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Everything posted by Baniboy

  1. Well the point of this wasn't that, the idea was that we eliminate all the variables so we can only thing of the gravity of earth and the power that pushes the ball to the exact opposite direction. It's practically impossible to throw a ball in the exact 90 degrees, even more impossible to make it come back in the exact 90 degrees.
  2. I think it's most like technical experts in the military than an average "jarhead". I don't see any reason why a expert (or even non-expert like me) could not operate linux system. Yea the command line might be a little difficult at first but you can always use the visual paths... I also think that students must be taught more than 1 operating system because it's unfair against linux and mac to teach only M$ crap.
  3. Now i get what you ment. Yes, but, It doesn't have and opposite velocity before the power pushing it up has a smaller pull than the one pulling it down. And by the way, it does have a moment when it has completely stopped moving, exept my explanations of how direction matters and what speed is compared to in the bottom of post 2.
  4. Well you might be right but they still should use linux or something... NOT WINDOWS! it's the most unsafe thing to use, now the britain and frenchies got the same thing too... My point is that the government is really stupid if it has it's military computers using windows OS.
  5. I was reading some news today and found out that in Germany, thousands of military computers were infected by this worm, how can they be so stupid?Who got the idea of having M$ crap in army? I thought they have their own operating systems that are customized to not be hacked or at least they would have a proper antivirus! They could even use free avast to stop this damn worm! Anyway, i also found out that sme laptops in Finland's army system have been infected too, but not many... Imagine if one of these would infect the main computer that holds up the whole network... what a disaster!Who idiot's idea was to use windows as a main operating system IN THE ARMY COMPUTERS?????!! I mean really... how can someone be so stupid?!
  6. "the object you drop in the air and let it go down" - that is not what princeofvegas said, he said that if he "tosses" an object up in the air. It's not "going down" when it's moving to the exact opposite direction. Yes it has a opposite power that pulls it down but it doesn't actually move down before the power pulling it up is smaller than power pulling it down (magnetic force of earth). And speed can't go to negatives, because directions are multidimensional (even more than 3 dimensions). You can point the direction and the drag but not negatives, it would mean something is beng pulled out of the universe as it has not speed and therefore no magnetic field and no existance, even fotons have their magnetic pull and speed.
  7. Please read the replies before you just start replying! I already said that I didn't actually mean stopping but i ment that it would stop going to make us more intelligence and stronger. And by the way, mbafactory, you seem a little too excited about atrificial intelligence, but the truth is I'm afraid, the artificial intelligence of today can hardly reach the intelligence of a potato. (in symbolical sence)
  8. not actually, only if it is moving to the exact opposite direction. And one thing, you can't define "stopping". You can compare it to another object, lets say earth but it isn't accurate. The speed of aircraft is compared to another object, earth. If it would be compared to air, it could be much faster/slower depending on the speed of wind. An Airplane can be said to move 1000 km /h but it can actually move 1200 km/h when it is going to the opposite direction of the wind since the air becomes resistants at those speeds. So we think it's 1000 km/h but the plane's engines are working for 1200 km/h. And like I already said, completely stopping is impossible.
  9. It is pretty much impossible to toss something straight up in the air but theoretically it does come to a complete stop.Think it this way:The ball is 100 grams so the earth will pull it with 1 Newton, you toss the ball with 6 newtons and it goes up.The magnetic force of the earth wlll eat up of that 6 newtons until it's 1 N against 1 N, that is when it completely stops, but the 1 N left on the ball doesn't last forever because it doesn't generate it's own power (magnetic field, it does have a weak one but that pretty much pulls the earth towards the ball). Lets think the ball has the volume of 1 liter, and because 1 m3 of air weights about 1 kg and 1 liter is 1 dm3 so it will lift 100 g of the ball so it has neutral pulls the ball just flows in the air this is not realistic because balls with the volume of 1 liter don't usually weight 100 g now do they? well if they contain nothing but the outside shell.he ball does reach neutral powers when it's at the pinnacle, so it does completely stop. But if you think in a larger scale, nothing stops completely:The earth spins all the time, you can get the speed with this formula: 24 hrs/ 24 x 60 x 60 x 24 (to get the seconds) = 86400 seconds per day, The circle around the earth is 40 000 000 m, so 40 000 000 m/24 = 1666666.6666... (let's say it's object "B" to shorten it a little)the speed is 1667 km /hr (rounded number)And also the earth is going around the sun and if I remember correct the speed was about 28000km/hr so we are constantly moving, even the particles of atoms vibrate all the time so technically the ball is constantly moving. And may i remind you: this is not a thery or anything, all things said above are facts.Hope I helped.
