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Everything posted by rob86

  1. I don't know anything about routers, so I have a question. If I have two computers hooked up to the same router, is it possible to transfer files from one computer to another? Without using the internet, I mean. I would have assumed so (isn`t that how a network works). I don`t see my other computer listed as part of the network.
  2. Here's a neat picture, it looks fake but it was simply taken with a special lens.
  3. I don't know what the big deal is. As a member here, I've earned $125, which I used to register a domain, and had fun building a real webpage (not some geocities thing) on that domain that didn't cost me anything. I received help from generous members and mods who take the time to reply to my posts about many different things. I talked to a bunch of people about a variety of subjects, learned quite a few interesting things. Who knows, maybe I paid for my domain with my questions alone -- questions that I would have posted on another forum anyway if Trap didn't exit.There are things I wish were different too, I miss the edit button as well, and the theme isn't my favourite, but to be so upset over such minor issues is being overly dramatic. You go to almost any forum on the web and there are always active members and mods, most who post without asking for a cent. We're getting paid for it. How many forums reward you so generously for simply posting? I can't think of a single one out of the dozens I've been on. Seems kind of ridiculous to complain about things like the mystery of mycents.
  4. A hot stake is better than a cold chop!
  5. I guess this mysterious Nish person must be a romantic genius since it appeals to girls (Sarainwasteland), because this pick up line sounds like absolute trash to me. It's not even just lame enough to be funny, it's beyond lame!
  6. Wow, people still use Antivirus software? I remember what that used to be like, before I switched to Linux!
  7. Thanks for your advice! I noticed something while watching Buddy Rich videos (Man, that guy is inspiring!) and it's that he switches between matched grip and traditional grip sometimes during the same solo. Is there a good reason for why he does this? He's obviously a master with both methods, but he chooses to use both. Does the matched grip give him more oomph or something? I don't know, but when he uses matched grip his songs are pretty 'hard rock' sounding.. maybe it's just a coincidence.By the way, do you know of any good drum parts in songs to learn? I find the standard rock drumming a bit simple and repetitive, but jazz or anything that is more challenging and pretty interesting. You seem to like jazz rhythms, so maybe there's a song you enjoy playing to that I would like too? Maybe? Or any song it doesn't have to be jazz.. but something good!
  8. I figured it out myself. Windows 7 actually troubleshooted it for me, can you believe it? It told me to unplug the router and plug it back in, I thought, what a stupid idea, why would that help? Well what do you know, it worked, weird.
  9. I'm trying out wireless internet, and I'm having some problems with it. I don't know _anything_ about broadband, or routers, or anything. My experience is only with dial-up internet which seems to be completely different. I have some kind of a D-link router and the computer with it runs Windows 7. Other than that, I don't know much. It was working decent after the guy set it up, I actually installed my game (the one I complained about in another thread) and watched a youtube video, now it's not working, and that's about all I know. I don't know if I'm supposed to connect or what, really. Maybe it just sucks as much as I feared it would. Wireless internet is a strange beast to me. Does anyone know how to get back on or even understand the router? I don't know what all the lights on it mean, but I never really looked too much, but it'd be nice to know if it's 'supposed' to be working or getting a signal or whatever.. I don't know how it works!
  10. When people refer to "Studio" do they mean Pinnacle Studio? A quick search on google found this In the video toolbox, under Studio Plus RTFX, you will find a number of tools. The Color Correction tool provides a number of adjustments, including brightness and contrast. Maybe you should look for "Color Correction" instead of brightness, I don't know. I don't edit videos.
