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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. If you have someone you want to date, not because you feel bad for somebody but because you really want to hang out with somebody, then you probably are headed out to a date anyway. My point is that when you are ready to date, your first date should not be about you going on a date when you do not really want to; it should not be because you feel bad for somebody and you want to cheer him up - that's like creating false hope for somebody and you do not really want that kind of attention if you do not feel the same way as he does because some day you will want to hang out with somebody else that you really have feelings for and you will have to break up with whoever you are dating because of your 'sympathy'. It's pretty much the same when you choose your career because of what you want to do rather than because of what people tell you to do - when you have no interest in doing what you are doing, your heart and your expression simply would not show because what comes from within simply has a whole different way of expressing itself.The way you think your folks would respond is simply built into your culture. Your description is the image of how you think they will respond but, in reality, even if it does turn out to be the case, they are simply fitting in with the social norms so you should not feel too embarassed (although that is a part of the social norm too). You can just play it cool because you know you can expect it and have to deal with it at some point of time, and better sooner than later, right?If you are worried about your friends talking about you having a boyfriend to your folks, then perhaps you should do the talking before they do - that way, you are not keeping them in the dark about your date and it would not come to them as a shock when somebody else mentions it.
  2. Photoshop isn't my tool of choice when creating vector art, the reason being that although you can 'draw' the vector graphics in the form of layers with a fill or gradient and masking, Photoshop isn't really built to combine vector and raster.What I do use for pure-vector graphics is Adobe Illustrator and when I need to have a mix between vector and raster graphics, I use Adobe Fireworks. Adobe Fireworks can open Adobe Illustrator files as well so you can switch between Illustrator and Fireworks rather easily. Fireworks may not have the extensive graphics editing capabilities as Adobe Photoshop, but it gets the job done most of the time. I would say Photoshop is preferrable if you have a set of filters or you already have a license for Photoshop and resources for it.
  3. Symbian isn't going away yet - Nokia sold so many phones with it this year too; perhaps next year may see the end of Symbian with Nokia selling Windows Mobile phones now.

  4. @deliviIn Windows XP, go to the Control Panel. Open the Computer Management console and go to the Disk Management section. You should see your drives listed here.Now, using Windows Explorer, copy all your files across to another disk drive or partition. Then, using disk management, delete the two primary partitions that you want to combine and create a new extended partition in its place. Then, within the extended partition, create a logical partition. Then, copy your files back from the other disk or partition that you copied them to and you have the end result.The scandisk error typically occurs when you do not shut down your PC correctly thus leading to a scandisk check on starting up your computer. You can skip the disk check by pressing any key (usually, they do not mean just about "any" key *giggle*) but then you may have the same prompt upon your next reboot for scanning the hard disk partition. I would suggest you run a complete scandisk so that the utility can search for bad sectors, errors, or inconsistencies in the file system and drive and then reboot to check if the scandisk message still appears.@GalahadIt is possible to have multiple primary partitions - hence the three primary partitions on the same drive. The OP mentioned that he/she has a single hard disk drive, which is the 160GB hard disk drive that he/she referred to. If you do want to combine multiple disk drives to appear as a single partition, Microsoft Windows versions from Windows 2000 onward have this capability although this is limited to only the server and workstation versions of the software. Windows XP Professional may have the capability to create a partition that spans across multiple hard disk drives but Windows XP Home Edition would not.I do concur on your choice of Partition Magic. It helps avoid the need to copy the data, delete the partitions, and re-create the partitions, because it attempts to preserve the data as it converts the filesystems and partitions. You may not, however, be able to get a single partition across multiple hard disk drives using Partition Magic (though they may have added in the capability in later versions of the software, which I am unaware of). Partition Magic is commercial software and requires the purchase of a license. You should backup your data before you use Partition Magic because errors are bound to occur at any time, from a hanged operation due to the inability of the hard disk drive to read a sector to problems originating from the hardware or even power cuts. Having a backup is rather cheap because of the availability of DVD-Rs and cheap external hard disk drives. A free alternative to Partition Magic is the Linux-based gParted.BTW, I would like to add that the conversion to the NTFS file system that you have suggested can be performed using Disk Management in the Computer Management console without having any data loss (or so they claim; I haven't had any data loss using their file system conversion utility so far and if I do, may my backups save me). I cannot attest to the increased reliability of NTFS over the FAT32 file system but Microsoft does claim that the NTFS file system supports journaling which means a greater reliability when writing to the disk drive.@uiopgParted is free and Linux based so I would believe that it supports more file systems than Disk Management in the Computer Management console but Partition Magic supports a lot of partition types. I wouldn't really know if Partition Magic is based on entirely proprietary code or if they used an open-source BSD project to build it, but in either case they have lots of source code to build upon that has been extensively tried and tested so it is unlikely that you will have a problem with Partition Magic.@Robert ElierThe Fedora Linux installer does have a partition manager for you to be able to remove primary partitions and create extended and logical partitions on your hard disk drive. When you are running the Fedora installer, look for the prompt that asks you if you want to erase the entire disk and use the whole disk for Linux, create custom partitions, or use existing partitions. I have used the Fedora and the old Red Hat Linux distribution installers and that haven't failed me yet when used as intended.
