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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. Quantum theory is generally concerned with events on a sub-atomic level, rather than at the 'human' scale. This was one thing that the Schrodinger's cat thought experiment set out to show - quantum mechanics makes very little sense on a macroscopic scale. Quantum theory, and the uncertainty principle, actually say the following: before you observe a property of an object, you can only determine the probability of that property having certain values. This takes the form of a wavefunction. When the object is observed, and the property measured, the wavefunction 'collapses' and the property takes the measured value. However, the uncertainty principle says that, for certain pairs of properties, they can never be measured precisely (for example, if you know the velocity of an object absolutely precisely then it must occupy all space). The object still exists, you just cannot determine any of its properties to an arbitrary precision.
  2. This can be applied to Linux users too actually The hosts file is located at /etc/hosts. The httpd.conf file varies between different distributions, but is often stored at /etc/apache2/httpd.conf. Other than those two changes, the tutorial can be followed in exactly the same way.
  3. OK, I can tell that you have registered fstalkzone.com, and that someone else registered fs-talkzone.com the previous day. Legal action though may be a step too far. How did they come to register the address before you? Depending on how and why they registered the address will determine what action can be taken and whether you have any rights over it.
  4. A dash confuses people if they ever have to say your domain name to someone else. For example, they can't say "F S Talk Zone", but they have to say "F S Dash Talk Zone" instead, which just makes it longer and harder to say and remember. A slightly longer name, but without a hyphen (something like flightsimchat.com) could work better.
  5. As S_M said, that modification was most likely a version that only worked with that particular version of the forums. Now that we've switched to a newer version of IPB, a newer version of the mod will need to be found and tested to make sure it works OK. Hopefully it will return, but you may just have to be patient - OpaQue has a massive pile of things to get working on the forums right now
  6. I believe it was a custom modification, so OpaQue will need to work on the code to make sure it will work OK with the new forum version. This will take time, especially with all the other things needing to be done with the forums at the moment. In the meantime, use the icons next to the forum categories. They turn orange when there are new posts in that area of the forums, and blue when there aren't. That way you can see where there are new topics for you to take a look at. The forum games were moved to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so you may wish to look there for your forum gaming needs.
  7. I think most avatars have transparent backgrounds. If you've got an avatar you want to use then just remove the background and save it as a transparent PNG file. That way it will always blend in with whatever background it gets placed on. Alternatively, add a border around your avatar, so it doesn't look quite so odd with the white background.
  8. I suggest this chart: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Released by the Food Standards Agency, so I would say it can be trusted. However, as with all these things, if you are concerned then see your doctor for proper medical advice.
  9. I'm using three pieces of software at the moment to develop and maintain my websites. The GIMP - http://www.gimp.org/ This is a free image editing application, available for Linux, Mac and Windows. I use it for doing the graphical parts of my web designs, along with a whole host of other stuff. It's fairly easy to use, especially if you're used to things like Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. There are also tutorials available all over the web giving advice on how to make web layouts, or parts of them, using The GIMP. Many Photoshop tutorials can also be followed in The GIMP with similar results. Eclipse with PDT - http://www.eclipse.org/pdt/ Again, available for Linux, Mac and Windows, I use this for managing all my projects and keeping track of all the files. It also keeps your code structure going, and remembers functions you create. It can look up PHP functions, provide help on them, do code completion, refactoring and a whole load of other cool features. It's free, so check it out. Kate - https://kate-editor.org/ Kate is an advanced text editor for KDE (so works on any platform KDE can be run on). It includes syntax highlighting and other cool little features. I use it when I just have to edit one page or for trying stuff out, and saves me opening up Eclipse.
  10. The problem is that you are most likely not dealing with people, but with automated systems to create accounts. Your current tactics are geared more towards stopping people than stopping a computer. The software being used most likely does not detect that membership needs to be approved, or it hopes you'll let them through anyway. This is only acting as a deterrent to legitimate people wishing to sign up. As you're dealing with a computer, the email address is likely not real, not being checked, or is only being checked by a computer, and therefore you will never receive a reply. If they are all using the same email address, fake or otherwise, you can usually ban that email address using the admin control panel for whatever forum software you are using. I would never let these spam accounts join. It artificially inflates the member count, and gives a bad impression to your forums. You need to stop them before they even sign up. If they're using the same IP address (or similar ones) then ban them. You can usually ban a block of IP addresses too (such as 10.10.10.* or 127.0.*.*) if they keep changing them. If you don't have a CAPTCHA enabled on your registration page, get one. Most forums have them built in, and there are often plugins or modifications to give different and better CAPTCHAs.If you are using the standard 'warped text' style CAPTCHA then try to make it as hard as possible, but still easy for a human to read. Try it out yourself a few dozen times to make sure it's always legible. You can also get ones that ask a question of the user, but a computer couldn't answer. For example, "What colour is an orange?" or "What is 4 plus 3?". That should stop most spam bots registering accounts with you. To deal with the problem of any spam that does get posted, get together a team of two or three people whom you trust, and assign them as moderators of your forum. Set them the task of eliminating any spam that manages to get through. If necessary, give them the power to ban members, IP addresses or email addresses, so that they can stop 'floods' of spam. There may also be a plugin/modification for some forums that checks each post against a central database of known spam posts, and then marks it for review before it appears, or deletes it straight away. That would automate the process of removing spam, but may remove legitimate posts in the process if you're not careful.
