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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. It makes a big difference when reading and writing files, especially large numbers of small files that require information to be read from places all over the disk. For example, having a 10k or 15k drive can make a big difference to boot speeds compared to using a 7200 drive. The same applies in games when loading levels or whatever. These generally require loading a large number of files, and therefore a faster disk can make a large difference.
  2. Java is mainly what Eclipse is used for, and by default is how it is configured. However, there are extensions and addons etc. that can be used to change your workspace to work for other languages. I use one for PHP that adds extra functionality and changes things around to work better with PHP coding rather than Java. I wouldn't really use it for a book. It's more for programming languages. Having said that, I'm sure you could use it for LaTeX and write your book with that...
  3. It has five main pieces of software: Writer - Word Processor Calc - Spreadsheets Impress - Slideshows and Presentations Draw - Diagrams and artwork (no real Microsoft equivalent) Base - Databases More information: http://www.openoffice.org/why/why_great.html I would consider having to use Microsoft Office as rather unfortunate
  4. Everyone is different, and there is no way I can give you a surefire method to manage your time better. However, I can tell you some things that have worked for me, and you can give them a go. If they work, great! If they don't, try another suggestion. Generally, I don't do well with time-management on the computer. I get bogged down in organising my tasks and time, without ever actually doing anything. I've tried using KDE's time management software, along with loads of other packages, and the to-do list in Google. None of them really did it for me, so I have gone for more manual methods The first is using a whiteboard (dry erase board, dry wipe board, whatever you want to call it). I simply write down each task, when it needs to be done by, and a rough estimate of how long it will take (if possible). If it's a big task I'll split it down into smaller tasks, so you get a sense of achievement with each one Or, keep a rough percentage of how much you've done, or reduce the time that it will take. You can quickly add and remove tasks as you need them, change details, and you can always see how much you've got to do at a glance. You can also get lots of different colours and all sorts of things to make it look nice, or help you organise further. And it's all fairly cheap. If you've got no specific tasks to get done then set yourself some goals. Down the side of the board write down some times or dates (depending on how long-term these goals are ). Split it down into the hours of the day, the days of the week or whatever works for you. Set yourself a goal for each time slot. If you use hours, they'll all be fairly simple things: read the next chapter of a book, do your washing, go for a walk, whatever. But they all help you to manage your time and stop you getting too carried away on one thing and realising a week later that you haven't actually done anything! PostIt notes also work well. I have a shelf that runs above my desk, and I can stick PostIt notes to the front edge of it. Write each task on a PostIt, and stick it up. Order them by priority, when they need to be done, whatever you want. The advantage here is that you can reorder them without having to rewrite them. Again, if you've got no specific tasks that need to be completed, write some goals for what you want to get done, then stick those up. Give yourself a time to complete each one and pull them down when you've done them.
  5. The best you can do is take the phone apart as much as possible without breaking it (take the battery out, the SIM card, the keypad, everything you can easily take out) and leaving it in a warm, dry spot in your house (perhaps near a radiator or something) to dry out.Also try the SIM card in another phone to see if it works.
  6. Which Linux distribution are you using? Most distributions have packages available for PHP, Apache and MySQL which can be installed in a couple of clicks or one line on the terminal.
  7. Yes, this is possible. Your hosting provider will give you the details for their nameservers. You are asked for these when you purchase your domain. Simply enter the details given to you by your hosting provider and the domain will point to their hosting. You are free to switch your hosting provider at any time - just make sure you take a backup of all your files, databases and emails first. Contact your hosting provider and tell them you want to leave. They will cancel your contract (or let it carry on for however long you have paid for in advance). Then just buy hosting somewhere else and restore all your files. Then, change the nameservers for all your domains to those needed for your new hosting provider. A nameserver is a computer which holds a list of web addresses and a list of IP addresses, and can be used to look up the relation between the two. For example, given a domain it can tell you the IP address of the computer in charge of that domain. Each domain has nameservers related to it, and these hold the details about where the actual website can be found.
  8. It depends on how many transactions you're doing, how much each transaction is for (are we talking a few pounds/dollars/whatever or many thousands?) and how well you want the service to integrate into your site. If you have a business bank account then approach your bank for advice. They will likely be able to offer an online transaction service for a reasonable fee, and provide help and support in getting it running.Then there are generic services like PayPal and 2Checkout which you can look into. These won't integrate as well into your site, and you will need to look carefully at the charges and fees for making transactions.
  9. They can't eat Linux though, and I doubt Apple would ever sell out to them I see Microsoft becoming more like Google. The Windows OS may fall by the wayside, and their focus will shift to online services to compete with Google. For the first time in years, Microsoft has invested some time and effort in improving Hotmail, for example.
  10. Your MX records can be changed in cPanel by clicking the helpfully titles MX Records link. From there you can change the MX records for each of the domains linked to your account. Set them to the values required by Google, shown here: support.google.com/a/ and here: support.google.com/a/answer/54717 To re-verify your domain, log in to your Google Apps account. You should be presented with the option to verify your domain, and you just need to follow the instructions. There is also detailed help here: support.google.com/a/answer/63026 You can also check what is happening with your domains by clicking the Domain Settings tab, then on Domain Names, and you will be presented with a list of the domains associated with your Google Apps account, along with their current status.
