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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. k_nitin_r


    Hi Ret!Good to have you joining us here at Xisto.Learning to build a website is quite simple and you can read some of the tutorials that some of the other members have posted on here at Xisto. If you have any doubts or queries, feel free to post to the forums and one of the other members will respond to your post.If you are here for the free web hosting service, do make sure that you post often and with substantial content because you have to accumulate forum credits, referred to as myCENTs to make up an equivalent amount of the dollar amount of the hosting package that you want to order. The best part is that you can even get your own domain name, such as Ret.com (or something similar). I noticed that you do not have a myCENT count displayed in your profilie block so I am guessing that you did not sign up at Xisto yet. Xisto is the web hosting service provider and it is where you go to order the web hosting packages.If you have questions, feel free to ask. Looking forward to seeing more of you on Xisto.
  2. Hi nanna!Welcome to Xisto. I remember seeing you on the Astro Loco forums too for the brief period that I have been there and it is nice to see members of both forums signing up on each other... it really helps the community grow and you get the best of both worlds.If you are here to learn about building web sites and blogs, you've come to the right place. There are lots of people around who are willing to help and are either web designers, web developers, or both. I'm a web developer and can manage some web design too... I seem to lack in the Photoshopping creativity but I can make up some rather simple web designs, build a standards compliant website, and put together an ASP.NET or a PHP based web application. There are plenty of tutorials on here that you can look up and there are lots of people who can respond to your discussion threads.Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  3. Think of Paypal as a form of virtual currency that is traded over the Internet. You can add to your Paypal account by transferring from a bank account or a credit card and can then use your Paypal funds for purchases or for transfers to someone else. Paypal was initially formed for, quite literally, paying your pals for a meal such as for splitting the charges for a meal when you do not have change. It evolved into a payment method for shopping websites and as a means to pay contractors and transfer funds internationally. Paypal eliminates the need for you to hand out your credit card and bank account details and therefore is safer for online transactions. Paypal is also great because it provides an application program interface for you to integrate it into your own software. There is also a simple HTML code snippet that you can paste onto your website for handling the payment at Paypal's end thus eliminating the need for maintaining a merchant account when you have limited transactions. If your Paypal account is for personal use then you do not have to pay to maintain an account and you do not need a merchant account.
  4. I can't comment on the trend at Xisto because I have only been using their free account and have not had any problems that they were unable to resolve. I did notice a slower response for my support ticket on my last ticket, but I can't say if it is a one-off incident or a general trend without further analyzing where the delay is from. At times, first level support is unable to solve a problem and therefore has to escalate the problem and it is better to get no response at all rather than an illogical pre-baked response that first level support staff at most customer support service centers are popular for (I wouldn't want someone asking me, "Is your computer plugged in? Are you connected to the Internet?").I haven't seen BuffaloHelp on the forum in quite a while but I have not had any technical issues with using the forum either - no new updates mean no instability so things run the way they are supposed to until there is a hardware failure or some sort of unexpected condition in the software (which is unlikely because the software has been running quite well for quite a while, optimistically speaking of course).
  5. You cannot install just about any operating system on a mobile phone. It needs to meet the hardware requirements of the operating system and, on some phones, you need access to special hardware and software to install the operating system.Unlike computers, mobile phones were not intended to be general purpose usage devices for end users to service. You can install apps and that's just about it. A PC is built for users to be able to select components to install such as the kind of hard disk drive, the peripherals, and the capacities of the various components that make up the computer. You can select an operating system as long as your hardware meets the minimum requirements although typically one is preinstalled for you. A mobile phone is not expandable or flexible like a computer and therefore there is hardly ever a need to select between multiple operating systems and hardware components.