  11. I don't think there are any differences with the leads, or if there are they would be minimal. The only thing that makes me think there could be a difference is that the Akasa cable provided with my HDD caddy is marked USB Shielded High Speed, but that could just be marketing. The thing I am more confused about is how you expect the hub to increase USB speeds. If it is connected to a USB 1.1 port then that will still be the bottleneck, and it will still operate at USB 1.1 speeds. What you really need would be a PCI (or PCIe) USB 2.0 card to put inside your PC.
  12. Nintendo's official response to using the Wii with a PC monitor is to use a video capture card in the PC to pick up the Wii's video feed, and pass it to the monitor. The only problem is that the card tends to introduce a delay in the video, which makes games pretty much unplayable I also can't find any sort of suitable adapter, so it looks like (unless your monitor has one of those inputs) you'll need to get a TV, but make sure to research it first! A TV is a big expense compared to an adapter that might be able to do the job.
  13. I think it should be an address that is actually available: CONSOLE rob@rob-laptop:~$ whois fschat.com Whois Server Version 2.0 Domain Name: FSCHAT.COM Registrar: NAMEVIEW, INC. Whois Server: whois.nameview.com Referral URL: http://www.nameview.com/ Name Server: NS1.HITFARM.COM Name Server: NS2.HITFARM.COM Status: clientTransferProhibited Updated Date: 23-apr-2008 Creation Date: 09-dec-2001 Expiration Date: 09-dec-2008 Domain: FSCHAT.COM Created: 2001-12-09 Updated: 2008-04-23 Expires: 2008-12-09 Registrant FSCHAT.COM c/o Whois IDentity Shield 142-757 W. Hastings St., Suite #777 Vancouver, BC Canada V6C 1A1 Administrative Contact FSCHAT.COM c/o Whois IDentity Shield 142-757 W. Hastings St., Suite #777 Vancouver, BC Canada V6C 1A1 E-mail: EN31GDHRVQxkJY6pty93Uuwdez7j6vQew78TlpZ15qiPasB/Cg==@2008.identityshield.com Phone: +1 (604) 484-4206 Technical Contact FSCHAT.COM c/o Whois IDentity Shield 142-757 W. Hastings St., Suite #777 Vancouver, BC Canada V6C 1A1 E-mail: ZI3lvnSjNRELLFdXJ888+KRIC50uxhvhOQn/Gzf99GmqwOak@2008.identityshield.com Phone: +1 (604) 484-4206 Name servers for this domain: NS1.HITFARM.COM NS2.HITFARM.COM They're using a privacy service, so technically they don't actually own the domain, the privacy service does. It has also been registered for many years, but is up for renewal soon. If they don't renew it, you could grab it then.
  14. Let's see how many Articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are getting broken at the moment... Article 9 (arbitrary detention and arrest), Article 13 (freedom of movement and freedom to leave and return to your home country), Article 19 (freedom of expression and use of the media). Perhaps we need Amnesty International to help out in the UK? I refer you to my discussion on the matter here. According to documents released by Wikileaks, you will also need ID cards for everyday activities, such as opening bank accounts and buying any age-restricted products. Have you ever seen Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister? No matter who we have in power, there will still be spin, lies and corruption. "Honesty" is a word that is alien to pretty much everyone in government at the moment. Erm, the Liberal Democrats are probably the closest we have to a liberal party rather than the Green party.
  15. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  16. When people reach the forums via a search engine they are presented with a version of the forums that contains a large number of adverts. You can see it here: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php/ Those ads obviously make money which can be put towards Xisto and providing hosting for all of us . The other way money is made is from word of mouth, directing people to paid hosting. For example, if someone was to ask you where to get web hosting, you would recommend Xisto - Web Hosting (the paid version of Xisto) due to your good experiences with the hosting here. I have done it myself a few times, and that has of course directed customers to the parent company of both Xisto and Xisto - Web Hosting, Xisto.
  17. I think so. That's why you never actually see the audience's reaction, you can only hear them - and there is nothing which proves their reaction was for that trick. Or that it was that audience, in that studio, at that time. The same reaction could be got from any trick, and just dubbed over the top. If the audience were in the studio at the time, then it would have been obvious to them how it was done. It is only by watching through the camera, and the convenient cuts to the judges, that make the illusion work.
  18. Trap17 does not allow the discussion of any illegal activities, including software piracy. Downloading The Sims 1 would be illegal and therefore cannot be discussed on Xisto.
