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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Did you try clicking the Antennas button, followed by the Wi-Fi Antennas link? http://www.ccrane.com/!c4wnhAqZ2jXGgSNVpKVjOw!/Antennas/WiFi-Antennas?by=Category
  2. rvalkass

    Pdf Reader ?

    Evince is completely free (both gratis and libre) so costs nothing, and you can do what you like with it.
  3. Just uploading files into the public_html folder makes them available to the world, so your website is online. There isn't a button or anything to turn your website on- or off-line. Navicat is a front end manager for MySQL, so I presume you are using a MySQL database? If so, you'll need the server name, username, password and database name to connect to the server. Then you'll need to write a script using PHP to collect users' details and put them into the database. If you take a look at the Tutorials section of the forum, you'll find quite a few tutorials that deal with setting up a user system.
  4. rvalkass

    Pdf Reader ?

    Evince download. You can download it in a variety of formats depending on what you need.
  5. I like the design, especially the menu across the top of the page. I've never seen something like that done before and it looks great. One issue I have with your site is that it doesn't validate. It's important to make sure your code validates so that most browsers display it correctly. However, more fundamentally is that the code makes little sense. You have (or rather, it appears ImageReady has) used tables for the layout of your page. A table is meant for tabular data, not for laying out a page. Despite being totally wrong, it also means your site can display very differently in different browsers.
  6. rvalkass

    Pdf Reader ?

