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Everything posted by Ash-Bash

  1. Hello all,You may have seen the other sites I now want to start off a forum again, I used to have a Computer forum however I shut it down due to another project which has been completed.Now I was wondering if I should do another Computer support forum or I was thinking of a mod wars forum like an army system.No matter what forum it is on I will be using the forum software IPB 3.0.XCould you suggest some ideas and how to get them popular?
  2. The blog has run into problems with the host I am going on holiday tomorrow so it will have more down time I will try my best to get it up as quick as I can.
  3. You really was not helping the night I told you on xFire laughing your balls off... iPhones do not happen to 'Suck' I doubt you have had enough experience with them after saying such a word like that.
  4. Yes some others have said about the looks I said to them I would be doing it today though I doubt I will due to a busy day. My script doesn't seem to like be changing it I have tried doing that 3 times even with a loading page etc. Thanks for the valued post.
  5. I jailbroken it though it crashed after downloading a theme I googled and googled tried most things, I then went to the apple store to try and get a replacement however they rejected it for being Jailbroken and no I did not tell them -.- I hate covers they make the iPhone seem like a old Nokia, I try to look after them but I just get through them like nobody's business. It was one of them busy days, and you think I don't get calls often lol? Why the heck would I have an iPhone then if I wasn't so popular.... Common sense? I now call this the lucky one has I have not broken it, the only reason is because of my parents being lawyers.
  6. Well now we are on the new name, I have made a topic about new themes for a 'New leaf' as such, some of you may have seen today that Opaque has replied saying we will be upgrading to Invision Power Board 3! which is great news as this runs and looks so much better than these 2.3.X versions! I am not to sure when it will be though I am very sure it will be announced in the up-coming future.
  7. That sound's good we are finally going to be upgrading though I bet with this there will be a ton of down time but who cares if the outcome is better. I wouldn't mind IPB 3 deafult theme it was very clean and has a good feel though again as an admin you should listen to your forum members to make it better (Giving us an option of themes) not just stuck in the same boring one. By the way a reputation system is pre built into IPB 3 if you would care to use it, but as you said if you want to code something then do its just a lot more time wasting. Anyway I hope you can make some forum announcements on the upgrading from 2.3.x to 3!
  8. Hello all, This is really a topic pointed at people with iPhones though you can read on if you want to look at my iPhone disasters. So far in the space of 2 years I have go through 4 iPhones, now is it me or is everyone else careless of there iPhone. 1) Simply stopped working couldn't turn on, charge, sync etc "Bricked" (iPhone 3G 16GB black) 2) Fell out my pocket and I stood on ( a bit) (iPhone 3G 16GB black) 3) Forum member -Sky- knows what happened to this one after I left it in my trousers and then had a wash in the washing machine the iPhone was completely *BLEEP*ed up. (iPhone 3G S 32GB white) 4) Currently my one now 2010 lets see what the future does (iPhone 3G S 32GB white)
  9. Later today I will be looking at themes for IPB 2.0.x though it would be nice if some other members can help me find some that they like giving us an plenty of choices.
  10. Thanks for spotting this I swear I did go through everything but there is always some thing you miss, I am not to sure why I put that in either though has now been corrected. I am not really sure on how to make a 'Formal' TOS so I just stuck to a basic type. I have a old SEO tool that submits to 500 or something from when I had my forums that used to get me a ton of traffic I will use this again and see what happens. I am linking my site on my other sites to get traffic my URL shortner gets the most however there could bbe more. I will also be making a group on facebook once work is complete and we can launch! The video was also going to be done once I completed all my other sites I might as well do all of them at once though separate videos I am not sure what software to use to do this I know screen casting and Camtasia but how can I make it a good video with voice and video? The offer on Free hosting I think I will do, Obviously this will get us into the business with a good reputation and would be a very good starting point. I will edit the plans soon, I may even do a unlimited plan I am still not sure if I should do Post-to-Host (Like Xisto).I will look at other hosting websites that have just started up and been successful and see what plans they offer. Thanks for the reply Spyda, I do agree I will start loosing money if I do not get enough people buying the hosting. You and Anwii have been mentioning offers and as I said above I will be taking a look at the plans and seeing what more I can offer. Today I also removed the add at the bottom as I think this would give the site a very bad look and they may think they are paying for a package though the site contains ads . Thanks for the feedback changes will happen in 3-4 hours .
  11. Thanks for the tips mahesh2k, I have signed up to all and have got setup though I need to wait 24hours for it to be approved. About referring people to my blog I have been doing this already trying not to 'Spam'. Do you have any tips for my URL shortner site t...i...n....y....lx.net (Without dots)
  12. Ok that's good to know Mahesh2k, Now does anyone know about Advertising how can I make my blog as big as can be, I mean I am posting up to date content that is happening now such as "iPad" etc how do I get a blog popular. If you can tell this is really my first "proper" blog.