  5. If the government did have to buy new SUVs to get the new inspectors to their work sites, getting Dodge Ram trucks is overkill. The Suzuki Jimmy is one of the cheapest off-road capable vehicles out there and can seat four people comfortably. Sure, driving a Dodge Ram does look a whole lot cooler, but that's just a load of burden on the planet - fuel consumption, lugging around the weight of so much metal only to carry one person, and the huge price tag which does not seem to deter the government from getting some of those to get work done in the country side. Okay, so perhaps the Suzuki Jimmy is stretching it too far, there is the Suzuki Vitara that does not look like the government is doing some serious cost-cutting yet it does not cost a whole lot for the government to acquire a fleet of those SUVs. Shepherd bed inspectors do not need to tow any cattle along or carry cattle in the back of the truck so the need for a large vehicle to carry just one person is like building a nuclear reactor to power an electric toothbrush.There are people out there who dream of getting jobs in an office, but surely there must be people out there who just want to earn a living. The problem farmers face in India is that the government hires labor to construct roads and they pay good wages as well so labor became much more expensive for farmers so food prices went up and so did everything else. However, for the government it does not matter because their objective was to demonstrate commitment to their election promise of providing employment and when the hired hands make good money in highway construction projects, why would they settle for less to work on farms? Besides, the farm workers can wait till the crops are ready to be harvested and then they go on strike when no alternate arrangements can be made. The farmers are then forced to shell out extra cash to meet the demands of the workers on the farm to avoid crop spoilage. Now, this is how we would expect it to work but farmers are cutting back production because of a shortage of workers who will accept a reasonable pay, considering the price of the finished crop, so with less production comes higher prices and dissatisfied farm owners. The good that did come out of it all is that farmers get free electricity with the current government. However, there's a catch - the free electricity is of a lower voltage than previous provided and a lot of the farm equipment, especially the water pumps, do not really manage with that electricity. Also, electricity is available for fewer hours in the day, perhaps about two hours in a day, so people have to wake up early in the morning and head out to the fields or they do not get electricity to run their water pumps.Hiring immigrant workers create a scenario that is exactly the reverse. With the huge in-flow of foreign farm workers, the average wages drop and farm workers will be offered less than they currently are getting paid. With decreasing pay comes a lower standard of living and thus a tendency to seek out other jobs, perhaps a job flipping burgers or manning the isles of a supermarket. Then comes a shortage of labor, reducing production, increase in imports, increasing prices of food, inflation, and pretty much everything associated with an unstable economy, as if we have not had enough of those already. When a major shift occurs, it typically results in an economic disturbance that is harder to control than to prevent any change in the first place, hence the need to regulate the hiring of foreign farm workers.BTW, about the cash for clunkers deal, some vehicles did make it out to exports and end up in third world nations for cheap, at least initially. The usage of vehicle parts is something that the government did not think of because there's so much that can be re-used. Perhaps the chassis can be used to build hybrid vehicles, if the vehicle has not suffered from any major accident or rusting. An engine overhaul/rebuild should reduce pollution significantly if the problem is with excessive exhaust emissions. However, one can also argue that the use of parts from the clunkers would mean that somebody would use the catalytic converters and engines too and that would get polluting vehicles back on the roads again, except with different vehicle bodies. Perhaps what the government could do is mandate a pollution check, like the governments do in most parts of the world when issuing a pollution-check certificate (as they do in India, because the vehicles are registered for fifteen years) or renewing the vehicle registration (which happens every year in the UAE).