    I use Evince as my PDF reader. It renders the documents well (and correctly) and is very quick to load. It also has support for DVI, TIFF and Postscript files, along with encrypted documents.
  7. As alex7h3pr0gr4m3r has said, starting the path with a / makes PHP start from the root directory rather than your current location. The easiest way to do it will be the following: require_once('../config.php'); The ../ tells PHP to move up to the parent directory, which is where it can find the config.php file.
  8. Which directory is the script being run from, as the path needs to be relative to that location. For example, if the script is in /public_html/mulhim/library_project/ then you would just need this as your code: require_once('test_dir/test1/config.php');
  9. All operating systems have keyboard shortcuts that do the same things, so no-one can really claim them as an advantage of one OS over another. Indeed, I did do a head-to-head comparison. I went to Apple's website, and to Dell's website and spec'd two laptops up to as-near-as-possible specifications. Both have a 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo CPU and 2GB of RAM, with an nVidia 8600M GT graphics card. They do differ with the hard drives, as I couldn't get two to match. The Apple laptop has a 200GB hard drive, while the Dell has a 250GB hard drive. The screens are also slightly different (15" for the Apple, 15.4" for the Dell). They come with the latest Apple and Microsoft offerings for their operating systems. The Dell also comes with an in-built webcam, and a fingerprint scanner (you can't remove them from the spec). Results: ?1,299.00 for the MacBook Pro, ?759.00 for the Dell XPS M1530. Considering the Dell actually has slightly better spec (bigger HDD, camera, fingerprint reader, larger screen) that is an astonishing price difference, and values the little Apple logo on the case at ?540! I certainly know which one I would buy. In Mythbusters style: Myth Confirmed.
  10. I originally read this story a few days ago, and then read its retraction: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/08/04/16/2042248/the-inside-story-of-the-armed-robot-pullout-rumor It seems some original stories were exaggerated and ended up with stories about the robots shooting things whenever they liked, and therefore being pulled from service.
  11. It is possible to 'spoof' a MAC address (i.e. change the MAC address) for some hardware. If someone found out one of your MAC addresses, they could simply set their hardware to use that MAC address and get onto your network. People sniffing packets may also be a problem. As all the data is being sent unencrypted, there is the possibility people could read that data pretty easily without being on the network.Set up WPA-PSK encryption on all your hardware, if it supports it (if not, go for WEP). Give it a very complicated and secure password - you will only need to enter it one time on each PC, so it doesn't really need to be so simple you can remember it easily. Make the password the maximum possible length and include lots of special characters if you can.
  12. Short answer, no. How this would be done depends on whether you want the abstract automatically generated, or whether you want it entered by the user. Secondly, how are you uniquely identifying each article in the URLs you are using, and how are they uniquely identified in the database? Finally, we need to know in what sort of coding context you're using this. Are you using object-orientated code, or not? Are you using any frameworks, such as Zend?
  13. There is a major bug when it is viewed in Konqueror: Not a particularly nice way to greet visitors Should be a pretty easy fix though if you look through the JS. It also fails XHTML validation on one very minor thing, which I am sure was accidental. In fact, it appears to be the image you inserted into the post about the theme: Not a problem with the theme so much then. Other than that, it is a very good-looking theme, well thought out and excellent choice of colours. Widgetising it is easy, and should certainly be your next step.
  14. There is no need for anti-virus software on Linux at the moment. Linux is inherently more secure than Windows due to the fact that, for an application to modify the system, it needs to have root access. Your usual account doesn't have root access, and you have to run root commands using sudo. If you ever did download a virus (e.g. from an email) then it would still ask for permission to run, which you would notice, and refuse. Linux also doesn't rely on file extensions to work out the file type of a file. For example, on Windows, a file called "Virus.exe.jpg" would appear as an image file, despite being an executable. On Linux, it actually checks what the file is before assigning it an icon and all that, so you know the icon represents the true file type. The extensions are mainly used for filtering in Open File... dialogs.Good 'net practise and all that still applies - don't download unknown attachments, etc, etc.
  15. Why would someone in Singapore be managing the prize winners for a lottery draw half way around the world? That email address is impossible. There are very few .UK addresses, and they are pretty much all run by government agencies and the like. Now, they all have to be .CO.UK or .ORG.UK or whatever else you pick. Those pieces of information don't exist in the UK Lotto, so it makes very little sense to put them there. These are scammers who have conducted poor research. UK Lotto draws are on Wednesday and Saturday. The 13th was a Sunday. Go figure. Also, it is no longer really called the National Lottery, but the Lotto Draw. The "Agent's" name makes very little sense and appears to be backwards. James is more often a forename, and West makes more sense as a surname. Also, their web address appears to have changed since the top of the email. Name, address, age and phone number are fair enough. However, the rest of the information would be useless for a Lotto claim, or makes little sense to be asked for it anyway.
  16. Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works I can't see a problem with any of your sites at all. They all work and go where they are supposed to. This means that you must have set the site up correctly, and may be a problem with your ISP's DNS server or something. Technically there is a difference. WWW. is in fact a subdomain, but is used by most sites to differentiate the web server from the FTP server and the mail server. Usually, most sites default to displaying the web server anyway, so it makes very little difference, but it does matter on a few sites.
  17. The nameservers were changed recently, from *.trap17.com to *.computinghost.com The post you have linked to is from 2006, and therefore out of date. The nameservers should therefore be:ns.computinghost.comns2.computinghost.comAlso, both of your links are now working for me. It looks like you fixed the problem.
  18. There are a few bugs with your site that should probably be fixed. The first one is the valid XHTML logo. Your site has 150 XHTML errors! Go through the results and fix up the errors. You'll normally find that fixing one error will cause a few others to get fixed along the way. The buttons making up the menu on the left get a large space put under them when you mouse over them, which causes all the other buttons to be forced downwards, and forces the text below the menu to also get pushed down. Probably just a small CSS thing - easy to fix. Last little thing - the bottom image for your main page (the curved base image, just below the XHTML logo) has a space above it, which makes the blue background show through like a line across the whole page. Again, a little bit of CSS and you should easily get that to go back up to where it belongs. There are also some differences between browsers. In Firefox, the scrolling marquee at the top of the page disappears, and the text below it ("WELCOME TO ECHOS OF THUNDER") suddenly becomes centre aligned, and the audio doesn't autoplay (which is better in my opinion - I hate audio starting up without me asking for it ). There are those few bugs to get sorted out first, and I would fix them as a priority because it looks like people may be missing out on content depending on how they browse your site.
  19. rvalkass

