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Everything posted by serverph

  1. what domain registry do you use? usually you can just register the domain, then you can add/edit the nameservers later depending on where you are hosted. the nameservers you gave should work. then park your domain in your control panel later as rejected said.
  2. that's extreme multi-tasking you have there. hope it's not making your PC screech to a crawl. as for me, i keep the number of applications running at the minimum as much as i can. not a nightmare for me though even if have more than 10 applications running, and up to 15 firefox tabs open. i'm comfortable either way.
  3. really? you read of a pope saying the church has the right to take life? and in such absolute terms? anyway, what kind of recantation do you need if you cannot glean it from what you have so far read in the pages i gave? do you also want it to be in absolutes? will i have to do all the scholarly work for you? didn't you realize that asking for forgiveness for mistakes of the past is in recognition that it was wrong? didn't you realize that the inquisition has been abolished long centuries ago? thank God! then i suggest you don't dispel any information you can. be more inquisitive (not to be a pun for "inquisition" though ). be more vigilant. be more scholarly. be more open-minded. you will be a better judge in years to come if you can weigh all things in perspective, in time and space.
  4. regardless of the personalities involved in the event, what we must emphasize more is the goal of the endeavor. if they can serve as the "glue" to have people in the world unite towards its goal, then the better. but we shouldn't be blindsided by the personalities, we should stick to the goal. :Di am watching the live coverage on tv now, and i've signed up my name to this worthwhile cause. i enjoin everyone to do the same. it might just work...
  5. i have a better tool than IGoogle for that. i just look outside my window for the weather! lolz! just kidding!
  6. i really would want to help you understand catholics and catholicism better before you judge the entire institution, but you just refuse to read the anti-catholic tracts and its defensein light of history, and conveniently dismissing the 3rd collection of links, don't you? i would leave that to your discretion anyway if you read them or not. but here are more links for you, just don't be overwhelmed. if you are not overwhelmed with the 2000+ years history of the church, you should not have any problems with these. http://w2.vatican.va/content/vatican.html http://w2.vatican.va/content/vatican.html http://w2.vatican.va/content/vatican.html http://w2.vatican.va/content/vatican.html well, condemm catholics all you want then. we acknowledge being sinners in varying times of our church and personal history. and we ask penance and do right where we can. but then again, we also recognize that for some, no apology will ever be enough, until catholics apologize for their very existence. actually, that the same question i've been trying to ask you all this time. but i guess, you hold it's understanding differently from what the general populace understands it. this is a simplistic account of the catholic church, and even contrived to say the least. it's made out of either hatred, or ignorance, or both. i will let the readers assess it for themselves. we digressed a lot in relation to the topic of this thread... but for me, it does not hold water to judge a person just because of his/her religion, or even with the absence of religion in some cases. i look past beyond one's religion. religion is a brand which i recognize does not encompass the totality of a person. and judging a person based on it is just succumbing to stereotypes perpetrated by traditions, culture and media.
  7. i see. last you heard... from your pastor, i believe? have you "heard" of them in a historical context? or would you care to hear them at all?http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ just the first 2 links? and just skimming? "common error or else lie"? considering the possibilities of "common error or else lie" against anabaptists, have you considered the possibilities of "common error or else lie" against the catholic church? would you? being a fundamentalist and an anti-catholic? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. to answer your (A) question, these are wrongful acts, yes, and the church you are vilifying, as well as other human beings alive today recognize that. but are the catholics alone guilty of such abominable atrocities and abuses? and vice versa, are catholics immune from such, that being catholic saves them from suffering the same hate crimes? but let me paraphrase your question: what is christian love? digging up the mistakes of centuries past and overlooking the remorse and atonement done throughout the centuries, identifying the mistakes and errors of a few individuals of modern times to constitute as the mistakes of the whole group and institution, misleading people to believe on a history which is not put into the proper historical perspective simply because of arrogance and self-righteousness, vilifying a religion based on hearsay, muddled history and pompous pastoral motives....??? read the links i gave above. don't just gloss over them. few people hate the Catholic Church, but millions hate what they mistakenly think is the Catholic Church.
  9. yes. and they resort to religion-bashing in the most extreme possible way, just so as to assert their "inherent superiority". just look at this thread (and some other religion-related topics here) to see how catholicism is being demonized. smacks of fundamentalism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamentalism). it's how they see the world, who can we blame? the words they use gives me goosebumps: the "true" this, the "true" that. but yet full of inconsistencies even: in a crusade of love, yet crusading on hate also. i don't really know how even a lifetime can suffice to really fully understand a religion (much so a religion with a 2,000+ years history), but there are just some people who are "all-knowing", so it seems. for me, religion is a personal matter. but to shed some light on issues they throw at catholicism, here are some interesting reads, apart from the link above: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. some interesting things to read online: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamentalism http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  11. have you checked your cpanel? there are several shopping cart scripts there. CubeCart, OSCommerce, and Zen Cart.