  10. OMG that's so funny, people at microsoft are so stupid.. I even wrote my name on the code and that I live in finland? Still they've not found me. I'll turn SM in and collect the money while I make my other giant worm... and by the way, I didn't even hide my ip :PJust kidding I don't even know any programming lol, exept php, pearl, c, java, basic... I'm not serious guys, it's S_M, believe me! He's gonna infect Xisto and steal it from OpaQue (lol I'm not making sence, why would SM want an infected site? ...)S_M, isn't 250000 enough for you? Very funny that prize, why they want to catch the maker of the worm after the anti-virus companies have already solved the problem? And they're giving it away? Bill would get mad of this if he would still be the boss of MS...Hey, i figured it out, see: MS - > SM it's Saint of Spam who's running MS now... it's name has been changed to michael spam nowadays...
  11. No, no body part is useless, but when a bodypart is not used anymore, it will dissapear/develope into something else in time. And (Oh yea I got you now hehe) it was not "designed".Evolution can't design something new, it can only change the things that already exist. And human body is not perfect, we have a level 3 eye if you compare it to other animals when the scale is 1-10 in the history of different eye types and their development. We have a blind spot in it and it doesn't see very good to close objects when we get older since the of the proteine that makes the lens in the eye to be soft and change it's shape is producted by the body much less than when you're young. Humankind still has hair but it hasn't got "fur" anymore, since we decided to cut our hair but not the human fur surrounding our body (even tho some people do that too... )The thing is, that when you use something a lot, (bodypart, hair or whatever) or lose a lot of it continiuosly, it developes to the needs you want. Look at monkeys, their legs look like their hands, 'cause they don't walk on 2 legs (apparently) and use it a lot for grabbing. Now the big toe has developed into a bodypart that helps us to maintain our balance, that, my friend is evolution (if you get the point).Maybe tailbone will develope into something that helps us to sit on a chair for hours without feeling uncomfortable I'm not kidding tho...
  12. I didn't actually mean stopping even the topic name says so, evolution will never stop, we can never become "perfect". I ment more like not evolving to be smarter and stronger anymore. And btw the bone is called the tailbone if i remember correctly, it is dissapearing by the time but we can never be sure, we don't have enough other objects to compare it to. It's literally a pain in the *bottom* if you do a lot of sit-ups. As for the evolution being done artificially, I could really REALLY use a few extra hands
  13. hmm... I get them all the way to 9, but I don't undrestand number 10, how does you giving your picture to strangers secure your computer?I also have my doupts about not chatting with total strangers... I mean what's insecure in that? if you don't trust them totally anyway? Do you mean if someone says "go download this thing somewhere" and then it would be virus or something? I would like to know, thanks.
  14. I agree with you 100% echo, we must invade BuffaloHelp's computer But yes war of words is much better than the one with guns. I have to admit tho I enjoy debates a lot, they're lika wars (well kind of )
  15. Hi generaluser, welcome to Xisto forums. Please register at Xisto - Support and read the Xisto readme. Don't spam and you'll do just fine. Also this topic is in the wrong education -> universities and collages section so this should be moved to introductions section, a mod can do this. See you around
  16. That is what I meant, just couldn't explain it clearly enough (apparently). But now it's not the "smartest, strongest and the fastest" who get to breed but actually everyone. digitalidad, insane people can't get married? what kind of law is that, I'm not too familiar with the law system in your country but at least here in finland everyone has the right to get married. I've seen mentally retarded people getting married. But no, natural selection is not always making the decision, people who have bad genetic diseases can survive it and breed, babys who are week don't die, because of a good hospital system. People who have cancer don't always die, I'm not saying they should r anything, don't get me wrong.
  17. I'm waiting for her reply on this. Does transluted mean like partly see-through or something? again, if I make it transparent or "translucent" you will just see the trap177 background so I see no point in that. I could add something to the background tho, I just don't know what...
