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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. I think the driving age for a car should be 17, I think for a moped the legal age should be 15. For a HGV (lorry) should be 21. Yes these ages will increase global warming but never mind! We might as well live in style while we can. Though I do think Global warming is a load of rubbish.
  2. Nirvaman I was already thinking of doing this I am waiting for the reply of the appeal which should be in 2 weeks. I have found another site Oxado which seem to be very professional and seem to be paying out a lot.
  3. It sounds like Eset Nod32 would be best for you. Eset nod32 have a massive database of virus's which gets updated every 4 hours. The Eset software it lite and very easy to use and is also at a great price (Legally :angel:). Kaspersky or Norton would use too much process on your system and slow it down dramatically.
  4. The admins may just be changing some things around, If it still continues after a day I report it in the client area on Xisto - Web Hosting Xisto. Just to make sure they are aware of the problems the forum has. Though I do think there should post more announcements on what they are doing or even a Twitter to keep us valuable members informed.
  5. Linekill you are wrong if you go on a torrent search website they have made the Windows Vista Smaller and made it able to go onto a Flash Drive. This is very possible.
  6. Guys for once I did not hack cheat or anything. I clicked my own ads two times or more by accident which I am sure they would not count as they would link that to my absence account. I have been searching for other places but they all seem a scam. I have appealed that they undisabled my account.
  7. Another topic about this? lol. Anyway I think Transferring mycents should be allowed this would be used quite often. Say if 2 people me and Tramp was running a site I didn't have enough neither did he but if he sent me another 30 cents I could get it. That is just one of the many ways it could be used. Obviously if you look on the down site: A member here wants more mycents, They sign up again spam the forum making load of topics get the mycents then transfer it to another account. Rules would have to be made and a heavy duty script coded to stop this happening. Also many members with a lot of mycents may do compitions if the person wins then the Competition leader would send them mycents. Both of the 2 good points I have mention in this post would get Xisto another good reputation and build up the community more!# What do you think now admins :angel:?
  8. Thanks for the quick reply webishqiptar, I have a friend helping me out to try and appeal my ad sense and hopefully get it un-disabled though if it does not I will try "Oxado" like you and hopefully I get more money than damn google.Could some more members please suggest some more :angel:.
  9. A friend wanted one built for his new office he said he wanted something that he could game on while in the office. So I decided to go with a decent enough graphics card etc.
  10. I have made my own proxy which anyone can use and share on other forums. The script is designed to deal with over 100 people and computers at once and will still act at the same speed. I may remove it soon though I doubt it as I seem to get quite a bit of absence money from my TinyLX project. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. First I've felt that I'll delay buying my new PC to about 10 march as I've got information that there would be some good decrease in the price. But I'll need help from you guys to clear some doubts and give some suggestions to me. This will be used as a Business PC. Here's what I'm planning to with: Processor: Intel i5-750 2.66GHz Quad Core. I've checked many benchmarks and I found that this one would be the best processor for me. I found that i5's "dual" processors don't perform that well and it's not available in the Indian markets easily as for now. So i5 quad core is the best I can go for. Motherboard: Asus P7P55D OR Intel DP55WB OR Gigabyte. Somehow I�m not in favor of buying Intel motherboard. It�s a bit more expensive and has fewer functions than what Asus has. Example: Intel doesn�t have IDE slot but Asus has one. I�ll need one IDE port. Now the problem is, my engineer told me that Asus maybe the best but it doesn�t have proper service here if any problem occurs. And I was notified that Gigabyte wont be a preferable choice here as it�s having lots of problems in recent years. RAM: Kingston DDR3 1333MHz 2GB X 2 = 4GB. HDD: Seagate 500GB Sata HDD. Any other suggestions? Seems Seagate is final. Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5450 512MB OR ATI Radeon HD 5570. The problem is, both the cards are PCI Express 2.1 x16 bus interface. Whereas the motherboards I�ve mentioned have PCI Express 2.0 x16 supported slot. So will these cards work? Also 5570 is not yet available in India. PSU and Cabinet: Circle 500W or 600W PSU and Circle cabinet. Well I may not invest much money in this both. Circle is the one which is sold here the most. And has good reviews. DVD Drive: Already have 1 year old one. Keyboard & Mouse: Logitech. Don�t wanna invest much money in this. I already have good LCD, router, speakers, etc. Anything else?