  11. Python is a good place to start programming, but I don't know how interesting your bot project would be if you did it on python. IRC is the best place to work with bots, you can program in the easy to learn mIRC scripting language (assuming you have some way to run mIRC, not sure if it works on Mac). The mIRC scripting language is quite powerful and you'll find it easier to learn than python but, it's not a full fledged language. It's still powerful considering what it is, It was the first language I learned and I made quite a bit of stuff with it. Advanced (well I thought so) chat bots, audio player, games, email sender, email downloader, a web server, math equation solvers and graphs, and a whole bunch of stuff. It's what got me into programming. Before I even began learning python, mIRC surprisingly filled almost all of my programming needs. The obvious problem with mIRC is that you're stuck to using it on mIRC, and when you get tired of IRC, your knowledge will be wasted since you won't be using it again. mIRC scripting is a good place to begin learning programming concepts like variables and stuff because it has a great easy-to read newbie friendly help file that isn't nearly as intimidating as Pythons horrifying amount of documentation. You can actually master mIRC scripting and move on, unlike other languages, which seem to be never ending in the amount of stuff they can do. Plus, IRC is THE best environment to work on a bot if that's what you want to do, because you want your bot to actually interact with people. It makes sense that you'd be motivated to make a chat bot on an actual chatroom.You can also use an eggdrop bot and learn to program TCL. Eggdrops are advanced pre-made bots, but people program 'scripts' for them in the TCL language, which are like addons. These can be games or things to check the weather, or say the date, whatever. TCL is a 'real' language, and means it's pretty confusing. I'm not sure I'd recommed this, since the similar Python is generally more popular than TCL ( I think ) but lettnig you know that it's an option. They're fun things to play with, I was really addicted to managing an eggdrop bot network years ago and making things for them.If you just want to learn programming in general, and you only said Bot because you didn't know what else to make, well I think Python is the best. I don't have much experience programming, but Python seems to pretty good and easy (compared to c++.. it's just a more complicated language). It can do a lot more than mIRC for sure. I enjoy using Python. Plus, I can imagine learning Python is actually going to be a useful skill. Python was even used to make parts of big games like Civilization IV. mIRC on the other hand, is mostly limited to newbies and/or chat addicts. You could forget the bot idea and make something else.And chat bots aren't really hard to make, I mean they CAN be, but they can be as simple or advanced as you want. If you want it to reply to a hello on mIRC, it's like this.on *:TEXT:#Chatroom:*Hello*: { msg $chan Hello there, welcome! }or..on *:TEXT:#Chatroom:*:{if Hello isin $1- { msg $chan Hey! }elseif Bye isin $1- { msg $chan Bye! }Of course, as you get more adept, you'll find bettr ways to do it, but it can be that simple. That might not be completely right, it's been a while since I used mIRC. It's different than Python for example because it really integrates with what happens on an IRC server. I used to be an mIRC scripting expert, and I find myself wishing I spent my time programming in something more useful like Python instead because I outgrew mIRC. But then again, mIRC got me interested in programming in a gentle way without the intimidation of reading Python books and lessons. So I don't know, mIRC scripting, python, whatever, maybe learn them all, I think half the people on here know 100 languages anyway
  12. I think I'm getting the hang of the method you taught, but it's hard to be sure. I might take a picture of my hand if I find my camera, but for now here's a description of what I'm doing. I have my thumb on one side of the stick, and the other four fingers on the other side, so all my fingers are touching the stick. Sometimes my fingers are touching it in the padded part of the finger, other times it slips down to the joint area (the joint nearest the fingertip) and rests in there. I'm not sure which is better, but when it's in that joint as opposed to on the pads of the fingers it feels like I have more power. My fingers (not thumb) are all around 0.5-1cm apart, which means they aren't touching, but they aren't stretching uncomfortably. They're just in a comfortable position.Now when I hold my arm out, holding the stick, with my the pads of my four fingers facing the ceiling, I can position the stick maybe about 45 degrees below the horizontal without moving my wrist hardly at all. Then, I can pivot the stick on my thumb all the way the other way so it's flat/ horizontal in the other direction. I can bounce it around by whacking it with my fingers too. That seems like a pretty good range of movement using entirely my fingers to pivot the stick, so I think that must be right? My hand doesn't look quite like yours in the picture, but maybe it's because your fingers are long. I can hold it like you, but it feels more comfortable when it rests in the joints of my finger instead of up farther like in your picture.Assuming that is right, what should the position of my hand be when I'm actually playing? Should the back of my hand be facing the ceiling, or should it be facing sideways? Where should the 'butt' of the stick be bouncing, in the air, or against my palm/wrist? Anyway, it's hard to describe all that in words, but I'm trying to make sure I don't spend all my time practicing the wrong way and learning some bad habits.After all this fancy finger work I've been doing for the last hour, I think I've almost mastered that stick spin that drummers always do lol. I've been spinning it around with one hand and typing with the other hand.
