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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Hi!Irrespective of what you believe, staring is not a problem. It is not a problem because it is so common in society. Well, that would depend on where you live but here, in India, lots of people stare. You may just be standing at a bus stop waiting for a bus and somebody somewhere would be staring at you. It may be the guy sitting at a tea stall drinking a cup of tea, it may be the shop keeper, it may be the beggar across the street near a traffic light, or it just may be the creepy dude next to you who happens to think that you are a rather interesting research subject representative of that segment of society.Believe me or not, there actually is a university assignment where you have to go about observing the behavior of a research subject without informing him or her. I turned it in and I found it a little too awkward to stare at somebody so I wrote about a store keeper that I bought some stuff from while waiting in the queue for paying the guy.If you do tend to stare, feel free to talk about it. People will tend to like you more for speaking up about your problem. If you do not, think of yourself in the shoes of the other person... you would probably think that he or she is a one-eyed murderous psychopath trying to put an end to all things good in this world - okay that is something I made up and is extremely exaggerated. The truth is that staring is just as common as drinking a cup of tea or coffee while making that slurping noise.
  2. Hi!I know I cannot speak for or against ByteHost because I have not used their services, but I can tell you this - every free web hosting service is essentially trying to use Google's business model by trying to offer web hosting services in exchange for advertising. They only provide you with subdomains because they cannot afford to provide top-level domain names for each and every website that gets hosted there. There are (or at least were) some free web hosting services that would provide top-level domain names to web sites that managed to attract a lot of traffic for the advertising because it worked to their advantage but I have only had Trap 17 (now known as Xisto) offer a domain name, although it is in exchange for forum content. I do not mind providing content. I have loads and loads of original content that I can give away and Xisto does not claim to have authored it so I still am given credit for the content posted on Xisto - which other free web hosting service can claim to do that?
  3. Typically, the BIOS is where you would find the setting to turn on hardware virtualization. However, some laptops, such as the Sony Vaio laptops, have hardware virtualization disabled and so you cannot enable them. You might want to try using some other form of virtualization on your laptop. You could also find a cheap second-hand pre-owned server at a really low price to use for virtualization. BTW, many computer manufacturers use Phoenix BIOSes but they can modify the BIOS by enabling or disabling options when they have it put up in your computer.
  4. Sometimes resetting the BIOS password isn't as simple as ditching the battery or setting the jumper to reset. The Lenovo Thinkpad laptops have an Atmel chip to store the BIOS password so you cannot get around the password by pulling out the battery. You can, however, Google for a circuit to read the password but you will need some skills in working with circuit boards and soldering to get it right. I guess that is the difference between a business laptop and a consumer laptop.
  5. Hi!I've been wondering if there are any Diablo-playing Xisto folks out here as this thread had its last post over two years ago. The story line was made excessively complicated so I actually had to map out everything that was going on to make sense of it, probably because I did not play Diablo-I and jumped onto the Diablo-II bandwagon straight away when I heard of it. I played for an hour or two when I first got it and only got myself to playing through it by completing all of the missions during the past week.The game features several character types. I have played most of the game as the Necromancer because it was the easiest to play as. As a necromancer, you can summon undead skeleton mages and skeleton warriors. You can also summon golems. The necromancer can summon units to fight along his side and if you are in the first act of the game, you can get away without having to kill any of the monsters and undead creatures yourself, but you do have to kill the 'bosses' who are real badasses to kill. After you level up and play in multi-player mode through TCP/IP, you can get help from another player who is at a higher level and the game would be a piece of cake to play for him or her. Think of it as two against one because two players can work their way through the game while working collaboratively.The golems summoned by the necromancer are quite useful but you may have noticed that you can only summon one golem at a time. If you summon a clay golem after summoning a blood golem, the blood golem will be unsummoned automatically, and if you summon an iron golem after summoning a clay golem, the clay golem will be unsommoned. It