  6. Dipika,Attending classes and ensuring that all course work is attended to does require a great deal of dedication, but there comes a time when one has to decide between things that are equally important. For example, if you have a class but have to complete an assignment for another course, you may choose to skip class to attend to your course work. At times, a field study for a project might be the cause of skipping class or perhaps showing up late for a class. In either case, there still is dedication toward course work when skipping classes.I remember I would sit in a class but work on an assignment for another class because I didn't want to run late - when I knew I wouldn't have time to work on an assignment at home, I would try to complete it while in another class. The system worked for me because I read the chapters ahead of class so knew what the class was about, but it was nice to get to listen to the instructor in class as it was a quick was to review the course material.
  7. Oh, don't worry. I can be argumentative if someone wants me to be, in a not-so-offensive way, if you know what I mean.But, yes, with the posts getting deleted, I see your posts in this thread without the threads that you replied to and so it does not really seem right.BTW, the United States has a specific visa type for seasonal workers, including farm workers. I sometimes wonder who would need those visas considering that folks in Canada can come over and work. Perhaps its for the people from Mexico? I wonder how farms would hire from overseas, considering that they don't have any way to reach out to folks from across the border. I would hazard a guess that perhaps they would know somebody who knows somebody who has family or a friend in need of a job or perhaps there is some kind of agency that handles recruitment to provide labor to help out on the farm. When foreign workers are involved, I wonder how labor issues are handled. Do they have labor unions or do they have their respective countries' embassies or consulates to represent them in the event of a dispute involving a large number of workers from the same nation.BTW, in the defense of the government, I would have to add that the government is in need of money and they need some way to generate cash. Taking away more cash from the wealthy is unfair because they worked hard for their money so should enjoy their privilege. Taxing the poor would be unreasonable because they lack the means to pay. If you tax the people who hire help, they're the folks who probably have the money. Besides, taxing businesses does not sound as 'evil' as taxing individuals and so it sounds like the right thing to do.I am not really sure the government would need to get new SUVs to get inspectors to reach the farms for inspection. They could probably get used automobiles that were bought out in the cash for clunkers deals and have catalytic converters and have the engines tuned to get the vehicles to run cleaner. I'm not really sure if a decade old vehicle would be suitable to run in the country side but that would depend on the condition of the vehicle. Some old vehicles are really well maintained and you can barely tell that the vehicle is a decade old. On the other hand, others would have rusting bodies from uncleaned mud deposits, paint fading from the vehicle being parked in the hot sun, and perhaps underbody rusting from the vehicle not being pressure-washed often enough or from not having rust treatment performed on the vehicle.When the government intervenes in business operations, business owners do get irked because it does take away resources in the forum of expenses that could otherwise be put to use in the business or be given back to the owners of the business as dividends, but what does one person harm does another person good because the goat or sheep herders would get a better bed to sleep on. Perhaps the regulation comes from a lack of inexpensive healthcare for non-citizens? I would imagine that citizens get better healthcare facilities or cheaper healthcare services when compared to immigrant non-citizens or non-immigrant workers.The economy has been tough since 2008, but if the government sees that things have improved enough, it can start trying to pull itself together to avoid defaulting on its debt. When a nation defaults on its debt, that raises greater concerns for the economy than a particular industry losing out because of taxes.My other argument for the regulation being applied only for foreign nationals being employed is that the government would like to promote farms to hire locally, even if the labor is more expensive, just as the government has done within the technology industry and within managerial positions. Their reasoning is that if there are skills or labor available locally, why should organizations hire cheaper when there are citizens who are unemployed? The taxes or immigration procedures or legalities of hiring non-immigrant foreign workers help discourage organizatios from hiring foreign workers and this creates an advantage for local workers. It helps the economy as a whole at the end of the day rather than a particular industry.
  8. Greetings Gary!Welcome to Xisto, the forums where you can ask and ye shall find. As you are a marketer, you would finds lots of people here to help out with ideas from promoting products and services on social networks to getting the word out there on search engines with search engine optimization of your website.Do keep posting and hope you get all that you are here for.
