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LeAnn Rimes My Angel

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Everything posted by LeAnn Rimes My Angel

  1. The way I enjoy to start my day is like every other day. heh I wake up in the morning, take a shower, eat, get dressed, and leave the house to do whatever I have planned for the day. It's not very exciting, but I think it's the regular routine everyone else generally follows.
  2. Well, um... 1 billion dollars is a lot of money. I'm not sure what I would do with it. Possession of things is never a good thing, even if it's money, because people become dependant on it, and greedy. I guess I would share it with my family members, because they are the people who count in my life. The rest of it, I would spend only what I need, and not spoil myself with it. Mature payments, getting only what I need is the best way to be when you have money, because eventually, everything runs out... even 1 billion dollars.
  3. I'm not a believer in god, but presuming that there was a god, and I did meet him/her, I would probably ask questions such as, how the universe started, how life started, when time started, and the biggest question of all - what is the purpose of life? After that, I would be so honored.
  4. That's a hard question to figure out. I guess statistically, evolution has evolved humans to some degree for this generation than the last, and going back millions of years, our ancestors were all once single-celled organisms. So yes, scientifically, the newer generation SHOULD be more intelligent than the last. But due to the environment they are exposed to, pollution, chemicals, television, video games, I would normally say yes due to evolution, but these other factors, I would have to say no. The younger generation spends it's time in front of video games and television, and computers more now than they did in the past. Back then, they focused on physical toys, and outdoor activities which are essential for good health and intelligence to be maintained. I think that people are now on a downfall, where technology is being used extensively, which makes life easier, and people tend to get lazier and lazier all the time. So, our brains will too.
  5. It wasn't so long ago that I switched from Internet Explorer to Firefox. I just feel that Firefox will block most of the spyware and ad-aware that Internet Explorer accepts. It's a good and stable browser, and that's why I use it. It's user-friendly, and really easy to clear the cache, cookies, history, etc all with one button in 1/2 a second. Internet Explorer takes about 30 seconds for each one, and I just don't like waiting while it does it's thing.
  6. I prefer eating alone. This way, you don't have to talk, and eating gets done faster. Plust, it's more of a personal and private thing for me. I don't like the idea of someone watching me as I eat... opening my mouth, and swallowing the food. Sometimes I wonder if people may thing I'm being sloppy, but that all depends on if it's finger food or not. If I have to eat with someone, I will however, as long as they don't stare at me or look at me as they're drinking something. Those two things in particular really tick me off sometimes.
  7. I don't have any tattoos and I'm not interested in getting any. The reason being, is because I am just not fascinated in them. They look nice, but having to wake up every morning and seeing it in the same place, and the same thing would get boring after a while, I imagine. Some of them do look bad-*bottom* I admit, but once you're 50 or 60 years old, it just won't look so cool on you. Plus, it will be somewhat warped due to the saggy skin. heh I'm just kidding.
  8. I spend my time on my website mostly, and gaming. Occasionally I may check yahoo and gmail. I also enjoy talking to people on MSN to find out what's new with them.
  9. The best cars in the world don't have to be the strongest, like a Dodge Viper or Ford Mustang. The best cars in the world are the most reliable to me, so Toyotas and Hondas.
  10. Only 2 sets, Velveteen? That's not too many. ROFLLet's see, I have 13 heading to the basement, and ... 14 heading upstairs. So 27 total. Interesting question, but quite original. hehe
  11. I use phpBB forums, because I've used it for almost 3 years now on other sites. They keep udated all the time which is nice.
  12. MSN 7.5 came out a little over a week ago I believe. I downloaded it, and have not seen much difference between it and version 7.0, except for the sign in appearance. Who else here has downloaded MSN 7.5, and how do you all like it?http://www.msn.com/de-de?rd=1&ucc=DE&dcc=DE&opt=0
  13. I had Crazy Frog the song on my website for a few weeks, but it started to drive a few of my members crazy. Personally I like the song very because it's dance music. Dance music is fun, but not everyone can share that same opinion of mine.
  14. heh that was pretty good. I guess all girls have the potential for being evil, but so do men. No one is perfect, but that is what makes us so interesting and all unique.