is a pity that you cannot summon multiple golems at once because they are quite powerful. I was able to get the skills to summon a blood golem and a clay golem. If you are in heavy battle, the blood golem will be of much use to you because each time the blood golem causes damage to other units, he gets life points that he shares with you. The blood golem is also stronger than the clay golem. When you are in a fight and cannot find corpses nearby to raise as skeletal mages or skeletal warriors, golems are great to have along. Just one golem is much more useful than half a dozen skeletal warriors because when you are trying to get away, you can summon a golem between you and the boss or other units that you are trying to get away from and off you go! You may want to do it to find a mana potion in your inventory or wait for enough mana to cast a spell, or simply to flee from a battle.While playing as a necromancer, the hardest thing for you to do is defeat Andariel. Andariel makes quick work of your undead skeletal mages and skeletal warriors and takes barely a few seconds to kill the golem, so you would have to cause as much damage as you can from a distance. Do not use a bow and arrow, or at least not the regular run-off-the-mill bow and arrow but instead try to get something that causes significant damage. Hand-axes, javelins, and short spears can cause enough damage but if you can get choking potions or strangling potions, do use them on Andariel because she is one hard villain to take down. Andariel also follows you when you try to flee between the rooms. What you can attempt to do is cause some heavy damage, teleport out of there and head back with another army of skeletons and a golem giving you enough time to finish off Andariel from a distance.When playing as a barbarian, you are much up-close and in the middle of the combat so you are on your own. In the heat of the battle, you have to make sure that you do not accidentally get yourself killed by stepping into a poison gas cloud or come under heavy fire. Keep an eye on your health. You can improve your skills with either swords or axes, so if you can get a weapon of your skill type, hold on to it. You can repair your weapons if the durability does drop. Gemmed weapons cost more to renew but if it is a regular weapon, even if it is one with special abilities, it will not cost you much.Finally, one thing I have noticed is that when you play a multi-player game over the LAN, your character advances in skills whereas the same is not true when playing over the official gaming servers. On the official gaming servers, you have an entirely separate character who you have to take through the various skill levels by playing on the official servers and those characters have no relation whatsoever to the characters with which you play on your own computer or over a multi-player LAN gaming session so if you want to progress through the levels on your computer, you ought to play multi-player over the LAN more than on the official gaming servers.
  6. missy,The film you watched is Slumdog Millionaire. It is about a boy who grew up on the streets, was in love with a girl, and decided to find her again by getting onto the TV show. He managed to get the answer of every question on the TV game show correct because of an incident in his life and when the police interrogate him for suspicion or possible fraud because of a correct answer on every question, he narrates each of the incidents. The soundtrack was quite popular though I would imagine that the international version of most English-language Indian films have the songs taken off because the Indian audiences tend to expect musicals whereas audiences do not.I believe social networks are replacing dating websites to a large extent because you can find friends as well as friends of friends on most social websites and can get to know them online as well as share profile information. Before FaceBook, MySpace, and Orkut, it may have been different and there may have been a need for dating sites.
  7. @aniseprakashThe MyCENTs will be calculated when you make a post to the forum. Type something up and post a new thread, or alternatively, reply to one of the existing threads in the forum. The MyCENTs will be automatically calculated and credited to your account. You will also receive an email notification indicating that you got the MyCENTs from Xisto.A good post is a long post. Apart from that, no other details are being revealed but based on that alone, you should be able to make about half a dozen long posts to get at least a dollar credited to your account.@twoeyezSure you can. Joomla requires the MySQL database and support for PHP, both of which are provided by Xisto - Web Hosting/Xisto. You can accumulate your credits on either Xisto or on Xisto and when your MyCENTs add up and you have enough credits to order a web hosting package and a domain name, simply point your web browser to the Xisto - Support and Billing website, sign in with your email address and password, and order one of the web hosting packages available. You can also get a Decade package by contacting velma or Opaque, as another user has mentioned in the thread about the Decade plan, as it is no longer being offered from the order page.