  13. Asafoetida? If that's the English word, I've never heard of it before. It's also known as "Devil's Dung" ? Wow, that's an appetizing name for a food
  14. I always like reading about food, so yeah, post some recipes!
  15. Are there English words for Pohe and Hing? Farsan? I have no idea what those ingredients are. I'd like to try your Indian food recipes, but I don't even know what the main ingredient is. I know a few 'Indian' words from my experience with other recipes..but not those ones.
  16. You sound like the whale in Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.
  17. Since Baniboy was kind enough to share a video with us, I thought I'd throw one in here too. This is Neil Peart, drummer from the famous Canadian progressive-rock band Rush. He's widely regarded as one of Rock's best drummers. Rush is a small trio of virtuosos, Geddy Lee on bass, Alex Lifeson on guitar, (both not present in this video) and Neil Peart. I'm not sure if their fame reaches beyond North America, because Canadian bands are typically overshadowed by American ones even in my own country. Anyway here's the video, apparently performed at a Buddy Rich memorial concert. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . I thought it was great drumming, but Neil apparently thought it sucked, and released two Buddy Rich tribute albums to make up for the "bad" performance. Is it just me or do drummers always have horrible posture? They're always slouching forward and looking down, you think they'd get back/neck problems. Enjoy! PS: Does he flip his drum stick around and play with the other side for almost the entire solo? It sure looks like it, but maybe I'm imagining. It's hard to see the end of the stick on youtube. Do you think he's doing it to get a different tone?
  18. Black bean burger? That sounds like some hardcore vegetarian food there, never saw it before. I like veggies, I usually avoid veggies that try to be meat but I guess I'll try anything once. The recipe sounds pretty good though, I love quesa..quasa...queezie..quasi-dillio..whatever. Is that hot sauce you like really spicy? I like really hot sauce on my mexican food. I'm feeling too lazy to actually make this myself.. I don't have any spinach or 'black bean burgers' to make it. Too bad you couldn't just attach one of your quasiwotzits here.. I wish technology would advance faster. You probably know more vegeterian foods than I do, but when I'm feeling 'vegetarian', I make a lot of soups, lentil soup, pea soup, vegetable soup, tomato soup. I also love a barbecued Portobello mushroom burger, Mmm, mmm!
  19. Wow, that was an impressive display of talent there. It was a good video, I enjoyed watching him use the different techniques. I saved it - it was that good. I watched it a couple times already. He's an interesting drummer, the dynamics of his playing make listening to him pretty captivating. Quiet, loud, fast, slow.. That was an awesome roll too, the build up into a great climax with his arms flailing and cymbals crashing.. great stuff! It really makes the big ending more effective when it's built up to.I can see why so many rock drummers were inspired by him, he's a pretty intense drummer for a jazz guy. Is he doing that thing with the fingers you taught me? It kind of looks like it, his wrist isn't moving at all in some parts, but he's going so fast, it's almost a blur.
  20. How many extensions do you have loaded on Firefox? I found that at one point I had 100 or so, and Firefox took a long time to load. I disabled them all and only enabled what I really need and now it loads in 1-2 seconds on an old computer.
  21. Snoopy the famous beagle (who either is in denial or isn't really a beagle, he's insulted by being called a beagle in the earliest strips) was voted Top Dog of popular culture in an American Kennel Club online poll. I don't think I could disagree with that, Snoopy's image has been around in my life at pretty much every stage since birth, whether it's on t-shirts, stickers, or whatever. Plus, I read Peanuts in it's entirety so I've seen a lot of Snoopy. No matter how old I get, Snoopy keeps his appeal. I don't agree with the rest of the list however. Who the heck is Reveille? Jack the Bulldog? You can tell this list was mostly voted on by Americans. Scooby dooooby doo is definitely a familiar pooch for me, I'm not sure if he deserves to be so high, but maybe. What about Cujo? I thought he was a pretty memorable dog, but maybe AKC was going for a little less bloodthirsty candidates. I guess the paintings are pretty memorable, as is the doggie in the window song. What about the Border Collie's in Babe? They're very memorable for me, I'm a BC owner.. always been fascinated by this breed. I wouldn't mind adding some more BC's to the list. What about old classics like Lassie? Old Yeller? How the heck could they not be on the list? Who voted for these, kids? They were old when I was born, but I still realize the impact they had on American culture. It's a bit disturbing that these inspiring family classics have been replaced by some of the pop culture icons on THIS list. I'm sure there are a lot more famous dogs, but I can't think of any right now ..... Anyway, the list is kind of weird. Who let the dogs out is one of the top 10 most memorable canine pop culture references? Uh, okay. I thought it was just some dumb song they played during sports practice when I was a teenager. Brian Griffin? Well, maybe, but I'm not sure if he's really a good representative for canine culture, he's more human than dog! Here's the list: What do you think of this list? Do you agree with it, or do you have any additions?
