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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. I'll give you a battle if you want. I'll get to work on my sig now.
  2. rvalkass


    Hi Anthony, welcome to the wonderful community that is Xisto. As long as you use common sense and read the TOS and rules you won't get in to trouble, and I'm sure you'll get your hosting soon enough
  3. I'm probably missing something really obvious here but I need some ideas for an essay I have been set as my first task on my A Level course. I was set this by my new chemistry teacher, and personally I think it's a bit heavy for our first task, but I don't really have a choice. I have to write between 1,500 and 2,000 words, and so far I have around 800. I've written about alchemy, quicklime and combustion, leather making, the discovery of elements, oil and plastics and medicine. I'm really stuck for ideas and Wikipedia is running out fast So, has anyone got any more shaping moments for civilization caused by chemistry?
  4. rvalkass

    Booting Problem

    Adobe Gamma is something that comes with Photoshop and adjusts your monitor settings to make pictures and photographs appear more realistic and help colours on screen look like those that come out of the printer. It doesn't really do anything to the startup or boot. Now, that white bar, is it about half an inch off the bottom of the screen and also about half an inch high? No text on the screen? Looks like a volume bar off a TV, lots of thin vertical white bars being covered by a solid white block? If so, thats a BIOS antivirus program. I enabled it on my old PC a while ago, and it increased the boot by a couple of seconds. What it does is check the BIOS, boot sectors and other important files for errors, before attempting to load the OS. If you can bear the extra 2 or 3 seconds, I'd leave it there, just for protection and early warning of problems. If it's really annoying, load up the BIOS and have a look through for an antivirus or scan, normally under the Advanced menu and just disable it. One of the most common is Trend's ChipAway, but there are plenty of others out there for different BIOSs.
  5. I don't use loads of smilies, unlike my sister, who has downloaded thousands for IM programs and uses them at every available opportunity. In a serious conversation I don't really see why you need them, but sometimes when what I'm saying is a joke or a bit weird then I might use one smilie: Other than that I don't really use them. I have nothing against them unless they are used excessively, or (as my sister has in MSN) are set to automatically replace characters, turning messages into those jumbled letters required for forum registrations!
  6. Yes, the day has finally arrived and the results of 2 years of hard work are about to be revealed. I think most schools are releasing them at around 9am, but a few people were chosen to view their results online for the first time from 6am this morning. Personally I'm pretty confident in most subjects apart from English simply because of our teacher, and her complete lack of knowledge on any of the novels we studied. I suppose I'm lucky in that I already have 1 GCSE certificate, as I took the maths exam in November, 1 less thing to worry about in the Summer!So, how are we feeling before the results? Confident, or not so confident? What are your plans after GCSEs? And of course, once the results are out, are you pleased with them?
  7. I am sure that you have to CHMOD certain folders so that Wordpress's scripts have the permissions to create the folders and files it needs. Check through the installation files again, I can't remember which folders you have to do what to at the moment.
  8. It's a nice idea, but what would happen on a hill? The water in the gutter could run down in front of the driver, and of course the wipers wont be able to clear it. Also, they'd chuck a lot more water in the face of the driver behind the bus, and that could be dangerous too. Perhaps collecting the water and feeding it into the cooling system or the windscreen washer bottle or something
  9. I'm currently in the process of getting Linux onto my laptop, but I have to keep Windows on it too. There are just too many programs I'm used to using and because of that, I'm quicker in Windows, but I am sure that gradually I will get used to the free Linux equivalents. I've chosen Kubuntu as my distro as it looks pretty easy to use, but still feature packed and as customizable as the more complex distros. I also prefer the look of KDE over Gnome, but I'm not entering that debate.
  10. There's somebody in a large hat, with two birds off to their left hand side. They also appear to be bald. I have great fun with these images, I even managed to get them into my GCSE ICT coursework, but that's another story
  11. Well computers and electronics interest me, so I would like to go into that sort of field. There are quite a few web design and electronics companies near where I live, so it might happen If not, owning my own shop would be good, being my own boss and choosing what I want to do. I know it's normally a lot more pressure but I think I could make a good go at it.
  12. By the looks of it the crater thing in the background, with the orb on top of it was done in Terragen? If so, you need to try and get the water to hit the land a little smoother as it looks too fake. The clouds also look a little flat, theres no volume to them at all. The idea and composition are good, just a little more work needed to finish it off and perfect it.
  13. If you haven't tried it, Age Of Mythology puts a nice spin on the game with things such as God Powers and special Mythical units. Some people, however, think it takes away from the 'realism' of the Empires versions. If you want it realistic, why not upgrade to AOE3, with the expansion pack coming out in a few months, there will definitely be a load of people online to play against.
  14. There aren't really a huge number of differences. Obviously, XP looks different to 2000 and some of the options and such are in different places, but that's about it really. Windows XP, accoding to some people runs slightly faster if you have a lot of RAM and CPU power, but the difference is neligable. XP also has a few extra features like inbuilt CD writing support, Movie Maker, the firewall and anti-spyware stuff from SP2 and things like that, but nothing you can't source as freeware from other places for 2000. The only problem is that a lot of new software coming out has been developed for XP and may not work on 2000.
  15. Down the entire right hand side of the forum, there is no border, so see if you can get the border to appear there. perhaps you could also get your banner to fit in better with your colour scheme. The whole forum is blue, yet your banner is red and orange with a white background. I've also just noticed, browsing other pages of the forum, that the design does seem to destroy itself on the right hand edge, with various weird images and bits of the forum appearing, which you really should look into. Other than that the design is good and it looks clean and professional.