  8. Hi!It seems to me that the web browser is not loading the style sheets for the page. This is a common issue and can be the result of the connection to the web server being ended because the Internet is considered a rather unreliable medium and web browsers do not attempt to retry the request for a resource. Another reason could be that the web browser has cached an older stylesheet and is not loading the new stylesheet. In either case, you can clear the web browser cache and try again, or press the control key along with F5 to refresh the page while bypassing the web browser cache.BTW, the image attachment was helpful in understanding the problem and I hope my response assisted you in solving it.
  9. Mr.Dee,A seven gigabyte file should be able to fit on a dual layer DVD disc. The maximum size of an ISO image that you can burn to a disc depends on the type of media that you have. If you buy a pack of empty compact discs, you will have a choice of getting either exactly seven hundred megabytes or six hundred and fifty megabytes. There are also some compact discs that can accomodate eight hundred megabytes of data but they are not very common. Empty DVD discs are typically single layer discs that can store over four gigabytes of data (4.7 GB to be more precise). Dual layer discs can store over seven gigabytes of data but they cost more than two single layer DVD discs so they are not as common as the single layer variety of DVD discs. You can use MagicISO, PowerISO, Nero, Roxio, or Alcohol disk imaging software to write the ISO image to disc provided you have empty media of the right capacity inserted.If you do not have discs of the capacity that you require, you will have to use WinRAR, 7-zip, WinACE, StuffIt or a similar compression utility to create an archive of the ISO images and split them over multiple discs. This will mean that you can use cheaper discs, such as the empty single layer DVD discs to store the ISO images but you will have to extract the archive to your hard disk to form the original ISO image whenever you want to access the data in the ISO image and then have to mount the ISO that is on your hard disk drive using Daemon tools, MagicDisc or a similar software utility, and run the installation for the software that you want to install. In other words, it means that you are temporarily shifting the ISO images to multiple empty single layer DVD discs and when you need the data that is contained within the ISO images, you have to extract the archive from the multiple single layer DVD discs back onto your hard disk drive and will have to use the ISO images that way that you are using them now. Apart from being inconvenient, another problem associated with this approach is that if you lose one more more of the single layer discs or one of the discs that make up an ISO image is damaged, you will not be able to form the ISO image and given how easily optical disc media gets scratched or tends to stop working, I would get a backup copy of the entire set of discs just in case the first copy stops working. Also, you have to consider the fact that the optical media will degrade over time so every few years you will have to get the data re-written onto a fresh set of single layer DVD discs which means that you will have to use your disc imaging software to burn six discs instead of just three. If you have a BluRay disc writer, you are in luck because you can use a single BluRay disc to store much larger amounts of data than half a dozen single layer DVD discs.BTW, if you do decide to use multiple single layer DVD discs or multiple compact discs, Windows will not have the intelligence to tell that the discs are a part of a single set of data because there is nothing in the disc format to tell Windows that such is the case with the discs but you can create an archive that can be opened with the software utility used to create the archive, or alternatively a self-extracting archive, that will prompt you to change the inserted disc to gain access to the original ISO image which will be copied to your hard disk drive. The advantage of a self-extracting archive is that you do not need access to the software utility used to create the archive and is useful if you are distributing the discs or will not have the software utility when you want to gain access to the data on the discs.However, you might want to consider dropping the idea of using optical storage discs and using external hard disk drives considering the low prices of the hard disk drives today. You can get the larger external disk drives that have their own power source because they are quicker but the smaller external disk drives, often referred to as passport drives because of their size being similar to that of a passport, are more convenient but they are often slower and they do not contain features such as network attached storage and SMB or CIFS network protocols. You can also invest in a network storage disk enclosure that will enable you to insert a given number of hard disk drives within the enclosure and connect it to your home network and access the hard disk drives as network shared folders. The advantage of this approach is that all you need to do when you get home is connect a single network cable or connect to the wireless network that you probably already have setup at home to access your data on the hard disk drives instead of having to connect a USB, SerialATA, or FireWire cable to your computer or a hub for each hard disk that you want to access. In other words, it is the benefit of having a docking station without actually going out to get one. Also, if you have multiple computers on your home network, you will be able to access the data on any of the computers without other computers losing connectivity or access to the data - think of the savings over having to get a separate hard disk drive and a docking station for each of the laptop computers on your network.