  6. AlienWare may be overpriced, but it is the best you can get without having to do any DIY. Custom stickers do let you turn your laptop into a monstrous beast but the specs that AlienWare offers are not something you would find in a mainstream laptop. There are some custom laptop builders who can hook you up with a portable gaming rig but you would not have access to the worldwide service network. A desktop gaming rig is easy to assembly but when it comes to laptops, the manufacturer usually does not provide the flexibility for you to pick parts for your order except for the standard replaceable parts (RAM, hard disk drive, and one or two expansion cards).If there is something in particular that you are looking for, you can get laptops with up to 8GB memory and 1.5TB hard disk drives but if you are looking for RAID disk arrays, high end graphic cards and all the works, you simply can't find it all in a single brand at an affordable price. Dell's AlienWare and Thinkpad's W-series are specialty laptops that are available all over the world and so are most recommended when money isn't a matter.For a budget laptop of under $1,000, you could consider a Sony Vaio E-series. The other Sony Vaio laptops are overpriced and you can consider a Lenovo Ideapad if you are looking for alternatives.
  7. Somebody ought to update the poll on this thread to include VLC player. Before I 'discovered' VLC player, I used MPlayer and only made the switch when I realized that they use the same libraries. VLC player does tend to crash when using the Playlist feature which is why I sometimes use Windows Media Player. Winamp was the first of the players I used for playing MP3s. I guess the Windows Media Player included in Windows 95 could not play MP3 files so I installed Winamp and went with it till I had a bunch of videos to play with the DivX player. I eventually moved to MPlayer, having had enough of installing codec packs and having 'conflicts' from installing multiple codec packs, and wanting a GUI, I switched to VLC Player. I still use VLC player and apart from 7-Zip and MS Office is one of the first things that I install after re-formatting and getting my operating system running. The best thing about VLC player is that you can also run it on Linux (and perhaps on Mac OS X too?) so when you do move between computers with different operating systems, you still get to have that same familiar interface that has grown on you over the years.
  8. Nikhil, For mod rewrite to work, you need an Apache web server. Most web hosting services that use an Apache web server will support .htaccess directives and if yours does not, you might need to contact their support to get them to insert the directives that you require in their configuration file for your site. Some of the directives from their configuration file can be overridden using the .htaccess file and therefore they may have disabled the .htaccess directives feature entirely but that should not stop them from making the setting for your site. Other web servers, such as Microsoft's Internet Information Service does not using a .htaccess file but instead requires you to setup the directives using a Web.config file, which is an XML format file that you can easily edit using Visual Studio or any other XML editor or text editor. If your web hosting services does refuse to enable the URL rewriting for your site, you may have to find another web hosting provider - Xisto is a good choice because you can earn forum credits by posting on Xisto or one of the other participating forum sites and then order your web hosting packages using solely forum credits.
  9. Hi!Just when we thought that post to host was too good to be true, there's another website out there, other than Xisto, that offers a post to host service too.I've just got a quick glance over at AstroLoco (okay, so maybe it was a little more than just a glance) and the one thing that I like about the forum is that it uses phpBB, the open source forum. I'm all for open source and that immediately struck a cord with me. Getting hosting credits by posting on AstroLoco is going to take me a while - it sure did take me a long long time when I got my first post to host hosting package here at Xisto before I actually put their promise to a test and became a more regular poster - but when I do, I'll post my review about the service but once again, I'd like to say kudos to you for choosing phpBB over the other forum scripts out there and supporting the open source project.
  10. Creating opportunities for the differently-abled is a responsibility of the society within which they live and allowing people dependent on their pets to use their pets to help them do what they have a positive right to do is a big step forward. A lot of places around the world are still inaccessible for the physically challenged because of a lack of wheelchair ramps and accessibility. An awareness needs to be created to provide for the differently abled world-wide. Cities such as Dubai have recently commissioned taxis that can transport wheelchair passengers and they airports across the world have always been known to be wheelchair-friendly, with free transport of wheelchairs and canes.