  22. Well, I've given up trying to get Steam to work. I'll have to wait for who knows how long before I can install my game using some external hard drive and registry editing. Either that, or some day I'll actually have broadband. I might send them a support request, but I doubt they'll be of any help. And what's with the "you can only register on one account" crap? What if I forget my password for steam? I didn't even know it was important so I didn't take the registration too seriously. Creative Assembly, or Sega, or whoever uses Steam for their games can safely assume I won't be buying anything from them anymore. I looked at torrent sites to see if there was any way to crack Steam but it's not looking that good. There are some cracks, but people complain about it crashing and I don't know if it's because the game is just buggy or the cracks are no good. I had to buy a game that's hard to crack --- damn my luck! I didn't even know what Steam was, or I would have avoided it! I never even considered that you could buy a game and not be able to play it because of the stupid protection.
  23. I don't think he's 'the' guy for you. He's using you, you're his backup. People like to have a fall-back person in their life, it gives them confidence to explore other people. He can date other women with confidence, knowing that if someone dumps him, or hurts him, he will find comfort in you. His sexual advances towards you will make him feel like this attractive man again, boosting his ego to meet new women. If he's feeling lonely, he can go to you. As long as you're friends, there's no official commitment, and that's the way he likes it. He doesn't have to worry about breaking up, because you're not together. He can get all the benefits of a girlfriend without the drawbacks. You let him get away with that. The fact is he doesn't appreciate you. If some new girl came into the picture, he'd be all over her. He knows he 'won' you, it's Mission Accomplished. Boring. You'll always be secondary to him, because that's what you let the relationship become. You've shown him that no matter how lonely his life gets, he can always turn to you. Guys are very possessive creatures and he wants to control you, to make you 'his', to prove to himself that he's a real man, and he knows he is succeeding. Jealousy doesn't necessarily mean he cares about you, it often means he thinks he owns you, and wants you around when it's convenient for him, if you're taken by another guy, you aren't there for him. remember, you're _his_ back-up.If he was as madly in love with you as you want him to be, you'd have been together by now. You've known him a long time and it hasn't turned out to be anything very special yet. A phone call in the army nothing, he was lonely and had nobody else to call. You should want him to think of you all the time, during the best of times, during the worst of times. You didn't mention one thing that makes me think that you have something special with him. Sleeping together doesn't mean anything, most guys will sleep with anything if they're allowed to. You just happen to let him. Talking dirty doesn't mean anything. Don't convince yourself with blind optimism that things like this mean he likes you, because it doesn't. Even if he said today that he loved you sincerely, I'd be very skeptical. He'd probably only be lying to himself. Sure wouldn't be the first time someone thought they loved someone to find out they didn't.If he loved you, he'd be wanting to do everything for you to make you happy. He'd want to make you feel special. I don't mean complimenting you a few times to lead you on so you talk sexually with him. It should be more than that. I believe people in general are very selfish, and the motivation of his actions seems to be only to please himself. When you find the right guy, you'll find his motivation is to make you happy. He'll want to work hard to be a good man for you. If you play a little harder to get, he might be jealous and want you more, and you might become a couple, but I think real love should be a little more magical, your relationship with him isn't. At least, I wouldn't be satisfied with it. He's not exactly going out of his way to be the perfect guy for you. I think you can do better.As for the original question, should you tell him you love him or not. I don't think it works that way, I mean love is two-way street. When it's love, you should know the answer to your question already. You'd be able to feel that he loves you and there'd be no doubt about it. You shouldn't be trying to find reasons to convince yourself. Love is such a nice thing, we often convince ourselves that something is love when it isn't. That's why there are so many people breaking up and getting divorce.
  24. Nice to meet you Emily. Welcome to Trap. This is a good place to start your own website, what are you interested in? It's hard to decide on what to make a website about sometimes, at least I think it is. What country are you from? There are people from all over the world on here.. I'm from Canada. Anyway, see you around.
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