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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. A non-profit organization should ideally have a focus on addressing social needs based on priority. When a non-profit organization is formed with the purpose of ensuring the ethical treatment of animals, the balance in addressing social issues is lost. The principles that apply to businesses do not necessarily apply in a similar fashion to non-profit organizations because businesses are out there to make money and by offering a niche product through its narrow focus works for its purpose. However, a narrow focus does not help society as a whole.The idea of a narrow focus is clearly observed in the quota reservations in the educational system and in government employment in India. The idea of the quota system was to provide an advantage to backward sections of society but when the system benefits the rich instead of the poor who do not belong to what is classified as a backward section, the focus becomes too narrow to do any good.The same idea of a narrow focus can be observed when non-profit organizations seeking the ethical treatment of animals go after dogs owned by the homeless and by cart-pulling animals used by people who eat out of dumpsters. Instead of providing the ability to improve their living standards and that of the animals that they own, the non-profit organizations simply want to get the animals transferred into a better home. What good does that do for an animal that is attached to its owner other than addressing its comforts - they are probably using a scientific approach by considering Maslow's hierarchy of needs without considering the approach that in some cases emotional needs exceed basic needs.
  2. k_nitin_r


    I always thought that the non-profit organizations were not allowed to sell the dogs, just as individuals cannot place advertisements in classifieds to sell any kind of animals. I believe previously the legal system only prevented the sale of certain restricted species of animals but now that has extended to all kinds of animals including pet dogs and gold fish?The Blue Cross (the animal protection agency, not the insurance agency) requires volunteers to pay to become members of the association, which I find unusual - I've never seen an organization that charges people money if they want to volunteer. Then, there's the part where you have to provide a monetary gift for an animal within the shelter if you want to adopt an animal. To me, that's similar to selling except that you do not place a price tag and simply want to keep your price range open to whatever you can get.Finding veterinary services is quite hard when compared to finding medical doctors' services because not many people opt to take up caring for animals as a profession. Besides, there's a great deal of risk involved with caring for animals when compared to caring for humans. I wonder how veterinary dentists care for lions with tooth decays... they would probably be nervous about the animal snapping its jaws after getting a whiff of their perfume.
  3. Hey Dyson!Glad to have you onboard with us at Xisto. We look forward to seeing lots of posts from you and we welcome you to become a part of the Xisto community.There are lots of folks around here to help out if you are having any problems, and I see that you have yet to sign up at the Xisto - Support and Billing site but not to worry, it does not mean that you lose any posting credit. As soon as you sign up on the Xisto - Support and Billing site (with the same username as you have here on this forum), your myCENT counter will appear in your PMB next to every post that you make s you can look up the myCENTs that you have earned. Each time the myCENT counter goes up to 100, you get a Xisto dollar (myDOLLAR?) credited to your account and you can use it for ordering hosting packages. You will most probably be starting off with one of the basic packages and probably a domain name too and will be going forward from that point on. There's a Logic Basic package for about $3 per month, and the domain names are usually for $13 a year so you ought to get started writing something to post onto the forum to accumulate the myCENTs that you need to order a hosting package.Happy posting!
  4. There are lots of things that cause long-term relationships to end. When people drift apart, such as in long-distance relationships, they tend to forget the good times that they have had together and attempt to fill in the void left in their lives. At other times, it may be a lack of commitment to the relationship. It may even be the realisation that there was nothing between the two but infatuation and a relationship cannot last based on infatuation alone. In a relationship, there is a give and take and when one side feels he/she is being taken advantage of, there's the beginning of the end.A heart break is not necessarily something bad. It gives you the experience that you need to gain maturity. To have maturity means to be the one that works on maintaining and mending the relationship but that too comes with expectations that the other will do the same when the time comes.I would also go as far as to state that if you have never had an argument or a fight in a long relationship, chances are that when you do actually have an argument or a fight, it would take a great deal of understanding from both sides to get through it. A relationships that has gone through the highs and lows is more likely to survive through the challenges than a relationship that has been all roses and goody-goody stuff. Staying together in thick and thin is what makes a relationship between two people worth it.
  5. If someone can get into an arranged marriage and try all that they may to make it work, why can't they take the same effort to work toward something that they already have and make a love marriage work for them? It does hurt a lot more to get into an arranged marriage and realise that it wasn't for you than to get into a love marriage and work against all odds to make it work for you.Think of it this way... would you pick a cellular network provider who has been providing services for a couple of years and has been known for good service, or would you take your chances by getting plan that costs the same from a cellular network provider that has been barely in business for a month and can easily decide to give you a service with phone calls that disconnect every three minutes, dropping cell phone signals, and limited coverage area? Stick to what you have and know that works for you rather than going in for something that you have no idea of.