  11. Hi Mark!Good to have you join us here at Xisto. I recall the name "Howard" somewhere. Was it perhaps in the adventure computer game Monkey Island? I love that computer game series but it has been a long long while since I have last played it.BTW, what do you do for a living? Are you here for the free web hosting too? There's plenty of us here seeking freebies - from web hosting to domain registration and email forwarding. Lots of free stuff to go around and all we need to do is make lots and lots of posts to earn MyCENT credits that we can spend on ordering hosting packages and domain names. The prices are quite reasonable too - $3 for a month of web hosting and $13 for a year of domain registration.I believe back in the old days, before the MyCENT system was developed, the web hosting required you to be active on the forums, but now you can post occasionally and as long as you have enough MyCENTs in your account, things are sunny in server town. A lot of folk here keep an eye on their balance and become active just when their hosting packages and domain registration renewals are due, but you can just make occasional posts to avoid the hassle of having to keep checking.Hope to see more of you on the forums.
  12. New bookings for the Maruti Swift 2011 have been suspended due to a worker strike at the manufacturing plant in Manesar, Haryana. The strike, which has been in partial effect since last June, has been for the recognition of the old workers' union and for reinstating the leaders of the union. The strike has reduced the output of the Manesar plant to about a tenth of its capacity. With 90,000 existing bookings for the Maruti Swift 2011 and less than 1,000 deliveries, Maruti has suspended new bookings for the Maruti Swift 2011.The Maruti Swift 2011 has had styling changes over the outgoing model, which is no longer in production, and utilizes a plastic fuel tank instead of a metal fuel tank for greater fuel efficiency. The increasing prices demanded by local steel suppliers have made this an easy decision and has the advantage of reduced maintenance (the old metal fuel tank had to be checked for rust).New car buyers can, however, opt for the Maruti Ritz which is a slightly cheaper hatchback and more modern styling. Both the Maruti Swift and the Maruti Ritz are available with petrol and diesel options, and the recent trend with 75% of Maruti sales coming from diesel vehicles had led to the introduction of the Maruti SX4 diesel, a mid-size sedan that shares a lot in common with the Swift DZire.
  13. I have not watched the Twilight, but I did watch Buffy... mostly because I could not find the television remote that gets so conveniently tucked away when somebody else wants to watch something.About your question, Willow did not turn into a witch in the end. I think it was at the start of the fourth season after Calendar (I can't remember her first name as she is referred to as "Miss Calendar" for the most part of the series) is killed and Willow gets access to all of the spells and reference that Calendar left behind.The Buffy series was quite popular but it had a cult following. Most people I know hated it, but there were some who would watch re-runs on television, buy the DVD set, and even keep every episode from all the five seasons put away in their collections.BTW, your description of disastrous consequences and monstrosities as the "unthinkable unpleasant" is a very mild way of putting it.A lot of stories have similarities but they are not necessarily rip-offs. The Lord of the Rings and the Sword of Shannara are quite similar too but the characters are different.
  14. ...and I'm back!

    1. anwiii
    2. UND3R


      I didn't know you befor eyou were gone, so I'm just going to play along! :) Welcome back! :P

  15. Last year, I took my Suzuki Esteem 2004 out on a drive on a rather warm day and after I parked and started up again, the engine check light was on and the temperature gauge indicated a high engine temperature. I stopped at the nearest fuel station, which was about three minutes away, at fairly low engine rpms and turned off the engine as soon as I got there. When a service technician popped the hood and looked at it, there was no coolant in the engine! The car was locked and the bonnet was shut so it's surprising that I was completely out of coolant; I didn't have any leaks either. After pouring three cans of coolant, the engine finally cooled off and I was back on my way home. I often wonder what caused the coolant to disappear/vaporize as there were no leaks or any way to tamper with the engine while the vehicle was locked. Either way, I was fortunate to not have any engine damage and so far I have had the car go over 208,000km (I loaned it out for about two years which is when it clocked most of those kilometeres; I barely would have clocked 20,000km).
