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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. You would have to contact your ISP and ask to have your IP address changed. However, most of them will not change them as it tends to make their records a bit more difficult to manage and you should really have no need to change it. However, if you are assigned an IP address dynamically when you connect to the Internet then rebooting your router or telling it to reconnect will also get you a new IP address.
  2. Dell seems very difficult to get working with Ubuntu. People contributing to the Wiki generally say that the wireless cards either don't connect or require extensive setup. Have a look here. In the mean time, open up Synaptic and look for packages called ndiswrapper and networkmanager and see if they help out. Sometimes just installing them can be a great help. I actually find Kubuntu a lot more user friendly and intuitive than any Windows OS I have come across, and I have spent years using every edition of Windows since 3.11 For Workgroups (including Bob).
  3. If you are using wireless, what exactly are you plugging cables into? Have you tried opening the application to connect to wireless networks. Ican't remember what it's called in Ubuntu but it should be easy to find. Also, try temporarily making the wireless network unsecured, so you can connect the first time and make sure it works. If you want to use WEP then that should work out of the box, but WPA requires a few downloads.As for finding a Linux driver, you'll need to go to the wireless card manufacturer's webiste and look for Linux drivers. Only a few provide them; most rely on the inbuilt Linux drivers.
  4. When the installation of Ubuntu is finished you should remain on the Live CD desktop, and you can still use the Live CD. You have to manually restart the laptop. After a short while you will see a prompt asking you to remove the disk, and your CD drive should pop open. Take the disk out and close the drive. Turn the PC back on and you should get into Ubuntu. When are those two white squares appearing? If they appear after you restart then you have either not partitioned the hard drive correctly, or have not made the Linux partition bootable. If you do not have, or want, Windows on your laptop, put the Live CD back in and go through the installer, but get it to completely wipe your hard drive and put its own default partitions in. This should make sure it works correctly. WARNING: This will remove everything currently on your hard drive! If you can, take some pictures or a video of what happens, and we might be able to help a bit more. Also, if you see any error messages, try and write them down and put them up here.
  5. It is very useful, but use it with care. People can easily overwrite variables in a string of $_GET variables passed by the browser. You could assign one thing, then they just reassign it at the end. People can also overwrite variables not assigned in the $_GET but that you have been using anyway. Therefore, if you are going to use it, call it before you create any variables (so they have nothing to overwrite) and use the EXTR_SKIP flag to skip any variables that have already been assigned, which stops them tagging them on the end of the address.
  6. It seems stupid that people are pressured into having the OS chosen by their manufacturer. Surely the manufacturers would be better off putting Linux on there or something and selling Windows at a profit to people who want it. Vista, as you say, is quite a bit more advanced for most people and causes a whole host of problems, so XP is still the better choice. There is a way to get XP on there if you really want, but you are gonna have to spend a lot of time doing it for very little reward. Firstly ask for a no OS option, and buy XP separately. If they don't offer it, or offer it with no reduction in price, then buy it with Vista. As soon as you get the PC delivered take photos or videos of yourself unpacking it, setting it up, turning it on, reading the EULA (yes, you will have to read the whole thing), then refusing to accept the EULA. Phone the supplier of the PC and inform them you refuse to agree to the EULA, and you have a legal right to a refund for the OS. There are various guides to doing this all over the Net, usually for people who want to install Linux, but it's the same if you want XP over Vista. Have a look here, here and here for more information.