  6. The way she behaves around you does make it seem that there is some positivity, but I can't really go as far as to say that she really likes you. For some people, it is their nature to help people even if they are complete strangers to the ones that they are helping out so you cannot tell for sure. Making eye contact and playing with one's hair are often behavioral traits and you cannot really jump to conclusions based on those signs alone. There are times when you would sit with one knee over another and your foot would accidentally touch somebody but you would tend to downplay or ignore the incident rather than apologise for it.What I mean to say is that there are some signs that you could draw upon but you cannot tell for sure. Besides, relationships take time to develop and as sheepdog says, you should see where it goes by playing along and not expecting the world out of the relationship.
  7. Power is definitely one of those things that you would want to place high on your priority list, but you need to consider if you really need all that power. For instance, when you are on the go, you could have a really powerful notebook drain the battery in an hour but a netbook could get the job done while sipping the battery for about six hours. Netbooks are also a whole lot cheaper than regular notebooks but some low-end notebooks do tend to give netbook manufacturers a run for their money. Support and maintenance is something that you do not want to see in the lifetime of your computer so if that is a big priority for you, backup often, keep a spare laptop, or invest in something solid like a Lenovo Thinkpad. The reliability comes at a price but if it is really something that matters a lot for you, you can use one of those for a long time to come. A Thinkpad will last you for half a decade with daily use whereas something cheaper would last you for about two years. However, the price difference makes it worth considering if you want to invest in something that last that long considering that you can get something more powerful after two years. BTW, Velma, speaking of HCL, I have seen some terrible terrible things happen with HCL laptops. With an HCL that I got my hands on, shutting down would also stop the clock and that's simply unacceptable. I would rather get a netbook that something that simply can't keep time. Laptops are, unlike desktops, designed to run with a battery so should be able to keep track of time; desktops on the other hand have to rely on a much smaller CMOS battery. If there's one thing I don't expect from a laptop, it's a clock that can't keep time.
  8. I really do feel sorry for you to have to realise that your boyfriend does not care for you, after you are pregnant. On the contrary, he should be more affectionate toward you and should be prepared to accept that you would be more demanding of him during your pregnancy.I am not really an advocate of break-ups and would advice you to sit down and talk to him, perhaps in a coffee shop or over ice cream or something that you both enjoy having. Use it as an opportunity to bond and re-establish the good times that you had together. Avoid having to say anything negative or responding to anything negative that may come from him. Use it as an opportunity to forgive and forget rather than a moment to resolve past conflict and see how things go if you avoid bringing up discussions about the rocky past for a couple of days.A relationship takes effort to maintain and I know it may seem unfair for you to be putting in the effort, but somebody has got to do it and you should feel good to know that you are the one taking the initiative to make it work.
  9. Hi! I didn't mean to say that the web hosting service is in any way inappropriate for a commercial site but on the contrary, I would say that if you have a rock-bottom budget, Xisto - Web Hosting is the way to go. They give you a hosting package and they also give you a domain name to go with it - all without having to get your credit card out of your pocket or paying a single cent (although you would be using MyCENTs in plenty when managing multiple domain names and one of the higher packages). The point I would like to make is that the resolution of tickets should be quick enough for trouble tickets to be closed (i.e. for the problem to go away, and not to just get a response) within a day. Problems are rare, but can occur and can take down a commercial website with it. Two days of downtime can have visitors seeking other sources of information that they are looking for and if they find something better, they tend to stick with it. I would imagine that the users with a paid package (I mean paid with real cents and not MyCENTs) may get better service than the free web hosting users but that only seems fair considering that paying users are the ones who help pay the wages for employees, keep the company afloat with some profits, and pay for the taxes due. I have yet to create a ticket in recent times but when I do and I get issues resolved quickly, I'll be singing a different tune to encourage more people to use Xisto - Web Hosting for their commercial websites too. It may seem inappropriate for me to judge Xisto - Web Hosting based on their performance on a ticket in the past but that is all the information that I have to offer.