  19. This is one of those tricks that lacks the key point of televised magic: a continuous camera shot from a single camera. Here is my theory for how it was done:At the start of the trick there are 5 people on stage: Kevin James, the nurse, the midget (all obvious). Then, there is one person with no lower body, the 'top half' of the person who gets cut in half. The 5th person is bent at the waist inside the table, with their legs visible to everyone.When hit with the chainsaw, the person with no lower body falls forward onto the table, producing the illusion of the full body being cut in half. They are then moved onto the rolling trolley and moved forward. Note that they are carried on the tabletop. This leaves the first table open. The nurse wheels it off and this allows the person inside to escape.The camera then cuts away. Why? Up until now they have managed with a continuous shot. The person in the table gets out and walks on stage, and lays down on the rolling trolley, obscured by the torso and Kevin James. The camera returns and you see the nurse just lifting the legs onto the table. This gives the impression she has carried them back from off-stage. Of course, she hasn't. The duration of the cut away to the judges also doesn't really seem long enough for all that change to occur 'properly' on the stage, suggesting that it has been shortened.Now the dilemma is removing the person with only a torso from the trolley, leaving the full-bodied person to sit up and take their bow. Another camera cut away, only for a second, and then we return. The torso has been moved to a lying position. Another cut away, and now the only person on the trolley has a full body. The illusion is complete.Comparing this to pretty much every other act that gets shown on these types of show, why was there no shot of the audience? You can hear them, but at no point do you actually see them. Also, the judges' reactions may be faked (i.e. they are in on the trick) for the cameras. They need something to cut away to, and the audience would not be the best idea.Cheating really, but that's why it's such a big thing when a televised trick makes use of a single camera, a continuous shot and no editing.
  20. I don't think most people are there yet. From most music sites you don't pay for a digital file - you pay for a licence to use it. That is not allowing the user to choose the format on which to listen to their music, but being dictated to as to what formats they are allowed to use, and what their licence will allow them to do. Still, there are exceptions. Magnatune for example lets you choose what to pay, and to download the full-quality FLAC files. Also, 50% of whatever you pay goes straight to the artist/band. Oh, and there's no DRM. They were also there way before Radiohead did their 'pay what you want' album. Until more sites are like Magnatune, I don't think we can really say that we've reached a time where you can pay for the music, and it is yours to do what you want with.
  21. A very nice looking site - the colours work really well together, and fit well with the theme and purpose of the site. The choice of font for the top navigation is also good, although it could be a little tricky for some people to read. A font in a similar style, but perhaps less elaborate, may have worked better. I would also perhaps have moved the logo to the top of the red column on the left. It's current location makes it drop off the bottom of my monitor, and placing the main branding below the fold is not a good idea! The rest does not really apply if your task is not being marked as a website. If it is just being marked as a design then you can ignore the rest However, if it is being marked as a webpage then this all needs to be considered. My main gripe, however, is with accessibility. Here is how the site looks if the user doesn't have Flash installed: Effectively, all the user can see is your main page, with no navigation or even images. Not a great way to present a site. The accessibility problem is made worse by the fact that CSS background images are used for the titles. Not only does this make it difficult to edit pages, but it also makes it impossible for those words to appear in search engines, and impossible for them to be picked up by a screen reader. The page also doesn't validate. That means you have no idea whether the page would display correctly in the user's browser. Finally, adjusting the font size. As the navigation and titles are not text, they don't change size when the browser text size is changed. This make the whole design look rather odd if the user has changed their preferences from whatever the defaults are. I'm sorry that's all rather critical and negative - I'm just trying to give constructive criticism Overall it is an excellent design.
  22. The old Credits system is kinda linked in with the forums, and I believe OpaQue is trying to upgrade the forum version and remove the Credit system at the same time. It needs to be done ever so carefully to make sure everything still works Hopefully soon it will all be gone, once the new system is working perfectly and has totally replaced the old system.
  23. First, kudos to miladinoski for spreading the word about Xisto! Warez, and all other illegal activities, are barred from discussion at Xisto for one simple reason: they're illegal! Hence, to avoid legal issues, Xisto has a zero tolerance policy. In many countries it is not the person who posts the content, but the person who hosts it that becomes responsible for it. This is why any reputable web host will not allow illegal software, or anything close to it, to be hosted on their servers. For Xisto, that includes the forums. Spam reduces the quality of the forums and makes them harder to use. It also impacts on the position of Xisto in the search engines. If Xisto drops down the search engines, less people sign up and use the forums. Of course it is beneficial to have Xisto as busy as possible, so that is why spam is not allowed. The second, and rather more obvious reason is that it is unfair. Say someone signs an account up and just copies advertising into 100 posts. The system would still issue them with myCENTs for those posts, and so they could get free hosting for no work or content. Soon, everyone would do it rather than making helpful and meaningful posts.
  24. The Wii only has composite, component and SCART output. So, your monitor would need one of those as an input. Alternatively, you could get some kind of converter to convert one of those to something your monitor will take as an input.
  25. If Girls = Evil then Men = (Girls)^3, so guys are way better than girls!Also, if we define Evil as 0.5 then Girls are way more evil than Guys
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