  13. Ok Anwii well thanks for the feedback once you have time please do give me more feedback to make it the best . I am very glad after all the work it looks a lot better. TOS will be fixed shortly later today, I have something planned for it, Though I very much doubt it will work. Ok rvalkass, I will try and locate the PSD from somewhere or if it comes to it create a new one. About emailing I have asked my dad about an Office he said he will share one of his with me and I will have my own phone number, maybe an address. About the Privacy protection Xisto told me to keep that on or my account would be suspended lol? as I tried taking that off they suspended ITneed and emailed me saying I had to keep it :/ And for the TOS I will be updating that later today, I will make a reply when possible when the work is complete . Could some people please suggest to me where to start advertising once all site work is complete and its at the best it can be.
  14. Ok today I have had the day off, So I have managed to get on with ITneed, I have set-up new security options to avoid being hacked and installed more addon's. I have gone through every post here and made a check list what I need to do and improve on. Post to host? - Still not sure if I should do this need more feedback on this! Penguin foot - I deleted the PSD and will just leave, I doubt someone will notice. Random caps - Fixed up around the whole site Plans page bullet points - Fixed changes into ticks and made more professional About us: State we are a sole trader - Stated in about us UK self owned datacenters - Also edited in about us Provide more contact information - Contact us page has been layed out differently and contains easier ways and more contact ways transferring host data from one host to another for free as mentioned in this sales copy - Now mention on the front page! Thanks for all the feedback given I now ask you to re-review on what can be improve and suggestions to get the site rolling.
  15. Ok I will see what domains I can get with the money I have left I might as well keep the .info domain I got it at ?1. + It will get extra traffic for the site.It is up now at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ may be permanent maybe temporary.
  16. To late a reply anwiii, I have just purchased a domain "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; so it will obviously be called "Digital Wink" It was originally going to be called "Digital Eye" However the domains I wanted for that where taken I tried buying it off the guy however he rejected for some reason even when there is no "proper" use.Though please carry on suggesting them awesome ways to get it popular and make it at "Fantastic" Quality . You seem to be overloading with Ideas .
  17. You could report it to a moderator to do it, Or if you are not so lazy go to your post above look in the bottom right and click edit on the correct post you wish to edit, I think maybe you should read the Trap17Readme and stuff because by the tone of your text it doesn't sound like you have.
  18. Hello All,As some may know I have a few sites on the go, I am starting to get bored and want to go back to blogging,Now I have everything setup the ads money, hosting etc I just need to know what would be a good name. Now the blog will contain all Tech things to gaming. But I really can't think of a name, That's where you guys come in if you could possibly think of one please PM me or reply here .Also please suggest a good domain and make sure its not taken before you suggest it :PIf you want to provide more help with me then please PM me with your ideas and how I can get it bigger and advertised .Many thanks in advance,
  19. Ok so it does seem you really do not care about the REP system that is fine. But I am glad you all agree with me on a Theme Change we have had this for 3 years or longer I think now, I don't mind if the admins keep this one but at least give us a choice of themes and no boring ones . Many some members can start suggesting some they would like in this topic please.
  20. The site was meant for newbies, Therefore I didn't make a complex hosting template. The packages and descriptions will be sorted out later this week, There was a bit of confusion with my Staff in setting that up. I have purchased a domain reseller a while ago just haven't had the time to set it up with iPanel etc. Again another mixup this will again be sorted and put on the to do list. that's it for now....there is much much more suggestions in my head including trying to think of something that you can offer that would seperate you from other webhosting companies. the low price right now doesn't cut it because people are still under the impression "you get what you pay for" This policy is not fully completed you must wait at least 4 hours. Just because it is 24/7 support doesn't mean it will be like MSN and instant, We already have a few tickets to reply to. This would come under the post to host idea again free things would be given to this. Thanks for the brilliant feedback all of this has been taken into consideration and will happen in the near future. -Ash
  21. Ash-Bash


    The system myCent gets calculated by the number of characters you use in a post. Now using the enter button over and over again will not help you that post will get deleted and you will get into Negative myCent. Make sure your post's are long and contain good relevant info to the topic you are replying too, If it is not relevant the moderator has the right to delete the post and warn you! Asking for the warn to be remove will take longer and maybe another will occur. There is no specific number to how much you can earn it all depends on quality.
  22. Earning money online there is a 50/50 chance the the company will be a scam or a legit company just trying to do business. It depends what sort of money you want to earn. Say referrals, Reviews, Coding. It also depends how much ?5 or $5000.
  23. Hello,This is my suggestions and feedback on the new forum.Now with the new name I think we should start a new leaf as in maybe a change of theme as we have had this one for 2-3 years now and is getting really boring. We could maybe add a rep system to earn a Extra 10 mycents for every rep given. This may require coding a bit more but It will make the forum more popular and get more members involved.Please add your suggestions here for the new style of Xisto.-Ash
  24. Thanks for the feedback, No guys I don't hate you I thank you . All sites need feedback to make them better. It would be nice if more members here review it for a much better site. I will be making all the changes once most feedback has been given.
  25. Hello, As you may know I have been a member here for a while and with all my experience on hosting I decided to make my own. Here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Now I know it needs a logo I am having a very professional one made. Please review the website in every-way possible and tell me if you think its worth doing post to host. Many thanks, p.s Negative and positive feedback are welcome.
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