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Everything posted by Parubilla

  1. I have to disagree with you here, I don´t think that homework is bad, because that,s a review of the day so children can absorbed everything they have learned in the day, I don´t think it cut off the time with the parents, because homework is also an opportunity as a parent to see what your kid is learning in school and also share the learning experience that some parents think is only responsability of the teachers. On the other hand I do agree that all of the activities in modern schools are calculated, scheduled so they leave little or no space for the kids to relax at school and see it as something fun like I believe was for me, but I think most kids nowadays see it as boring and don´t have the same desires to go. For example when my brother was in Elementary school he had the lunch recess but it was only to eat they didn´t have a space to play with a ball that wasn´t allowed they just had to sit there, and I was like ?????? they are little kids they are supposed to play a lot, run, do a lot of physical activities that are required for the kids to be healthy. So I believe that´s why so many kids doesn´t perceive physical activity as fun but as a subject they have to pass, or the sport they have to take not because is required. Off course I also think is responsibility of the parents to not allow their kids to be slaves of the television or video games but to show them different activities they can do to learn but also have real fun directly interacting with real people.
  2. Dell tech support SUCKSSS totally as well as their computers. My BF got a dell within a week he had to get it back because it was crashing like crazy they change his computer for a new one. Then like 5 months later the keyboard was like falling into pieces, then it didn?t recognize the charger, a message appeared in the screen every time you plugged it in, saying "please connect an original dell charger" WTF????? he called he didn?t receive a straight answer from dell, so he had to buy a new one and like two months later it was falling again, I mean what kind of computer is that! And Dell didn?t do anything, and when that happened we were searching for an answer and found tons of people with the same problem and they have to pay to send the computer to dell because they said it was a mother board something like that issue, and when they received the computer again within days the same error, I mean thats just horrible.
  3. Well I think global warming it?s a reality, but the same reality we had 20, 30 or 50 years ago, when nobody paid attention to the topic.The thing I believe now it has become fashion they even came out with a name for it "going green", so they can sell us more stuff in name of the planet. We have to save, we have to recycle our trash, for example where I live the water bill it?s cheaper if you recycle your trash. I don?t think we are going to burn or freeze with the planet but I do believe the planet is changing for the better or worst who knows we are going to have to wait, but what really bothers me that it has become a business, in the past when the environmentalist did all the protest against USA for expel the largest amount of gases to the atmosphere no one pay attention to them, and now suddenly the governors not only in the US but in a lot of countries expect us to pay for that and create new taxes or raise the existents to help the "green" cause, and they want to sell us expensive cars, expensive food, etc. that?s what really pisses me off.
  4. Well off course natural medicines are wayyy better than the artificial ones, but I completely agree with you the regular doctors don't prescribe those medicines because the regular medical insurance don't cover those medicines, but there are certain companies that in their doctor list have like regular doctor with the alternative specialization, and those are the doctors I personally choose, because they have this especial training where they can prescribe the regular drug and then they can give you also the alternative one the natural one (homeopathic), and there is this german laboratory that produces all of this drugs I have been taking the alternative drugs for a while and they work really good, better than the others, the problem is that obviously the insurance doesn't cover this drugs and some of them are really expensive, but definitely if you have the possibility to buy them, does wonders for your body. I also agree with you with the flu vaccine, I have never taken the flu shot, because I've seen a lot of people that has taken it, and get the flu more often than before. I can't say i don't get any flu, actually It's really common in me but it past whitin days so it's not that horrible I can live with it. haha
  5. Well I have to say Windows 7 is wayyyy faster than vista, crashes less, the programs I have tried work really well, except for one thing I have noticed is that sometimes when I'm running a design program it thinks too much, without the file being too big, that's my only issue, aaa and I forget the security, it's really strange, because when you first install it, you off course put your session as an administrator, but if you try to modify windows files a message appears telling you that you must have permission from the administrator in order to make the changes, and then it's just weird because you have to go to the permission settings in the computer and surprise!! even if your profile says you are the administrator you really aren't, the "computer" is still the administrator so you have to change those settings and become the real administrator, for me that was a surprise because it was weird. I want to change the pc for a mac but I can say at least is a decent OS better than the devilish vista.