  18. Oh I thought of that too haslip, but if I remembered right she liked black, blue and silver colours.The background is all black, the glow comes from the star so it would be pointless to make it transparent, you could just see the ugly background of Xisto through it kidding don't ban me
  19. I didn't mean mean the post 1, I meant more like post number 4... Sorry I just started typing and I wanted to continue from that sentence but I forgot it probably.What I meant was the thing that you were "worried" of Iranians throwing nuke bombs at you... come oooonn...
  20. I had some spare time so I made this for Misanthrope, since I noticed she doesn't have one.Enjoy your new sigs Misanthrome, I made 2 of them, one with a lil' more ice/shaky style. hope you like themOh and I would like some comments about these...
  21. I didn't mean that muscles pass from generation to generation by genes, I meant the production testosterone, that has been proven to pass through generations.I don't mean that if your father was a boxer you will be too. And the idea of "intelligence is not passed on by genes" should be forgot, it is fighting against the whole evolution theory, after all, if it was to be true, we would be as stupid as any one-celled organism. When a certain gene in the human has been combined with another DNA that has that same gene, it has the potential to become a combined one ( no you are not as smart as mother and father combined together, don't even bother to ask ). Same thing with cancer, it doesn't usually just pop out if the mother AND the father don't have that same gene. And you can stop assuming now, what i really meant was to keep the right point of view, you don't have to assume anything.
  22. Well this is for all you guys who belive in evolution. Religious people can post too! But try to think evolution is real while doing your post and keep ythe point of view right .I watched this movie "idiocrazy yestarday and I've just been thinking of this.Now that it's not the fastest, smartest or the strongest who get laid and have children, how will human wisdom, muscles and reactionspeed develop?When the "right genes" don't have the chanse of forwarding themselves to another generation (I don't mean they don't, I mean a that if a boxer mates with a "boxress" then that "hydrid" mates with another hydrid for thousands of generations it will most likely become a superhuman with super reaction speed and good upper-body muscles. I mean it doesn't happen often enough). When the decision of mating is not made by natural selection.Well my complain is that smart people aren't obviously popular anymore I wonder if this is going to be moved into the vent section
  23. The whole topic is very racist, all the way from post 1 to post 4. I'm very shocked that you think every country in the middle east is full of terrorists. THE MOST LIKELY COUNTRY TO START ANY WAR IS USA. Usa is the country hungry for oil, growing in territory. The only reason it went on a war against Iraq was oil and a safe hideout in the middle-east. Weapons of mass destruction is NOT A DAMN REASON. If you haven't figured that out already you are BLIND. Iran has done no military acts against against the states. The states have put their nose in everything, sometimes in Vietnam and other time in pakistan and Afghanistan. Iraq was defeated so quickly because saddam's own army betray him. Iran has threatened to attack Israel because USA threatened to attack Iran. Iran has all the right to not let any stupid reactor inspectors in it's power plants. Iran has made no deal of letting anyone from any other country to examine it's reactors. You people are so naive, "oh my gosh another country has a nuke bomb!!! what we gonna do what we gonna do?". Well as far as I know, every country has all the right to have nuclear bombs, usa has them, Germany, Russia and several others have them. In fact, any country that doesn't have a nuke bomb by now, has probably the most stupid government in the world, or can't afford one. And the war against Iraq was called "self-defence"? so you start a war of self-defense by bombing people's homes at midnight in the capital? Damn I would like to see how Iran bombs the crap out of Washington D.C. that would be self defence, the real one, could you accept thousands of people being killed in one day? No perhaps? Then how the **** you accept your own country doing that? "Don't do anything to anyone if you wouldn't like it to be done to you", ever heard that before? And echotang, cut off that racism, will you! Jews running the entertainment business? That is a load of bleep and and you know it. You think like some damn hitler or pope in the 1200's. Now to the topic, what the ****?????!! You don't have to reach space to launch a nuclear missile. Are you nuts? You people have just watched too many episodes of 24 or some other agent movies.
  24. No problem miladinoski,I was just looking for some stuff to do, and I really want to get a better artist and stuff.Glad you found one that fits for you.
  25. Sure thing, I had nothing to do so I did this for you, hope you like it.One more thing, I'm not quite sure what render means but I just tried to make the digimon theme, plus i added those mountains/hills in the background.Enjoy your sig!
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