules like this one. They're already making millions by selling millions so that people can download illegal content off the net but they're still not satisfied. Oh well even if a few users like Ash and me stop using Rapidshare they won't face any loss - rather, I'm sure this rule will get them want they want - more sacks of money!
  21. Hi Nameless - I have another intention for replying to this topic but let me at least try to stick to the subject a little. I looked up a few sites about calenders and think this one might help you. Take a look around and see if something in that list is useful for you Now about my real intention - it's nothing huge, but it's something I've been forgetting to tell you about - correct me if I'm wrong, but it's just that the "Questions & Queries" is a forum where you're supposed to ask questions about Xisto, isn't it? Your questions would look much better if they were placed in the appropriate forums. For example, all your questions about Drupal could have been in "Software" because Drupal is just that. And this calender one could have been in one of the Internet subforums....Not that I have any problem with them being here, but I just feel it'll look better if they were placed in those places
  22. Will you accept a cheque for December 21, 2012? I'm expecting a billion dollars on that day
  23. VOTING DONE! Including me only three people have voted so far. Oh well, most of our members are still having a busy day right now so I guess they'll come out when its evening for them! All the best to everyone in the list!@Sky: I've already voted for you
  24. I'm one of those people who thought this was nomination+voting. Then I think I shouldn't have put the numbers beside the members nominations to show how many people nominated them? Oh well the deed's done. So how long does the voting go on then?
  25. 2012 is history now! The hype surrounding has gone and is now around Avatar which is directed by James Cameron who gave us Titanic. It's a 3D movie and is said to be very thrilling, exciting, exhilarating and blah blah blah. So naturally everyone seems excited to watch it. All this talk reminds me of the talk before 2012 was released. i agree that 2012 became a hit (mostly due to its special effects) but it was also blamed for some shabby acting. In Avatar the only we can only judge the actors by their voices and the rest is left to animation. So do you think this movie will live up to its full expectations or will be just another dazzling movie with a weak storyline?
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