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LeAnn Rimes My Angel

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Everything posted by LeAnn Rimes My Angel

  1. Using public computers is not necessarily entirely safe. Several examples, is, people could put something on your keyboard to track every button you press, which could get password(s) from you. Lines that say they are over a "secure" line when making transactions online or buying things, is not necessarily as secure as you may think. There is an article I found in the newspaper that I copied and wrote in my forums to show all my members. I'll share it with you as well. People may find it very informative.
  2. Thanks for the heads up on the situation. I'll be more cautious about keeping an eye open for any suspicious files being shared to me. I noticed Microsoft recently released version 7.0.0816 (which is the newest version) since the slightly older release of 7.0.0813. Does anyone know if the newest release fixes the problem to this virus?
  3. Hello and welcome back, Luke! I am .... about the billionth member here who joined. lol I'm really not sure what my number is, but I know it's over 1000. I hope you're here to stay this time. See you around, and have fun. xD
  4. The average IQ for a person is between 90 - 110. I'm somewhere in between there, very average. As for exact number, that's my little secret.
  5. The Fast and the Furious - Cool cars, nice women, great actors, awesome movieTitanic - Wonderful movie with a great story. Excellent acting, and overall good-feeling movie.Star Wars III - (Revenge of the Sith) - Oh my god! What a kick-@$$ movie! The lightsaber fights were amasing, the stunts were great, and it was a perfect way to end a 6-movie story. Well done to George Lucas. The only thing they needed work on was Padme's and Anakin's lines. They seem a little too enfactuated with each other to make it seem realistic.
  6. Well, I recently stopped playing (for a while at least) one online game. JK2... it was becoming a problem for me again, so I deleted it from my USB. Don't worry, I own the legal copy of it on CD at home. I just don't carry a CD around to places where I play, I use my USB. It's faster, smaller, and less fragile. For the next month, I need to find some way to motivate myself to apply myself more in job searching. It's time I get out there are start getting active in earning a living. So for now, and the next month, I plan on not playing the game at all. Wish me luck.
  7. My favorie cars are Toyotas and Hondas. Japanese cars are made to last, and are the most reliable vehicles overall on the road today. They are the most competitive, and you simply can't beat their quality and lifespan. They need love and care too, and that's why I take good care of my Echo. As for sports car, although it's not built very well, I would have to say the Dodge Viper GTS. *drules* Power, style, and beauty all in one. I love the bad-@$$ look of it, the sleek curves, and the force of your head being whip-lashed in the seats when the pedal is to the medal. lolol
  8. Parents can be a pain in the butt sometimes, I truly know that for sure. But eventually, most of us will grow up to be similar to our parents since they are, and have been our closest role models. The thing we need to do is to be wise. To do this, we need to pay attention to their mistakes in parential skills, and make sure we don't repeat history if, or when we have kids. Life is full of lessons, and even the bad ones can be valuable. It is important to always keep an open mind in all matters, and try to understand everyone's points of views around you, even if you don't agree with them. Keep an open mind and learn from them. Everyone can teach us something valuable that we can apply to our lives, but being shallow and close-minded will not allow us to grow or to be better humans. Keep cool, think clear, and don't make decisions when you get mad. You need to be calm to make desicions. That's just my two cents, so I hope it helps out all the readers. Life is a game, but it's also a lesson. Peace!
  9. One word explains how I felt - relief. It was so rewarding to finally be accepted for my site. Ever since then, it has grown greatly! I have more members visiting, and I also offer free support, and updates for my website forums for everyone. It's been a fun journey along the way, but unfortunately I had a few google and MSN bots visiting. I'd rather not have my site greatly advertised on the Internet, so I banned as many of their IPs as I could find. lol But things have been great; a few bumps along the way in terms of website / control panels being down, but just on a few occasions that I can remember. The service is great, the people are great, and the package is great. I cannot complain at all! I've already recommended this site to a buddy of mine, and I will continue to do so in the future. Keep up the great work Xisto! You guys are the best. We appreciate everything you're doing. And I'm glad to have you.
  10. That is a really good question, but I cannot give a good answer. I only visit when I can. So maybe about once a week or so, I'm not really too sure. When I post, I'm usually here for about an hour or two. In a daily period, I'd say that I average out to be around 10 to 15 minutes per day, approximately.
  11. I'm not really big on sports, but if I had to choose, I would say soccer, baseball, basketball, pool, biking, jogging, tennis, and hiking. When I get physical, I'd prefer being active rather than getting pushed around in a more agressive sport such as foot ball.
  12. I think that the hosting credit setup is just fine how it is for the time being. One extra thing that would be a good idea to add would be the number of replies made to someone's post should possibly increase their credit rathing. That's just my opinion. Or the number or views that their post gets could be conisdered too, but if no one posts I guess that would be relatively useless.