  10. Velma,I so totally know how it feels to get a SIM card only to figure out that it does not work later. That has happened to me twice, each time with a different cellular service provider. The first time I happened to have that experience with Airtel, a competitor of Aircel. I've seen a couple of Aircel advertisements but have never bothered getting one as they aren't one of the big players in my region so I would not get the benefit of calling someone else on the same network for reduced credit, or perhaps free SMSes, or even simply a clearer phone call. Here is my rather large account of all (and I really mean all) that happened when I got myself an Airtel prepaid SIM card only to figure out that I would be unable to use it and all I could do with it was to put the SIM card, the packaging, and the little promotional pamphlet into the bin.I needed a SIM card because I just dropped off a flight and into the airport and got someone to drive me home. The SIM card I previously had was country-specific and there was no way to get international roaming enabled on it for the plan that I had subscribed to and even if there were international roaming, or if they had the possibility of turning my prepaid package into a postpaid package, the rates would be prohibitively high and the only thing I could use it for would be international SMS (anyone from the country of the carrier could send SMSes at the local SMS rate instead of having to pay for international SMS). Anyway, long story short, I chose not to have an international roaming SIM card because nobody would want to call me at a rate of about two dollars a minute and SIM cards are available for quite cheap anyway.There were lots of different options when it came to choosing a carrier. I did have the option of getting one from Aircel and some of the other new carriers but I preferred to go with a carrier that has been in the business for a while and was large enough to have cellular towers to provide coverage even across highways that run through no-mans-land. I narrowed down my search to four different carriers, namely Airtel (not to be confused with Aircel despite have a similar spelling which in fact differs by just a single letter), Tata Idea Cellular (from the same guys who build the Tata Nano cars for about $3,500 and acquired the Jaguar automobile company), Tata DoCoMo (they already own Idea so why do they run another cellular services firm?), and Vodafone. I've heard about the changing policies of Idea Cellular and they would sometimes deactivate a subscription right out of the blue and on contacting their customer care service, they would request for additional identity proofs, address proofs, proof of residency, recent photographs and all other kinds of stuff. Now I am all for record keeping but this was just excessive. Just because it has been six months since I handed them a photocopy of my identity papers does not mean that I have suddenly adopted a new identity and have a new set of identity papers to furnish them with. If I did, I would have been a major con artist and they would have gotten into trouble for having two different sets of identity papers for the same phone number. I did not opt for DoCoMo at the time because it was one of the smaller players and I did not realise that it was a Tata group company. Even if I did, I would assume that they follow the same practices as Idea cellular when it came to deactivating plans and asking subscribers to hand out additional pieces of paper. I sometimes wonder if they simply collect all of that paper to hand over to the paper recycling firm and cash in on the deal but I guess that is a secret for them to know and some journalist to find out. I did have Vodafone Hutchison and Airtel to select from and having heard that Vodafone's coverage area is not all that great, I decided to go with Airtel.Airtel seemed like a pretty good cellular services provider with its coverage area and having been operating for quite a while and they have their SIM cards available at grocery stores so I went to a grocery store that put up an authorized reseller sign of Airtel and the guy collecting papers said that all I needed was a passport-sized photograph, a passport photocopy, and a photocopy of my electricity bill. Those have three things covered, my photograph, my identity proof, and my address proof. I did have the option of using my driver's license as an identity proof but the ink that the licensing department used on my license wore off within about two years and now I have got one that cannot be photocopied because my picture on it is invisible on the resulting photocopy. So much for the term 'photocopy' as the photo is the one thing that it cannot copy. They did say that I could use a PAN card. Now that has nothing to do with a frying pan or any other sort of cooking utensil. It was a card issued by the government to keep track of tax payments, income tax, and all that sort of stuff. Then, there was the ration card which is pretty much useless in this part of the city because there are grocery stores all around and no ration stores in sight. Besides, the ration cards from the country side can be used to avail free medical treatment except that the folks working at the hospitals are corrupt and take the "free" out of free medical treatment. Then, for the address proof, there's the option of getting a telephone bill. If I am applying for a SIM card that probably means that I do not have a telephone so I wonder why they would state that they accept telephone bills as address proofs. I guess they expect people to move away from competing service providers and make it easier by having you just hand in a copy of the competitor's bill and they take care of the rest. A water or electricity bill would suffice for them too, which does make more sense because those are essentials that just about every house has. There's just one problem though - the water or electricity bill is typically delivered to the owner of the house so if you are renting it from the owner or if the house has been sublet to you, you have a water or electricity bill without your name printed on it. Well, I was lucky enough to have initials on the electricity bill that I was handing in so I could say, "Yes, that's my electricity bill." If the cellular services company looked at my electricity bill, they would probably think they are getting a rather good deal from their electricity services provider and if I can pay the rather large bill from the electricity service provider, I would have no problem paying off their telephone bills.Anyway, so I run into a store for a photocopy of my passport and