  9. I know it has been a long time since I last posted to this thread, but since that post, I have been using my Panasonic Lumix camera even for low-light photography. The trick is to manually set the exposure, something that not many people would be familiar with. The simple (heart) mode does not let you set the exposure for the picture so you have to switch to one of the other modes. Intelligent ISO or the normal camera mode should let you set the exposure.I once used my Panasonic Lumix camera for shooting video and it did give me a corrupted QuickTime .mov file. I tried all of the players I have to get the video to play completely, but it always stops midway. That was the only time I ever got the corrupted video file with my Panasonic Lumix - the problem never existed in the past and never appeared again. Perhaps mysterious forces were at work when I took the video, something along the lines of UFO sightings, werewolves, and goblins, or maybe even the common everyday variety of gremlins that affect electronic equipment.@rhizzlaI had QuickTime installed on my computer and I never had an issue with it. QuickTime plays videos files and is often used on browsers as plugins to play embedded video content. QuickTime either installed itself onto computer as a part of a multimedia software or you may have installed it as a part of a software bundle from Apple or some other software vendor that included QuickTime in their software. In either case, QuickTime should not be preventing you from moving or uploading the video files that you have on your computer unless you have them open in the QuickTime player/converter.
  10. I'm a regular on KS again.

    1. velma


      Good to know :) isn't it marvelous to be back?

    2. k_nitin_r


      Feels good to be back. I've been on and off on KS so I didn't miss much.

  11. Hi Xuoxo!It's good to have you join us. You should have your own thread in the introduction subforum to get your due attention from other members of the forum. If you have created your own forum thread, then ignore this little suggestion.Do read my message to Dyson in an earlier post to this thread for information about how to get yourself a web hosting package from Xisto - Web Hosting/Xisto. I'm assuming that you did not sign up on the Xisto - Support and Billing site yet because you do not have a myCENT counter in your PMB. When you signup, the myCENT script also gives you credit for the posts that you have made to the forum even before you were able to sign up at the Xisto - Support and Billing site so you may be late in signing up, but they do not penalise you for it.I hope you have a good time on the forum and have your share of learning experiences and moments of joy as you share the URL of your first website (do you already have one?).Do feel free to post to the forum or to this thread if you need any help and one of the friendly members or moderators will assist youl
  12. I would like to add that you can also put together your own logo by drawing something on paper, scanning it, and cleaning it up using PaintBrush. With a little more skill, it would be possible to use Gimp or PaintBrush.NET, both of which are free software.Marketing is tough to achieve and you would have better luck hiring sales professionals to help out. You would be hard pressed to find customers without having a general idea of who you are targeting because you do need to build your strategy based on who you want to reach out to and on whose needs you intend to fulfil. Read up on a couple of websites and you will get to know how to put together a basic marketing plan for your business.
  13. You have met her only three weeks ago so maybe she thoughts things were progressing too fast, but that would be something that she may have talked to you about. Or maybe she met someone who knows you and they must have said something about you that she did not like and that must have sent things spiralling downward between the two of you. If you have tried reaching out to her through phone calls, text messages, and FaceBook messages then you have done all that you can and perhaps it is time for you to wait for a couple of days and if you still do not hear from her, you should move on. There is no point waiting for someone who will not even hear you out before deciding to shut you out especially if you are as early as three weeks into a relationship.
  14. If you are planning to take up a learning program online, you should consider an associate's or bachelor's degree program from an online university. The University of Phoenix offers degree programs at the associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral level. The Capella University and the Northwestern University offer online programs too. Online degree programs may seem like a walk in the park but they need a lot of discipline to stay focused. A lot of students don't have the ability to stay self-determined and drop out with a sour taste so you would hear a lot of negative remarks about online learning institutions and their learning programs. Online learning is a means of getting to take up learning programs without having to put life on a hold - you don't have to five up your day job, you get to spend time with your family. and you do not have to find somebody to watch the dog while you are at class.
