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Everything posted by rob86

  1. I'll have to get some of these ingredients before I can make it but it looks good :)I remember hearing of asfoetida.. "Devil's Dung" as it is known..but I don't know where to find it
  2. I hope I don't have a murderer after me. Anyone here want to kill me?
  3. I prefer Cow Water. Not really. I rarely drink either Pepsi or Coke now, but if I were going to drink it would definitely be Coke. There's no comparison. Coke is more "fizzy". Coke has a stronger taste (you described Pepsi accurately as weak). Pepsi is way too sweet. Rum and Coke is popular drink. Rum and Pepsi is practically non existent and for good reason. Pepsi is not even in the same league as Coke.
  4. Who are you?

    1. chini13


      ??? u r rob and im chini..memory loss ..or u r grown old

    2. anwiii


      he's talking to himself. he forgot who he was for a moment :)

    3. Hurt4love


      If you look inside you, you'll find your answer ;) If you could not find the answer we can try to revive your memory somehow :P

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  5. I know at the meaning of my dream is. It means I ate too much cake before going to bed. I normally don't remember my dreams, but I remembered this one short one so I guess I'll share it. It's more interesting than no posts at all isn't it?The dream starts out and I see an average every-day mouse. It's running around doing whatever mice do, and for some reason I pick it up and examine it. The mouse looks in very bad shape, it's got deep cuts and wounds and is generally a disgusting site to behold. Imagine a zombie mouse with flesh falling off etc.So then I'm disgusted by this and put the mouse outside through a glass door. The mouse doesn't run away, it stares back through the door and jumps at it, acting like a mouse would do. Then, another mouse comes out of nowhere from the inside, and it runs towards the first mouse. They look at each other through the glass (it's clear they're "friends") and jump at the glass trying to get through. The second mouse runs around frantically trying to find a way to be with it's friend, and then out of nowhere *SNAP* I see the mouse just ran into a mouse trap and had it's head crushed. The dream ends with the first (Zombie) mouse transforming into a cartoony frog with big eyes staring sadly at the event, and to express sadness his eyes look a little like this but the big eye and little eye keep switching back and forth.Here's my interpretation of the dream. I've heard rustling in the walls which is presumably a mouse, and it's always been in the back of my mind that a mouse is going to pop out of nowhere in real life. The zombie appearance is because I've been playing a game about zombies. The mouse getting caught in a trap is because I feel great sadness when I see animals or pets killed. The weird frog ending was either because I saw a cartoon frog online doing this, or I use the icon a lot on myKS..My interpretation isn't very interesting.. but I think it's the most accurate. I should have picked another dream to write about that was more confusing. I dream a couple times almost every night.. but I rarely remember the details. This one just happened to be very short so it stuck in my head..
  6. Oh yeah the Mario music is definitely a classic. I wonder if a couple centuries in the future, the video game themes of our era will become the Bach's and Beethoven classics's of tomorrow. Sophisticated people will be sitting around sipping wine and discussing how much emotion and complexity is in stuff like "The Mario Theme" just like they do today when listening to classical music. It would make sense, because that really is the sound that represents our digital age and it's composed with enough complexity to withstand the test of time..
  7. I've been thinking about the music in video games and there are a few that stood out to me. I remember the soundtrack from Total Annihilation as being exceptional. It was really intense, but no matter how many times I heard it the music only kept me in the mood to annihilate things. It never got boring.I also like the music in HitMan: Blood Money. It's very atmospheric and fits the game very well. Another series that stood out to me was the FEAR games. The different music fit the game perfectly, the industrial clanking and atmospheric sound to the comic relief scenes. There may be more, I just thought of a few.
  8. There's a lot of potential in an IRC chat. There is a VERY detailed statistics script either TCL script or mIRC (can't remember) that counts the statistics of what people say in the chatroom, blocking out short words, words like "lol", repeated lines, spam links, etc.. and what not..and produces graphed statistics and channel activity etc etc more information then you could ever need. Very impressive script. The point is, if it's open source (I don't know?) that's already a premade MyCent thing made for IRC.. just needs to calculate MyCents out of the already programmed statistics gathering.I thought I overheard OpaQue talking about MyCents for chat, well that would be a good place to start. Even if the "MyCent" rate was reduced to take into account the massive amount of typing people do when they chat..It'd be alot more reliable than the current chatroom. There are so many benefits! The IPB chat could be replaced by a simple web irc client so everyone could benefit. Advanced users could benefit from IRC, and beginnner chatters could benefit from the reliability of a chat that actually works.. Some days I can't even get on the IPB chat. The only thing wrong with the IRC right now is that everyone is using the IPB chatroom instead..because it's "In yo face". There are three people in the IRC at most times, not that bad considering the iPB chat isn't usually full of activity either..yet
  9. Thank you both