  10. I would post some more, but I procrastinate.

  11. Post to host has been around for a while but most people are simply not aware that such a thing exists. Most people still believe that if you want to have your own domain name and want to have a webhost that provides you with unrestricted access to all of the features that PHP has to offer, including emailing from PHP scripts, you have got to get a web hosting package. Also, many people who have shared web hosting packages have their providers constantly monitoring their resource usage and have their website taken down at even the slightest sign of exceeding the resource limits, and I am not just speaking about bandwidth here. Also, when you pay a web hosting firm, you have to use your credit card and there is just the remote possibility that your credit card number can get stolen from their database either because of a disgruntled employee or because their database got hacked because they did not implement proper security measures on their information system.I have been with Xisto for a couple of years and I do not think I will be moving away anytime soon. The community here is less critical about the things that you do and the people here are more friendly than the folks that you will find on most discussion boards and forums. There are hardly any flame wars, though for a while there was a bit of a flame war. Right now, the Xisto community is as friendly as ever and there are people always willing to help out. Of the regulars here are velma and sheepdog, and they keep the discussion going on and on while the MyCENTs keep adding up.Switching between post to host providers is also hard because when you have accumulated your posting credits, or should we call them web hosting credits, they just remain in your account without an expiry so you might as well make the most of what you have in your account and work on getting as much as you can instead of distributing your posts across multiple post to host providers because you cannot really manage to get the required posting credits when you opt for the higher web hosting packages without spending all day and all night at the computer typing away (we do have lives to live, you know. It's not like we are zombies in the world of the Matrix and everything in life as we know it is a lie).Anyway, bluze, I'm glad you finally found this forum and I hope to see much much more of you in the forums.
  12. I had a really old laptop computer, which was the Thinkpad 600E and I decided to post a long-term ownership review. I didn't have the chance to open it up and determine how must dust was in there, but I suppose there must be a dust bunny or two in there.The Thinkpad 600E came with a rather good pair of top-facing speakers and the keyboard was great for typing. The modem supported caller ID but it was hard to get it working except with the RingCentral software provided (perhaps it didn't use the Hayes AT command set for the caller ID?). I tried putting it back into service with Linux but most distributions don't work - Knoppix did. The DVD drive seems to be able to boot only from CDs and not from DVDs. The case tends to crack near the CD drive but the hairline crack will not extend further like you would expect it to, thus staying intact. The plastic hinges of the covers for the ports will get brittle and the covers will fall off after about a decade. The CMOS can no longer hold the settings but all you need to do is hit continue after the computer boots up. The hinges of the screen have been able to hold up, surprisingly. The TV output stopped working after a week of using it, but it seems to be a driver fault and I couldn't find the recovery CD to try and get it working again. I am a TrackPoint user so I didn't miss the Touchpad and instead hoped the palmrest would go away too so the laptop would be smaller, but I imagine the screen would stick out so they had to fit something there - I would much rather have extra programmable keys above the regular keys so I can assign shortcuts or key sequences to them. The Thinkpad 600E is very light-weight compared to other laptops that I had and if Thinkpads retained the same chassis, I bet they would have it under the X series. I never had the 600E heat up enough to have the thermal sensor turn off the computer, which is much in favor of the notebook considering its age (I can only imagine how much dust must be in the fan and on the fins of the heatsink, reducing the heat exchange), and the cooling fan works well enough to get all the hot air out. Overall, I was quite happy with the notebook and it served me well for over a decade. I finally gave it away to share the experience of owning a Thinkpad.