  15. I don't see how networking can hinder anyone's chances of success in a job hunt or in seeking out business opportunities and networking definitely helps you get the word out that you are looking for work or for customers. In most cases, landing a job or a contract depends on what you know, but in some cases it also depends on who you know to get the job. A former classmate sent out an email to everybody on our mailing list when he lost his job and within less than a week he was able to get another job and was not unemployed for even a day. When working together, we have synergy - we help each other out and are better off than if we were to try to do everything on our own without any help from anybody.Networking does not necessarily mean getting to know everybody that you meet. You may have a select few that you frequently interact with and they would help you out when they can. There are some who would take the extra steps to help you out because they know you better or they would simply put in a good word for you and that would work to your advantage.
  16. Bookyt is a web-based accounting system written in Ruby. FrontAccounting, written in PHP, is web-based too. Ledger SMB, and its parent SQL Ledger, are Perl-based. TurboCASH is Delphi based and is primarily targeted at Windows-based systems but you may be able to use Wine to run it on Linux-based systems as well. WebERP is more than just an accounting system and is developed in PHP. Compiere and Adempiere are Java based and are quite popular in the Java community. GnuCash is C based and is often available on most Linux distributions. JGnash is Java based. I noticed I haven't included any Python based accounting systems, so I'll mention Tryton here though it is not as popular as some of the others listed above. PhreeBooks is again PHP based.You may want to try a demo of the software, often available from the project websites or as a download as all of the above are free and open source software.I spent a couple of minutes with Microsoft Accounting and it does offer a simple user interface, but it is proprietary software so you can't modify it and it has a (relatively low) licensing fee associated with it.
  17. I came across a pneumetic material transport system at a hospital. It reduces the amount of handling of pathogenic blood samples and therefore reduces the risk of infection. Blood sample vials are placed within what looks like a time capsule. A vacuum tube delivers the capsule through a tube network to the destination terminal. The capsules absorb the shock of dropping down the tubes and the restriction on the radius of curvature of the tubes specified by the manufacturer on the installation of the system prevents the capsules from clogging the tubes. The setup is perhaps quite expensive and can only be afforded by corporation-hospitals but the ability of the system to reduce pathogen transfers and mixups due to handling problems justifies the cost. The ability of the sending/receiving stations to route packages through the tube network is rather remarkable. Just as you would enter the intercom number on an office telephone network, you can enter the sending/receiving station number when sending across a capsule.
  18. This year, our family saw a new car purchase. We have had a Toyota Avalon since 2000 and although the car still ran perfectly well, it was time for trading in our old car for a new one.We looked at Toyota's offerings, which were the new Toyota Avalon and the Toyota Aurion, and as the Toyota and Lexus cars share the same showroom space, we ventured into the Lexus display area and looked at the Lexus IS and Lexus ES as well. We finally made our decision to buy the Lexus ES350, which was the featured vehicle among the other Lexus vehicles at the showroom (it took the center spot). The vehicle is supposedly an upmarket choice compared to a Toyota Avalon because of its Lexus badging but it definitely was smaller than the Toyota Avalon 2000. The newer Toyota Avalons on sale, however, were the same size as the Lexus ES350 so it was apparent that Toyota shortened its platform for models sold after 2004 (or was it 2006?). The only vehicle the retained the long wheel base of the Toyota Avalon 2000 was the Lexus LS460 and the Lexus LS600hl.The Lexus ES350 is based on the Toyota Camry platform, unlike older Lexus models that were completely designed from ground-up. Although the perceived value of the Lexus ES350 among potential buyers does seem lower because of its similarity with the Toyota Camry, when you get into a Lexus ES350 it is a completely difference experience. The sound levels are much lower and the vehicle is equipped with more comfort and safety features. A rear-viewing camera helps in parking in those difficult spaces and the parktronic sensors alert you to obstacles nearby.The In-Car Entertainment features a 14-speaker Mark Levinson sound system with a 6-disc changer. The safety features prevent the use of the DVD player while the car is in motion and the bluetooth phone integration also refuses to display the phone number of the caller or allow you to dial out while driving but it does let you answer and hang up calls.For buyers who are considering the Lexus ES350, I can tell you from first hand experience that the car is built for comfort and has been equipped with all kinds of safety equipment and the sound system fails to disappoint. If you've got your heart set on the car, go order it and do share your views on the vehicle.
