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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Welcome to the forums Ridwan! The number of credits earned for each post varies depending on its length. The more you write, and the better quality your posts are, the more credits you get. If you spam the forums or write rubbish or short posts then you are likely to have your credits reduced. We are lucky here that most members are pretty well mannered and don't swear a lot or insult eachother. Occasionally in the vent forum it pops up, but not too often. To apply for your website, look for the Free Web Hosting Requests section of the forum - all the instructions are there. Editing your site requires either the use of HTML/PHP coded pages, or using a content management system of some sort. These are available for free when you get your hosting. Xisto is a very good host, usually quite reliable and everyone is helpful and friendly. If you want to preview a site then feel free to have a look at my site or most people have a link to their site in their signature. If you search in a search engine for "web hosting reviews" Xisto turns up on most of them and the vast majority of reviews are favourable. All of this information is available in the Xisto Readme. If you don't want to trawl through all that then I have made a summary in Flash form here that explains the vital information you need to know, with images and links to relevant pages. Once again, welcome and I look forward to seeing you around the forums PS: I would advise against signing off your posts with your name- you run the risk of losing credits. Put your name into your signature, available by clicking the My Controls link at the top of the forum.
  2. The error actually seems to state that the database you are trying to access has crashed and needs you to either repair it or load it again from a backup. Which version of PHP are you going from and to? If you are going from an older version to a newer version then you shouldn't really have any problems. If you are moving from a newer version to an older version you you will need to go through the code and check for any functions that are only available on the new version, and replace them with ones that will work on the older version.
  3. Charities do an awful lot of work, and it is often very difficult for them to do it too. Most of the people working for them are volunteers, and they are funded solely by donations from the public. Charities such as Cancer Research spend a large amount of money, along with others, researching cures but that takes time. Cancer, for example, is not always genetic, is hard to detect, can't be stopped with drugs, appears quite randomly and kills quickly. Painstaking research and scientific analysis and tests does take billions to fund. Cures to diseases and cancers are actually beneficial to the government. If a cure is found then the NHS spends less on treatment and trying things and can cure people quickly, easily and cheaply.
  4. I have tried a mid-blue, red and the dark blue you suggested in the original post just to see what it would look like. I can make the design more complex on Monday when I have access to a computer with the design software on it. They will only come out as outlines of the components though. As for the lottery circuitry, that was two DIL 18 pin PICs programmed to cycle through the numbers 0 to 9 (on the right) and 0 to 4 (on the left) when a PTM switch was pushed the display paused for 2 seconds, displaying whatever number each PIC was currently on. There is a slight unfairness in that numbers are more likely to come up if they required more segments of the display to be changed from the previous number. In reality this made very little difference and it worked quite well, it looked random to anyone who saw it.
  5. Each bird will have a mass of 0.454kg, and therefore a weight of 4.45N. If they are flying level, their lift will equal this force. If they are going downwards the lift will decrease, and if they go up the lift must increase. The resultant force exerted by each bird will vary depending on where it is moving. However, if they are not in contact with the van then they cannot impact its weight. For example, get a set of scales and put a mug or jar on them and record the mass. Now put your finger in the jar, but don't touch the sides or bottom. The scales will not change their reading. If you have really accurate scales (I tried this in a science lesson) then try blowing into the jar on the scales. You will see that the reading will change (you need very accurate scales - I used a 2dp accurate digital balance) due to the increased pressure. So, the birds taking off would reduce the reading from the weighbridge. The air pressure created by the flapping wings would then cause an increase in the reading. Personally, I don't think it would make that much difference but I am interested to hear other theories. Also, if the birds took off and the guy drove onto the weighbridge, the birds would all hit the back of the van and probably get knocked out. Plus the person operating the weighbridge should really wait for the reading to settle down before taking it, which is unlikely to happen with a load of birds flapping their wings in the back.
  6. QuickSilva very handily wrote an example above, showing how you can implement this into a form. Basically you have to pass the text used on the image as a variable along with what the user enters. When they submit the form they are on, the script the form is passed to will check if the variable with the image text, and the one with the user's text match. If they do then they passed the CAPTCHA, if not, then tell them to go back and do it again.In the script, the variable $hash_string contains the text that appears on the image. If you pass that along with the form data as usual then in the script you have set up which deals with the form, one of the first things it should do is check that the user entered field and the $hash_string variable match (it's up to you if you want to make it case sensitive). QuickSilva has used sessions, which is another way to pass the variable along.If you want some help implementing this then I am happy to help you if you PM me with the details.