  13. I have a Nokia E72 and I found the IMEI number printed on a label within a battery compartment as well. You have to remove the backplate of the phone by pressing on the slider at the back toward the base of the phone, lifting the backplate, and removing the battery.BTW, I noticed that you cannot use the headset of the Nokia E72 with your computer or MP3 players, but you can use your regular headphones with your phone. You can also use a regular line-in cable to connect the phone to an amplifier or car stereo, however there does seem to be some kind of static or disturbance on the line. I believe this is because of a different pin configuration. Also, I am not sure whether connecting the phone to a regular audio output device results in stereo or mono output, but I believe the output would be in mono.
  14. As your blood group is O+ and your husband's blood group is B+, you could have a child with either the blood group O or the blood group B. The blood group O is a recessive trait so it is rather uncommon. As you have a blood group O, it is not possible for you to contain genes for either blood group A or blood group B in your chromosome pair. Your husband can have either blood group B alone, or a combination of blood group O and blood group B. As I mentioned, blood group O is a recessive trait so by having the genes for both blood group O and blood group B, the individual has an expressed trait of the blood group B.You cannot tell what the sex of your child will be based on blood group. The blood test that is used to determine pregnancy and the sex of the child is not based on the blood group of the parents. The blood group of the mother and the blood group of the father determines the blood group of the child, and not the gender. Gender is determined by a pair of chromosomes that either consist of one X chromosome and one Y chromosome in the case of a boy or both X chromosomes in the chromosome pair in the case of a girl. The mother always has two X chromosomes and the father always has one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. The child can either have one of the two X chromosomes of the mother and one X chromosome of the father, in which case a girl is born, or the child can have one of the two X chromosomes of the mother and one Y chromosome from the father, in which case a boy is born. There are research studies that attempt to determine a correlation between various factors, such as the blood group, the age of the parents, the lifestyle of the parents, the occupation of the parents, however, it is unlikely that a correlation would be found and even if a correlation is found in a research study, one has to determine that the findings of the research study were not from external factors and the data collection and data analysis were not flawed in any way. Also, a correlation does not necessarily mean a causation exists because in some cases two events can occur simultaneously but one cannot necessarily cause the other or in some cases the causality observed can be the actually reversed.
  15. Pontiff,Wireless mice typically work without any drivers. There are two different types of interfaces that most modern mice connect to. They are the PS/2 interface and the Universal Serial Bus interface, which is abbreviated to USB. If you can try restarting your computer after plugging in the device, you should be able to tell if your mouse is recognized by the computer by right-clicking on My Computer, clicking on the Properties context menu item, and going to the Device Manager tab. Expand the Mouse item group on the device tree and check if your mouse is listed. If you mouse does appear in the list then your mouse is indeed connected to your computer and should ideally work. By the way, how do you know that the mouse is synchronized with the USB device? I have not used any wireless mice yet that come with an LED or similar indicator that shows the mouse is connected to the USB receiver so I push the connect button on both the mouse and the receiver whenever the mouse does not seem to be working but the battery is okay. I used Logitech's cordless optical mouse and that would have a flickering LED near the optical sensor if the mouse did not connect to the receive (or was that when the mouse connected to the receiver?). In some cases, the computer's BIOS settings can be used to force the computer to use the external pointing device. The setting can be used to force the computer to use only the built-in pointing device, both the internal and external pointing devices, or only the external pointing device so check the BIOS setting either by restarting your computer and going to the BIOS setup or using the utility provided by Acer for making the BIOS settings to check the pointing device settings for your computer.
  16. Back in the early days of the 8086 computers, keyboards had their function keys placed to one side. However, unlike the keyboard layout on the cake, the function keys were on the left, along with the Escape key, and the numeric keypad was on the right. It felt very odd seeing a knob on the CRT monochrome monitor used to turn on the monitor; I did see knobs for adjusting the contrast and brightness, along with the position of the image but that was the first time that I ever say a knob being used to turn on a computer monitor. I believe the computer was being sold for about $140 sometime in 1998 as an unwanted obsolete computer that simply took up space. It came with a 5.25" floppy disk drive and an internal hard disk drive but I have no idea what the capacity of the hard disk drive was. I wonder if the computer is still running. I started off with a 286 desktop and a 386 laptop and then replaced the 286 desktop with a 486 desktop before finally moving up to a Pentium desktop and hooking up to the Internet (the 386 laptop had a 2.4kbps dial-up modem and ran Windows 3.1 so it was fun to hook up to other computers using a phone line, just for giggles).Speaking of the birthday, Opaque, how about posting the party pics to the gallery?