  19. Hi Vicky!Good to have you on-board. You'll find people on the forum interesting in all sorts of stuff, and always willing to hand out advice. While participating, you would also get to earn credits that you can redeem for web hosting packages from Xisto - Web Hosting/Xisto so that's a definite plus.While you are new to the forum, do check out the rules. The forum encourages unique content and copy-pasting is a definite no-no. Also, you can't put your sign off within the message body but instead it has to be in your forum signature (see your profile page for editing your signature). If you are ever in violation of the rules, a friendly moderator will drop you a message and remind you about the rule book.I see you do not have a myCENT counter on your PMB yet. When you sign up on the forum and post messages, your messages appear on the forum but they are not accounted for till you sign up on the Xisto - Support and billing site with the same username/email address. As soon as you sign up, you will get credits for all of the posts that you make, including the ones that you have made between the time that you signed up on Xisto and the time that you signed up on the Xisto - Support and billing site. Do make sure that you use the same username when you sign up because the system would have no way of telling you're the same person on both accounts.There's a sub-forum for almost everything and the Computing sub-forum is where all the activity about web development and design happens.You may want to take a look at the web hosting packages on the Xisto - Support and billing site. It features the Logic basic package for about $3 per month and a domain name at $13 per year so as soon as you come up with the credits or cash to pay for it all, you can subscribe to a hosting package. It will take you a while to collect the credits to order a hosting package and a domain name. The myCENT counter appears next to each of your messages and as soon as the myCENTs counter goes over one hundred, it drops a dollar (call it a myDOLLAR, if you will) into your Xisto - Support and billing account balance and the remaining myCENTs are returned to your myCENT counter and keep adding up till you can make up another hundred. The myCENT credits take a while to appear while the script accounts for your postings to the forum so give it a day or two and you should receive an email telling you when you go over one hundred myCENTs.As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask and I or one of the other members of the forum would be glad to reply to you and offer you our assistance.
  20. Maruti Suzuki acquired a license to manufacture Fiat's 1.2 litre multijet diesel engine in India for its own vehicles. It beats having to develop an engine by itself and the Fiat engine has been used by Tata and Fiat for long enough for it to have proven itself. The Fiat 1.2 litre engine is a 4-cylinder engine, which means less vibration than comparable diesel engines in vehicles sold in India that have 3-cylinder engines (although Nissan claims to have solved the vibration issue associated with 3-cylinder engines in its Nissan Micra, which is also sold under a Renault badge as the Renault Pulse).Although the Fiat 1.2 litre multijet diesel engine is a rather good engine, Maruti Suzuki is using the engine to power all of its diesel vehicles from the Maruti Swift and Maruti Ritz hatchbacks to the Maruti Swift DZire and Maruti SX4 sedans, and may use it in the Maruti Ertiga minivan/MUV too. This does get buyers of the higher-end Maruti sedans thinking because when they pay up to twice as much as the Ritz hatchback when buying an SX4, they get the exact same engine so would have a car that feels underpowered. Their vehicles are still selling like hot cakes with long waiting periods (the long waiting periods owing mostly to the labor disputes that they have had to solve at their Manesar and Gurgaon manufacturing plants) but the fact that the engine for higher-priced vehicles is also used in cheaper vehicles would have at least dented the sales of the SX4 sedan a bit.Comparing the Maruti Swift DZire and the Maruti SX4, the two seem to differ only in shape and ground clearance. Both are sedans and when the SX4 has no distinct advantage over the Swift DZire, at least some of Maruti's customers would have considered a shift from purchasing an SX4 to purchasing a Swift DZire.If you look at Lexus's strategy in the middle east, they may have offered the 3.5-litre engine in their IS and ES vehicles, but the LS bears a 4.5-litre engine (or is it a 4.7-litre engine?) to distinguish itself and to justify the price tag associated with the LS sedan. The LS is not a hot-seller and isn't featured by Lexus either (determined by its position in the showroom - the other models are placed toward the windows for a greater visibility but the LS lies chucked away in a corner) but for people who want that extra exclusivity, they do have the LS sedan as an offering. That's besides the point though - if Maruti wants to boost the sales of its higher-end sedans, it ought to offer a better engine than its other sedan.