  7. This is wonderful to hear. The work you guys do keeping this place running, and upgrading, at no cost to us is amazing. Thank you for providing the best free hosting service on the 'net and just making it even better
  8. Looking at the description you have provided for what was required, I would say you have met this perfectly. The colours, as you quite rightly say, are the classic childish colours and that gives the logo an overall warm and childlike appeal. It is also not too childlike in that it makes the organisation look unprofessional; you have reached a good balance. As for the gloss effect, I would lose it. It works well in the filled circle version provided at the end, but in the arms version it looks as if it has just be added on randomly (no offence). Keep it simple and remove the gloss effect. As shadowx has said, I think the tapering on the "arms" in the black and white version should be carried through to the colour version. It makes it look a bit more natural than just a circle. Overall your logo is very effective and you have done an excellent job. I can see it working on posters, leaflets and all sorts of stuff with ease. I've never liked giving ratings out of 10 for 'proper' design work, but as you've asked I'll have to say a 9.5 to 10 out of 10. This is just a random suggestion of a method I use and find very helpful, but rarely see others using. Your logo is likely to be used on all sorts of publications, which are going to be printed and probably photocopied. Some logos look great in full colour on your screen and printed on glossy paper, but thats not the 'real world'. Print the logo quite small (about an inch square) in colour and check it is still readable. Then photocopy it in greyscale. If you want to really test it (which I recommend) add some random text around the logo, then print and photocopy. Try photocopying the photocopy. Try copying the copy of the copy. Your logo should still be readable and stand out from the text. If you don't have access to a photocopier, scan and print it in greyscale at a low res.
  9. One method I have found to work quite well uses Audacity, a free, open-source sound editor. Download it if you haven't already got it, its a brilliant piece of software. Now, to remove lyrics, open the song in Audacity. You should see two sound waves appear (left and right, this only works if your song is in Stereo). Click on the small arrow next to the name of the track (to the left of the waves) to get the drop down menu, and choose Split Stereo Track. Now click just under that bar with the name on the bottom (right) track. It should turn purple and be selected. Then go up to the Effect menu, and hit Invert. Now play the song and the lyrics should have mostly disappeared. This only seems to work very well for a few songs, and quite well for most others. Some songs, however, you can't do it. I kinda rushed that, so if you need any more help using Audacity or following that then PM or email me, or get me on MSN.
  10. The database type is a MySQL database. Make sure that you have already created the database in cPanel before you try to install phpBB. The forum cannot create a new database, only add tables and content to an existing one. Also make sure that when you tell it the database name, you prefix it with your cPanel username. For example, calling a database FORUM results in it actually being called username_FORUM. Make sure you also have all the folders CHMODed correctly according to the instructions, and the config files are writable.If all that fails, try posing the exact error messages here, and we'll see what we can do.
  11. 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052 As for turning off the updates, go into Control Panel and open the Security Centre section. Click the Automatic Updates icon, then select the 4th radio button to turn them off. This means you've got to manually check the Microsoft site for the various updates that are no doubt going to be released for the infinite number fo security holes. Perhaps try the 3rd radio button, which will tell you there are updates, but should ask you first. I got very annoyed with it, so I have set it to check for updates at 3AM on a Tuesday, when my PC is always off. That stops it
  12. Depending on how far you are willing to go with this, you could get a Dvorak keyboard. It puts the letters in a different order to make it easier to type with, as the Qwerty layout was designed to slow people down and stop them typing quickly. The Dvorak layout was made to make typing easier, faster and less painful. The layout takes a bit of getting used to, but once you learn it then its much easier. Search on eBay for one, they're pretty cheap (around 50p plus P+P).
  13. The only logic I can think of is to divide the number by all numbers up to the square root of the original number and check the modulus of each one. So, get the number from the user. Then do the floor of the square root of that number. This is the highest value you need to divide by. Then create a loop, starting with that divisor, decreasing by one each time, stopping when it is equal to 1. Get the modulus of the number divided by the divisor. If at any point you get a 0 value, end the loop and output that the number is not prime. If it finishes with no 0 values then the number must be prime. Sorry, I don't know enough C to write the code, but I could do it in Java if you could sort of translate from that? int num; //The number from the userint divisor = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(num)); //Our largest divisorif (num == 2) return true;else if (num < 2) return false;for (i = 2; i <= divisor; i++) { if (num % i == 0) return false;}return true; If it needs more explaining (which it probably does ) then feel free to ask.