  10. Everyone saw me coming and left the chatroom seconds before I joined

    1. anwiii


      chini was in there too


    2. deadmad7


      seems like I missed it lol

    3. chini13


      ohh i left anwii after u

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  11. I got this game and it's pretty good, but what's the deal with all the game ending bugs? I have it patched to the latest version and I keep breaking the game. I'm trying to do the missions, and I don't know what happened, I must have become lost. I found a a secret cache of goodies, and it keeps saying TASK FAILED: Find Strelok. I assume I must have done something backwards, so I go back and try to "Save Mole". He keeps getting killed before I get there and my mission is failed. I think I'm popping my head out of the wrong hole or something. I have no idea. Weird.. It's certainly not as 'screw up proof' as other open world-ish games. The PDA Map doesn't seem to be very good either. Oh well..
  12. I tried joining the chat and I can't do it. ERROR after ERROR. I'm giving up for now.

    1. anwiii
    2. chini13


      i will send that drink to u.It will make u a genius :P


    3. anwiii


      hurry! no more errors!

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  13. I am going to teach you how to prepare easy and quick pasta side dishes and some tips on learning how to cook.I am not a professional chef, but I do like to cook and eat. A lot of my cooking knowledge was learned not from recipes, but by attempting to copy brand name products. Not every recipe turns out delicious, while others are fantastic. It's all part of learning how to cook.So one popular product on the market is called Lipton's Sidekicks. You might have had them or seen their commercials on TV. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ make a wide range of pasta sidedishes. I always thought they were pretty good for a quick side dish. You might be surprised how simple and cheap they are to make from scratch.I'll give two popular examples. These will not be exact recipes, but basics to get you started. It's not baking bread, there is room for experimentation.One popular pasta dish is Chicken flavour. They use skinny pasta. I decide that hey, it's basically Fetucinne (the pasta shape) cut up which is a common pasta. If you can find a bag of pasta shaped better, go for it. It's up to you. So I take some Fetucinne and break it into one inch pieces. It doesn't have to be perfect length, it's just a personal dish you're not cooking for the Queen of England.If you're wondering how much Pasta to use, there's really no way to know. Due to the different shapes the measurements are always different. I usually go for about a cup to a cup and a half of pasta though. Experiment and keep notes mentally or written for your next attempt. Anyway, you've got your dry pasta. Just keep it in a bowl or measuring cup. Take note of how long it takes to cook on the bag, should be about 6-10 minutes. Next step. If you've ever prepared a lipton's sidekick, you will know that almost all of them use two cups of liquid. In the case of Chicken flavour, it's two cups of water. Take a (recommended: a glass 2 cup/500ml at least) measuring cup. Put two cups (500ml) of water in it. Now, the magic ingredient. CORN STARCH. This is the thickening ingredient, obviously important unless you're making soup. Simply take about a tablespoon to two tablespoons (be careful, stay on the lower end at first!) of the corn starch and dump it in your measuring cup of COLD liquid. Stir with a fork or whisk until dissolved.**NOTE** When using corn starch, ALWAYS mix with a COLD liquid. It will not dissolve in warm liquid.So now you've got your water with corn starch in it. Pour it into a pot on the stove. Congratulations, you've got a pot of not so clean looking water. It's going to need some flavour. Here's where the experimentation comes in. We're going for chicken flavour, so what do we do? We add some chicken boullion, either the powder or liquid. ****TIP** Chicken and Beef boullion are excellent ways to make a cheap, quick broth for any recipe. If you have _REAL_ broth, feel free to use it. I'm going for affordable dishes here. Your boullion most likely has some instructions. Common instructions are (1 PACKAGE = 1 CUP BROTH) or (2 TSP OF LIQUID BOULLION = 1 CUP BROTH). We have two cups of liquid (water) so to turn that into chicken flavoured water, follow your instructions. Two packages of boullion or 4 tsp of the liquid stuff.It's turning into something now. Let me give you a tip. Most chicken flavoured, yellow coloured products on the market are bright yellow. Your pasta might not be