  12. i like the header part. although the whole template could still improve to better present a more professional look. also, the menu text is "kissing" the arrow graphic... maybe add a space in between. the text in the category graphics in the side menu is also a bit cramped... perhaps loosen it a bit to make it more readable.
  13. was the patient pronounced clinically dead from the one you saw on tv? and the patient injected with saline solution? that doesn't seem to be the current practice with surgery. i believe they do drain blood in cases of heart surgery, but they drain blood and fluids from the chest cavity only. in heart transplants, the patient is hooked to a heart lung bypass machine, which will put oxygen into your blood and pump it through the body while heart surgery is being undertaken. needless to say, the patient on the operating table undergoing heart surgery is not yet clinically dead.
  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ looks like stuff from the twilight zone... now dogs, next humans. didnt occur to me this can happen in my lifetime, but here it is. whew! what's your take on this?
  15. ei buddy, don't go lifting anything heavy then. still painful? you sure its "herniated disk"? that usually occurs in 30s-40s people.
  16. https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=302011
  17. maybe this link can add more info. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ actually, the site location has been finalized. it's going to be in cadarache, france. here's their website: http://www.itercad.org/
  18. you can get PAID hosting if you want. btw, try to be MORE specific with the topics of your posts from hereon. the site admin has already warned you about this. let this be a second warning.
  19. maybe. but how do you plan on offering prizes if you play it for free? and how do you intend on paying winners (via paypal, egold, etc)?
  20. where have you been all these years? it's from the same guys who gave kazaa to the world (p2p application). it's been used by many for years since its beta. how is this as a testament? The Word on Skype: "It Really Works" A BusinessWeek reporter tests the free Net phone service -- and becomes a convert http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ just google for "skype reviews" to get more reviews about skype.
  21. my apologies, snlildude! i was fast on the draw this time. there's also the vanilla game from the same owner, where you grow a tree as high as you can: http://www.eyezmaze.com/vanilla/index.html (my best score so far is 23 feet)
  22. well, simply put, a FEDEX furniture is a furniture made up of empty fedex boxes! if you have them lying around, you can have a fully-functional couch, a dining table, chairs, desks, even a bed! /legacy blueprints/design specs are not yet available, but perhaps we can all incessantly request the fedexguy who made these furniture to hurry up with them.
  23. http://www.eyezmaze.com/grow/v3/index.html there are no clear instructions on the site, but simply put, you need to arrange the items you see on both sides of the sphere, by dragging them on to the center one at a time. the objective is to maximize the level of growth for each item. to illustrate, you need to achieve this: note that the maximum score you can achieve is 20,000. (btw, don't post the sequence on how to arrange those items here, so the others can enjoy the game as well ) now, go! play!
  24. i agree, hardly an update... it does not concern the same group as earlier. just because you read there is a passing remark of a "catholic priest" and "previous control by the catholic church", you can pass it on as a "matter of worsening..." perpetrated by the catholic institution already. if i were dumb, yes, i would swallow it hook-line-and-sinker. others less rational would anyway. it's a legal matter, and it's a matter that can be resolved legally. that's your interpretation, as there will be as many interpretations that can be inferred as there are sands in the ocean. ahh... the "christian way".... why can't you extend the same love and sympathy for the institition as well, if you think that the institition is "lost"? is it a matter of biblical exhortation, or just a touch of "arrogance"? "before he got saved"? another presumptious statement as before. if the premise of salvation is "knowing christ" (and basically living up to his standards of goodness), it's like saying that people who lived BEFORE christ (B.C. as opposed to A.D. - after death) are doomed for eternal hell, since jesus came after them. we're luckier aren't we, we have a choice, since we were born A.D... anyway, i hold the same sentiments in despising those who "deceive and capture souls... and serves to capture more souls for hell" -- more so by capitalizing on religion as a tool for divisiveness. they (scribes and pharisees) have since dead. but hypocrites live on in our midsts.
  25. did paul wrote in english? i don't think so. "servants/etc." is all sugar-coating for me. if the bible translations have been truthful to the word as written in paul's language, then you would know the difference. thus, the bible is "contaminated" by the works of man, to fit his purpose. how many bible translations and interpretations are there anyway? as many as there can be sands in the ocean. so spouting words coming from it won't sway me a bit from their opinion of hate towards the catholic church sowed by so-called christians who dwell in a myopic world constrained by biblical interpretations. and lumping individual deeds to constitute as deeds of a group, as you are doing for acts of a few catholic individuals, is unequivocally as sinful as any other. it's like a kettle calling another kettle black, unmindful of itself being black as well. that's the rub. and that's plain hypocrisy. :(anyway, this has been a nice discussion, although i'm still waiting for an update on the article if you care to deliver.
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