  7. The design looks good, and works in Opera 9 on my computer (behind a firewall). I will also try it on Konqueror later if I get time. The only problem I have is that you claim to use valid XHTML, but you actually have 44 errors and 15 info points. That also means the CSS can't be validated. As for the categories, you say yourself that the software is aimed at web designers, graphic designers, developers and admins. Why not use those as the main categories? People could quickly and easily find the software related to their job or the task they are currently doing. You could then sort each of those into sub categories once you get a few software titles in each one.
  8. Here is my attempt. I'm not entirely sure its what you are looking for, I took the tech/circuit board thing kinda literally. I chose a bright orange becuase it stands out quite well and looks OK on black. Of course, ultimately it is up to you what colour you want, and I can easily change it. And a close up of the design: I was also thinking of putting that sort of target logo in the top left corner of the design, but I couldn't find the shape or graphic anywhere. Anyway, am I heading in the right direction, or shall I start again By the way, if you're interested, I made that circuit to pick numbers for the National Lottery, but it doesn't work (I left out two resistors).
  9. I seem to remember, many years ago when this was first suggested, that the government was going to provide set top boxes to those who did not buy a Freeview box before the deadline. That offer seems to have disappeared, but I believe the Americans will get vouchers when they switch to digital, so they can get a free set top box. Its also annoying that pressing the red button with Freeview provides a limited set of services compared to Sky, or cable or anything else. Try looking at the differences in the BBC News pages, for example.
  10. I'm reading Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson. Its a good book simply becuase it keeps you laughing all the way through, especially due to the fact that you can relate to every observation and opinion expressed.
  11. Here, in the UK it varies from school to school, but at my school we start at 8:30am and finish at 3:20pm, with 5 lessons, each of 1 hour. Depending on how old you are, you have to take certain subjects. In years 7 to 9 (age 11 to 13/14) you have no choice of subjects and have to do everything from English, to design and technology, to sport to "personal, social and health education" (PSHE). At the age of 14 you get a bit of choice as to what you want to do for the next two years, but you still have to do the basics of maths, English, all 3 sciences, religion and philosophy, sport and PSHE. When you reach 16 years old you have complete free choice over what you do. I have chose physics, chemistry, sociology, pure maths and mechanics.Our teachers are advised to set 1 hour of homework, per lesson, per day. So basically we would have 12 hours of school work per day. However, the teachers know the students would never do it, and even if they did, the teachers would never have time to mark it all. Tests and homework are left up to the teachers as to what they want to do, but usually each department will run mock exams once a year to compare all the classes with a set test they all have to take. Compulsary exams are taken at 13/14 years old (SATs) and 15/16 years old (GCSEs). If you choose to stay on and do advanced level studies (A-Levels) then you do exams at 16/17 and 17/18.Overall I think the system here in the UK is a lot better compared to what it used to be like, but there are still a lot of areas for improvement. For example, there is no parity of esteem with academic and vocational qualifications, unlike countries such as Germany.
  12. I would agree with S_M, Opera is the best bet if you want to view a site in WAP mode. Download Opera and open up your page in the usual way. It will appear as a page in a normal web browser. Then hit Shift and F11 on the keyboard and the site will shrink down to a WAP browser mode (Opera calls it "Small Screen"). You can also access it by clicking View > Small Screen. Hit the same keys or menu option and you will be restored to a fully functioning browser again.
  13. Fireworks is geared towards working with web graphics specifically, and usually PNGs. The feature set and style of working is slightly different to that of Photoshop. Most people I know use a mixture of both, as each as their own merits and problems. Fireworks was designed with vector graphics in mind, and therefore is more similar to Illustrator than Photoshop. Photoshop, on the other hand was designed for the more fiddly bitmap work, used in print designs. Both can do some of the features of the other if really necessary, but you usually avoid it for anything major.Neither can really be classed as "better" as they were both designed for different tasks, both carry out different jobs and work in different ways. Try out Photoshop, and see which you like best, it has a free 30 day trial (as far as I remember).
  14. Start off with a half decent microphone. The stalk microphones you pick up for a few quid aren't really good enough and will give an awful sound quality to your listeners. To record your podcast, you'll need some sound recording software. Audacity is probably the best free choice out there and has all the features you'll need to do a podcast. Then all you need is somewhere to host your podcast files, and possibly a blog to accompany them with related links or materials to go along with the podcast. Register with all the podcast directories you can find, and tell people about your podcast! There is quite a good and easy to understand guide here. Good luck with getting your podcast up and running.