  6. He could, but the way he´s putting it the girl is like all over him and want something else, men are men, specially young it´s going to be really hard if he likes her not to at least hold her hand, let´s be honest is not that easy at those ages to be responsible and contain youself. And If your older off course you should only date girls over 18 if not that could get you a lot of trouble, and what if it´s a mean girl and want to make up something about you it could lead you to jail, there are things you just don´t think but could happen. I think you should date people according to your age stage I don´know how to explain it, but for me you shouldn´t go too low or too high.
  7. I think they do work but not in all cases, so they have to put the disclaimer off course, so the people don´t think that the medicine is magical and is going to do a miracle in their bodies. Every body is different and assimilate the drugs different, that´s why nowadays we have a lot of different treatments for one disease.
  8. haha it´s just that I have absolutely nothing to do, all the projects I have been assigned are done, my boss is not at the office and he hasn´t call to put me some work, so I just have nothing to do. I have some co-workers that I know have a lot of work, but that´s a project I don´t want to put my hands on, last time I did I had to work until 3 am or so everyday... so stay away from the devil. haha
  9. I think the same. It is really hard to find a job that you completely love and also pay the bills, I really enjoy my job, It have some advantages and disadvantages like everything in life, nothing is perfect. But for example people who really hates their jobs it´s not that they are not being fair to themselves but it´s that maybe they have a lot of responsibilities over their head so it´s not that easy to say I´m tired I quit and that´s it. Who´s going to bring the food to the table. Maybe they´ve been looking while working in their awful jobs but they haven´t found anything, it´s really hard to judge by that because you simply don´t know what´s going on in the lives of others. I think a good job is the one where you feel like your growing, that everything you do is being helpful for somebody and your job is appreciated. Also that have benefits besides the payment, retirement plan, health insurance, I don´t know there are a lot of benefits that can make people work happier. For example (and I´m totally jealous ) my boyfriend landed a job where he gets breakfast and lunch everyday for free and it´s spectacular, he is really picky when it comes to food and he says the food of his company is great so I totally believe him (and he has gained weight) hahaha so that must be truth, that´s one really cool benefit just imagine how much money do you save by month. I also think is the company responsibility to keep their employees happy so they make their work with more energy and love, if the employees are happy the company is happy, off course easier said than done.
  10. That?s definitely true, moms have something with sons that they just do nothing and we girls have to do everything, my mom used to be like that with my brother I?m the oldest of 2, but I really started to complain about how I did everything while he was doing nothing and at first my mom answered me like "he?s too young he can?t do anything yet I don?t want him to get hurt blah blah" and I was like ???? I did the same things when I was his age and nothing happened to me, like we went to the same school he used to lost his uniform jacket all the time and my mom was like you have to go and find it, It really got me because when I had his age no one helped me find my stuff I have to take care of it myself, then as he became older he became off course and he still is really irresponsible with his things I finished highschool when he was still in elementary school so he had to start being responsible, it never happens, and I don?t think is going to happen for a long time. Now that I don?t live at home I just can?t imagine all the pampering he must be receiving is not jealousy is just that I?m a more responsible and down to earth person because of the way I was raised like to do things by myself, and he just doesn?t have that, so it?s really hard to say how his life is going to be when he start college and have to be more independent and it?s not going to be an easy transition for him. Now he do little things around the house but it?s like once a month or never, or do the things so mediocre that you have to redo them. Awful. So lesson learned you have to treat your kids the same way, you cannot be partial, and that also creates rivalry between the siblings, like I?m not close to my brother I love him off course he?s my brother but it?s sad that I see other siblings and no matter the age gap they?re really close and it all comes on the upbringing.
  11. Ok I?m pretty bored today, I?ve been sitting on my desk at my office all day long with absolutely nothing to do, been posting, chatting, playing mah-jong hahaha, and the day is just soooo looonggg pretty sad for a Friday, but what do you do when you have this long nothing to do moments? (If you do) some people don?t have this long spare moments, my mother-in-law told me once "just leave if you have nothing to do you are not obligated to stay in the office looking at the computer" but I?m just afraid they?ll need me later and I?m gone... what a dilemma but I?m leaving early anyways :)The time pass so slow, but when you have tons of stuff to do, the hours fly and then you have to stay overtime because you haven?t finish your job and like it?s common in the design agencies everyone need everything right away. But anyways welcome weekend!!