  21. I had the problem of not being able to post comments in reply to other users' status updates when the forum was last updated. Then, the feature started working, perhaps as a result of a bug-fix or a patch being applied. I then noticed that the problem cropped up again when I tried replying to a status update but I believe it does work most of the time. If you do want to reply to someone when the right sidebar doesn't let you reply to the comment, go to that user's profile page and reply to the comment from there. That should work because it's been working reliable for me, irrespective of whether the right sidebar widget works.Opaque did mention that they intend to upgrade the forum software to the latest release of Invision Power Board so the new version should fix some of the problems of the old if the problem is related to the forum software itself. If, instead, the problem is related to a plugin, we might get Opaque to make a fix to the plugin after the upgrade so we can be sure that the problem does not originate from the forum software itself. I would try to offer a fix, but I haven't been able to get Invision to let me have a copy for development and personal use (and I might add that I couldn't get vBulletin to give me a copy of their software either, so I can't say it isn't common in the commercial world to refuse discounts for software developers).
  22. There are a couple of free image editing programs available online that you can download and install on your computer. The most popular image editing software on Linux is Gimp. It works on Windows too and although it cannot do everything that Adobe Photoshop can do, it does come quite close. The interface is slightly difficult to use, but the developers plan on changing that with the new version to make the software look like just about any other application, and perhaps more like Photoshop. On Windows, "Paint.NET" is quite popular as a replacement for the Paintbrush software included with Microsoft Windows. If you run Windows XP or older, "Paint.NET" is a huge improvement over the Paintbrush included with Windows, though Microsoft Windows Vista/7 adds additional capabilities to Paintbrush.Paint Shop Pro was quite popular in the old days as an alternative to Adobe Photoshop and you just might be able to get a used copy of it for really cheap. There are also plenty of old Adobe Photoshop copies being sold for cheap or given away for free as organizations upgrade to newer versions of the software. As they say, one man's junk is another man's treasure. I'm still running off the Adobe CS3 suite for some of my web design and development needs though the latest out there is Adobe CS5.5. It's enough to scratch my itch and although I would like to take up the newest versions that Adobe has stocked store shelves with, they simply cost too much to purchase unless I plan on using them for providing commercial services.
  23. Putting kids through public school helps in social development because the children would be able to learn to deal with different kinds of people. Children are put through different kinds of situations but they do not necessarily have to face them alone - they still have their parents to consult when they get back home. Just as the iron is strengthened by putting it through fire, children develop a strong sense of morals by dealing with the evils that surround them when they gain interactions with other people with varying morals.
  24. Both WordPress.com and Blogspot (aka Blogger) have their pros and cons. WordPress.com provides you with a huge selection of themes and widgets. Blogger does not have as many themes but is integrated with Google accounts so visitors can use their Google accounts to comment on your posts. Both WordPress.com and Blogspot have the ability to include some HTML content, which is how you can insert advertisements on your blog.If you want a self-hosted blog, you should take a look at WordPress.org, MoveableType, Drupal, and Joomla. If you are a programmer, you might even want to give Habari a try because whatever you build for your blog can be contributed to the Habari project and open source projects grow with such contributions.Irrespective of which blogging site or platform you choose, you have the ability to use third party software for performing a backup of all your posts, although most software is limited to only the textual content; some tools can put up the content onto your blog if you decide to have a fresh start. Offline site navigation software downloads pretty much everything you have linked on your blog so you can get all of your content, including the images and other multimedia content, but putting all of the content back onto your blog is time consuming.Monetizing your blog can be either through advertisements, referral traffic, or through direct selling. A preference to use one of the the other is typically because of the features that bloggers tend to use. If you have multiple blogs or need the email-to-blog feature, Blogspot tends to be the preferred choise, while widget-heavy blogs and those wanting a greater variety of themes tend to prefer WordPress.
  25. Knowledge Sutra does have an option to view the new content on the forum through a feed and that should help you get only the latests posts on your phone. If you can provide more information about the model and capabilities of your phone, I may be able to work up a better solution.WordPress does have an option to receive posts through email but with a forum, such a feature would be difficult to use because you can't really tell the forum which thread you are replying to but you can create new threads with a different email address for each sub-forum. Would you really want to have the limited ability to create new threads without replying to an existing thread? For posting new threads, we can have a mod to the forum scheduled through a cron job (that's another disadvantage of having an email to forum mod - your post would not appear instantaneously).BTW, you would be surprised at the capabilities of even older phones at handling a large amount of textual content. Text uses much less space than images, especially when compressed and if you do not need support for languages other than English.
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