  14. Using Kubuntu 6.10, Opera 9.10 on 1280 x 800 your site looks perfect, there is not a single visible problem. The content of your site is also very interesting and I am sure that you will be very successful with the site. My only possible comment for improvement would be to put the content in the middle and a column either side, depending on how hard that is to do and what other opinions are.
  15. Web 2.0 is not a set of standards or anything official. It was a theory put forward by the O'Reilly books a few years ago referring to social networking, collaboration and sharing among the Internet - using things like wikis and MySpace. People now have added all sorts of things to the definition - like Ajax, RSS, podcasts and vodcasts etc. Wikipedia has a very interesting mindmap that explains what is currently meant by Web 2.0 and gives a few example websites.
  16. Tennis, cricket and cycling are probably my favourite outdoor sports. Mostly though I play sports indoors (in Britain the weather is usually a problem for doing anything outside) like pool, badminton and basketball.
  17. By law you have to fill out the correct information when you register a domain name. However, when you register you can request that your details are hidden. For example, my WHOIS record contains the following: Your name will always be shown, but you can request when you register to have your address hidden from view. Most good registrars do it automatically for you when you register as a person rather than a business. If not then email who you registered with (or the company responsible for maintaining your WHOIS record, Nominet here in the UK) and get it changed.
  18. A computer will automatically shut off when it isn't getting enough power. There are all sorts of problems that could occur if components aren't getting their required power, so most motherboards will have their BIOS turn the PC off if the voltage drops too low or there isn't enough power. Turning the detail down on your card means it isn't working as hard, so draws less power. The other possibility is that it is generating too much heat - another reason that your PC will turn itself off. There are a few free applications on the 'net (can't remember their names, just run a search) that can tell you.
  19. rvalkass


    Welcome to the Xisto community You seem to have the same ambitions as me, working in computer programming or possibly web design. I'm currently learning Java and hopefully that'll be useful for programming and the web aspect of things. Good luck getting your site going and earning those credits.
  20. I use FileZilla and Net2FTP as they are both free and open source. Net2FTP gives me an FTP client anywhere there is an Internet connection, and it isn't any slower than a client installed to your hard drive. It also has all the features that any of the others have, and I think the file editing is a lot better - syntax highlighting and auto saving.
  21. MPlayer wins every time. All music and video files (pretty much) are played quickly and easily. It runs on Windows and Linux, and you can choose a GUI to make it as simple or complicated as you want - or have no GUI at all. It loads quickly and easily, has all the options you need and some useful information can be displayed over your videos. It's also free!
  22. I've got a few quotations that have kinda stuck in my mind over the years:"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." ~ Douglas Adams"Men live in a fantasy world. I know this because I am one, and I actually receive my mail there." ~ Scott Adams"If at first you don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything." ~ Bill Lyon
  23. The snow only stopped falling here (Herts/Bucks border) about half an hour ago, and what we have is remaining pretty much where it is. The local roads are also blocked with overturned lorries and vans, and a few trees down. I have a feeling that school shall reopen tomorrow, but then after that we have a one weke half term
  24. 45 miles outside of London: 6 inches of snow And it's still falling now. It looked so beautiful this morning, everything covered in pristine white snow, that was until my brother and sister sprinted outside and churned it all up. I live out in the middle of nowhere and we have had about a dozen cars go by since 6 this morning, all doing about 5mph. At least its stopped the speeders!I've got a couple of pics from about 10 past 6 this morning, and I'll try and add a few of what it's like now. (The second one was taken upside down off the curtain pole in my living room. I needed something stable for long exposure, yet near my window, and quite high up...)Its put me back in a Christmassy mood At least it gives me some time to sit down with some hot chocolate and watch a few films and DVDs.
  25. The banner looks great, the effect is very subtle as opposed to the more in-your-face effect that appear in PowerPoint presentations for example. People seem to have a tendancy to throw those into their banners too for some reason. This is probably going to be too much work to fix, but your elipsis after The most exhaustive knowledge resource online only has 2 dots, not 3, but thats a minor grammatical error
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