  12. I listen to yahoo music but sometimes the ads are annoying but I can put the music I like from all kinds of artist, or select the station by genre, it?s the one I always go directly to, I have tried some others radio stations but most of them don?t play the music I want to hear.
  13. I have read a lot of the threats and somehow is right and don?t I believe men always have to pay for child support, sorry if the woman lie to you sorry if the condom broke and you didn?t want any kids, has your blood you have to pay period. The money is supposed to go to the child to take care of him, to maintain a child is a lot of money so the child support is necessary specially when the mother alone can?t pay for all the expenses. Then is also the point if you think as a man that the money you?re sending is not going directly to the kid but the mother is spending it on something else, then you have to act and get legal action over it, you don?t want the kid starving and you sending the money. And another thing is that a mother should never keep the father from seeing the child, I don?t know if that?s illegal but it should be, unless you have the right reasons for not letting him seeing he?s an addict and is going to hurt the child or whatever valid reason, but not just because, and then have the face to ask for a monetary child support, and where is the love support that this father wants to give to his child? you can?t denied that.
  14. Agree with you, patience is very important in life, but there are times where you can´t be patient, so it´s more important to learn and recognize those moments, because then sometimes when you don´t take your decisions right away, it may be too late when you finally decide. I´m patient for some things well it actually depends more on my mood, but I try to stay calm and wait in most situations but sometimes it is impossible, and I for me is also difficult to rely on people to do things for me for the same reason when it comes to work I have 0 patience for slow and let´s-waste-time workmates.
  15. I don?t think that just because the label says that it it not approved then it?s bad, because just to get the product to the market they should have made a lot of tests I guess, sometimes I just go with the laboratory who?s producing it, to see if it?s a... not mean legal but well established laboratory, and maybe if you can find out a person who has been taking the drug to see how it goes. You can see also if the drug is approved somewhere else in the world, like the FDA has not the last word on drugs, so maybe another countries have more research on the kind of drug you are looking for and help you decide if buy it or not.
  16. But when I was in college I have a class about legal things like in design web and stuff, and they told me, that you could do that, buying the name like that but if you weren´t using the domain for anything related with the name then you have to give back the domain and let them buy it at a regular prize or something like that, like if you want to use the nike.com, domain nike would have the right to use it, because they are big and have an advantage over you getting the domain. I don´t know if I´m wrong but those laws have been changing a lot in the last couple years.
  17. All they care about is making money, and they will keep doing the same things until they have to close, their time will come suddenly, but in the mean time we will have to live with them. Off course they know the files they?re hosting they just don?t care, until someone says hey that?s illegal, that?s when they ban the account I think and erase the file. Anyway they are not the only ones making money the pirate business makes a lot of money so they are not going to leave it yet.
  18. It was a really funny story for me, because that?s something that has been running around the internet since the boom of the social networking sites, about how you handle your things online, like if she?s really not depressed or she can control it using medication and finally got the insurance to pay her, then she shouldn?t be posting this happy pictures online, keep them for yourself!!!. And I do agree you have to be careful on the things you publish online it can definitely affect your life, whether is work or personal or not even that, like if someone post a picture with you in the back doing something you shouldn?t then that?s a problem too. I can?t imagine how many people have been caught cheating or something for one of this pictures. I totally agree that?s your private life and that companies should not be looking a it, but at the same time is the person they are going to hire, so if they have the opportunity to look what is that person like outside the office they?re going to look. Companies always have social meetings where you have time to share with your workmates outside the office, they want to know who?s the drunk one, who?s the one that after one drink start attacking the women to see who?s going to hook up with him, anyway if those kind of things are accessible to companies by just looking at a profile they are going to do it. And there?s something else and that?s just my opinion, if you want your private life to be that, private, then why the hell you have your pictures and stuff online? keep them yourself at your house and show them to the people you want to show them, send them by email to your friends, there are tons of solutions you can have without exposing your life like that. So if you like to be part of this networks then don?t complaint when you get in trouble because of them. I personally don?t use it but that?s up to every person.