  15. This is the whole idea behind having a national curriculum here in the UK. Yes, teachers complain it restricts them but it ensures that everyone learns the same stuff at the same pace. When my dad went to school around 40-odd years ago (with no national curriculum) he moved house 3 times and therefore switched school 3 times. He did not complete what would be acceptable as a whole maths course because each school taught different stuff at different times. This is the problem in the US, that there is no standard and therefore if people move house they have an awful lot of work to do catching up, or are left way behind.India is 'ahead' in education due to the culture. Many students feel that education is incredibly important to them, and that your education is the only thing you cannot have taken away from you. This difference in values means that many Indian students are far more motivated to learn that your British or American student or teenager. It is not that their education system is better, because Indian students that come to the UK attain much higher grades and better qualifications than British students due to their culture and high value placed on education.Personally I believe that what people get out of education depends on the individual. If someone is interested in their education then they will go and research the topics they are interested in, no matter what education they receive at school.
  16. It is hard to think of anyone other than a certain Mr Bush that Tony Blair has failed to completely upset and disappoint. He said he was going to go and didn't. Did he give a good reason? No. The more I sit and think about our political situation and government, the more "Yes, Minister" seems like a factual documentary. Blair won't go into obscurity, he'll still earn thousands giving speeches, selling his memoirs and stuff like that and remain in the public eye for a very long time. However, as you say, he doesn't want to give up his power over the country. That just proves politicians want what is best for them not for the country. Some days I sit here and wonder if we would have actually been better with Screaming Lord Sutch, or even his cat, in power.
  17. I tried this before with one of those little devices you are meant to attach to your keys: you whistle and then it starts beeping and flashing LEDs at you so you can find your keys. Strap one of them to the remote and you can find it easily. It also reveals if someone is trying to hide it from you If you actually sold these then I think people would buy it. It's one of those weird little items that could actually be useful!
  18. The unlink function is what you need to delete files. You presumably have the path to each image (if you are displaying them on the screen), so you can add that path to a link that runs the unlink function. You can read a little bit more about it here. Just be careful with it, and make sure the permissions allow you to delete the file.
  19. I use Opera to check my emails from my hosting account here at Xisto, and the Internet sites for all my other accounts (GMail, Hotmail, etc.). On my laptop I use Kontact/KMail to get my emails. Personally I like Opera's email client the best. It works quickly and simply and does everything I need it to.
  20. Go to Tools, then Preferences (right at the bottom), then type your home page into the dialog that appears. If you also want your home page to appear when you start Opera, then select Start With Home Page from the drop down just above it.
  21. I would put the entire list in a DIV, and set the text alignment within the DIV to justify. This will (obviously) justify the list. Then, if you set the left and right margins of the DIV to auto, then it will centre align the DIV within the parent element. This should give the look of a centre-aligned, justified list. I've tried it and it does work, although you have to fiddle around with the width of the DIV to get the look you want.
  22. Welcome to Xisto. You do not need a set number of posts to get hosted here, but a number of credits. For each post you make, you earn credits depending on its length, quality etc. If you spam the forums, copy content, or anything like that then you are liable to lose credits. You need to earn 10 credits for the basic hosting package, and 30 for the default hosting package. The Xisto Readme contains all the information you need.
  23. The 2.1.1 release of Wordpress (the latest release until 12 hours ago) has been found to contain an exploit that allows people to execute any code they want. According to Wordpress it only affects downloads in the last 3 or 4 days, but just to be sure, everyone is recommended to upgrade to 2.1.2 immediately. Wordpress have made an announcement explaining exactly what happened. Personally I think it is worrying that something like this could happen. I just hope that Wordpress are dramatically improving the security of their servers to guarantee that this will never happen again. Then again it is reassuring to see it was picked up and fixed relatively quickly and the information has been distributed.
  24. The theme is quite good, fits in with the site being a gaming site. You might want to customise the banner at the top, otherwise your site has no real identity at the moment. Even if you just type some text over it that would help. Try not to overload the forum with too many modifications and addons, and keep the number of staff members low to start with. Other than that, good luck building up a community.
  25. I have used Opera for a few years (got it when you had to pay for it) and I have never looked back. It is standards compliant and has all the features you need built into the sidebar: RSS reader, access to emails, download manager, IRC... I also do the same as jlhaslip, using Opera (or Konqueror on my laptop) to check my page designs, then applying various hacks and fixes to get IE to do what it is supposed to.
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