  17. I have been running Windows XP, but have been using other operating systems including Windows XP, and Ubuntu Linux 10.x and recently Ubuntu Linux 11.x. My primary operating system is still Windows XP and I decided not to upgrade because Windows 7 is more demanding on the hardware. I can afford more memory, a better processor, and even the integrated graphics processor from the Santa Bridge platform of the second generation of Intel Core i3/i5/i7 processors, but with the frequent disk access, it can still get quite slow because getting a 7,500rpm hard disk drive would mean that the battery life would be lower and the computer would have more heat and more likely to shut down in the summers (we have temperatures of about 40C here and my laptop occasionally shuts down for overheating). A solid state disk is not really something that I would want to pay for till their prices go lower or till I get a higher income to pay for it.I do intend to upgrade to Windows 8 because I see Windows 7 as a patched version of Windows Vista so I expect many of the problems of Windows Vista to re-surface in Windows 7 as well. Skipping a version after Windows Vista seems like a rather good choice from my perspective. I would consider moving to Ubuntu Linux or even Linux Mint but the problem I have is with opening MS Office documents, particular Powerpoint slides and MS Word documents. Sure, there is OpenOffice and there is LibreOffice too, but both are not quite accurate in the positioning of elements in the documents and in displaying the text formatting in the exact same way as it does in MS Office - the deliverables I have to hand over for class do have to match a publication standard for formatting of the document and there are significant points to be lost of the document formatting does not meet the requirements of the publication standard.
  18. Good to hear that you did not get a traffic ticket for not wearing a seat belt. I can't imagine a traffic cop not handing out a ticket for not wearing a seat belt. I believe traffic cops have a quota that they need to meet, just like salesmen have sales quotas to meet, so you do see a large number of traffic fines being issues at sometime but at other times, the enforcement of traffic fines is not as stringent. Or, perhaps, the traffic cop who stopped you did think you had a valid point. At times, the traffic cops will let you go if they think that you will not be a repeat-offender. Most traffic cops only enforce the seatbelt rule for drivers of the vehicles and do not necessarily issue traffic fines when the passengers do not wear seat belts.BTW, I know what it feels like while having someone tailgating you with bright lights. In India, the problem on the roads is with oncoming traffic with bright lights because the road dividers are not very common. Also, you can have pedestrians jump across from anywhere even when there is a divider because there are no laws against jaywalking. There are even some drunk and some insane people who stand right in the middle of the road and there is no support or charity agency that does anything about it. You can even find drunk people along the side of the road or standing in one of the lanes. At times, you can find people having seizures right on the road and nobody bothers to even call an ambulance, even though am ambulance is now provided as a free service (though I am not sure if the phone call is to a toll-free number).There are a lot of drivers on the streets who simply like being jerks because they get their pleasure from it. Sounds sadistic, but it is true. I once met this sadistic lady who took pleasure in taking my seat saying, "I'm a lady. He should be standing," and using abusive language against the ticket collector. Road rage and sadistic behavior are just something that you have to live with because people don't need moral/ethics education, etiquette, or a heart to walk about on the street or drive a vehicle.
  19. Hey Dipankar!Welcome to Xisto. Typically, folks on here sign up and after a brief period of inactivity then manage to make a couple of posts and have their accounts setup to earn MyCENTs. I would like to add that you can make as many posts as you like even before you have your account completely setup to earn MyCENTs because even if you have not enabled the MyCENTs accounting yet, you still will get credit for the posts that you make right now because of the way the MyCENTs script works.Because your MyCENT counter has not appeared in your personal message block (PMB) yet, I believe you have not signed up on Xisto's Support and Billing website yet. Look up "Xisto - Support and Billing" on Google and the first search result should be the website that you are looking for. I would usually do that because I did not have the web address memorized but not that I do, I simply type in the URL and get to the website, which is made a whole lot simpler by web browsers offering suggestions from the web page addressed stored within the browsing history.BTW, how's the weather out there in Kolkata? I believe that's what they've renamed "Calcutta" to. Have you even been to Mayapur?Looking forward to more posts from you.