  15. Right now I am listening to my oldies music on my website. It's good hearing the beatles sing again. I was brought up on oldies, since my mom was borin in the 50's. hehe
  16. My favorite song is Can You Feel The Love Tonight by Elton John. Reason being, is because it's a beautiful love song from The Lion King. It was a Great movie!
  17. I think I've answered this question before, but my two favorite are Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. I heard JK4 (Jedi Knight: Jedi Council) will be coming out some day. I can't wait.
  18. I recently started playing Wolfenstine. It's an older game, but fun once you get into it. I've only played it online twice so far, and I suck at it. Everyone keeps killing me, and there's a feature called buster, or something like that, that just keeps on kicking me. It's a feature that stops cheaters from cheating. I've started losing patience with the game, even though I think it has great potential for being fun. Having an integrated video card doesn't help much either.
  19. One of the songs I forgot to mention before is Keltic music. It's up beat, fun, exciting, and can entertain quite a crowd. I love Keltic with a passion, yet I don't hear very much of it on the radio, and I'm not a big-buyer of CDs. I also enjoy Oldies very much, especially music fromt he 50's and 60's. Those were the greatest times of music I'd say. I play quite a few famous old songs on my website such as Rock Around The Clock, Pretty Woman, and much more.
  20. I'm one of those people who remain skeptical about UFO's, spirits, god, souls, and the unknown. If it is something I can truly experience through taste, touch, seeing, hearing or smelling, then I believe there is a good chance of it existing in my own perspective. I don't truly know if UFO's exist in the universe, but to say we are along is extremely and highly unlikely. There is life somewhere else, I'm sure of it. But it is something that has to be proven to be true to know for sure. I like to have facts in almost everything to be sure of anything. As for god existing, I am a non-believer, and always will be. That's just me though, but I do know there are many spiritual people in the world, which I personally consider to be unfortunate. Don't ask me why, it's just the way I feel.
  21. How many hours I get depends on what I'm doing in my life. If I'm working in the bush, then I'll usually get 9 and sometmes 10 hours of sleep because I really need it. I'm a Geological Technologist, and working outdoors in a camp full of people is very strenuous and hard work for the body. When I am at home unemployed, I tend to slack off and focus more on entertainment and fun rather than work, job searching, and being physically active. I get anywhere from 6 to 12 hours. Yes, the hours really vary substantially when I am unemployed, which is a really bad habbit I need to get out of. Hopefuly once I get a job again, my sleeping pattern will be more consistent and time-scheduled.
  22. I believe you mean the GeForce FX 5200. That is a budget card, and runs at a slower speed compared to the other FX series. I think that particular model actually runs slightly slower than the GeForce 4 4200, so it's barely adequate if you're a serious gamer. A good graphics card to get for today's time would be a GeForce 6600 or a 6600 GT. Those offer great bang for your $. Cheers!
  23. It's hard to say why all that happened exactly one day after the warranty. That's really odd. Some of the computer's worst enemies is dust, heat, and electrical shocks. Moving parts are usually the first things to break down in a computer, such as fans and hard drives. Once you lose your CPU fan, your CPU is pretty much dead, or if you're lucky your computer will turn to the blue screen of death or simply shut down on time. It's important to buy a new fan every few years or so. Consider it a cheap, yet worthwile investment. Hard drives need cool air circulation too. I hope for your sake that you backed up your data before all this happened. It is unfortunate, but these things happen. All computer parts break down eventually. It's not a matter of IF, but a matter of WHEN. Always backup your important data, and prepare for the worst. It's good to be safe, rather than sorry in the end.
  24. Between the three options, I would say either Linux or Novel. I didn't know Novel made OS, but I know that they're a really secure-oriented company, yet their advertising skills lack. Maybe Linux would be the best. Microsoft, for security, NO WAY!
  25. A friend of mine did something similar to this to his x-girlfriend very recently. They broke up exactly a week ago, and all he did was he took her picture and make it upside down. She changed her password immediately.I think someone may know your password. You should probably change it ASAP, and see if that gets rid of the problem.
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