electricity bill, then I spend another half hour at a photo studio where they take my picture with a digital camera, have the memory card fed into a computer's memory card reader, use Adobe Photoshop to copy over the photograph seven times, print out a set of eight photographs of me, cut them into individual bits with a scissor, place them into an envelope and then hand them over to me. The whole deal took about forty five minutes after which I got back to the grocery store and filled out their form, which took about ten minutes. I then got to pick from the different phone numbers they had and I looked for anything that would be memorable enough for somebody to be able to call me without having to ask me for a business card, jot down the number in a phone book, or store my phone number in their cellular phones only to lose it later and then never call me. They had eight different prepaid packs to select from and so that was eight different phone numbers. I them paid the guy for the prepaid pack, handed in the photocopies, photographs, electricity bill, and the form and left with the SIM card in hand.After getting the SIM card, it is a waiting game. You have absolutely no idea when the cellular services company gets all of your paperwork and activates your account for you but typically it should take a day. I waited for a whole day checking every other hour if the cellular services were activated. They weren't. I then waited for another day. I picked up the phone, dialed out a number, there was a voice response system that said my cellular services were not yet available and so I waited some more. Four days after having picked up the SIM card, I went over to the Airtel customer care center and asked them about the activation of my services. They then tell me that I have to call up the Airtel customer service center as they only handle sales and problems with the Airtel handsets. They also tell me that the Airtel customer care center is only reachable from another Airtel phone, which I did not have so I asked them, "May I use your phone?" Now being an Airtel customer care center, I would expect them to at least have an Airtel phone on their premises. The sales representative sheepishly replied, "I'm sorry sir but we do not have a phone." There is a saying about people not eating their own dog food but I forget what it is and when the customer care center of an cellular services provider does not get its telephone services from that cellular services provider, I would begin to seriously doubt why that customer care center continues to remain in existence. I visited another Airtel customer care center with absolutely the same response. They take pride in saying that they are an Airtel customer care center but they cannot answer any of my questions or figure out why my cellular services had not been activated because that can only be told by a representative from the Airtel customer care service helpline and they did not have an Airtel phone for me to call up the Airtel customer care service helpline from.I didn't give up on the Airtel SIM card and checked if it had been activation for yet another day but there was again no luck and it simply had me connected to an automated voice response system. I then though that I just might be able to call up the Airtel customer care service helpline from a deactivated SIM card because it still has connectivity and there's an Airtel automated voice response system that tells me that the cellular services on my SIM card have not been activated yet. I dial the Airtel customer care service helpline number and voila! There it was, ringing on the other end. I waited for the automated voice response system to kick in, waited for the option to talk to a human sales representative but there was none so I opted to get value-added services from the cellular service provider. Typically, when you want to buy more services from a company, they decide to have a human flesh-and-blood hydrocarbon-based sales representative mammal for you to talk to and this time was no different. I finally heard a "Hello" from the other end and that was the first "Hello" that the SIM card has ever managed to get across. However, it was soon to be known that it was also the last. I asked the customer service and sales representative about my SIM card, which was obviously deactivated, and there was nothing they could do to activate it. I then pointed out that I had paid for a lifetime prepaid SIM and bought an Airtel prepaid pack at which point the sales representative interrupted me and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, but we do not sell a lifetime prepaid SIM." I looked at the prepaid pack and there it was - "Airtel lifetime prepaid pack" - so I said, "It says so on the pack." The sales representative held onto his ground and said, "I do not know what the pack says but we do not offer lifetime prepaid services. Airtel does not have any such package." Now, coming from a sales representative who sells the services of the cellular services provider, I would imagine that he knows what he is talking about but right there in my hand was the Airtel lifetime prepaid services pack containing the SIM card that I was using to call up the Airtel customer service helpline on a number that was only accessible on an Airtel SIM card and here was the sales representative telling me that such a package does not exist! Anyway, I decided to finally dump the SIM card because a service coming from a company that does not use its own services at its customer service centers, claims that its own services do not exist, and plays hard-to-get when it comes to customer support simply would not be worth it in the long run.If you did manage to read this post all the way from the top to the bottom and are still here composing your reply to this post then let me tell you - getting a prepaid SIM card from a cellular service provider in India is no walk in the park. Velma tried to get a postpaid SIM card while I tried to get a prepaid SIM card and, as it turns out, neither of the SIM cards had their services activated and were later simply dumped into the trash for lack of anything better to do with them. The cellular service providers do not even want to provide services to customers so it makes one wonder - who would opt for their services and where do they make their revenues from? Perhaps their whole operation is a cover-up for something big and they just put them up as services rendered to people who are listed against the various phone numbers that were never activated and that were put in the dumpster by the subscribers for not having anything better to do with them.