  12. Hello,My Google adsense account has been suspended and they are refusing to unsuspended it 'A**holes' Does anyone know of a very alternative that I can earn the same amount of money etc and is a free sign up.Please suggest them to me ASAP.-Ash.
  13. I will take some more tonight, Them ones are the most recent done about 1/2 weeks ago. He seems to grow very quick.
  14. Well first I would upgrade your motherboard as well your PC is rather old and doesn't seem very future proof. It seems you are wasting more money upgrading you could be saving money by buying a whole new PC this would also make it very future proof. Dipping your finger in the thermal paste is not the best of things to do dirt etc could stop a good exchange of heat from the CPU to the heatsink. Good luck and don't eat the thermal paste or drop the CPU.
  15. My new puppy "Mr. Mac" a cavalier king charles spaniel 12 Weeks old. Proud. What you looking at? Toys are like burgers to me :angel: Num num num news paper I am horny
  16. Other the past 7 years at being at a Primary school, then to a Secondary school there has been a massive change in the social networking sites that us teenagers use. In 2006 a social networking site 'Piczo' was running the show everyone had this and was talking about it everywhere. Then Next year My space came along which many Piczo users started use and go used to and either Closed or simply left there Piczo to do whatever. Now in 2009-2010 everyone seems to be on facebook, at school there is little to none talk of myspace and my friends on-line normally on my space was about 120 now its 2. It just shows you facebook is now the leading community social networking site. I am sure in a couple of years time there will be another site that is better than facebook.Its always good to change :angel:.
  17. Welcome to the Xisto Forums. I am also very much into computing and around your age. I play and watch plenty of football and currently in the Manchester united Academy. I also have about 10 domains only about 2 of them in use however have a big heavy income, I am sure you will benefit from this forums with the Post to host service that way you can easily and technically free purchase decent, cheap hosting or a good domain. I also play plenty of games and very rarely review them :angel:. We are basically brothers from another mother loolAnyway enjoy your time here.
  18. This is a very good explanation of the Atom type processor. I wasn't 100% sure of what it was though I knew the basic's of it. I am not a fan of the Atom processors and would rather stick with my Core i7! Though this explanation will and should anyway help many.
  19. Welcome to Xisto, Please enjoy your time signed up here. This is a wonderful place to be please enjoy it as much as possible and maybe share the knowledge that you have with specific subjects.
  20. There is a wide range of templates on the net I don't see what makes this website different nor bigger than the ones on the first page of google for the query 'Free web templates' Please would you like to explain and give more information.
  21. Though you probabley will still have the begging problem in sigs and stuff but to avoid that you could update the rules saying no begging staff for rep.And maybe for every rep point given you get 10 mycents?
  22. I like Anwii's idea all us members want is some new things that would earn us mycents or give us plenty of fun. The forum seems to have been the same for years now I think its time for a change.
  23. Maybe you should think about offshore hosting and allowing linking to Warez, A ton of offshore companies earn more that normal web host's like this.
  24. I have found Soviets way to work for me a couple of times you can also use peanut butter there are a ton of videos on Youtube which I selected a few and tried some worked some didn't. Nice cheap and easy way to repair a disk. All he really done was listen to a video on Youtube and type it up :angel:. You mean bored? Lolz.
  25. Guys and girls please do remember that Google is your best online friend, There is every thing on there such as suitable content for this topic. Simply go to Google and enter 'Define: Recaptcha' It will then display what it is. Or in my words its to test if you are a downi :angel:.
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