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About Darth_Vader

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    Newbie [Level 1]
  1. Dogs are not the only ones with problems with chocolates and grapes, Cats have the same problems!But cats will surely die if they eat chocolate!
  2. Can anyone tell me recipies of easy to make catfood which does not involve non-vegetarian stuff?1)I dont know mych about stuff like that but cats do love anything with ghee on it!2) Chappatis are real good for cats!But always remember to never feed a cat chocolate!
  3. serverph, I didnt mean any irony. I just liked the name so I used it!Guys, all your advices can apply to my cay especially yours Mich !It is a very territorial cat! My father's car and my scooter are both that particular cats! And yes, it does rub its face against me!jlhaslip, you are also right ! I do feed it when it purrs and cuddles me! Perhaps thats why every cat I meet likes to come near me and rub itself on my legs!Just yesterday, one of them jumped on my legs and lay down there till I got up! B) I love cats! Notice from rvalkass: Merged double post.
  4. Just wondering but what do you mean by Dragons? Sorry but I am new to dragons!lol
  5. I look after this stray cat,male, which is aroung 4-5 years. It keeps running up to me and rubbing itself no matter how long even for hours!It follows me wherever I go unless I enter my house and as soon as I stop it starts purring and rubbing again!I am not at all complainig about this show of affection but it does intrigue me... guys, anyone know why this strange thing happens?
  6. I have 1 pet cat in Official Speak. But I look after {strays(10-30 birds and 6-7 cats and once in a while a dog or two)}I love them all...
  7. Just before launching the ball for the first imte in each game you can type it!
  8. One point I would like to ask is why you chose Full Format over Quick Formet.The only difference between them is that the Full Format checks the drive for physical errors before formatting while the other skips to formatting.....I doubt using Full Format often will be necessary and also you forgot to add details for SATA harddisk installation! This is essential only for users of SATA harddisks.1) Take the floppy containing SATA drivers from motherboard manufacurer or create one using the otherboard CD.2)After Step 7 of Bradley's tutorial, press F6 when prompted at bottom of screen3)After some files are copied, it will ask you to insert floppy4) Insert it and press S5) Select the drivers6) Now proceed with Bradley's tutorial!Still good work on your tutorial!
  9. Here is a universal cheat engine called ArtMoney which does th same as the soft. metioned above but I can guarantee that it causes no damage whatsoever..I have been using it for a 4 or 5 months so I can safely vouch for it!
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