  11. The cheapest tablet in India was for Rs.1,200/- but prices have increased since its introduction. I can't remember if it was MyDrona or the NotionInk Adam but one of the two was sold for Rs.1,200/-. MyDrona was created by the International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT - that is three 'I's, not two).The low price comes from government subsidies rather than breakthroughs in manufacturing technologies therefore I can't really speculate on the build quality. The Aakash tablet comes with just 256MB RAM which makes it difficult to 'hack' it to turn it into a cheap laptop replacement. The price does make it a compelling purchase when compared to the Samsung netbook for Rs.16,000/-. Considering that a motorcycle can be bought for Rs.30,000/-, folks who aren't IT-savvy are not very likely to get a netbook or even a regular computer be a desktop or a laptop for that matter.If the display and battery of a cheap netbook are taken off, that might help cut down the price by quite a bit. Hooking up the rest of the netbook to a television set does make the idea seem like it may meet commercial success if it is pitched correctly. The downside is that by using a television, you would be limited to low resolutions and the idea of a nettop has already been tested without much success. The difference between a nettop and the proposed stripped-down netbook is the lower cost in using the infrastructure for existing netbook development and the integration of a keyboard and touchpad within the body that helps save on material costs.
  12. Velma, I thought support tickets were unavailable for the decade plan and therefore I didn't opt for it. Now, it too late for me to change my mind about getting the plan though - the Decade plan is no longer an option and I've got multiple domains that I host on my hosting account, though I don't really use it much. BTW, with the reduced credits per post on KS, it is getting harder to post enough to upgrade to another plan. If the credits earned per post get any lower, I'm going to have to downgrade :-(
  13. With dial-up, there was no capping because you were limited by the speed of the connection so whatever you got was the limit of the technology and the only way to go faster is to wait for the next best thing in modem technology and upgrade to it. However, now we have communication medium capable of 3 Mbps (Internet over cellular networks) or 1000 Mbps (wired LAN) so all you need to do to get a speed upgrade is to get your Internet Service Provider to increase the cap. However, there still is a lot that you can do in terms of data compression. You can use Opera's Turbo mode to route your traffic through Opera's servers which compress the data before sending it to you, essentially improving the speed of your connection from end-to-end without causing increased traffic along the connection that your modem has to your ISP.
  14. Working with family does have one disadvantage, which is that you can't tell them you don't want to work with them once you sign them up, without some serious fall out and that is what seems to be happening. If you work with total strangers, sure you may not really know how they work and the chemistry may take longer to form, but there still is the fact that when you fire them, there's no harm no foul.A burn out is common among people who stretch themselves but then again, the rewards are plenty for such folk. When managing work, a business, and education, getting low grades is no big deal - how many employers actually check the grades of their recruits when they've got plenty of experience to back them up?Getting one's priorities right is a pretty challenging thing to do because it involves a trade-off so if things do not turn out well, starting up one's own business is not a bad proposition at all. The number of people who have tried and failed may be many but there's more hope when going down trying than to have never tried at all.
  15. Things are looking worse for Maruti Suzuki right now. They had the strike at their plant located in Manesar so they shifted production to their plant located in Gurgaon, and, guess what, the workers at the Gurgaon plant are protesting to support the workers at Manesar (though some say that they are trying to get paid without working because organizations pay staff for the days that they go on strike). When doing business in India, there are some states for organizations to avoid and Tata learned it the hard way when they setup their first plane for the Tata Nano and later had to shutdown the plant before they could even begin production. Meanwhile, Maruti Suzuki's other models, the Ritz (the Maruti Suzuki Ritz is known internationally as the Suzuki Splash), and the Maruti Suzuki Swift DZire (a sedan version of the Suzuki Swift)Coming to the issue about the plastic fuel tank, there are various kinds of plastic. There are the kind of plastics that go into making polythene bags, there are plastics that are used to build vehicle bumpers and mirrors, and there are plastics that flexible flap that covers the sockets on your cellular phone. I guess the term plastic is simply a name for a genre of chemical substances. Plastics differ in their physical properties (and possibly chemical properties too). Some plastics, such as the bags used in hospitals for storing laundry, dissolve in water and thus exhibit properties very different from the plastic bags that you get in supermarkets with your grocery. Bio-degradable plastics exhibit different properties, reacting to enzymes secreted by microorganisms to dissolve or breakdown the