  16. I would try and avoid using JavaScript at all costs, simply because more and more people are actually turning it off now, so anything you code with it will not appear to some people. As PHP is a server-side script it will just output HTML to the browser, which obviously all are compatable with. CSS can have a few quirks and oddities between browsers, but nowhere near as many as you get using JS. JavaScript is certainly not worth using, in my opinion, unless you really have to.
  17. Such a brilliant game! I've been using it for a while when I get bored trying to make long complicated series of triggers, like the Honda advert but with weird chemicals. Personally I use wxSand with a load of mods to get more elements, and I've even designed a few of my own, although they're not that good When you add the WX mod pack to wxSand you get loads of elements to do all sorts of things, and I think more people have mad elements for it (including food).
  18. The referral system would take ages to code, and if people get enough new members to sign up they wouldn't need to contribute for a while. Plus, if someone you referred started posting spam posts, and the mods have to delete posts it would be an awful lot of work to deduct credits from whoever referred them too.Xisto has, in my opinion, the right balance, number and positioning of the ads so they are seen and clicked on and generate revenue, without really annoying everyone. With more ads a site starts to look unprofessional and it is likely that less people would sign up, no matter how good the hosting is.In the UK you have to be 18 to get a credit card, but we do not need the COPPA form to give out information. This really annoys me when a site orientates itself solely for Americans and require COPPA forms be filled out and faxed around the world and other such measures which aren't needed anywhere else.The other side is that without any sort of measures we would have the kids on the forum giving out all sorts of information to companies. Also, as this is a world-wide forum, what companies would offer the offers and in what currency? It would be unfair if the offers were aimed solely at the US, UK or anywhere else.
  19. We were told to do the same sort of thing for our GCSEs we've just done. Study for about half an hour and then do a complete no-brainer (like watch TV) or sleep for about quarter of an hour, so the information sinks in and you remember it. The alternative was to study maybe 3 or 4 subjects, 1 topic in each, for about 40 mins each, then the next day study the same things for 20 mins, then 10 mins the next day and 5 the next, which tells your brain it's something useful to remember, as you're using it so much, so it is stored in your 'long term' memory.
  20. I'm presuming the problem is the line: if ($num == NULL)as you say you want to check if a variable exists. Try replacing it with this: if (!isset($num)) {That basically checks whether anything has given that variable a value, and it's generally considered better and more reliable than using == NULL.
  21. Do you actually need a spacer? As you said, you can use cell padding, or use CSS to change the margins and padding of the cells to get it to work if all you want is space. If it needs a different background or something, then you will need a separate cell. I think there are 3 ways of using Javascript to get the width and height of the browser window, but I strongly advise you not to use them. They can cause all sorts of bugs, especially if JS is turned off and then people won't see your site at all. Method 1:window.innerHeightwindow.innerWidthMethod 2:document.documentElement.clientHeightdocument.documentElement.clientWidthMethod 3:document.body.clientHeightdocument.body.clientWidth They all return the width or height of the browser window in pixels, but there are problems. With the first one, IE returns nothing so people still using Internet Explorer either won't see the site, or will see a garbled mess. Method 2 will get a result from IE, but it's 0 for v5 or 6 in quirks mode. Method 3 gets a result from everything bar Netscape, but some browsers offer the internal size not including scroll bars, some offer internal size including scroll bars and some give the size of the whole window. This is why I advise using either a fixed width table centralised in the page or setting the table to a width of 100%.
  22. I've added you on MSN and hopefully I'll be able to help, I've done a few login scripts before. Did you download the script from somewhere, or did someone else write it for you?
  23. In the UK, once you reach GCSE level, 14/15 years old, you get to pick what subjects you want to learn for the next 2 years. Then if you stay on for A-Levels you get to pick again, usually sticking with similar subjects or just going more advanced than what you learned in the previous 2 years. At GCSE there are still some compulsary subjects though, but it varies from school to school. We had to take Maths, English Language, English Literature, the 3 Sciences, RPE (Religion, Philosophy and Ethics), PE, basic ICT and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education). This always seemed a little weird to me, as we learned all the important stuff in our first 3 years at secondary school, so Maths was mainly just advanced algebra, trigonometry and that sort of stuff, which is not exactly day to day knowledge, and the other subjects were the same. Once you reach A-Level though, it's basically an entire free choice.Speaking from experience, IT WORKS! Many of the kids who were branded as "troublemakers" for their first 3 years at the school completely changed whn they were doing subjects they liked and enjoyed. Yes, there were still a few people who didn't want to be there but quite frankly, they never wanted to be there and probably want compulsary education scrapped.
  24. OK, and LDR is a light dependant resistor. It works by lowing the resistance when more light is placed above the sensor, and the resistance increases when it is darker. A thermistor does the same, but with temperature rather than light. The acronyms NTC and PTC define what type of thermistor you have. NTC stands for negative temperature coefficient, and means that the resistance decreases with a higher temperature. PTC (positive temperature coefficient) means that the resistance will increase with higher temperatures.These can all be described as transducers. A transducer is any device that changes one form of energy into another, usually to monitor or measure it. A thermistor is a thermoelectric transducer (heat changes to electrical energy), and an LDR is an electromagnetic transducer. There are all sorts of different types of sensors and measuring equipment that have transducers in them, such as Geiger counters (radioactivity into electrical) and motors (electrical to kinetic).Depending on how deep you need to go into the different components, and whether you just need to know what they do, or the complications of how they work will change where to look for information. GCSE textbooks can be useful for simple to understand information about what they do and some basics on how they work. Electronics encyclopaedias contain detailed information on how they work, operating ranges etc.
  25. Make sure though that when you downloaded the script, you weren't told that the ads would be there or that there is anything telling you to keep the ads. If the creator has put the ads there and requests that they remain for you to use the script then you should leave them there.
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