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Everything posted by rob86

  1. I'm having trouble with my internet the past few days but will return to the IRC chat to stay when I get it fixed. The IRC is *much* better than the chat. you don't have to have a resource hogging web browser open. You can log on however you want.. mirC, xchat, IrcII.. whatever is convenient. Hide it in the background and check it when you want. Plus Soviet installed a fun trivia game. It's addictive. Who knows what else is to come?? You're not really getting the 'full effect' by using the web based IRC anyway.
  2. Wow so many snakes. I kept expecting Rikki Tikki Tavi to make a surprise appearance and save the day.
  3. Does anyone know how to make *BLEEP*X IRC client reconnect upon disconnection? I keep ending up in the wrong Trap..

    1. rob86


      Uh, BishX that is!

    2. krazyychickk


      y did u sayy u thinkk im alreadyy krazyy ??

  4. Soviet and I are usually in there but I got disconnected..I'm back in there for now.. alone with LadyGaga. Sorry nobody was there when you joined web_designer.
  5. We're having lots of fun in the IRC chat.. anyone who doesn't join is missing out on a lot of excitement!
  6. I have fond memories of playing this game. I didn't own it but I borrowed it. I grew up living near a guy who let me borrow his NES games. I remember he had a disgusting habit of spitting into his cartridges to get them to work. I owned a few NES games, my favourite was River City Ransom. I loved that game, it was funny.But yeah, they don`t make games like The Legend of Zelda anymore. Games are not very challenging these days.
  7. They are nice bridges. I think the view from the Milau bridge must be nice. My province has a few interesting bridges, while they may not much on the worldwide scale, they are a still a significant tourist attraction in my province. Here is the confederation bridge, the longest bridge in the world to cover ice-covered salt water. A more humble bridge, this is apparently the longest covered bridge in the world.
  8. What do you call cheese that is not yours?