  16. Harlot,I just got $3 worth of MyCENTs for my posting day before. Back in the old days I would receive the MyCENT credits about two to three times a day if I replied to a lot of threads and that would give me a total of $2 before I could finish composing and posting the rest of my posts. Then, I guess the MyCENT credits for posting went down and I did not get as much but over the past few days something definitely has changed and I would not have expected $3 of MyCENT credits if I had made the same postings last month.If I do manage to get up to $5 worth of MyCENTs, I'll let you know if there is a hard limit. Then again, I'm not sure if all the content that I've been posting, even when it's the most that I can do in a single day, has ever been able to get my $5 worth of MyCENTs so I'm not sure if I can look it up for you.When the MyCENTs system was taken offline and later brought back online (was that over a year ago?), I did get full credit for my postings and that was about $18 or so. I can't remember for sure, but it was definitely over $5.The MyCENTs system is like a black box for most of us who speculate about how it works, so don't take my word for it. It's a lot like Google's search results positioning, which is based partially on backlinks and keyword densite but also takes other factors into consideration.
  17. Hi!I have not spent as much time on the forum as some of the older folk on here, but the years I have been here, it has been a fun ordeal. The traffic on the forum has been low in the past year. At first, there was the MyCENTs script that needed re-writing so the MyCENTs took a while to be credited but true to his promise, Opaque did get the script to retroactively credit all the posts that were not accounted for. Then, there were the dip in traffic, but now we see posts everyday so I guess the forum is still active. You may not get responses to specific threads because there just may not be enough people interested in the topic but then again that is just about the same on every other forum. You can post about issues with the Oracle database throwing Java virtual machine stack errors when creating Java stored procedures and most folks would either come up with a blank or send you a generic response that will not help at all.The resolution of tickets has slowed down a bit and I have had responses take up to 2 days but previously I would get a response within the hour. For free web hosting, it isn't too much of an annoyance and I would be sticking around for a while till I decide to go commercial with my web development pursuits. I would not say that makes the forum any less active, but it certainly would be nice to get better web hosting service considering that some folks on here make their bread and butter from their websites unlike the rest of us (or is it only me?) who simply host personal websites and personal blogs without really getting any revenue out of it.
  18. Hi!You cannot trust information that you find on the Internet, unless you have ensured that the information comes from a reliable source. You can check if the essays have been sourced from a credible journal, have been accepted as user submissions, or have been extracted from another location on the Internet. Often, you can find articles that have not been reviewed but have been published onto the Internet either by the authors or by other individuals or groups. The lack of reviews for selection simply suggests that the article may have introduced a bias or may have misrepresented facts to convince the user to take a particular course of information, or is simply information stated as a fact without the necessary steps taken for verification and for ensuring that the inference drawn by the author have not been made based on any logical fallacies.Many academic institutions even consider Wikipedia to be an unreliable source because individuals or organizations can modify the articles for defacing the pages, for defamation, or to promote their own interests. Some individuals consider articles as acceptable if they come from a .edu, .org or .gov domain, but with the increasing number of domain names, you could extend that list to .mil domain names and possible others that have been established as second level domain names, such as .org.uk, .gov.in, or similar domain names that are alternative for their first-level domain name equivalents. You should not, however, use domain names as a means of determining the credibility of an article because just about anyone can register a domain name, setup a website, and put up articles.A peer-review journal is the best source that you can rely on, followed by books authored by credible authors and published by reliable publishers. Even so, commercial book publishers may have their own agenda for promoting a subject area either because they have a lot of publications in the area or because they want to draw readers away from competing publishers. Publishing firms that have been setup by non-profit educational institutions are often considered among the most credible, but then again you never really know and should treat any information that you acquire with some caution.
  19. Those of us here on the forum are users/subscribers to the web hosting service and can assist you with application issues, such as installing a content management system such as Drupal or Joomla, or figuring out the database operation. If you want some application code modified or themes developed, here is the place to get volunteers to help out. Folks here do not have any access to the administrator-level functionality on Xisto - Web Hosting.The support tickets are responded to by the staff at Xisto - Web Hosting and if you do not get a timely response, you can try sending a private message to Opaque or BuffaloHelp and they might be able to expedite the resolution of the support ticket.BTW, unless your Internet Service Provider gives you a static IP address, you might be able to disconnect and reconnect to get a different IP address to access you website while the support ticket is responded to. If you can't, you might be able to use a VPN service to tunnel through and connect to your website.You can also get virtual machine hosting (cloud computing) to get a desktop that you can connect to for accessing the web hosting service from a different location. You might also be able to use it for testing your website across multiple browsers and for storing backups. Perhaps, you could even use it to provide a service to other users because you would probably have a very light work load for it. A web operating system can provide you with limited functionality so if it gives you access to a web browser and an FTP client, that should be all that you need.