as yellow as you expect, To give your food an appealing yellow colour, add TURMERIC, but only a very little. Too much and your pasta will be glowing like it's radioactive. TURMERIC is commonly used in Indian cuisine for the same reason. If you don't have TURMERIC, just accept your pasta might not have the same yellow colour as you'd expect from brand name packages.Now you need some spices. Here's where the experimentation comes in again. What flavours do you think would go good on chicken? Maybe some Parsley? Garlic powder? Onion powder? You can rarely go wrong with garlic. So put some in, whether it's garlic powder of a couple chopped up cloves. Unless you really hate Sodium, you're going to need some salt. Almost every packaged food you buy from the store is LOADED with salt. Even the less salt flavours. You can either not add much salt to your pasta and accept your pasta won't be up to the average salt standards of food today and be glad you're eating healthy, or shake the salt shaker to your heart's content and make it taste as salty as everything else out there.You can continue adding herbs and spices if you want. If your finished pasta tastes bland, you just need to add more spices. You have to remember that packaged food has an extreme amount of salt and spice to make it taste good. Home made food is rarely so potent. Now that that's done, we just have to cook it. Easy enough. Bring your broth/liquid to a boil on the stove. Dump your cup of pasta into the water and reduce the heat to LOW. You want it to boil slightly, if it's sitting there dead you need more heat.Simmer UNCOVERED for about 6-10 minutes. The water should boil away and your pasta should thicken up. STIR OFTEN. You should expect your pasta to start sticking so keep stirring every minute or two to prevent it from sticking too bad. If you're lucky enough to have a stove with a low power "Simmer" option, use it.In a few minutes, your pasta will be pretty well done. You can taste test your pasta to see if it's just done (Al Dente). When it is, remove from heat. If you don't mind getting fat, you can add up to a Tablespoon of margarine/butter and stir it in now. (Lipton's Recipe says to). However, if you're trying to be healthy, you can skip that.Cover the pot with the lid and let it sit for a few minutes. Almost ALL food tastes better when you let it cool for a few minutes. Your simple pasta is no different. It's now ready to eat. If it tastes bland, add more spices either now or on the next attempt. If it's too thick, remember to add less corn starch next time. If it's too runny, remember to add more. If there's not enough pasta and it's too saucy, remember to add more next time. If there's too much pasta and it soaked everything up, remember to use less next time. Learn from your experience!Now that you've made one, you can make them all. Pick a flavour and make it. Another favourite of mine is Tri-Colour Fetucinne. I use that tri-colour vegetable pasta available from the store, and instead of two cups of water, I use one cup water, one cup milk. I then add some spices, and Parmesan cheese. If you happen to have a bnuch of fancy cheese, make a cheesey pasta side dish. The point is, it's a simple way to make a pasta side dish using ingredients you happen to have. If you have bacon bits, throw some of them in. If you have brocolli, chop up some brocolli and cheddar cheese. Almost every one of these side dishes are very quick and affordable to make. Have fun eating and experimenting.
  14. I have on rare occasions experienced this phenomenon. A page wouldn't load for me, and it would load for other people. I _think_ (I have no idea to be honest) that there is some temporary break in the connection between your isp and the destination website.If you run a traceroute (http://www.traceroute.org/) on the website, you will see that there are many stops enroute to the destination website. It isn't direct. I assume there must be a problem somewhere on that route causing the website not to load. I'd wait a couple days and see what happens.
  15. Heh.. When I told you I enjoyed talking about food, I'm not sure I meant urine and feces. I have heard that urine (as in Human urine) has health/skin benefits if you drink it or rub it on your face. They also use cow dung for manure to make gardens grow good. Maybe they are not so insane... eh, they probably are :PIt seems like they're taking advantage of Hindu's respect of cows to sell products if you ask me. I think I'll be in no hurry to try Gau Jal if I visit India, sorry