    Free Php Ide

    I use Eclipse with the PHP Development Tools add-on. It keeps track of all your classes and provides code hints as you type that are relevant to your code. It also keeps everything neatly stored in project folders, and can sync itself with SVN repositories and all sorts of other useful stuff. Being free, you've got nothing to lose by trying it. Screenshot:
  20. One thing a lot of people overlook is fonts. On Windows, removing fonts can make a big difference to your startup and login times. Move fonts that you don't use to another folder, so they don't get loaded automatically. Then, just copy them across when you need them, and take them out when you have finished working with them (for example, after you finish a project using that font). A memory leak is normally caused by small errors when programming an application. I can't see how not launching a program would cause a memory leak? Have you got a more detailed explanation of how this memory leak occurs? Also, third party software really isn't needed for stopping startup programs. If I remember correctly, you can right click on the My Computer icon, and hit Manage. Go into the Services section and disable the ones you don't want. That does exactly the same as a third party app will do, but saves you a download, and often some money.
  21. Finally it seems that logic has hit these people. Phorm being an opt-out system was probably the worst thing they could ever have done. Using a cookie on your computer to make sure you really want to opt-out! Of course, if users do opt out then the cookie would likely get wiped out after a few days without you even noticing. It seems to have been decided that what UK ISPs are doing is illegal unless you explicitly opt-in, and it is made clear exactly what you are opting in to, and what the data will be used for. You can also test to see if your account is being monitored. I think you'll find a vast majority of software and hardware is marketed in that way.
  22. A university student in Michigan in the US has built his own half-size, fully functioning, Panzer tank, which also fires Red Bull cans out of the turret! It can do 20mph, and cost around $10,000 to build, although the parts he actually ended up using cost only $2,000. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There is also a video of this tank in action at the link above. Supposedly he built it to use in paintball competitions Personally, I wouldn't fight against a guy with a tank! Unless they build a few more, then that could make the games very interesting.
  23. You shouldn't need to touch the A, MX and CName records unless you are using your registrar's nameservers (usually if you are hosting the website yourself). If you point the domain to someone else's nameservers (such as Xisto's) then you do not need to modify the A, MX and CName records, and doing so will have absolutely no effect. However, I'll give you the instructions my domain registrar provide: Put simply, the A record holds the IP address the domain points to. The MX records list mailservers for the domain. They are used in order of lowest priority number to the greatest priority number. They are the servers which will handle emails sent to that domain. CName records create aliases, sending one subdomain to another. For example, you could forward ftp.example.com to uploads.example.com or something like that.
  24. There are other ways to tell how many rows there are in a database than changing all the IDs. The purpose of a unique ID is that it is unique (obviously) and permanent. Changing it can cause all sorts of problems with scripts. If you go into phpMyAdmin and click on the database you want information for, then look at the list of tables in the middle, you will notice a column labeled Records. That is a count of how many rows are in each table. If that doesn't take your fancy then try the following SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `table_name` WHERE 1 That returns an integer, which is the number of rows in the table. Changing all the IDs is never a good idea.
  25. Actually, you very often don't start with water. Oxygen and hydrogen are often biproducts of other chemical process, and can be collected and sold on. This is a form of recycling I suppose. The waste chemicals produced can often be used in another process, and therefore are collected and shipped off to whoever needs them. However, this rarely produces enough of a chemical to satisfy the world's needs. There are therefore methods of producing common chemicals. Oxygen and hydrogen can be gathered from pure water through electrolysis, but the process is very expensive, requires a lot of energy and the water needs to be very pure. The preferred method of 'producing' pure oxygen is from liquefied air. The liquid air is fractionally distilled to produce nitrogen gas, and often leaves the oxygen in a liquid state to be transferred to wherever it is needed. Obviously here you didn't start with water. Hydrogen is often gathered by reacting steam with methane at high temperatures and pressures (again, making the process expensive). This process produces three times as much hydrogen as was in the water (as you get 2 hydrogen molecules from the methane), so will ultimately result in more water than was initially used. The process also produces poisonous carbon monoxide gas, which needs to either be reacted with another chemical and turned into something useful and less deadly, or just gets released into the atmosphere, which makes it only marginally better than a car at the moment.
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