  19. Well I just started to use windows 7 and I have trouble running some programs that were built for XP, and I found this option like a compatibility mode that windows search the program to see for what version it was built and fix it so you can use it in the new version, and save the settings so you don´t have anymore trouble running the program. Returning to the threat I definitely would go for a macbook, I´m not a friend of dell, I have never own one, but have a lot of friends that has and they starting to having problems within months with the computer. So that´s not my pc brand if I have to buy a pc I´ll go with a Toshiba because the quality is really good or a Vaio, because I have own one and never had a trouble with it, and that´s the laptop a lot of friends have bought (partly because of me I totally convinced them haha) and it´s working perfectly and they last a lot too, you just have to be careful because they tend to be delicate. (Mine fell from my nightstand and still runing haha but now I can´t put it to hibernate by just closing it . (Time for me to buy a new computer )
  20. Well I think, it depends how you see winning in your life, if you are competing against others or yourself. If you believe winning is going to be always be the best among the people you?re with ( no matter the situation), then you will have to be number one all the time. But I prefer to think that the only person we need to be better is ourselves, we need to improve everyday, I?m a very goal oriented person so I think everyday is an opportunity to get closer to the goals you have no matter how far they seem, I believe in life you have to work for the things you want everyday in order to really get to them. If you think about competing other people well there will be always someone better and someone worst than you in everything so there?s no point in comparing and I?m a really competitive person, but that?s something I have learn along the years, off course that?s not a valid reason for not give your 200% always, but just to think that you gave your best in the things you tried it makes you a winner, because certainly you are better than before, but if that "better" wasn?t enough to fulfill your goal then you have to try harder and not let the situations win over you.
  21. I totally agree with D.Benitez, you should totally get away from that girl, she?s reaally young and probably just thinking she?s the coolest from her group because she?s dating someone older, and you could get in a lot of trouble if something happens, you don?t want to be caught in the rage of an anger parent because you?re dating his daughter. And that age 15 - 20 there might be only five years but at that point just mentally there?s a lot of difference, the situations you two are living are just too different, just imagine 5 years ago she was 10!!, like D.Benitez said when you pass the age of 20, 21, 22 the age difference with someone older is not that noticeable because your probably handling the same type of situations, if you?re working all the older people is working as well so you have a lot of things in common no matter the age gape, and the mentality once you pass certain age is not that different. So you should start looking for girls your age and she should be studying instead of thinking of boys that much. I think your decision was correct and just run away from her as much as you can!
  22. I love sugar, it really gives you energy, (sad but true). When I?m having a bad day or I just need something quick to make me happy, I eat somehting that has a lot of sugar, milkshake, smoothie, fruit salad with lots of icecream, frozen yogurt with candy anything. But I have found some more healthy combinations to stop eating that much sugar, threats that are sweet without being that harmful, like strawberries with a little bit of yogurt and lots of oatmeal, it is really sweet I think is healthy gives you energy, more of a natural energy I believe, and taste delicious.
  23. those puppies are adorable!! bull dogs are so cute. The other day I had a meeting with a client and she had her dog in the office, I almost died it was sooo cute and was a bulldog, it was a young one, definitively one of my favorite dog breeds.
  24. Well, I think medicines are a great invention, I don?t know if I??m going to live longer taking them or not, but I can?t live without them for sure, for example, I?m at work with a huge headache, I can tell you that after hours with the headache at some point is going to pass, but those hours I?m going to be cranky and unproductive and unable to concentrate on my work, so if I can take a pill to get rid of the headache in half an hour I would take it without thinking, off course you have to be carefull on the amount of medicine you take, because of the side effects. With the H1n1 vaccine If I?m sick with the virus and that?s the only solution then I?m going to take the vaccine no matter how much killing ingredients has, you can?t tell by yourself if your body is ready to fight the virus by itself, I?m sure a lot of the young people who die because of the virus thought they were perfectly fine, until they found out the body is not as strong as you think. So I?m pro medicine pro vaccines, there?s a reason why they invented they.
  25. Well if you have the money now but the console, if you wait you are going to probably spend it on something else, it is true that ps3 can read ps2 games but only certain models (and I think the most expensive ones) so before you buy it you have to make sure that that console have that function. Then are the games that off course are more expensive and if you have to buy them with your own money then it's going to take a while to save enough money to buy the games you want. On the other hand the ps2 is getting fewer and fewer new games so you will have to stick with the old ones. Also what you can do if it's possible is asked your parents since you have saved part of the money already if they borrow you the rest to buy a newer console and then you pay them back on easy monthly payments... just an idea
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