  13. Wow, this post is popular and getting old. Gay marrage is not a big issue to anyone. People should not see it as a bad thing, since it does not effect their lives if they are 'straight'. People are usually uncomfortable with the idea of two gays being together, but that's usually because they are suffering from some sort of insecurity with themselves, or because they've been brainwashed by religion. It could also be an immaturity thing as well. There's lots of possibilities. It's best just to let things happen, and stop trying to control and use politics all the time. There would be consequences due to this, but it would have more bennefits than anything else, and help people to adapt, learn, and be more socially acepting. That probably won't happen ever though, since this is a world developed by progressing laws.
  14. It's been so long sime I posted, and since I'm using Firefox, I am unable to tell which posts I've replied to and which ones I haven't. So I'll try to see what I can do. Life after death - I say not likely. People are born of chemicals working in a complex structure. We are unique, but not special. I believe we do not have souls, so therefore we will not experience any after life.
  15. Marriage is a human-made thing. Nothing else in nature gets "married", so I say sure, why not? It doesn't cause harm to anyone else around them, so I think gays should be entitled to getting married if they choose to. The one thing I think is, they should not be entitled to bennefits for having a child, unless they adopt one.
  16. I'm happy with my life, except for a few flaws. I would want to be me, in the current year. Only I wish I didn't procrastonate so much. That's my fault that I need to fix.
  17. AMD of course. There's only bennefits to using their CPUs. I would and could never touch an Intel chip unless I'm forced to. AMD is doing better than Intel now in performance, yet their prices are going up now since they know where they stand. AMD is the better choice, still, and they've done an incredible job in their processors. I'm glad we have competition like them to go against the big boys - Intel, because without them, all new CPUs would be $1000+ U.S..
  18. I know Microsoft has a spyware program out now, and it's free. It's only supported on XP I believe (unfortunately), so if you have XP, give it a try! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. June 11, 2004 they started? I never knew Xisto was so young! Congratulations, and happy birthday Xisto!
  20. Well I like Nike, but I don't like the way they create their shoes - slave labor. I enjoy comfort, a reasonable price, and style. New Balace is my shoe of choice, but I also like Rockports. Yeah, I know, you may be saying Rockports are for the "older generation", but they're genuine leather. It helps your feet to breath. They're not really super-stylish, but they're flexible, soft, and very comfortable.
  21. I don't like blogs, plain and simple. They're cool if others have them, but I would never create one. I just don't like the idea of sharing personal information, ideas, photos, or other things to complete strangers on the Internet. Plus, if seach-engines use their cookies to find your site and add it to the Internet, it's there forever. Everyone should consider that next time they decide to add their personal e-mail to their profile, or talk about themselves, or give out their entire name. If I'm going to share something, I'll post it on a site that hasn't been found on the Net. Right now it's my own site that is supported here at Xisto.
  22. I enjoyed the first one very much. The acting was good, and in the Special Edition DVD they talk about how they made a good car better, with Nox. I'm sorry to say, but in the second movie the acting was simply terrible, and the story was not all that great either. They had a plot, but the opening sentence where the invitation to race against other people was "yeah man, you know I could use the money", just seemed a little too cocky-attituded for me, as if he knows he will win, and all the other racers are not as good as him. The first one had a good story, yet still simple. It felt more real, as if this kind of thing could actually happed with a cop under cover, and criminals stealing from truck drivers. They should have left it at that, but I guess they decided to make it a trilogy. There may be more in the future (2010?), but I hope not. The first movie was great, the second one needed a lot of work and better acting. We'll see what the third one is like soon, but I'm not going to rate it lightly.
  23. The world will become more lazyer than it already is. Cars will fly. Many more discoveries for diseases will be discovered. Computers will be smaller, faster, cheaper, and far more powerful. It will be hotter outside due to global warming. Things will be breaking down faster and more easily because they will be made cheaper due to competition. Hardware will be experiencing more problems due to heat issues. College and High School students will all be using laptops (or something similar) rather than a pen and paper. There will be more online tutorials rather than teachers in the classroom. Grocery stores will use robots for stocking shelves, and computers for people purchasing groceries. Transportation such as buses, cars, taxies, airplanes, and war planes will all be computerised with no people involved, except for the ones monitoring them. Everything will be digital, security higher, theft higher, global threats due to terrorism higher, and more diseases out there.Those are just a few of my thoughts. Don't let me scare you.
  24. I am interested in learning how to make a mod, or to improve a previous mod. Can anyone point me to any sites that offer tutorials on becoming a mod maker, or someone who can fix mods for their exploits and problems? Any help would be helpful, since I'm trying to help out a friend's clan. Thanks in advance!
  25. Before when I bought my computer, my original intention was to use it for school work. Then I started buying PC games, and I just kept playing them. My computer became a gaming PC, and I rarely used it for school work or anthing else. I was on dial up for a long time, which really sucked due to it's incredibly slow speed. Then I got high speed from Dell. It was wonderful, and the best part about it was that my IP was dynamic. So any time I got banned from a server for breaking rules, I simply reconnected again. hehe
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