  20. Hi!If you try to log in with an invalid username and password, the server blocks your IP address and you have to submit a ticket to have your IP address unblocked. It is probably a security feature because most attackers have a limited set of IP addresses. If the attacker is using a dynamic IP address from the ISP, then some legitimate users might get blocked at times. As you know the web hosting service is blocking the IP addresses, you can diagnose the problem easily, but I'm pretty sure that for the site visitors, trying to figure it out may be puzzling indeed.BTW, are you subscribed to the decade hosting plan? It has been withdrawn sometime in the past few months, but the plan provided 10 years of hosting for $10 but with no support except for that available in the forum. I have had some late responses to my support tickets but apart from that I have not had any real problems with the web hosting service. I don't really use the web hosting service for any serious stuff... it's just my personal blog and some test services. It would be great if they could handle the renewals without any intervention but for the price, I do not really mind the few days of downtime as long as they remain online for the rest of the year.
  21. Would I work for someone for full-time for free? I would have in the past. However, I now have bills to pay and loans to reimburse, and with expenses going up by the day because most organizations think they need to raise prices to survive this economy, there's just little to be done except work to earn an honest buck and pay off bills and loans.I still am willing to donate a few hours of my time every week and can afford to shell out the cost of volunteering for as long as I have a paying gig.
  22. Hosted desktops are pretty useful if you want to legally use software but cannot afford to buy a license for it. I had to use a hosted destop on a Citrix solution from university for using IBM's SPSS software for statistical analysis. It was a whole lot cheaper than having to purchase a license to use the software and the hosted desktop was accessible from right within the browser. It was pretty easy to use and it was just like using remote desktop. I did have to install a plugin to access the hosted destop, so I am guessing that it was a kind of a remote desktop or a VNC solution.Apart from using hosted desktops to use licensed software, one can also use hosted desktops for running automated data search software that retrieves web pages, searches for key words, and stores reports. You can get the software started and connect back to the hosted desktop later to check on the progress of the search.I still prefer using a real desktop, considering that computers do not cost as much as they used to about two decades ago.
  23. @HarlotIt's not "MyCento". It's "MyCent," as in "dollars and cents."No one but Opaque and BuffaloHelp know how the system really works, but one thing is for sure - if you make large posts and lots of them, you get lots of MyCents. You do get to know your MyCent credits whenever you get credited for your postings so there is a whole lot that you can do on the forum before your web hosting renewal/'subscription' fee is due.The Xisto forum does see some activity and you do find a couple of the old members out here earning the MyCents to keep their websites afloat.BTW, I doubt that you get recurring MyCents from your threads - you just get credited once for making your posting and that's about it. If you did get credits for older posts, you would just have to make about a thousand posts and never have to come back again... and none of us would want that - we like members to stick around and tell everybody what they have on their minds.
  24. My average posts per day is dropping. I should visit the forum more often.

  25. The easiest way you can transfer files across is to plug them both into your router and use the File and Printer Sharing feature of Windows to provide access to your files on the other computer. The File and Printer Sharing feature may require you to change your Windows Firewall settings so you would need administrative privileges to do that. If you are using your router and it has wireless capabilities, that makes it even easier - you can access the files on your desktop from your laptop no matter where in your house you happen to be, assuming that you are within the 100 meter range of the wireless router, which may be reduced by walls, cupboards, and other barriers.File and Printer sharing is quite easy to use. All you need to do is right-click on a folder, go to the Sharing tab, and select the radio button for Share this Folder. If you are using Simple File Sharing, then you already have a folder shared for you and all you need to do is drag and drop the files you need into your shared folder.If you want a simpler solution, you can use a USB file transfer cable that lets you get files across quickly. Assuming both computers support USB 3.0 or at least USB 2.0, file transfer are rather quick.
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