  20. I can imagine what it must be like when you go through the legal system or through a government-run office and they direct you from one desk to another or from one person to another. In India, that is usually something that happens when there is a large bureaucratic structure or somebody wants to ask you for a bribe or perhaps even both. The utilities departments are quite different now because there are multiple agencies that you can go to for paying your bill. I cannot imagine a law enforcement office in India offering details that you were offered because they seem to remain tight-lipped unless you show up with a court order requesting for the information or you know somebody within the system who can help you out. In fact, if you do know somebody within the system, you also have the option of calling him or her up and avoiding a traffic fine while being in clear violation of the traffic rules. There is even a heavily publicized incident of a former high court judge who puts a red beacon on his vehicle and drives through a no-entry to save a couple of minutes every day. The police has a ribbon (those red-and-white things that usually tie together traffic cones when roads are under construction) put across two poles and this former judge drives close enough to the ribbon, opens his window, talks out a pair of scissors, cuts the ribbon, and drives through, all under the watchful eye of a policeman who feels bullied because of the contacts that the former high court judge has to work the system against him. The policemen feel bullied because he does not try to get his car under the ribbon - he literally cuts the ribbon so imagine they have to tie it up over and over again or get another ribbon while having a policeman stand there to block traffic. It's intentionally inconveniencing and disrespecting the policemen instead of minding his own business and getting his car under the ribbon, even if it is against traffic laws. There is an article and a photograph in a local Indian newspaper about the incident that occurs every morning and there is apparently nothing that anybody can do about it. Perhaps publicly criticizing such acts as bullying would seem appropriate in an attempt to change his behavior... or maybe instead sending across a bill for getting new ribbons every week so at least there's a fresh clean ribbon there instead of a dusty old one.Speaking of your god mother, I'm glad she is alive and well. An assisted living complex does not sound all that good. When I retire, I'm hoping to get to stay in a rather small house and getting one of those robotic vacuum cleaners that can clean up, with the hardest things to do being getting the dust bag emptied - unless I get a dust mask too to make the job more tolerable. BTW, the term "assisted living complex" seems like an euphemism. It did not sound like a very negative thing.
  21. I did not really know that Peta did have some material on their website and some campaigns targeted at vegetarianism too. I saw a post on their Twitter feed promoting eating meat from family farms instead of factory farms and when I replied to it asking why they promote eating meat, they stated that they are not against vegetarianism but for people who will not give up their meat, they suggest sourcing the meat from less cruel places of animal breeding. I see it as a weak stance toward vegetarianism and veganism, and as long as someone is promoting meat, irrespective of whether it is factory-farmed or it comes from a family-farm, it isn't vegetarianism. Promoters of vegetarianism would not ask anyone to eat meat, period.I wonder if anyone finds it controversial when peta activists go to school and tell the school children that their mothers are murderers for feeding them meat. I'm sure that the school has had at least one complaint by some of the parents for having peta activists go to their childrens' schools and making such a statement. I can just about imagine one of the kids going home to tell their mothers, "Mommy, mommy, a nice lady came to class today and told us that you are a murderer." I guess the idea of making such statements in school is only controversial if it is targeted at younger kids because the older kids would get the message while the younger ones may focus on the bit that labels their mothers as axe-weilding murderers who sneak into their rooms at night and sharpen their axes before chopping off the heads of the kids, leaving the kids terrified at the sight of their mothers standing in the kitchen with a knife in a hand, even if it was for cutting up the vegatables or for chopping meat - see why I think it is controversial when saying that to kids?Describing animals as gentle creatures is marketing gimmick. When you want to promote an animal cause, the animal cruelty prevention agencies want to suggest that these are poor defenseless animals that are so cute and they have these innocent faces that people ought to feel sorry for each time a butcher brings down a chopping knife