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Everything posted by serverph

  1. custom-assembled. not much difference anyway from branded ones. as long as it efficiently runs the applications i choose, a custom one do just fine for me. at least you can control the cost and the hardware specifications you want, and tweak your PC as you please... unlike branded ones where you can easily lose your service warranty even if you just barely lift the covers off.
  2. nice one. posting direct referral links in the Xisto forums is at least not allowed. but when you get your Xisto hosting, you can always set aside a page in your website for your referral links, and if there are people interested in them, they can just visit your site to help you out in building your referrals. hope that helps you.
  3. geez, that long? you should lodge a formal complaint about that if they don't deliver as promised. and bombard them every single day with phone calls to follow-up on your internet connection application. otherwise, you might just as well get a satellite dsl as you are planning. at least you have other options open for you. good luck, hope they don't take too long for you to again enjoy your access to the online world.
  4. going a bit off-topic, IMHO, but still relevant, i suppose. there's a suitable historical context on the use of WYSIWYG. did anyone know it has been in use since the late 1970's? and there has been several variations of the WYSIWYG acronym as well. though of limited use, the variations people came up for WYSIWYG is fun to know. check it out! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WYSIWYG
  5. will wait for you to update us then evilguru. thanks.
  6. here's a thread on same topic... http://forums.xisto.com/topic/25133-improved-personalized-google-page-now-enhanceable-with-rss-feeds-d/ closing thread.
  7. good for beginners. lags behind other blog systems with search engine optimized links though. i would prefer wordpress which provides more functionality, and support is more extensive with a lot of wordpress users around the world.
  8. charge the army for the operation, Saint_Michael! kidding aside, hope you have a good and full recovery soon.
  9. minimalist approach... i like it. :ph34r:and your domain works just fine. not everybody will notice that it is simply framed for your Xisto site anyway.perhaps you may want to add a creative commons license on your pages (https://creativecommons.org/2008/07/01/imagestamper/) to let your visitors know exactly what they can and can't do with your images. not simply as copyright notice (copyright 2005 is just too vague), but also to include your site as part of the creative commons' "Featured Image Works" -- which will be good for traffic for you.
  10. here's a thread on same topic... http://forums.xisto.com/topic/25133-improved-personalized-google-page-now-enhanceable-with-rss-feeds-d/ closing thread.
  11. here's an old news about mambo. maybe still relevant for those who would want to use it... you will know why it is relevant if you check the link out. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/26287-mambos-developer-team-breaks-with-miro-leaves-project/= and perhaps it will point you to a new CMS (eherm... does JOOMLA ring a bell?) that can easily surpass mambo.
  12. welcome to our Xisto community, kevlar557.
  13. i suppose you have to upload that in your own hosting space if you want. hotlinking the image is a no-no. and make sure you use it for that purpose alone... that is, to link back to Xisto. if you want to try other Xisto images, you can check out this page: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/125-user-contributions/
  14. please refer to this page for more details:http://forums.xisto.com/topic/5769-terms-of-service-and-acceptable-use-policy/= topic closed.
  15. double post with same content and topic... here's the other one: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/27754-law-clinic-this-topic-is-about-clinical-education/= closed. and credit reduced. no formal warning given, just be careful next time.
  16. ameribass' suggestion for a diskdrive defrag should be on your priority. also, might as well clear out your harddrive for unnecessary files, in case you are running out of disk space and it would surely slow down your PC. but in the likelihood that you are using a drive with huge space still available, maybe you can consider the possibility of partitioning it into smaller partitions if you can (be careful on this one, as partitioning is supposed to be done most effectively on a clean/newly-formatted harddrive; otherwise you may lose precious data. backup, backup, backup.).
  17. you're welcome (and yes, that's for the live8 concert before. )
  18. ei guys, just wait for the MYSQL problem (which member sites are experiencing at the moment) to be resolved, before doing any new installs or database modifications. this is one of the occasional hiccups we have to endure, but rest assured all will be back to normal later.
  19. these are under the directory/folder where you installed your PHPBB forum. it will depend on what name you have provided for it upon forum installation.
  20. haven't experienced such trouble with gmail. my account is setup to send and receive html mails, and an html email stays readable even after a continuous send-and-reply emailing of correspondences with my contacts. me and my contacts don't see the need to edit out previous train of emails (which helps, as a reference for our email conversations), so you can just imagine that one email subject sent-and-received in html between us turns out to be very, very long. but fortunately, no unnecessary clipping of the messages occur which is rendered unreadable in gmail. and i would suppose, that even for newsletters in html, our email exchanges would be much much longer than those newsletters, so i'm really at a lost if it is really gmail's fault. anyway, moldboy, if you are quite sure it is due to gmail, you should submit a report to them for possible solutions.
  21. Find out what's happening with Blog Search https://www.google.com/blogsearch?gws_rd=ssl as you might know already, this is a blog-centric search from google. since interest has shifted to blog-writing especially for individuals these past few years, i bet it makes it easier to filter blog searches now. quick-test: i made a quick search for blog-related articles on "adsense" (this is my primary topic-of-interest nowadays), to see what individuals (and not corporate websites) have on the matter. interestingly, on the second search result, i stumbled upon a forum entry. hmmmnnn..? still in beta... i understand, so maybe a glitch there which google needs to work out. but upon closer study, it looks like it was a-okay since what was indexed was articles in xml (which is commonly used by bloggers for article feeds for their readers). anyway, i welcome this development from google in having this search centered on blogs. good thing also that google covers to index all blogs, not just those from Blogger.com - their own blogging network. i myself am considering re-doing my *new* sites in blog form. not a few of the CMSs today allow blogging-style content management already, so doing this would be a cinch!
  22. my guess is, google is doing this pizza ambassador program as part of its "future recruitment" efforts. and mainly reaching out to these "Computer science major or related fields" students is somehow geared towards giving these "prospective google employees" a way to lighten their stay in the university, and encourage them to excel in their respective fields with a little helping of pizza on the side. "the best way to a man's/woman's heart is through his/her stomach"... some would say.
  23. an "english language cheat-sheet"? i will keep my eyes peeled for one. will update everyone when i get to see one.
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