plastic thus minimizing the environmental impact of the specific form of plastic.Plastics have their own advantages and disadvantages of their metal equivalents. The first is the weight of the material. Plastic products are considerably lighter than their metal counterparts. A metal container is often heavier than a plastic container as is the case with the old Maruti Suzuki Swift fuel tank, which was made of metal, and the new Maruti Suzuki Swift fuel tank, which is made of plastic. Secondly, plastics do not have the lustre that metal does and therefore they are more pleasing to the eye than are the metal objects when viewed in bright sunlight. In some cases, however, plastics do reflect light and product glare and is therefore an undesirable property of some plastics. Some forms of plastic have a longer life than their metal equivalents because they are unaffected by the corrosive action of water and steam, which is one of the benefits that the engineers at Maruti Suzuki claim for the new Maruti Suzuki Swift's fuel tank. This can be observed in old vehicles that have rusting exteriors but the mirrors, mud guards, bumpers, and interior plastics are unaffected by the environmental corrosive factors. Metals develop stress fatigue cracks that are often not visible at first but only become apparent when the metal section actually collapses due to pressure, as seen on some old aircraft bodies that break apart when in mid-air due to the air pressure different between the interior and the exterior of the aircraft fuselage (I believe the last incident was with a Quanta jet).Sometimes, metals are seen to have its own advantage over plastics. Metals are often stronger than plastics and the dents resulting from impact can be fixed by hammering the metal and leveling the surface with putty. Plastics, on the other hand, have to be replaced though there are some instances of the use of epoxy adhesives for making spot repairs. I have not had much luck with the use of epoxy adhesives but that can be attributed to the inavailability of suitable clamps and stands for setting when I used it for various applications. A glue gun is an alternative which I have not tried yet but for the most part, the automobile workshops simply toss away the old part and fit in a replacement. Metals seem to resist heat better than plastics in the absense of water. Some plastics harden and become extremely brittle due to heat and perhaps due to the age of the plastic (this can be observed on shoes that have been on display at stores).Speaking of Fiat, the Fiat 500 is available in India. The Fiat 500 is priced higher than any of the other offerings from Fiat and therefore is almost non-existent on the streets of India but you could often see the Fiat Palio or the Fiat Grand Punto hatchbacks or the Fiat Linea sedan on the streets sold at the distribution outlets of Tata (Fiat vehicles are serviced at the authorized service centers of Tata too). Fiat is almost non-existent in the United Arab Emirates (Dubai, Sharjah, et al.). In India, Fiat does not sell as many automobiles as most other automobile manufacturers, but most of the diesel powered vehicles sold for under 10 lakh (roughly $22,500) currently being sold in India today, which accounts for most of the vehicles in India, are being powered by a 4-cylinder Fiat diesel engine (Hyundai, Tata, Fiat, and Maruti Suzuki use the 1.3 litre diesel engine from Fiat while the other automobile manufacturers use their own 3-cylinder variant to cut costs yet they are priced higher than the vehicles bearing the 4-cylinder diesel engine from Fiat; the manufacturers generally license the technology for the Fiat diesel engine rather than outsourcing the production to Fiat). The Maruti Suzuki Swift diesel, the Maruti Suzuki Swift DZire diesel, the Maruti Suzuki Ritz diesel, the Maruti Suzuki SX4 diesel, the Fiat Linea, the Tata Indigo eCS, and the Tata Indigo Manza are powered by the Fiat 1.3 litre diesel engine so what Fiat does not have in terms of vehicle market share, it more than makes up for from licensing deals with other automobile manufacturers for its diesel engines.
  16. The MyCENTs system remains a mystery to us just as Google is a mysterious search engine and more of a black box to most people. Yet, there are lots of people who claim to be able to put their websites on top of the Google search results page because of certain guidelines that they follow. The guidelines are often developed through analysis of different websites that appear on top of the search results and the differences from others that did not quite make it to the top.The experiment to write a two hundred word post is an interesting one. It's an attempt to reverse engineer the myCENT system by using the inputs and outputs and attempting to guess what it is that the application or script looks for when it evaluates the input to produce the given output.One thing is for sure though. Word count is definitely one of the metrics that helps in earning myCENTs because if it were not, the one-liners would have received as many myCENTs as the long one-page posts that anwii and some others on the forum are popular for. When accounting for the posts that add to the myCENTs there is no real way to determine which of the posts count toward the the myCENT credits. The myCENT script simply emails the number of posts and the myCENTs received so it would take a period of inactivity after making a post to be able to analyze what really happens behind the scenes. Even if there were someone manually setting the myCENTs against each post, we would not really know.