down on their necks as blood drips down their bodies and they fall to the ground lifeless. You may even find some commercials showing you that the animals have families of their own and just when they were cuddling with their young, BAM! An axe comes down on the poor animal's neck and another creature there is left an orphan, or perhaps an animal has to watch its own 'child' (calf, kid, or whatever, as the case may be) die at the hands of a brutal axe-murdering butcher. On the other hand, if you were to portray animals as cruel bulls charging toward a bull fighters, they would hardly get any sympathy. Everyone thinks of bulls as these psychotic beings that charge at the sight of a bull-fighter wearing red boxers or briefs and this poor bull-fighter almost gets impaled right in his bottom when somebody else jumps in to rescue and they stick a spear into the back of the bull. The bull, in severe pain, but still unwilling to go down, turns around and comes charging back at the rescuer-turned-bullfighter and just when it comes charging down along, beating its hooves into the dust and speeding toward him, a spear hurtles through the sky and pierces the skull of the bull, splattering some blood onto the ground then eventually turning brown as the dust dissolves into drops of the bright red fluid and the crowd cheers the hero (the bull-fighter, not the bull). See what is wrong with this picture? It draws people's sympathy for humans and tends to label animals as these brutal creatures that know no love and are out to take over the world like in the adventures of Pinky and Brain. Pinky and Brain still do seem a little cute because they are always unsuccessful but when you read reports of just one single bull that manages to get its horns into a bullfighter, there goes away all the sympathy for animals and a new-found hatred for all animals alike emerges. You can't really blame the celebrities for saying the things that they do because all they do is get paid to read their scripts, at least in most cases. Unscripted, things that the celebrities say may not be suitable for airing on television either because the message is not convincing enough or because the message gets through in a rather distorted manner; I am not saying that there are no celebrities out there who go impromptu - some do but most don't - so I am not generalizing about what celebrities do and what celebrities do not.
  22. I decided to redo my website at nitinkatkam.com

  23. OMG! It's your birthday and I haven't composed anything yet. Lucky for me I think on my feet....Happy Birthday to you,The dog says woof and the cow says moo,Blow the candles on your cake,And make a wish your car doesn't end up in a lake.Open the presents, unwrap the gifts,If there are too many steps, take the lifts,Happy Birthday, woo hoo!I wrote this poem just for you.PS: Maybe that wasn't my best composition yet, but Happy Birthday anyway.
  24. Lovin' the new status-update interface.

  25. HTML 5 makes it easy to slap on another script to a custom content management system to parse the HTML output and pluck out the articles to display. The article tag combined with a heading tag (h1 to h6) can be used in combination to assist scripts with getting articles out of a web page and build an RSS feed out of it. However, the tools would probably get just the first page of articles, which is acceptable for most websites because they rarely need to get more than the recent articles into an RSS feed but on websites that maintain a list of few articles on each page but want to have more articles to be output as RSS feeds, it does take a bit of working around depending on how the content management system has been built. A custom content management system that uses page numbers to from one page to another with page one being the latest of posts and the last page being the earliest of posts, the creation of an RSS feed from the website is rather simple. If the pagination order is reversed, it does get a little more complicated because the tool or script that you use to generate an RSS feed from the page would have to know which direction to increment the numbers in to get the next page (i.e. should the tool or script increase the number that it finds by one, or should it decrease the number by one). These are still manageable but there are other custom content management systems out there that use the ID of the last post on the page rather than a page number so it does get further complicated to get a tool or a script to figure out how to go to the next page. From a performance perspective, however, this last approach may get you the quickest fetches from the database of the content management system but the tool or script that uses the markup to generate a newsfeed would require more scripting to get the same job done as with the other two approaches of content pagination with each page displaying a heading and article summary of a certain number of articles.
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