  16. Bush's quotes were great. I would have loved to have seen a Grouch Marx film about George Bush. Groucho wouldn't even have to come up with his own jokes, he could just quote Bush. Accidental or not, Bush is a comedic genius. I like his dry humor even when he's trying to be funny. I've watched videos where he does stupid things, and it's like out of a classic physical comedy. He's almost the most famous comedian in history I think.. people all around the world quote him :)I respect Bush as a Comedian.. he pursued the wrong career.By the way, it's his birthday today. I just noticed that when reading his quotes on another page.
  17. I thought Ghost Recon 2 looked like my kind of game. I love challenging tactical shooters. When I first tried it, I was impressed. Fine outdoor setting, fun gadgets. That was until I started playing the game. What a disappointment. There is so much wrong with the game it is barely enjoyable. First and most importantly, the AI is just about the worst I've ever seen. You control a squad of elite soldiers. Professional shooting range targets more like it. I've never seen AI teammates so unintelligent. Problem #1. None of them seem even capable of shooting an animal, let alone be an elite soldier. I can order the entire team to go around the side of a building, a single enemy soldier looking in the opposite direction, oblivious to the world. My team will round the corner, stand there as if they were blind, and the enemy still shoots them before they do anything. This is on "Assault" rules of engagement. Problem #2. The "Attack" order is completely useless. I like using my squad to do tasks, so sometimes I order my elite sniper to take out a target. I can put them in direct view of the enemy with a perfect line of sight, and they will not fire. Don't even dream that they might actually position themselves in a position where they can see the enemy themselves. It isn't going to happen. They don't even return fire half the time. Problem #3. Vehicles are even more moronic than the squad. You can order them to a place not so far away, and they'll flip themselves over and render themselves useless for the mission.Problem #4. Some missions have serious bugs. At the beginning of one mission, your squad is dropped from a helicopter on a bridge. Immediately after the drop, your squad gets shot up by enemy machine gunners before you even have 1 second to order them to safety. What the heck?Problem #5. Restarting a level is DIFFICULT. You would think they'd know how to give you an option to restart a level, well they don't. You click restart, the obvious button, and it restarts you to the last save point, obviously not restarting. This is stupid, if for example you experience Problem #4. The only way to restart the level is to "Load" one of the auto saves. Problem #6. The game is RIDICULOUSLY hard. Like I said, I love a challenging shooter. I play all shooters (RainbowSix, Call of Duty etc.. ) on the hardest possible difficulty. GRAW 2 is beyond hard, and not in a fun way. It's not fun because the ONLY way you can compete with the enemy is if you snipe them from a distance before they see you. Either that, or sneak around corners very slowly. Otherwise, they'll tear you to shreds from a mile away even on normal difficulty. In call of duty for example, there are exciting firefights, you never know when a bullet is going to hit you, so you take risks and return fire. It's not like that in GRAW 2, if you're visible, and bullets are flying your dead. It's not very exciting. It's downright frustrating. It doesn't help that your squad are incompetent and never kill anything. Problem #7. Despite being a squad based tactical shooter, you HAVE to baby your squad. I just can't imagine anyone using their squad to do anything. I maneuver them individually and they still get killed. Half the time they don't even move into position. I keep them close by under cover and they stick their head out and get shot by a bunch of amateurs. The worst part is, you can't even just forget about them. You have to keep moving them around because at the end of the level they have to join you at the exit. You could kill them, but that's kind of stupid. I got the game BECAUSE I like controlling a squad.So yeah, GRAW 2 disappointed me a lot. Despite looking awesome on the outside, it's tooooo buggy. I can't believe it was released in this state. Patches fixed some bugs, but not many. I know great squad AI can be done, because playing R6: Raven Shield was a blast. I loved making plans and letting my AI controlled team kill everyone and save hostages. Unlike GRAW 2, the Squad AI in RavenShield made me believe I was controlling the best team in the world. I could let them handle a situation confident that they'd succeed if my plan was good.
  18. rob86