  11. At the moment it is not possible to transfer myCENTs between members. As far as I know, there are no plans to add this feature in the future either.If you are running low on funds then there is the option to add funds to your billing account using a credit card. Just log in to your billing area and click the Add Funds link.
  12. A square metre receives roughly 1300W of power from the sun when it is shining brightly and directly overhead. We shall say the average car roof is around 2 square metres, giving a maximum power of 2600W. Mass produced solar cells are around 20% efficient at best, so the best you could hope for is 520W of power. Of course, cloudy days and the process of storing this energy will cause that to drop even further.So, to power a conventional 100BHP car, you would need almost 300 square metres of solar panels. The solution, therefore, is to make a more efficient car, and more efficient solar cells, so that the amount of power produced and the amount of energy used by the engine/motor come in line with one another and you can run the car indefinitely.
  13. The domain name is set up correctly, so the problem can only lie with the nameservers or how you have linked that domain to your hosting. Also, I have just tried pinging both the nameservers listed on your domain and got no response. This means the problem is with your hosting company, and that their nameservers are not actually responding to requests.
  14. The GIMP and Photoshop are not designed for the creation of 3D graphics. They are primarly image editing applications. Inkscape, however, does include some primitive 3D drawing elements, such as 3D perspective cubes. If you require anything more complicated than that, however, then you are better off looking at some 3D modelling software like Blender, which is also free. The GIMP and Photoshop work in pretty much the same way, have the same menu items and similar interfaces, so I've never had a problem switching between them. Also, many tutorials, tips and tricks for one will work perfectly on the other piece of software.
  15. This appears to be the error in the installation: There appear to be discussions here, here and here. Take a look and see if their solutions work for you. They are all a similar problem to yours, even if for slightly outdated versions of both Ubuntu and the driver. If not, you can always try contacting ATI for help.
  16. I do the following to nuke a HDD: WARNING: The following command will wipe all data, unrecoverably, from your hard disk drive! CONSOLE me@my-laptop:~$ dd if=/dev/zero of=<hard disk device> Overwrites the whole drive with nothing. So far, not a single data recovery company has been able to recover a drive that has been put through that. There is even a competition to see if anyone will be able to do it.
  17. Yes. A single quoted string is not parsed by PHP, so requires virtually no memory or CPU power. A double quoted string gets parsed by PHP for variables etc. That requires memory, CPU power and time. If you have 100 double quoted strings on a page, being accessed by 1000 people, that is an awful lot of time, CPU power and memory getting used when it doesn't have to be used.
  18. Part of quantum physics is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This states that there are certain properties of an object you can never know more precisely than a certain value. The most common form of this is the following formula: Where Delta X is the uncertainty in the position of the object and Delta P is the uncertainty in its momentum (its mass times its velocity). The h-bar over 2 is the certain value which sets the maximum precision you can know these values to. If the uncertainty in its position becomes 0 (ie. you know exactly where it is) then the uncertainty in its momentum must go to infinity, so it would be travelling infinitely fast with infinite mass. Similarly, if you know its velocity precisely, the the uncertainty in momentum becomes 0, so its position becomes infinite.
  19. There have been a huge number of problems with the Oyster card system lately, but there is not a lot London Underground can do - it's so integrated into the network now that to remove it and replace it would be a lot more trouble than dealing with the complaints.Keep track of your journeys, your balance before and after each one, and what you expect it should have cost. That way you can see where they're failing. It also gives you something concrete to go to Trading Standards with. If you can show that they are consistently overcharging you, then it will be assumed they're doing the same to everyone else, and will get a hefty fine.
  20. Discussing pirating movies, and especially providing links and detailed instructions on how to do it, is against the rules. There are also already other topics dealing with this, so this one is closed.
  21. Yes. Ubuntu detects pretty much all hardware without installing drivers. The exception is graphics cards, which function best with proprietary drivers (although Ubuntu do provide their own drivers).
  22. Any idea which versions of Firefox this affects? Or whether it applies to all operating systems?
  23. Quantum mechanics deals with phenomena on the scale of atoms (and smaller) rather than on a 'human' scale. It contains other theories like the uncertainty principle, Schrodinger's equation, the Pauli exclusion principle and quantum entanglement. All these are things that don't really appear to affect you on a human scale, but have a great effect on sub-atomic particles (ie. the particles that make up atoms).
  24. A domain, once registered, can be used for websites and email, and anything else you care to think of. In the eyes of the domain, websites and email are the same thing. All the domain does is point you to the right port on the right machine to carry that task out. If the domain is registered in your name then you will have been provided with information to access some form of control panel for it. Log in and change the nameservers to: NS.COMPUTINGHOST.COM NS2.COMPUTINGHOST.COM After a couple of hours the domain will be ready to link to any hosting account with Xisto or Xisto - Web Hosting. If the domain is registered by the ISP, and in their name, then you will need to contact them to change the relevant details.
  25. The hosts file on Linux works in exactly the same way as the hosts file on Windows, so I see no reason why you couldn't. For example, this is what mine looks like: localhost127.0.1.1 rob-laptop# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopbackfe00::0 ip6-localnetff00::0 ip6-mcastprefixff02::1 ip6-allnodesff02::2 ip6-allroutersff02::3 ip6-allhosts As far as I know it is exactly the same as a Windows one, and works in the same way.
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