    1. Saint_Michael


      Macho cheese, seen the commercial

    2. anwiii


      that would be NACHO....not macho haha

    3. krazyychickk


      nacho cheese duhh?? reall funni lls

  9. I theorize that OpaQue is an Extra-Terrestrial, or a being from another universe/dimension. Here are some facts:1. His location states "From somewhere in Time & Space" This is OpaQue not wanting to reveal his location, either it's because we might freak out (if he was from somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse) or because he knows we aren't capable of understanding (another dimension)2. He showed interest in the recent "Life Outside The Solar System" topic.I haven't seen the mysterious OpaQue post very often, but he seemed to come to life inside this topic. Obviously, having to keep knowledge like this a secret is hard to do, and he almost let the truth slip out.3. "India is a poor country" (going by the comments here, not my opinions) but despite this, they manage to help NASA discover H20, and (insert other things mahesh2k said here). There is only one logical explanation, OpaQue has been around for thousands of years and is behind every single discovery or invention coming from India. He created religions, tamed the first elephant of war, created the first curry. He has knowledge far beyond any human being, but he is wise enough to not draw attention to himself by not taking the media spotlight from the USA and other countries.4. His name is OpaQue, let us check the dictionary.OpaQue: a. So obscure as to be unintelligible: "opaque, elusive, minimal meanings" (John Simon).We could interpret this as his knowledge is simply too complex to be understood by human beings. There may be more facts that point to him being an Alien from another world yet to be discovered. -- The truth is out there. --
  10. Do you mean removing vocals from a song? I've tried a bunch of software and rarely do they work very good. The soundcard and software that came with my computer allowed for "Karaoke mode" which did the job as well as one could expect. Your computer might be able to do this if you look at your sound card options (where you set effects like Reverb, etc)You'll find that with almost any software you try, some mp3s will work better than others, but rarely will it be perfect. I find that all of the software seems to work about the same, unless there have been some serious improvements since I last tried doing this.Just google for Removing vocals from songs or something.
  11. I think it's pretty cool actually. I don't understand all the hate, doesn't anyone even see the scary face? I don't think it's supposed to be an Escher illusion. It's just a fence with an image painted on it that you can only see looking an angle.
  12. Is there any good software free or otherwise that lets you stream a wide assortment of music genres? Stuff likes Blues, Jazz, Classical, 'World'. I tried one software called GetRadio which wasn't too bad, but 1/4 of the stations are dead and there is no way to filter out dead ones. That and the lack of ANY settings made it seem poorly designed. While it has decent functionality and quite a few stations, I can't help but think there must be something better?
  13. Little Big Soldier is a big budget (by HK standards, not US standards) Hong Kong an action adventure with comedy starring Jackie Chan which has seemingly flown under the radar of popular movies. Unless you speak Mandarin Chinese, you'll be stuck with sub-titles. Don't let this deter you because this is a good movie set in the Warring States period of Chinese history. A long time Jackie Chan fan, I wasn't sure what to expect with this movie. Chan's recent movies have been questionable (Spy Next Door? What the hell was he thinking?). Luckily, this HK made film proves to be of superior quality to his US films.Chan stars as a war deserter who along with an enemy General survives an ambush. The movie focuses on his journey back home with the captured General which he plans to trade in for a reward. I'm not going to go into a huge review, but I will note a few things that made the movie good to me.The setting of the film was a bold move with great results. I haven't seen too many movies set in this period of history, and the visuals and sword fights are a refreshing change from gun battles. Jackie Chan's injects his character with an amazing amount of charm, making his character likable as usual. His co-star did a great job as well portraying a General. Their chemistry is good and it's believable when they inevitably start to respect each other. The physical comedy is still creative, showing that Jackie Chan still can pull off his Buster Keaton inspired comedy. The action while kept to a minimium is well done, with exciting kung-fu inspired sword fighting.In my opinion, a good ending.Anyway, I'm not good at reviews so I'll just say check out this movie if you like a nice light-hearted adventure movie. You can definitely tell this is a Chan movie, but it's a new way to enjoy his style. I hesitate to say it, seeing how I've always raved about Chan's older action comedy movies, but I almost think this is one of the best movies of his career. If you're not watching Hong Kong films in general, you're missing out.Note: Just Don't Watch The English Dub Version!!! (Nothing will kill your enjoyment of HK Films faster).
  14. Xisto: A quest for wisdom through violence? Hmm..
  15. Actually there was a slogan at the bottom of this webpage that said "Honesty rocks, truth rules" but it's gone now that the site changed. As for recipes..hmm, I don't know. Post whatever you want! Helpful, huh? You've shared some good stuff so far, you'll figure something out.You could always post something non-food related too if you don't want to post a bunch of recipes. Not sure what else you're interested in other than food though.
  16. The "Interests" information under someones name sure takes up a lot of space on the screen in some cases. Anwiii's interests take up my entire screen's height, leaving his post box a big empty space. Not sure if anyone mentioned that already, but it's really distracting. I'm not sure the interest information is necessary to have there anyway. My opinion is it just clutters the left side. If it has to be there, maybe it'd be a good idea to condense it into a link that pops up a little tool tip or something. If it was me, I'd just get rid of it.I guess I just like a real minimalist look. Other than that (and the misaligned MyCent icon) everything looks okay to me.
  17. Sounds good. I like the recipe for the salsa. I haven't tried it, but it sounds good. Thanks.. keep up the posts! "Food rocks! Eating rules." (I guess that was inspired by the little slogan at the bottom of the screen)
  18. I don't think it would matter too much if you did add a recipe that was already on the site somewhere. I don't really look through the recipes that were here years ago and I might miss out on something good if you don't post it!
  19. I made this soup today. It was pretty good and unlike any soup I've had before. I plan on making it again sometime. I especially like that it was easy and quick to make.
  20. I think it's a fun idea. Maybe I'll do some advertising. Do you think OpaQue would mind if one of his Xisto logos off the site were printed and used? What happens if 30 people don't enter? The contest is cancelled? I would really be surprised if that many people entered. Anyway, it's a generous offer to have a contest for the site. Thanks SovietRathe
  21. I'm here but I don't really have a whole lot to say. So you're from Turkey web_designer? Aloha, Nasılsın? Been a long time since I've spoken T?rk?e.
  22. I once had a disappearing drive on Ubuntu Jaunty. It worked when I first installed Ubuntu, it worked for months after, and then it just disappeared for no apparent reason and nothing knew it existed. I'm not sure if this is the same as your problem or not. Here's how I fixed it, it might not help though as this is linux territory I'm not too familiar with, I just got this advice from someone else. So use your own judgement.. all I can say is I did these steps and it fixed my disappearing device problem. Maybe it's different if both are on the same drive? I have no idea! In a terminal emulator, type: cat /etc/fstabThis will list your file systems, you should be able to see your NTFS partition there I think -- but if it's really disappeared, I imagine it won't be there. You don't really do much here, just look at it and see if anything makes sense. Then type: sudo blkid This will list block id's (whatever that is) of your devices. See if there's one that looks like what you need. For example, here's what shows up on mine. /dev/sda1: UUID="0EC86536C8651D69" LABEL="Windows HDD" TYPE="ntfs" Take note of the UUID of the problem device. If it's missing from your /etc/fstab, you can type in this: BUT, replace the UUID with the one you want to fix and the two occurences of the name 'mystuff' to whatever you want it called (any normal name with no spaces). sudo sumkdir /media/mystuffecho "UUID=REPLACE0EC86536C8651D69THIS /media/mystuff auto users,uid=1000,gid=100,utf8,dmask=027,fmask=137 0 1" >> /etc/fstab Nautilus should find it now hopefully. Like I said I'm not sure if this is even the same problem as what you had, but I was annoyed when my drive disappeared and someone told me to do this, it fixed the problem. Or just re-install Ubuntu..maybe that will help.
  23. Cosplay, hmm. Living in the middle of nowhere, I don't really know much about these strange conventions and hobbies! Uh, do guys do it? It doesn't look like it. So who are you going to be in the near future kira423?
  24. Sounds interesting! Would you believe I never had it before, I haven't even heard of it. It looks like an easy soup to make, and I have all of the ingredients including freshly grown chives so I think I'll give it a try sometime this week. Thanks for the recipe kira423
  25. I'm very impressed with the flash intro, it looks great. I wish the forum was done to match the new style, with the colours and stuff. I am so sick of this plain blue and orange it's not even funny! The forum itself looks so generic and uninspired, and doesn't stand out at all. It's disappointing to go from the beautiful flash page to this drab place
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