  17. A mousepad for a conventional trackball mouse is different from a mousepad for an optical mouse. Perhaps what you need to do is get a new mousepad? A conventional trackball mouse needs a mousepad that has increased traction to get the mouse ball rolling when it is moved. Such mice do not work on slippery surfaces. Early trackball mice used a heavy ball coated in rubber or similar polymers and worked great but newer trackball mice used lightweight trackballs and may have been the result of cost cutting to match the prices of competitors. For an optical mouse, the surface of the mousepad has to be bright so as to reflect the laser back into the receiver / sensor on the mouse and does not need to provide traction. However, the mousepad should not have a glossy surface or act like a mirror. You can simply use an A4 sized paper from your printer to serve as a mousepad if you are using an optical mouse. Usually the A4 sized paper works great with the trackball mice too because the surface of the paper is generally rough and can cause the trackball to rotate with ease.
  18. Hi!The steps that you have taken for signing up on Xisto and Xisto are correct, to my knowledge (no pun intended), and should display the myCENTs earned sometime soon. The myCENTs script can take up to three days so if you do not see any myCENTs after seventy two hours, then something is amiss. Apart from the display of the myCENTs on the forum, you can also go to the Xisto - Support and billing page and log in to check the myCENTs balance. Way back when I registered, the myCENTs script would evaluate and credit my posts almost instantaneously. Right after making the post, I would receive an email in my inbox and there it was.You might want to report an issue on the Xisto - Support and Billing site by creating a support ticket. The support ticket responses can take up to two days. Perhaps the delay is only for the free members - I can't tell because I do not have a paid account on Xisto - Web Hosting or Xisto yet and have been using my myCENTs accumulated over the years and replenished every year with more posts to order web hosting packages and domain names.BTW, at the end of the year, the renewal for the domains burns a big hole in my myPOCKET (I keep cents in my pocket and myCENTs in my myPOCKET :-P) and the rates are pretty much standard across all web hosting providers and domain registrars though some web hosting providers throw in the domain name for free if you take up one of their web hosting packages. The web hosting package at Xisto / Xisto - Web Hosting is quite cheap though.
  19. A lot of work places have a dress-down culture with employees walking into office in casuals. However, there are still others that require their employees to be dressed to kill. They have their employees look like they work for the Men In Black organization. You can either observe the work place a day before your interview to determine how the other folk dress when they get to work but make sure that you don't observe them on their office casual day and then walk in on a regular day when everyone else is in a suit and tie and you are the only one who isn't. It never hurts to dress conservatively in formal wear and although it does mean a little more effort, for some people that is a huge confidence booster. If the firm you are interviewing at does have a casual dress code, wear anything that you find comfortable but is not too awkward or revealing. If you take a look at yourself in the mirror and do not look like you are part of a street gang, then that's probably what you want to wear to the interview. Sticking out of the norm does make you different in some respects and that does not necessarily mean you are more likely than the next guy to get the job but it does make a good impression and makes you feel good about yourself.
  20. Hi!Welcome to Xisto! Good to have you join us here on this forum. there are a lot of graphic designers on the forum and a lot of them do a bit of web design and web development too. With the free web hosting provided by Xisto / Xisto, there is bound to be a lot of activity about building websites so you'll get to pick up quite a bit about web design and development. There are also tutorials posted on the forum authored by other members.BTW, your nickname, J-whiz, reminds me of the G-whiz. It is an electric vehicle built by a firm in Bangalore, India, named Reva and sold in India under the Reva name but sold internationally as the G-whiz. It is popular as a non-polluting vehicle because you simply plug it into the electrical outlet at home to charge it and then drive off to work in the morning. the problem with all electric vehicles is that they have a limited range so if you are planning a trip to the country side, you can't really go very far without ensuring that you have a place to recharge your batteries for a couple of hours.Anyway, since you're new to the forum, I thought I might also explain how the myCENTs credit system for ordering hosting works. When you post to the forum, you get credits in the form of myCENTs. Each myCENT is the equivalent of a real world cent. As you accumulate cents, you eventually get enough to order a web hosting package from the Xisto - Support and billing section. Hosting packages start from as low as $1.99 per month for the Linux based hosting that enables you to run PHP scripts and use a MySQL database. The price for a domain registration is roughly $13 and you can optionally get one of those for your website as well. If you do not really need a domain name, you can get a sub-domain with Xisto or Xisto and can still have your site hosted with Xisto / Xisto. To earn myCENTs you have to post to the forum and the basic idea is that the longer the post, the more the myCENTs you get paid. Do expect to put in a lot of time posting because the myCENTs take a while to come by.