    Missing Posts

    As far as I know... Netscape Communications created Mozilla which was basically the same thing as Netscape Navigator, which used to be the best browser to use if I remember correctly. It was very popular before it disappeared into oblivion. My first experience on the internet was with Netscape so I remember it fondly . Firefox was based on Mozilla, so I guess it's a descendant of Netscape Navigator. I think Netscape had a revival which is why you're confused deadmad. It was brought back from the dead and used code of modern day Firefox. Like naming your child after your grandfather. [Netscape Navigator (Mozilla) --> Firefox --> New Netscape] I'm pretty sure Opera has no relation to Mozilla and was created from scratch by Opera software (or whatever they call themselves).
  19. rob86

    Missing Posts

    !Firefox Users! Great extension alert! Download the Extension called "Lazarus" (which will prevent you from losing anything you typed in a form (ie: a post) in case of a crash or forum error. It works great, and you'd be surprised how often it proves itself to be worth having. It only takes a minute to install and you'll never lose a post again.
  20. It is my opinion that the forums should be cleaned up. All that stuff on the front page might attract people from a search engine, but the front page looks like a mess. When I first joined here, seeing that was a very negative first impression. Here's an example of a popular forum that has all the necessary information, and looks neat and clean. https://forums.techguy.org/ As you can see there are many topics, but the forum has a clean professional look. I just randomly picked it and it really looks good to me. It is also very popular, so "SEO" isn't much of an excuse. Here are some suggestions I have for kks. #1 Smaller icons. Put them on a diet. I don't like a bunch of huge icons all over the place, it's starting to look like a myspace page. #2 Get rid of all the red. I have never even read those warnings. They're out of place, and they look messy. They look like my first webpage when I was 12 years old and experimenting with colours and underlines. #3 THE FORMAT is complete CHAOS. SOME TOPICS are CAPS.. some are not. I understand they're supposed to draw attention to important topics, but that's not necessary at all and just makes things hard to find in my opinion. #4 Clean out topics that aren't being used, merge topics into more general sections. There's just too much stuff. I'd rather have a lot of action in one sub forum than a yearly post in a sub forum. If that section becomes super popular, branch it out. But not before. For example, have a gaming section. If in the future the gaming section starts to get confusing with people talking about consoles and PC games, then change it. Seeing all those topics with no action just makes the forum look dead, whereas seeing a more general topic with some action makes the forum look active. #5 The forum descriptions need serious pruning. They're too long, they don't follow a format, some contain colour. I see OpaQue removed the swear words (quite unprofessional since there are innocent teenagers :P here which is a good start! But yeah, take a look at that tech support forum and see how it looks. This forum's descriptions need some restraint. It looks like instead of putting effort into a concise meaningful description, someone just wrote what they wanted with no regard for layout. #6 Improve the English grammar. It needs a LOT of improvement. It would look much more professional with proper grammar. Nothing like -- Don't Bite your Fingers!! Just Open out your curious heart <3 here. -- Capital letters everywhere? Double exclamations? Nope, fine for casual chatting, but not a good look for a website. At least, not if you're trying to attract people who like intelligent discussions and accumulating Knowledge! Well that's just a few things. I'm being extra critical because I like this forum, and I visit it pretty much every day. I want more people to join and make it a more interesting place where people of diverse interests and cultures can chat or post. I don't expect anyone to listen to me, but these are my suggestions for what they're worth. Also.. like was said before. CONCENTRATE ON THE WEB HOSTING!! There are 1000000000000000000000 forums out there focusing on the discussion of "Life, The Universe, and Everything" This one is no more unique than any of them except for the fact it offers GREAT rewards. You want to make that completely obvious! People will join for the web hosting (a common interest for many types of people), and like myself stay because it's a great forum to hang out on. I'm not here for the rewards, at least I haven't been for months. But the rewards are why new people will join. I know that in the past I've searched for free web hosting and free shells, and this site delivers it's promises of free services unlike any other I've been on -- this site is rare in that it is A LOT better than it looks on the exterior. People don't post on popular forums because of SEO. They don't come back because of the fake guests. They post and keep posting because it's a great forum. There are tons of popular forums I've been on who offer no rewards at all that blow Xisto's forum out of the water activity wise. Xisto has the potential to be a great forum. Make it so!
  21. You're telling me. This is what I had to go through in the last 15 minutes. I try to log on to Xisto, the page refreshes, I'm still a guest. I try again, it works. I click View new Posts. Doesn't work, so I sign out and try it as a guest. It works, shows new posts. So I right click a topic and save this URL because I plan to reply to it, I log in. Attempt to log in that is, once again it takes at least two attempts to successfully log in. No errors, basically just refreshes the page without logging me in. So now I'm logged in on the main page. I paste in the URL for the topic I wanted to read (this one), and what do you know, I'm logged out again. I log in again, and type a reply. I click Add Reply, "ERROR!" You are not logged in (or whatever it says). I try to log in and once again it takes more than one attempt to successfully log in.That's how much work it took just to write this short reply. That's how bad KS has been working for me since the upgrade, and the reason I never post or reply anymore. It's too frustrating. Sometimes my posts don't even go through. I don't experience this on any other forum and I've been on quite a few forums. Heck, I can't even remember the last time I actually logged in to some forums.. they actually keep me logged in longer than 30 seconds. I don't know how many other people experience this, but this is a pretty forum-breaking problem to me. Forget the mood modules and stuff, I just want basic forum functionality. I want to be able to LOG IN. I want to be able to type a reply, knowing it will send. I don't know much about forums so I don't know if this is a problem with this particular version of IPB or what, but man, it needs fixed by someone.
  22. I'm back for a few minutes and I have some questions for you!

  23. PS: Please fix the "View New Content" bug! Still can't read new posts unless I'm logged out (as a Guest??)

  24. PS: Please fix the "View New Content" bug! Still can't read new posts unless I'm logged out (as a Guest??)

    1. deadmad7


      anwiii the point is that it isn't working -- it should be fixed

    2. anwiii


      well i agree but we still have to make the best out of the situation so i gave an alternative that is less frustrating

    3. OpaQue


      Both Functions use different methods (like cookies, sessions, db tables) to SHOW new content to you. Or check out the Portal.

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  25. Happy Canada Day!

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