  21. The only logical explanation that I can make about the irregularity of myCENT updates is that there is someone out there who manually executes the myCENT scripts rather than having the script scheduled to occur at a specific time every day. Well, it's either that or the scheduler runs the script only when the forum does not have any load i.e. when there are no users on the forum and if the no-users-online condition does not occur for three days then run the myCENTs script. None of the members will be able to give you a definite answer except for Opaque who writes the script and has it scheduled to run. Often on high traffic websites or on websites located on shared servers, intensive processing applications are scheduled for execution during off-peak hours. Some shared hosting servers may prohibit any CPU intensive or bandwidth intensive operations, in which case the operation would have to be performed by exporting the data to anothre system and re-importing the data or doing something similar by retrieving the input and making an update to the 'count'.
  22. Hi!I got my hosting on Xisto about four years ago through posting on Xisto and the hosting involved accumulating myCENTs through posting on the forum, then going to the Xisto - Support and Billing area to order web hosting packages. The only thing that has changed is that the myCENTs are harder to come by and so you have to post a lot more to get the same amount in myCENTs. In the distant past, however, getting hosting was just the way you mention it - posting to the forum and then requesting one of the administrators to get you a web hosting package. The posts related to obtaining hosting were made in a special section of the website, as you've suggested.Anyway, good luck with getting hosted and do post back to the forum if you need help with setting up your website.
  23. Hi!Thank you for the explanation and solving the case of the missing coolant. BTW, one thing I did have to mention is that in this part of the world they do not use anti-freeze - all that they use is distilled water. When there are desparate times, like being caught in the middle of highway with no sign of an automobile garage or a fuel station, people use bottled drinking water instead. And as a last resort, even tap water. A cousin had to drive back home with a leaking radiator caused by damaged roads hitting the underside of the vehicle (the roads connecting two different states in India are just terrible - there's a single lane for two-way traffic so the vehicles have to squeeze past one another).A three-year-old working in an automobile garage is quite remarkable. I'm pretty sure most older folk who are old enough to drive still do not know how to get their air filters out of their vehicles, how to wash the re-usable air filters, and how to drain old oil out of their engines.The expansion and contraction of water is a possible explanation of the loss of coolant, which is, simply put, distilled water. The escape of steam would be hard to observe while driving at over sixty kilometers per hour and that is a valid point. While driving in heavy rain and floods, I did see the escaping steam while at a stand-still but while moving the steam was almost invisible. While stationary, it was almost as though I was driving a steam engine rather than a car or like driving a badly damaged car in Grand Theft Auto III.
  24. If you are about to export your data and load it into a re-created table, hold your horses. You do not have to go through all of that effort and you might actually corrupt your data while in the process if it is not performed correctly.You can reset the auto increment to start with a different value, however you cannot set it to a value less than the maximum value in the column. You can find the highest value in the column by using a SELECT query with the MAX group function and then set the auto_increment value to a number one value higher using an ALTER TABLE statement.Here is an example. Assume that you have a table named "department" that is defined as "create table department (id int auto_increment, name varchar(16));"Next, insert some rows into the department table using the statements "insert into department(name) values('administration');" and "insert into department(name) values('sales');" This should use the IDs one and two. You can check this by selecting the rows from the table using a "select * from department;". This should display the values: 1 - administration, and 2 - sales. Now, assume that you deleted the sales row accidentally with a "delete from department where name = 'sales';". You are now left with exactly one row, "1 - administration". Suppose you want to re-create the sales row with the same ID, you know that the highest ID is 1, but just to double-check, execute the query: "select max(id) from department;"To set the auto_increment to 2, type in the query "alter table department auto_increment = 2;"All of these SQL statements can be executed in phpMyAdmin or just about any other SQL interface to MySQL, including the MySQL command line utility.
  25. I used Corel Draw ages ago to draw some vector art. The smoothing of mouse-drawn curves is simply amazing and I had only seen the feature in Macromedia Flash at the time. Adobe's offering to match Corel Draw as Adobe Illustrator and, from the Macromedia acquisition, Adobe Fireworks. I previously used Adobe Illustrator for drawing and Macromedia Fireworks for adding in the gradients and colors simply because Fireworks was easier for the kind of stuff. Adobe Illustrator did support the gradients but were hard to find on the interface - confirmed by the fact that when you save the Macromedia Fireworks document as an Adobe Illustrator file, Illustrator is able to display the gradients and replace it with a solid color.Macromedia did a pretty good job with Flash, ShockWave, and Director and Adobe has a pretty good way to get its hands on an industry of graphic designers, animators, and web designers.For the record, I am not a pretty big Photoshop fan (I prefer Adobe Fireworks because of my predilection for vector art) but having been away from Corel Draw for a long long time, I'll have to vote in favor of Adobe Photoshop.
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